What's wrong with poltards?

>have brother over to my house
>general chit chat when the conversation of women comes up
>he insisted women have it easier I said they have it on nightmare mode cause of aging and if you're born ugly men aren't attracted to intelligence, wealth, confidence etc
>just drop it and move on
>browse 4channel the next day, banned due to brother writing an off topic rant on Pol calling me other things brainwashed by college, bluepilled, basedboy and a cuck
>he works minimum wage at Tesco's,
never bothered with education past 16, has zero hobbies and has never left the country and has never had a girlfriend
>I'm a military doctor, enjoy martial arts/cycling/camping/swimming, travelled and interested with cultures everywhere either with the navy, a volunteer doctor (probably why I'm a "basedboy") or on holiday and have been married for 5 years

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Why are little girls so cute & funny?

have sex with your bro

You sound like a nigger lover


Who calls it 4channel? a faggot does and OP will always be a fucking faggot.

bro was right, youre a full on cuck dude.


Based and redpilled


>I’m not a cuck
When’s your next tour user and how does the wife keep herself occupied when your off squashing insurgents?

>>browse 4channel the next day, banned due to brother writing an off topic rant on Pol calling me other things brainwashed by college, bluepilled, basedboy and a cuck
Wtf. How did Yea Forums know your brother was talking about you, did he name names?

>he insisted women have it easier

hes right



>>I'm a military doctor,
all militaries are cuckolds, even the one who do not go abroad.

Only a polbabby would even be worried about his wife cheating on him, but regardless she's also a medical officer and will be on the same ship as me during a training exercise in a few weeks.

If this isn't a meme the whole house got banned as he was posting on WiFi. It wasn't me and he was the only person in the house at that time

>what's wrong with poltards?
mainly they just hate knowledge

>lying on the Internet

have sex femcel

>he married a miliatry chick

No doubt she will be air tight within the first week on board.



>I said they have it on nightmare mode
Open something like a tinder account, post an average selfie and describe yourself as "lol I'm just not too fat". Tell me how many women you attract. I can't fucking wait.

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your brother probably fucks her when your deployed

Why do people still complain about /pol/ when people whining about /pol/ for no reason are a much bigger issue on the board?

All me btw

>dear diary

they know that /pol/ is always right and so they whine

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The leftist nutcases cant function unless everyone agrees with them.

>/pol/ is always right
name one time

>enjoy martial arts/cycling/camping/swimming
no you dont cuck, you forced yourself into these to fit in with the rest of the soiboys


I feel bad for people who fail to realize that poltards are a rapidly growing segment of the population as kickback against 'leftism' continues to increase. It's pretty crazy how the faggots and jews are turning people against them so quickly, but it's very interesting too.

As a woman, it is your job to be physically attractive. If you can't agree to this social contract of dating, where men provide security and women provide looks, then you literally and unironically fail as a woman.

As a woman, you have ONE job. Be attractive. And no, it's not hard and you don't have to be "born" with it.
All a girl has to do is not be fat, have a nice body, don't have tattoos and piercings, have nice hair, and buy some nice clothes. This is like retard proof shit and if this is the only thing you have to worry about in your life and still have the audacity to fail or complain about it, then get the fuck out of my way you thot fucking shits, because they are not only living on easy mode, it's basically like tutorial mode, where the bots are programmed to be dumb and let you kill them.

all the surgeons i work with are trump supporters, you are a god damn retard if you think its the 'poor people,' its a social kickback against the left going too far, and it's just going to get worse.

I'm the President of the United States and I browse /pol/ daily. Your accomplishments are cute and your anecdote is meaningless.

Just invest all your pre-wall money so you're fine post-wall. Women are retarded and spend all their money which is why their life sucks after they hit the wall.


>things that never happened

check the author's name in an article

>Brother works for Tesco

>You're a welfare kween willing to die for Israel

Why dont I ever see you people on /pol/ explaining why every thread is wrong and debunking all the data they post?

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OP got BTFO and is now trying to cope here, but he's getting demolished in his own thread as well. WHEN WILL IT END FOR OP?