What does an average Yea Forums poster looks like? I’m making a documentary on this board please help and advice
What does an average Yea Forums poster looks like? I’m making a documentary on this board please help and advice
here's your plot
Jay looks weird
Ok I'll start:
how does one inhale one's diarrhea?
Me irl
he's got big lungs
Wtf Yea Forums looks like THAT?
this is me
>this is what i fap to
ftfy faggot
Where did you get this photo of a young Jay Bauman??
>greasy hair
>terrible teeth
>misshapen head
>shitty mutt white
>terrible eyesight
>"comedy" sensibilities
this is why I never take any of you seriously
stop your projection, you insecure doofus
Show us your titties slut
God I hope she has a dick
Nice one, Henry.
Go back to Yea Forums you sick fuck
This is Yea Forums you quick chuck.
Yea Forums meetup
here is a summary of your movie to save you time
you're welcome.
Me on the left
If this was done in some weird noise or death grips way I would watch. Probably do a line or two and then just laugh and laugh
Natalie Mars unironically seems like a very fun person. Would love to have a few drinks and eat out that fartbox.
I can't even fucking tell what gender each of these people are. God I fucking hate gender politics
>this is the guy that tells you to "have sex"
Here's an artistic rendition
>Tfw it seems plausible because of all the "dilate" insults being tossed around
>this also happens to be the guy that has sex somehow
Ah, no shithead. You turned left on "Blow your fucking brains out" shithead. Yea Forums is a few boards over.
you have a cute dick
>t. fat guy
>implying sois have sex
At best he gets to suck out the bull's cum
tv looks like this :)
This was literally every autist waiting for class to start in community college.
Christ, I hated it.
Why is he taking up half the hall? He could be in the middle taking up all of it.
chad lounge vs the virgin squeeze
Does anybody have the images of the Yea Forums Alita meetups? It was a bunch of shitskin manlets and one white """girl""" who towered over them all (who admitted that she was 5'6)
>community college
What's that in non-mutt terms? Middle school?
subsidised university
High school 2.0 for people who fucked up
keep telling yourself that
>subsidized "university"
So that's where your jew-marxist influenced indoctrination takes place?
Oh, I don't have to. I work at a comic shop and all the dudes there are literal onions stereotypes, many of which have admitted to having open relationships.
that happens at all levels of higher education
This. People also go there to save money and then transfer to an actual decent university.
Yup. In California, reading Marxist theory is a requisite, at least as mandated by the particular staff of my school.
Whats the appeal of growing a beard on your neck only and cutting off all the face parts? It looks silly.
>I work at a comic shop
>jew-marxist influenced indoctrination
I'd rather hang out with that cool fatass on the floor than you fucking orbs of floating useless concentrated incel do nothings
Even for exact studies such as physics, mathematics or biology?
Besides college isn't exactly higher education. I heard even our high schools shit all over american colleges.
not having to shave
>misshapen head
what country are you from? are you in the top 20?
Rank University Location
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) United States
2 Stanford University United States
3 Harvard University United States
4 University of Oxford United Kingdom
5 California Institute of Technology (Caltech) United States
6 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Switzerland
7 University of Cambridge United Kingdom
8 UCL (University College London) United Kingdom
9 Imperial College London United Kingdom
10 University of Chicago United States
=11 National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore
=11 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) Singapore
13 Princeton University United States
14 Cornell University United States
15 University of Pennsylvania United States
16 Tsinghua University China
17 Yale University United States
=18 Columbia University United States
=18 EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Switzerland
20 University of Edinburgh United Kingdom
And that's exactly why you're posting on Yea Forums right now, dumbass?
It takes literal seconds with an electric shaver
It's like we're twins or something.
I feel sort of insecure about the way I look. Here's a pic anyway
Better than sitting at home all day with mom, Incel.
keep telling yourself that
I see five chads in that picture.
Yes, you have excelllent universities that cost half a million to attend and is thus only reserved for the elite (and the lucky few that get a scholarship because they can throw a ball really well) but I was talking about subsidized college education which is apparently really shitty in the States since the government doesn't really care about funding proper basic education.
