Just saw this, how the hell did this scene turn into a tfwnogf meme?
It’s not about that at all
Just saw this, how the hell did this scene turn into a tfwnogf meme?
Other urls found in this thread:
I reflects perfectly the inner pain and struggle of a man that has nogf.
Do you have legit autism? Many reaction images aren't strictly related to the context in which they appear
I blame incels
>Do you have legit autism?
need you really ask
The link between BR2049 and the socially inept Internet dwelling male is based on the movie's theme of being unimportant.
K always knew he was a cog in the machine, a replicant made for hunting replicants. Everything in his life, including his life itself, was fake.
He came to find the replicant mother's bones, and hopes that his fake memories were real, that he is the replicant child and thus he's special and important.
This all turns out not to be true. He's another replicant, his JOI didn't really love him, he died having achieved nothing.
The lonely male used to think the future held something good for him. All through his childhood and teenage years, he watched from a distance hoping that the good part was coming anytime soon, and he would finally be a fulfilled, complete human being. He enters his 20s and none of that happens. His attempts at bonding with people failed, his advances on women did too, his career future seems bleak and mediocre at best.
The future held nothing for him. He was never special, only a defective person that will never amount to anything and remain unhappy until death.
That's why he sees himself on K.
Incels have a very shitty sense of humor.
> Bears his shitty existence with stoicism
> Reviled by society
> Expected to follow orders like a literal automaton
> Lives in a shitty commieblock
> Too awkward and autistic even to fuck whores
> Internet porn is his GF
> A terrible existential loneliness permeates every aspect of his existance
> Then it gets revealed to him that he's literally been ordered by a woman to erase *himself* from he historical record
K is absolutely 300% incel
>Bears his shitty existence with stoicism
the polar opposite to every whining faggot on /r9k/ and anywhere else they infect
Is American Psycho about repeating digits?
Incels only whine on the Internet.
I'm sure K shitposted in replicant forums.
You'd be hard-pressed to find a thread without Ryan Gosling
with incels interlinked
...damn, user...
>space after memearrow
And that's when you take the breadpill and work towards achieving Theosis in the afterlife
I did not need these feels today
i just feel so...cold
In one point in any man's life, you can see something from K. Either you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth are didn't struggle in life or you're emotionally disconnected with everything else and just go along in life carefree.
>and he would finally be a fulfilled, complete human being.
>tfw you'll never be a real human bean
>his JOI didn't really love him, he died having achieved nothing.
Both of these are factually wrong.
Yes all of what you said is true up until the bridge scene, that is the point where he denies both his programming and his orders to kill Deckard and makes his first truly individual choice of his life by reuniting a father with his daughter, the very opposite of what the rebellion leader told him to do. So at the end he is fulfilled, both with a true identity and purpose.
He lost Joi!
I have literally every pic you have there aside from the 2d>3d meme...
Delete this
>benQ monitor
I just saved someone else's screenshot
anybody else just genuinely love this scene?
no meme, just the acting, its role in the story.. loved it the moment i saw it
seems pretty relevant to me OP
what's it like to be loved bros?
Me to, I just organically built up the collection, only in seeing the pic did I see how much it had built up
with incels interlinked
The way he doesn’t immediately react to her saying "Someone lived this, yeah", but he just gazes indefinitely contemplating his entire existence for a solid 15 seconds trying to process this actual real feeling he's experiencing saying under his breath "I knew it was real" and then that slightly childlike but existential vocal outburst, the first emotional release of the entire film and the first emotional release of his entire life, it's perfectly executed.
You got BTFO but you're both right in a sense tbqh
What movie is this from?
>tfw waking up cuddling your pillow because your body is so desperate not to be alone anymore
>he died having achieved nothing
Very not true
Drive 2
I dont think i can take it longer guys
Lads I...
The Greatest Story Never Told
Youre missing the point that he had a soul all along. Its like the wizard of Oz
Heres something aesthetic that wont let you down
one faggot kept forcing it and it caught on
Delete this.
Because Goose is literally me
>go to bed
>can't sleep
>go to bed holding my pillow close
>instant feeling of relaxation
Was this a threesome?
fucking hell
Yes. It's a very character involving scene for all three characters, not just literally but in narrative terms also.
