What the fuck did I just watch?

What the fuck did I just watch?

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One of the best movies of 2010s

>What the fuck did I just watch?


Came here to post this.

Reddit Runner

one of the best continuations in cinema history

fpbp every single time

2 hours of piss blasting

an film.

Fine, y'know what? Ask me a real question about it. C'mon. No memes. Just you and me, two human beings here. Ask me anything about the film. I'm being genuine here. 100% straight up, no bullshit. Ask away.

>Video Game Iconography
>Dishonest Cinematography
>Proto-Slysoy Disenfranchisement peddled as Incel entertainment/Beta Powerplay
>Barking indefinite hipster score
>Neo Yea Forumseddit hangups: camera schizophrenia and meme dialogue
>Meta-Quip syndrome
>Post-Capeshit inversions
>Stoicism as social currency inverted through solipsistic imdb fetish
>effeminate pacing

is joi the cutest waifu?

Nope, that would be pic related.

Attached: Blade.Runner.2049.2017.1080p.BluRay.x264-SPARKS.mkv_snapshot_01.16.09_.jpg (1920x800, 434K)

Overrated movie with a main lead who is only able to portray the same emotion in every film.

looks like shes taking a shit in the woods.

>portray the same emotion in every film

and what emotion would that be?

Stoic confusion.

Shit movie

Attached: 1_oTb6MweHyMWbWA_P-W6oTA.jpg (682x362, 29K)

I don't understand this "dishonest" thing. Can someone explain it?

>a superior race is being genocided by the ((corporation))
>mother embeds redpills in their heads
>revolution is coming.

a buzzword that get's (You)s


Attached: ana.webm (1920x1080, 1.24M)

You seem hurt.

Attached: Blade-Runner-2049-0163.jpg (1920x799, 130K)

the cinematography insists upon itself

your existence insists upon itself

my pee-pee

Attached: 6455855-screen shot 2018-06-03 at 11.15.36 pm (3).png (262x262, 54K)

the best movie released in the last 10 years.

The girl in the ad was Ana De Armas?

Cinematography is cinematography, what do you mean it insists?

just a buzzword. basically, it's just a way for them to say they don't like cinematographers inspired by the light and space art movement

you're being memed on my dude

I’m pretty sure that’s how his character was meant to be portrayed so good on him for fitting the typecast and earning a ton of money.

A hint that she’s just a product and nothing more

A replicant is also just a product.

>">"insisting is insisting what do you mean "what do you mean it insists?"?""

This. Acting "range" is a meme overrated term, what matters is that the actor picks roles that are perfect for him, not to pick the most le diverse roles possible just for the hell of it.
Almost all Gosling characters are entirely perfect for him to act, you practically can't pick anyone else that would be a better pick. Same thing with for example Casey Affleck, his roles such as the role in Manchester by the Sea is entirely perfect for him and there is no one else who would be a better pick for the role.

I see. Don't know why they use that word to make themselves look fancy and intelligent. Just saying that they don't like the cinematography is enough.



thats also one of nicolas cages specialties.


>be me
>discussing runnerkino with my mates at work
>qt 8/10 girl co-worker asking to join the discussion
>nah okay, what did you liked about the movie?
>says that she liked the visuals, directing, the soundtrak but also disliked Goose's performance saying it's too emotionless
>dumb cunt.jpg
>confidently explain to her why ourguy was top-tier with examples of GODDAMNIT and death of Joi scenes
>she silently agree
>asked if her bf liked the movie
>I-i always go to the cinema alone
>tell her that we should watch the movie together sometimes
>she blushes and smiles
>o-okay user!
>never invited her to watch movie together after that

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Fpbp OP btfo

you should watch movies with her in the hopes that it leads to penis in vagina.


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While the film is brilliant when judged on its own, it retroactively weakens the original's story, while simultaneously being inferior to it when compared directly.



>posting stupid meaningless buzzwords in a list as a critique

Just imagine being this fucking retarded

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I watched this recently since I was getting into sci-fi. Can I get recommendations of more movies like this.

first Blade Runner

I watched that before watching this

They pretty unique, depends on what you're looking for exactly in terms of similarity.
If by the dystopian sci-fi setting then maybe Children of Men, Tarkovsky films in terms of atmosphere, some Refn films like Only God Forgives in terms of the aesthetic although they are not sci-fi.

>Stoic confusion
>Lars and the real girl
>Nice guys

Mediocre only god forgives knockoff


How new are you mate


A dishonest film is something that looks like a Malick film because of the meme cinematography but feels infantile and forced because of the shallow "themes", limited ideas, lack of imagination and heavy-handed beating of the audience. There's no ambiguity, in an arena (art) that is supposed to be heavily subjective and personal, and instead it's impersonal and just makes the audience passive

Villeneuve is basically like a stylized version of Chris Nolan, which is not a compliment. Oddly enough most of the Mexican directors have the same problem. There's an inherent dishonesty about his films that is mostly related to the approach and packaging, but when you dig deeper and try to unwrap it, it's just a box of shit. I'm done with this hack

boring ass tranny pasta

Can you explain in a language that easy to understand?

>There's no ambiguity
Is the love K is experiencing real or fake? Is Artificial Intelligence capable of learning true human emotions? Is it morally wrong to kill artificially made androids, even if they are almost exactly the same to humans? Is there such a thing as a soul? How tight are the confines of our existence? Will society further dwelve into degeneracy as it plummets down? Is Deckard a human or not? Is Deckard's dog real or not? Did Rachael really love Deckard or was she just programmed by Tyrell to fall in love with Deckard specifically? Did Ana give those memories to K on accident just because of the insatiable need of an artist expressing herself or did she purposefully put it there so her parents come to her some day?

And these are all just surface-level questions about the narrative of the film

Basically I'm a hard left leaning twitter redditor and how the film deals with women and minorities such as myself hurt me greatly.

It's word salad. There's nothing to understand.

go back

One of the best sequels ever.

back to where? i know nothing but this shithole

The discord tranny raids will never work. kill yourself forthwith

to an even worse shithole you clearly came from whose name starts with r

oh yeah I do go on rutracker sometimes actually my bad

some faggot e-reviewer spammed that word and links to his shitty youtube channel. and then the retards who visit Yea Forums adopted the word bc they think it makes their criticisms sound smart.