I'm Dutch btw.
>his head is shaped like a squash
>I'm Dutch btw
So not a single world renown university huh
that's a lot of words instead of just saying "no"
Smart people in the US go on scholarship. Only dumb people pay for college.
I'm a brainlet and even I went to state university for basically free.
go wash your hair you greasy dandruffed failure
>being too insecure for the concept of open relationships
time to make an appointment with your local optometrist
>work good
>TU Delft
>Universiteit Wageningen
>Universiteit Leiden
We're not doing too shabby for a small country.
Better to look like that than this. Nazis actually get laid.
so basically right wingers are meathead neanderthals? tell me something I don't know
>Nazis actually get laid.
[citation needed]
Yeah! Fitness is patriarchy!
If you dont look like this, you are not a true 4channer
That's not what I said at all, but sure. I like that you have an entire image folder just for this sole purpose. Or perhaps not, perhaps it serves other purposes as well...
>have best most expensive unis
>still need to call in dutch engineers to fix their shitty coastal cities before they sink into to sea
>Nazis actually get laid.
you are a mutt and the untermensch your Emperor lord despised. Also why is it that on average alt right ''chads' lose their virginities about five years later than s0is?
Women love bad boys and masculine men.
>bad boys
>pimple-faced aspie edglelords
pick one
Judging by the stunning knowledge of nuclear power displayed on the Chernobyl threads I assume that a significant % of /tv posters are bored nuclear technicians on their shift.
>making shit up
>being proud of helping coastal elites
are you a faggot?
You're right, though. We must tear down traditional society.
Average pol user
Is Bill Shatner asleep or something
average his user
>being proud of circumcizing infant boys
>not nuking Israel into oblivion
are you a faggot?
lol cope
>but look, these people dress funny
great argument
This was a pic I took a few millennia ago when I was feeling cute. Please no screenshots it's embarrassing teehee
actually no. Why are you reading that cespool anyway? Not very traditional mein herr.
>we style on you with all our institutions and achievements
>muh dykes
>y-you should d-do things
fuck off and ride your bike and eat toasties you flat land motherfucker. You aren't even a dyke engineer. Cope.
People who assert and work on their dominance aren’t limp-wristed faggots? This is an astonishing revelation.
I think you literally just described the entirety of r/chapotraphouse with that one, lad.
nazism and general political wrongthink is the only thing a woman will drop a chad for.
Even pedophilic chads have more chances
Is that my boy Steve1989 mreinfo? He's a libertarian, not a /pol/boy.
Average Yea Forums user
they are the average incel who pretend to be smart by spitting technicisms to cope with their sad lives
Wrong. It makes their pussies sopping wet.
Average Yea Forums poster, male, c. 2019
How do I achieve this body type and aesthetic?
Looks like a fuckin stretch Armstrong
Looks like a more in shape Jimmy Dore.
and men's warehouse
lmao 6ix9ine is an SJW now
Why is this guy driving a civic
Not really, literally no reason to get your associates at a big Uni, you get your associates at a community college and then transfer to a bigger one if you want.
here's me by the way
Wait.... I know this girl, she lived down the street from me over a year ago
I read it like mc ride sings
You look like you know how to give a good blowjob
>louie bag
Trash, get out
Cocaine and a mistrust of niggers
>The niggers were getting closer, but I needed every drop of gas I could get if I was going to make it through the desert. Niggers hate the desert. Too hot. Too dry. I could make out their beady nigger eyes now and a shift in the desert wind brought me their putrid nigger stink. Four bullets left. Enough to take down the silverback at the head of the pack, but that still left six beta niggers. I reached into the car and retrieved my katana.
Tax policy?
>for people who fucked up
nice cope
It's true. Those types have sex, but it's only because they are pathetic enough to be the floor mat for 4/10s and below. I know a couple. I would much rather be a virgin for life then to live their life for a day.
He usually looks like this.
But what is he watching?
Alright, here's a picture of me
i love you