It's a physical manifestation of K's character development. And what many people fail to notice in this scene is that through the sync act this is most probably the first time Mariette was genuinely kissed in her life, first time felt what love feels like, all told purely by visuals alone.
Incels should be chemically castrated and then offered sex.
have sex
Its pretty amazing how this meme can be simultaneously so hilarious and depressing at the same time.
me on the right
What if she made him lick her boots clean after haha how horrible would that be
Strumming my pain with his fingers.
I just wanted something to live for bro's why's it all so shit?
have sneed
How original.
Not something I needed to read first thing on a Monday morning, user.
>why's it all so shit?
>think "i'll get a haircut and get back to trying the dating game, yeah"
>get a haircut
>look into a mirror
>yup, still ugly
>let's try next year
man she's so cute idk why you guys bully her
Just smile, user. Everybody looks prettier when they smile.
reading this thread makes it crystal clear why you're all bitter angry racists, i don't blame you but ye
The spider web should be over the days counter.
first day here?
We are god's forgotten beans
i'm pale and have awful dark circles under eyes. most of the time i look like a drug addict so smiling doesn't work.
it's weird since when i check myself out in the evenings i look fine, it's the lighting in my bathroom i guess.
I never got the free hate either, she's só cute and genuine
why'd you go and post that user?
Stop this
Same. New haircut, new clothes, new glasses, contacts, workout, new mentality. Nothing ever changes
Fuck you I'm going to work. But you're not wrong. Fuck you
it's time to just let it all out bros
>Bad yellow teeth because shitty parents never made me brush (ever) as a kid
>Shitty teeth gives me a lisp
>Naturally smile with my teeth so just never smile and talk very little
I'm cringing at the thought that any zoomer thought it appropriate to reply as if they share the millennial plight
at the very least, *they* got warnings of what was coming; we were blindsided
says the person who didn't have that image saved
you will CONSTANTLY be wondering if they truly love you or are just after your possesions, etc.
for me at least, its what killed my last (and only) relationship
>not realizing all women are whores
>Alexa play despacito
nice fanfic
It's all so tiring lads...
I'm making a film atm about expies for Wojak, Smug Pepe and Gondola going on a road trip to find somewhere they can be truly themselves. Who wants to be in it?
I wanna be spürdo spärde. And my character's name will be sprololo splärpude
this. At this point I'm just hoping to witness a robbery or a shooter so I can die an hero.
Based, a real human bean
>he died having achieved nothing.
women litrelly cannot understand this movie
In this specific scene he thinks he's actually the human-replicant hybrid and thinks he is special
he’s reacting to his “realization” that he really is a real human bean and thus has wasted his whole life up to this point
Why he didn't bang the police mommy?
lmfao when I saw it.
This website was a lot cooler before this meme and its auxiliaries propagated here.
Those girls are low quality as fuck, guy in the back's not missing anything
>nor a real hero
you hurt me, you based poet
shhh you'll upset the incels
That is among the weirdest pictures I've ever seen in my goddamn life.
>tfw no 2d>3d meme
>actually finding 3DPD attractive
This. The part he realizes he's not actually special is later on, but he doesn't react too dramatically in it
>Read this sitting in my car outside my call center job where I will drive home to an empty house
>he died having achieved nothing
Aha! That's where you fucked up, user. Not only did K realize he's not the so to speak protagonist of the transpiring events, he actually gave his all to help people who were, and found fulfillment in it. He died content.
jerk off instruction?
>This all turns out not to be true
Wrong, he is a replicant with real memories. What's it like to be a fake person with real memories? Something happens you stop trying to disown your own thoughts as inconvenient or deny yourself but rejecting memories you'd rather not accept are rightly yours. When you accept your memories as real, you accept yourself. You build a soul. By accepting the reality of his memories from Stelline, he was still able to be a real human bean.
The JOI ad will always be a richly complex and difficult scene and open to interpretation. Everyone sees something a little different regarding the paradoxical inherent fakeness of biological women and their sexuality. One user said the JOI ad scene reminded him of what it looks like to see pictures of his ex-girlfriend on Facebook smiling with a new guy weeks after they broke up. But mostly people pick up on the notion that K is reflecting on how and to what extent he wanted to believe a lie was the truth and how much it hurts to know that you can try your best to be rational, see the clues, and follow where the evidence leads, and yet still be so gullible.
