Secrets of Hollywood

I'm an insider

Fact: whenever you see nipples sticking out, they are fake nipples 99% of the time. Used copiously on Friends

What are some non-obvious secrets/facts you know about production?
Inb4 pedophilia

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Hollywood is run by Satan worshipping Jewish pedophiles.

This one is obvious, though.

Yeah, there was an episode where her nipples were poking out her shirt, and when she takes off the shirt (she has another underneath), suddenly no nipples.

My puberty was a lie

Hollywood is run by inter-dimensional shapeshifting vampires who feast on Moloch-worshiping cults of pedophilia-obsessed murderers.

If you think about it, you probably have to make a deal with the devil to become rich and famous

SECRETS you retards

That shirt was just very cold. The undershirt was much warmer.

Are there any other less obvious ways used to enhance people?

Why do you guys immediately jump to Satan like there aren't any other evil entities for them to be worshipping?

what does this even mean

Not even Satanists worship Satan. Hollywood is just evil, no Abrahamic devils necessary. They're mostly atheists and atheists who are Jewish by heritage.

Sure, there are these sticky rubber pads that they put on the outside of women's upper thighs so that when they wear jeans/leggings they look curvier. Very popular right now because most actresses have the bodies of 12 year old boys but "thicc" is in right now.

Not to mentioned all of the body shapewear.

Moloch isn't real. Or at least it doesn't mean what you guys think it means. Most of the sacrifices go to Baphomet or other goat related entities. Moloch worship is a psyop pushed by controlled opposition, just like the Illuminati is.

the entire fad with yoga pants for people who don't work out, aka "athleisure" wear

No you fucking don't. Just be an entertainer and be good at what you do.
It's very popular right now because most of the actresses who look like little boys are transexuals, and they need prosthetics and make-up in order to hide themselves and look more feminine

ah yes, infamously Aniston enjoyed her role so much as Rachel so much that she continued to wear those 'fake' nipples when she wasn't filming and continues to do so after the show ended. Fucking retard OP

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me in the middle on the right

You’re a moron. Everything in Hollywood can be explained with economics because their top priority is turning a profit. The reason why you can see the actresses nipples on Friends is because of an industry rule that “comedy is cold” meaning that it’s easier to get funny performances from actors as well as provoke nervous reactions (laughter) from live audiences when the temperature on set is cold. Friends followed this rule so religiously that they factored their A.C. unit usage into the budget.

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Is this actually a thing? Would explain a lot.

Oh now they dont specific mention saturn/moloch those plebeians. Shut up.

This does not apply to Brianne

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Why would Satan worship Jewish pedophiles?

God she was so fucking hot back then

I remember fapping to this pic a lot as a kid. I had more imagination then before porn killed my brain. This board really needs more prime Aniston posting

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Moloch is a psyop.

Because he looks up to them