Apollo 11 Documentary

So, this is the power of the white man.

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>you will never walk on the moon

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>A nigga can't even afford a bucket of chicken on the way to the po'house

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g*rmans are not white

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The greatest machine ever built

hollywood really running on fumes with all these remakes

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what the fuck was his problem?

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Imagine wasting money on this when you can just alleviate poverty

He said nothing wrong

>people will respond to this

Why didn't he make Apollo 14, 15, 16 and 17 more interesting if it was all just propaganda?

>Neil Armstrong said the moon surface was almost like powder
>absolutely no cloud of dust after they land the LEM
>absolutely no dust on the lander's feet

what did they mean by this?

>Landed on the moon in 1969
>Haven't been to the moon in 47 FUCKING YEARS despite having exponentially better technology.

What are some things that make you go "hmmm, did that actually happen"?

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Arguments for the moon landing being hoaxed
>Astronauts had a live phone conversation with Nixon from 240,000 miles away on the moon, with 1960s technology
>Astronauts livestreamed colour footage straight from the moon, with 1960s technology
>Apollo 11 had less computing power than an iPhone
>NASA destroyed all the technology
>NASA "lost" all the footage and recordings
>Russia sent a dog up to space and it died in the Van Allen belt, but NASA managed to get humans through it without any radiation protection
>Footage is easily faked and you can see evidence of wires
>Photographs are doctored, see crosshairs
>Photographs are faked, see crosshairs
>No stars visible from the moon

Arguments for the moon landing being real
>Well sure, there are many inconsistencies, but they couldn't and wouldn't lie to the sheeple on such a big scale

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Watching From The Earth To The Moon HBO (1998) and Bryan Cranston is Buzz Aldrin

Not so fast CIS lord!

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I have personally examined some of the lunar geologic samples, and there is no way they could have been created on Earth.
Don't @ me.

Lunar module decelarted from a speed of 7 miles per SECOND and landed like a feather on the moon, without creating a crater or even a spec of dust. Not to mention the shadows at different angles.

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You need another world war in order for countries to have excuse to throw endless billions into projects like that.

It is an economic net loss and only accomplishes a sliver of science for billions. The only reason it was done wast one up the Russians.

How did they slip it past the Soviets?

yeah, no one will, and no one has.

Those threads attract moon hoaxers like shit attracts flies.

You did.