Any kinos about electricity?
Any kinos about electricity?
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Why do people hate mice so much?
Because mice and rats are vermin that spread diseases you fucking brainlet.
>Why do people hate invasive disease ridden vermin so much
Why are people so evil bros?
>muh diseases
This simply isn't true unless you live in a shithole.
so most of the US, European, and Asian cities
Why the fuck does this guy have so many rats
they're like jews
In the poorfag trash heap sections, of course.
You're exponentially more likely to get diseases from insects. At least mammalian invaders are afraid of you.
he's the pied piper
Ya the reason we don't have many outbreaks in this day and age is because we have pest control and poison to kill the little fuckers and prevent an outbreak from happening you dumb fucking nigger.
I love how mouse trap mondays guy gets demonetized and censored left and right but when brain dead chinks build rat torture devices, hell yeah I'll throw ads on that.
>unless you live in a shithole
They are literally irrelevant if your neighborhood isn't made of literal garbage, like most nigger towns.
Based cannibal mouse.
based. fuck these vermin
Must suck ass living in murrica then.
>spend few dollars for feeder mice
>make thousands off killing them on youtube
Anyone got a pic of that YouTube comment about a guy wanting to adopt a baby chimp and the torturing it
Is Youtube ok with this?
you just know this chink fries them up and eats them afterwards
So are cats. They're just as bad, if not worse, but they have good PR so it's okay.
Yeah that's horseshit. I live in a clean town. Below my window was an excavation going on to construct a new building with an underground parking garage. In the evening, you could see shocking amounts of rats scurrying about the site. I'm talking about thousands. They are pests that can thrive anywhere and need to be culled often. No need to feel sorry for them.
Yes, fuck cats too.
>4 mice just jump in of their own accord
>one gets zapped to safety
and fuck non working le doggos too
You are a literal retard, in the past cats were used to hunt down mice in towns and ships, rats and mice were the main carriers of the black plague.
>mfw reporting every single animal abuse video and getting them demonetized
Is there anything better than slowly seeing a 'creator' abandon their sadistic hobby?
they are absolutely everywhere including your "clean town" you fucking retard. food waste is absolutely massive
The toxoplasmosis is strong in ths one.
They carry fleas you retard. Even if you’re not concerned about diseases, those morherfuckers will eat you alive in your slip
>but you develop an immunity after hundreds of thousands of bites!
Great. Because your house is so fucking infested you now share a trait with people who live in literal mud huts
torturing them
This, holy shit. Stray cats destroy the ecosystems they thrive in, and if they do come home they can bring a myriad of diseases or parasites.
To say nothing about toxoplasmosis.
Found the catfag. How does it feel to know you're infected with a mental parasite that will never go away?
>They carry fleas you retard
So do common housepets.
>redditor implies i like cats
like clockwork
Yea no shit you dumb cunt but the reason they don't spread the plague and aids like they used to is because there'd be even more if we didn't have pest control and decent waste management.
Hearing that they died?
Why cant people love mice like all creatures??
How the fuck does this cruel bullshit allowed but based Shawn Woods can't show a mouse being caught in a normal mousetrap without getting striked?
Being a mouse is suffering
Yes. And that’s why you bath your pets.
Are you actually retarded? Like you’re sitting here advocating for parasites
How do I get tested for toxo cause now you're giving me hypochondria.
>Found the catfag. How does it feel to know you're infected with a mental parasite that will never go away?
Better than knowing your IQ is below 70
no it isn't. Its because of modern immunity through vaccines and antibiotics. read a fucking book
I don't understand the video, they don't even die
>Doesn't zap the water instantly killing them all once he's collected enough mice
Fuck mice.
no, you release them again; but now, they only eat zaps
Do you cook your meat thoroughly?
Do you wash your hands after dealing with dirt?
If yes, you're fine.
Have you ever had to deal with cat poop in any way?
If no, you're fine.
>instantly kills the other mouse and eats it
Fucking nigger.
I had an indoor cat for 12 years. Of course I had to deal with its poop.
Seems like the zapping part is a waste of effort, just do a roller with the ramp and they will fall down too
Toxoplasmosis usually doesn't have any obvious symptoms.
>12 years
Oh boy user, I have some bad news for you.
Thor: Chadnarok
Based mink
With rare exceptions, people that have problems with mice are actually just failing to keep their house clean and well-ordered. If you clean up your trash and keep your food safe, clean and dry you won't have an issue with mice.