I used to think this and wonder how different my life would be if I had youtube and access to redpill blogs and the like while growing up but I might have been indoctrinated against reading them, not wanting to be considered a nazi or a rapist, especially if I were raised cloistered and religious, like I was. Hard to say.
whatever you'd bang any one of them given the chance
except for maybe
the one with the freckles
but k helped harrison ford find his daughter
No dude, nobody at all on this board likes this scene, not one person
Blade Cummer 2069
i think i've had enough for today
The Simpsons Movie 2: The Return of Sneed
why you do this to me, man?
Theres a girl like this on the counter in a restaurant near me but I'm way too autistic to talk to her
Alexa play an unnecessarily loud foghorn sound
"Yes Mr Villenueve"
Jesus Christ, leave me alone
can you dump your folder somewhere user? i need those
old age scares me I think its because when i'm old I will never find my soulamte or I never will anyways. time is scary
>tfw I was the bottom mouth
glad to see some poeple saved that epic post :)
I’ll kill your whole family in front of you, how’s that for achievement?
sneederly me
Fucking losers.
have sex
yo wtf same can someone explain this shit
8/9 for Pepe minus the neckbeard. Everything else is 1 or 2 at most.
Gross. That alien is ugly as fuck
Do you guys actually agree with this retarded analysis, or have we been invaded by NPCs who just follow the (You)s?
Because Facebook tourists spammed it
what wrong with benq
have to say user, you got unironically rekt
Have sex.
It went over a lot of people's heads, mostly women
finally someone said it
I said it and the incels started insulting me
>find a girl I liked
>made same mistake again of hanging out with her couple times and not telling her I liked her
>find out she has a bf
>feel like I'm now friendzoned
>she still goes out of her way to text me if I want to hang out with her just her and me
>feel like I still have a chance
like salty coins of sand
>overanalysing glorified capeshit
Neck yourself.
holy fuck are you literally me
Doubles say yes
I'm on the spectrum, diagnosed last year in fact
picked it up from the printer's yesterday
Is that his mom on the left
I always have it in my head that they'll understand I'm interested in them if I'm going out of my way hanging out with them and talking to them, but then I remember 99% of girls are retarded.
Im waiting if they break up and just wait a week and ask her out
Are these dudes clones?
this reply literally hurts me
Quads and I get a 8/10 girlfriend this summer.
dubs and you get no gf ever lmao
would like the last one
Put me in the reddit screencap
i dunno i think i just look better in warm lights. also my hair can be shit most of the day but it's always great just before in the evenings before i go to shower and sleep, it's like the world hates me
i still do this and im married
I'm in the same spot and I honestly don't know what to do. She's with her boyfriend since HS and I feel like she's waiting for me to make a move but since she knows most of my uni friends, it's a big risk I would take.
Also, she started posting a lot of pics in bikini on instagram recently and she never did it before. I don't know if that means anything, maybe I'm just autistic, I simply feel like now is the right time to try something even if it could go very wrong.
Incels project themselves onto K. Incels are overwhelmed with shrieking rage, and this is the scene where K is angry, so they relate it to their own anger.
>actually being beta orbiters
fucking losers. you're even more pathetic than every single 'lonely and horny' virgin poster who's never had a gf.
I wasn't prepared for that
>99% of girls are retarded
Man even when they're not, they will act like it anyway. Retardation is a tactic to avoid responsibility. Sometimes they'll use the "I'm a woman I'm helpless" card or "I could theoretically have children and be made to care for them" card the same way, but "I didn't know" brainless twat serves them just as well whenever they want to take advantage of a man's interest.
don't wait one more second, tell her you want her, grab her and kiss her just to make sure she knows it, and if she doesn't respond just move on but if she slaps you or something just kiss her again
I fail to see how this is so depressing
Thats tough
I'm the last guy and not a beta orbiter, I only see her at the uni, she smiles a lot to me, touches her hair, gives me compliments, etc. I would never waste my time or my money anymore than that on her until we have sex.
Say what you want about Ana de Armas, but her charisma is just off the charts.
Can you blame us? Every man wants to be a hero.
I dont think itll ever happen bros...
Dubs and my life gets fixed.
Fuck you
It's not a bad analysis up to the point K decides to save Deckard. That's the point where he became an hero.
