Top 10 movies of all time, RT version

Top 10 movies of all time, RT version

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"""People""" will defend this selection

>6 of the top 10 films of all time have come out in the last 5 years

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Thanks to our vibrant diversity we are truly living in the golden age of cinema.

Where the fuck is Paddington 2?

I bet if you showed this to people on the movies subreddit they'd adamantly defend it.
They'd also say there's not enough Disney/Pixar/Marvel on there.

Why so many nig movies?

you really need to ask? Really?

i criticized this list on facebook and they deleted my account

Not that Ladybird isn’t a great drama with a stellar lead, but no. There are dozens of 90s-07 better indie dramas like little miss sunshine

Movie criticism is dead

But were they directed by a woman???

WERE THEY!?!?!!?/sarc


RT is just some marketing tool at this point.


>just use metacritic

same lame shit

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i agree, they're all made by whites or jews, why do nignogs get so much credit for existing?

Why is Citizen Kane fourth when it has the highest score?

Less reviews. They use a specific formula.

>Modern critics
>Movies made in the last 5 years
Yeah, fuck off.

make a better list then faggots

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Review average numbnuts. A movie with 99% but has 369 reviews is worth more than a 100% movie with only 81 reviews.

I mean, that’s shit too, but still a vast improvement over a list which unironically ranks a capeshit film #1 all time.

Pay to rate movies and I will.

Black Panther is mediocre as can be and had meh cgi. The entire >phenomenon just seemed off, like virtue signalling gone mad.

any random ten movies would make up a better list than that.

1. terminator 2
2. rush hour
3. alita battle angel
4. repo man
5. scary movie 2
6. spring breakers
7. pokemon detective pikachu
8. beetlejuice
9. mandy
10. upgrade

That list isn't perfect at all, but it's MUCH better than the shit lift RT has.

1) Problem Child 2
2) Drive
3) The Dark Knight Rises
4) Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo
5) Blade Runner 2049
6) Lost in Translation
7) Avatar
8) Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
9) Groundhog Day
10) Groundhog Day

>Boyhood, Moonlight, Pan's Labyrinth, 12 Years a Slave, Carol
These are all grossly overrated desu.

1. Lawrence Of Arabia
2. Cocktail
3. Casino Royale
4. Batman (1989)
5. Letters From Iwo Jima
6. Osmosis Jones
7. Mon Oncle
8. Animal House
9. Eraserhead
10. Spiderman 2

Moonlight was actually really dman good, made me cry at the end

That’s just embarrassing

I hate niggers

1. 300
2. spartacus on starz (idc it's a series)
3. starship troopers
4. sin city
5. in bruges
6. se7en
7. fight club
8. upgrade
9. mortal kombat 1&2, yes 2 is just as kino
10. beowulf with christopher lambert

Each to their own, I guess.

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>the social network

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you disgust me

Anyone who thinks Moonlight is better gay kino than a brokeback is a optimist zoomer. It had some good scenes but the camera work and lead stunk


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I watched only a Pan labyrinth from this list, Probably worth a look Ratatouille.