Why do people pretend that Witcher games isn’t the main reason Netflix makes the tv show?
>b-but muh books
Why do people pretend that Witcher games isn’t the main reason Netflix makes the tv show?
>b-but muh books
Because the show is based on the book, not the game.
whitewashing this much
It's an excuse to include all the nigs and the rest of the shit.
The show creators have stated that they have no obligation to follow the books.
because they mutted up half the cast and now pretend that this slavic/germanic tale is totally blacked
Wait a second that picture isn't CGI?
No, it's cosplay. The one on the left is Lada Lumos, I think.
If netflix was smart they would at least have tried to follow the character descriptions in the book. Such as a Cornflower blue and amber haired girl for the role of Triss. It will be weird seeing a cast that doesn't even look remotely slavic like what Sapkowski intended for his world to look like.
Who cares?
The show isn't based on the book neither.
Look at the cast and try to use that quote again you fucking cunt.
This may be hard to believe, but Yea Forums isn’t the center of the universe.
Why is a white woman cosplaying as Triss?
main reason is that netflix does whatever trash people come up with so they can sell it as netflix originals to keep people paying
Who pretends that? Everyone knows the games are more popular, but the showrunners said they’re basing it on the book stories not the game. The games are still the reason it’s popular in the first place.
Most of the world outside of Poland doesn’t give a fuck about Poland.
This may be hard to believe, but it was the games that made the franchise popular outside of Poland
That is a true statement. You can broaden that to any slavic nation for that matter.
netflix only care about their diversity and money. Normies wouldn't even notive witcher series if twitter wasn't melting over blackwashing
>teehee we are such huge nerds!
I guarantee you none of them even played the witcher 1 and 2, and probably didn't even bother to finish 3.
They're plebs.
why do people pretend to be smart when they aren't?
Were the books even popular in poland?
The book has the witcher fighting hobgoblins. The show has hobgoblins playing the roles of major human characters.
dubs fanks
Netflix made the Witcher TV to fill the void GoT left for easy money. They don't give a shit about the games and the books.
>Reading shitty fantasy books
are you pretending this story would ever get traction without the games? even more dellusional than the author
From what I am aware of yes. It was apparently popular enough for them to make a show about the books back in 2002, so for me that means something.
Stupid people think that reading makes you smart, even when the book is a pile of shit.
Does this apply to basically every nation in regards to every other nation?
Most of the world outside of Amerifat doesn’t give a fuck about niggers.
Checked it out. Looks like late 80s series but made decade or two later.
Ya apparently it was poorly funded and my polish friend told me that is like amateur acting. Although it made no difference to me because I dont understand Polish
It's just heavily photoshopped cosplay sluts
Because they want to cash in on the popularity of the games but also push their agenda and know that even saying that it is unrelated people will be interested because of the games.
>Ella Hughes
>as goddamn Triss
How have I not seen this?
Like any Netflix original the show is meant to promote an agenda.
The fact that it's even a question people are asking you as a screenwriter/author means there's a problem.
The games made the series popular around the world, but they are still just adapting the books. Why is it hard to understand?
>all these seething gamecels
Why do people pretend the books or the games are any good?
this. netflix is just leftist propaganda
>muh slavics
Stop talking about things you don't understand, you must be american
No shit faggot, GoT was based on the books too despite.
>comparing a finished book series with an unfinished book series
I don't think Netflix itself is trying to force a leftist perspective, rather that the people who work in tv and film mainly come from super hyperbolic liberal places (LA, New York, London). So from their perspective, they can't help but push their political narrative because that's simply how they think.
>I don't think Netflix itself is trying to force a leftist perspective
>*writes Barry the Messiah a 25 million dollar check*