>she smiles a lot to me, touches her hair, gives me compliments, etc.
and meanwhile she's sucking her bf's cock and getting fucked by him every evening. you're just a backup plan for her, every woman has at least one. "waiting for a good moment" is just pathetic.
Do internet social inepts have any chance to become heros?
Does anyone here have a crystal ball? Late bloomers of all types exist. It's up to fate, really.
utterly retarded story. looked and sounded great
I'll reply too! :DDDD
what are you supposed to do? Forget about her? What if you really like her.
I was sorta in a similar situation. Was really friendly with a girl at work. I knew she had a steady bf and they lived together. We started hanging out together outside of work just me and her. I never made a move because I thought there is no way this bitch would cheat on her bf with me since I still lived at home and her bf made more money than me. In hindsight she wanted it bad and I was too young to understand girls are fucking dumb.
>and meanwhile she's sucking her bf's cock and getting fucked by him every evening
and I'm already fucking Tinder thots anytime I want. I'm only looking for an upgrade since I'm tired of AIDS whores. Cucking a guy for a girl capable of staying in couple for a few years sounds like an exciting idea. Don't delude yourself, they are all getting fucked, I know some girls who are "singles" and believe like degenerated everytime they go a party, I would be more disgusted to make one of the latters my girlfriend.
At some points, if you want a girl that every other guy wants, you have to steal it. I'm not saying it will work in my personal case, I'm talking in general terms.
Women only love their children.
They lust after quality male. Being on a receiving end is barely above adoration from your dog.
t.formerly chad
Any other kinos like BR or BR2049? Akira and GITS alikes are welcome too
I'll soon be 23 and I already feel like a grandpa. I don't know a single successful late bloomer, I wish I could have a good example of that in my childhood friends of family just to start believing again.
Women can love men but it's true they mostly love only their children and only see you as a provider but that's not true. You have to be a really descent person and she has to be decent and brought up with ideals as well.
behave like degenerated*
A bit tired, eurotime.
me in the right
>gaming monitor
fucking perfect
It's ok. Been feeling like grandpa since 21 although I had a really interesting life and seen a lot of shit but at 21 my world became smaller and now it's just me, weed and cats.
holy shit I have not laughed that hard in ages
>[..]none of that happens
In other words it's about narcissism.
It's about looking in the mirror and expecting people to give you shit, to give a shit, because you think you're 'special'. You shit gold.
You don't need to do anything to prove your special-ness, you just need to wait for society to discover you.
Like Neo in the matrix, you'll wake up one morning and everything will be perfect, and you will fit in, and have whatever you want handed to you.
And you don't have to do a goddamn thing, lift a finger, take a single action, all you have to do is wait for your magic day.
That is narcissism. That is you, wanting reward for having achieved exactly nothing. That is you, being fucking entitled.
What a disgusting time to be alive.
>Women only love their children.
Everytime I read that, I struggle to relate.
As long as I can remember, my mother has always hated me far more that she hated my dad and she divorced from him, that says a lot. Spent a few years into children's home cause she had meme depression and my dad was done with us.
I really hope I just lived a marginal phenomenon.
It's not fate that its up to. It's the person. Fate is just an excuse people use to put up with being unhappy so they don't have to take any agency in their lives. I was 23, jobless friendless, gfless. then oneday I just decided to join a skype chat from people I met on Yea Forums. Made some good friends, lost a few of them, made more, met a gf, lost her cause she was an actual retard and found another one. Now I have a lot of people who like talking to me an dlike being around me. I moved in with my gf earlier this year and now we've moved in with a mutual friend in the city. Everyone can make it, you just have to be willing to make it work.
Man, I've seen nothing, I became homeschooled when I was 15 years old. I think I died the day I took that decision.
A lot of women get extremely vulnerable and lonely without a man if you can fill that role with a decent girl that isn't a selfish whore it's pretty sweet bro
>Forget about her?
yes. go find someone else. just stop orbiting.
>looking for an upgrade
>is willing to settle with someone who's not faithful to her partner of many years
no wonder you post on Yea Forums. also
>she started posting a lot of pics in bikini on instagram recently and she never did it before. I don't know if that means anything, maybe I'm just autistic
she posts bikini pics because it's summer you fucking retard. it means nothing. so much for LARPing as a chad
All those superhero movies have a similar trait.