Minks have really cute faces.
comfy mouse hunt
Goddamnit, that's one heal of a squeal. Why are they doing this? Are those pigs contaminated?
based fuck pigs
are the diseased or something?
BBQ soviet style
>it ain't me starts playing
wow those guys are some good shots
Damn, poor fucker. Bled like a waterfall.
The Prestige.
One of my favorites, literally pure kino.
I think it's fair to demonetize him so that nobody is encouraged to go buy mice just to kill on camera
There's just something about small animals screaming in terror / pain that makes my whole body tingle
he really didnt have to give a creepy serial killer monologue to the animals hes hunting
That looks like such a fun job to have, I'm jelly
because of capeshit and avatar
Its a meme disease, dont worry about it
>cat gives me superpowers
honestly, based
That video has no right being as fun as it is to watch.
>12 years a gay
That's literally autism, user.
what do people have against pigs bros? (skip 45 seconds in to avoid shitty commentary)
If you needed another reminder why Edison was a gaping useless cunt
>saving 10 mice
>what do people have against invasive feral hogs that destroy crop
and it's based
I didn't think sexy can be electric until I watched this video
Didn't you hear? 'Tism is the next step in evolution.
>half the mice voluntarily jump in
Pretty kino boys. Those mice are cute though, must be pet rats the guy bought.
I thought people were joking about that being in the movie initially. What the fuck were they thinking?
>defending vermin like mice and rats
t. toxo
Some people truly believe that. Just go to /sci/.
>tfw waste an hour watching electric mouse trap videos from third world countries on youtube
So some random gook torturing animals is okay with youtube, but being racist is not? Nice policy
Living the dream.
whoah Jaime
Why are ants so evil bros?
its a fun past time. I got into it when I had a rat in my garage. I waste a couple hours every month. The people at work think I'm sick for liking it, but oh well
poor lab mice bought then tortured for views
why would someone burn a pig before burying it alive?
Fucks ants. Every time I see a bunch in my house I pour water over them instantly.
Imagine the smell.
a lotta squealing for a soulless animal
>half of his animals escape or die
Those pigs likely have a disease
I remember seeing a video of a snake eating a puppy
youre a big pig
Imagine doing that but instead of pigs you have a bunch of ***s and ******s
cats and puppies? youre a sick fuck
i hate animal abuse but seeing rabbits get maimed, tortured or killed makes my dick hard
While I was on holiday I was driving downhill to the beach in the evening down in Les Issambres at the Mediterranean (near St. Tropez) with a friend of mine. The house was up the side of a small mountain/hill so it was one of those roads with lots of turns and corners. We were going about 50 km/h when one of those huge fuckers jumped in front of the car out of nowhere. Slammed the breaks hard and stopped less than half the meter from the beast. It just stood there in front of the headlights while it let its offspring cross the road. There were like 6 of them. If I hadn't breaked in time the car would've been fucked and us too (it was a rental) because it must've weighed at least 60 kilos. They're a fucking pest down there. The locals bolt their bins to the walls with chains to avoid the boars from pushing it over and tearing the garbage to shreds.
This is now a Gazelle/Impalas getting fucked up thread
>he fucking jumps in the water
holy shit lmao
why is he singing to the rat
>dat screaming
Fucking hell, that's the stuff of nightmares. The fire didn't even kill them either, it just put them in horrible pain.
some mice in the southern USA literally still carry the black plague
Daily reminder FUCK ticks, they deserve it the most
And? The fire didn't even kill the pigs. You must be Soviet retarded to think that was anything other than pointless. They could have just buried them for the same effect.
>literally getting eaten alive
>even goes for the nuts
Fuck nature.
you need to bury them dead. some pigs will climb out from the dirt piling up
What part of
>unless you live in a shithole
did you not get?
>poor dingo bony as fuck
>so are the pals
>fags will still feel bad for the deer
The description says they were contaminated with a stain of something called "African plague", that there's no current cure, and once compromised, the whole batch needs to go.
Just googled this, wikijew says it's "African swine fever virus" and it's pretty fucked up, and minor outbreaks were found all over Europe (mostly central and eastern) as well as China. The way they did it seemed pretty fucked up and cruel, until you realise it's a meat farm, not a petting zoo. If you were a farmer would you want to spend ten hours putting pigs out of their misery with a cattle gun and risking infection if one of those now-feral fuckers bites you, making you Patient Zero.
>tl;dr Pig nigger-AIDS from Africa
Neat. A holocaust picture I haven't seen before.