>be nobody
>spider bites the arm
>fuck I'm cool now.png
>not a whore
pick one. and i mean it, all women are whores.
I had potential. Had a few gfs. nothing special. Until the last one which broke my heart and almost destroyed me mentally. Havent been the same since. I hat everything.
Your a fucking retard a whole talking about how lonely we are and you talk about fucking tinder thots and stealing some other guys chick. go home normie scum
For me it is a movie about the transformation of a boy into a man.
You got lucky. Making online friends in the best way to stall in life, some dudes waste 3 or 4 years on people they will never meet. You don't want to advise that.
Some women choose not to act like it though, just like some men choose not to try and fuck any women they can, which they want to. Let's not pretend both sexes aren't repulsive animals user
>The lonely male used to think the future held something good for him. All through his childhood and teenage years, he watched from a distance hoping that the good part was coming anytime soon, and he would finally be a fulfilled, complete human being. He enters his 20s and none of that happens.
i-it's over, isn't it?
Why wouldn't have Mariette felt love before?
I am a Chad and all that shit he wrote is pathetic. When you are a Chad you don't do anything. You just literally wait for a girl to suck your dick. Being a Chad is overrated.
Damn, man....
If you got a gun you are not yet a criminal. If you have a cunt you are not yet a whore.
not that user but here you go
Based, 2049 is art.
I really doubt that man, I've never had much luck in life and those groups went through a number of hardships.I just decided that I wanted to put forth the effort to make some friends and make my relationship with those people better.
someone needs to update the essential /women will never understand/ list
>she posts bikini pics because it's summer you fucking retard
All her old summer pics are cropped to her head and she never was fat or anything. Maybe, it means nothing, I give you that. Still, she gave me enough signals in real life to think she was at least somewhat interested.
>is willing to settle with someone who's not faithful to her partner of many years
and yes, I would rather steal a good quality mate who's just bored for good or bad reasons of a guy she met as an immature teenager than dating and paying meals to a party whore who does threesomes every six months to relieve her pressure from the exams.
Tinder thots are disgusting human beings, mate. I'm only trying to find a better deal to cope with the same loneliness as you.
the actual movie isn't that good though
she's not good quality if she's being such a cunt to her bf, period.
if she's so bored of him why date him? how about you ask her out if you're so sure about her signals. remember to come back to cry after she dumps you for another upgrade.
This. I havent even touched a woman in 23 years and some guy who apparently fucks girls every week is as lonely as me? Go fuck yourself
I've seen some decent girls in my life. Maybe you were not lucky enough.
Still feel like you got a bit lucky but it may be different for americans. I live in France and online communities are full of cancer edgy fedoras looking to taunt each other here. I tried a few discords recently and it was just like that. My last chance is sport clubs since I'm completly friendless and I don't see any other place where I could meet normal guys.
You fool. It's not about sex
>The future held nothing for him. He was never special, only a defective person that will never amount to anything and remain unhappy until death.
Except the entire point of the ending is that he sees the JOI billboard and then realises that there is something he can do. He can make himself special but dying for a cause. He overcomes his own meaningless existence, accepts himself and takes decisive action for once in his life.
Pic related.
Hate to break it to you but you can work all you want and still achieve nothing of significance. That's what happens to the vast majority of humanity. But you know, keep feeling undeservedly superior.
Join the army.
Just look at his face, it’s tfwnogf
Yeah, that was at the end. The OP asked about why that scene in particular resonated with lonely men. Retard.
abloo bloo bloo
He looks like Paul Newman
Nobody said anything about work. Or about school, or about anything else.
Stop staring in the fucking pool.That's all that was said.
If you can get different women to fuck you every week then you can also find a decent girlfriend in a matter of days, end of story. Get out of my thread.
>The OP asked about why that scene in particular resonated with lonely men. Retard.
Except during the scene iin question he's just learned that he IS special.
it should have been acer
>Stop staring in the fucking pool
Only you brought that up though.
what porn is this from?
me on the screencap
Did you miss the message of the movie dumbass? He realized he just wanted to believe he was special, accepted it and seized the opportunity to do something meaningful. He made the conscious decision to be a hero after fate didn't hand it to him.
fuk yu
She has a boyfriend. Move on. You should always be talking to multiple girls.
What is it about then? Love? You sound like a fag. Please grow up.
>tfw into femdom
I will be jerking off to this
noo dude but you don't understand, she's actually bored of him a-and she's giving him signs!!! she's totally into me and she'll treat me right, unlike her bf who's a HUGE loser. let me just wait another y-year to confirm this.
oh and btw i don't really care i a-actually fuck THOTS every week, you know? yeah i'm a chad, i know, h-heh.
>hoping that the good part was coming anytime soon
>tfw when "Hi, daddy!"
>she's not good quality if she's being such a cunt to her bf
I don't know the guy that well, only thing I know is that he's some kind of NEET with rich parents without the Yea Forums part. So, I can't tell you who is the cunt but I don't think people should be forced to marry their first girlfriend/boyfriend at any cost.
>remember to come back to cry after she dumps you for another upgrade
If you're so smart, tell what you would do then? The only other females I know are either already taken, ugly or lesbians. So, you would rather start dating any random whore from Tinder or bars like a regular person instead taking the risk of being upgraded yourself? Do you know how many guys these girls fuck in a year? It seems like you would rather be a cuck instead of harming someone's feelings, you're a child.
>how about you ask her out if you're so sure about her signals
I'm going to do that, yeah. We'll see how it goes, if she doesn't respond well, I'll just ghost her.
Yea Forums is overrun by the reddit//pol/r9k zoomer audience who likes simpsons, rick&morty, big bang, got and spongebob. Humor and Yea Forums at the lowest level.
Now the character in the movie speaks to these Yea Forums users. ("He is just like me!") But unlike Yea Forums users Gooseling is neither fat, ugly, beta, racist and sexist. He is just playing a role.
I did the same thing when I was in college. It never ends well. I wish somebody would have slapped some sense into me back then.
You're really taking it personally, do you have any story to share, user?
Holy fuck why is this orbiter coping in my goose thread
you post anything like this again and I will revoke your posting licence
>zoomers watching or liking the simpsons
>I did the same thing when I was in college. It never ends well.
How bad did it end for you? I'm curious since you sound more calm than the hysterical user.
>So, I can't tell you who is the cunt but I don't think people should be forced to marry their first girlfriend/boyfriend at any cost.
you're saying this like he's taken her a fucking hostage lmao, guess what - some people do marry high school gfs/bfs and they're pretty happy.
>If you're so smart, tell what you would do then?
literally told you. ask her out next time you see her and/or move on. stop orbiting, stop shitposting on a mongolian basket weaving forum about how you're lonely and sad.
>i'm letting the girl i like get fucked by her bf every night but YOU'RE the cuck, not me
>do you have any story to share, user?
No, I can't remember the last time I even talked to a woman., which is why I'm in a 'horny and lonely' thread.
At least I know that I am not alone.
Yea Forums always loved classic Simpsons you newfag discord retard.
Do your parents a favor and kill yourself.
>be stacy
>walking back from uni
>see this creepy incel again
>he always glares at me and mutters something about 'never making it'
>i try to be nice to him because he seems mentally impaired
>just smile, sometimes ask him how is his day going
>he stutters with every response and avoids eye contact
>i can smell dried cum just by standing next to him
>just have to bear it so he won't kill me when he snaps
>tell him i have to go to work
>he wants to say something but just stares at the ground
>i go to my boyfriend's apartment and fuck him till dawn
Cunny Cops 2, that one with Arnold and De Vito
>literally told you. ask her out next time you see her and/or move on. stop orbiting, stop shitposting on a mongolian basket weaving forum about how you're lonely and sad.
Improve your reading skills, I never fucking orbited her. We're simply in the same group of friends at the uni, I talk to her during class and breaks, I never ran after her on the street. She looks more into me than every other girl I talk to at the uni and that's it. Checking her instagram account three times in two months is the weirdest I did for now. My only concern was that I wanted to ask her out without destroying the group in case she doesn't want to go further with me. If things don't go my way, I'm gonna joke about it and talk less to her, end of story.
>i'm letting the girl i like get fucked by her bf every night but YOU'RE the cuck, not me
It's just like every girl who doesn't officially have a boyfriend doesn't do hook-ups, it would be immoral and ruin your way of thinking.