>90 years old
90 years old
Other urls found in this thread:
hell be fine
Will he outlive Takei?
Is it kino?
he doesn't look it at all
What would it take to get him back in to a Star Trek movie or show?
In my Mandela world he already did
t. hairlet
people who spend tens of thousands on plastic surgery are pathetic
I still cant believe he browses/browsed Yea Forums at some point
Like wtf did he even like about this place and how tf did he even find out about it?
Also makes me wonder how many other old people browse 4channel
Reddit spacing
>tfw 82 yo virgin
I stumbled upon it by accident. Just clicked on a google link.
That being said, I don't browse the boards much nowadays. It's not for a lack of time, but rather desire.
Stay sharp Yea Forums.
Shatner's a hairlet too
We know its you Bill
Hi, Bill
Does posting on Yea Forums increase life expectancy?
MONEY. BASED BILL is waiting on MONEY and of course, the right script ;^)
I challenge you to find literally anyone ever that has looked better at his age
Guy is an absolute genetic freak
William Shatner is not by any means in need of cash.
William Shatner is the oldest Death Grips fan.
It's not the money per say, it's the respect you show him, by giving him his fair value as an artiste and consumate showman.
If I was rich, I would have an entire movie that was acted in every role by shatner. or at least like the old Where's Your Head At? video style.
I remember all the jokes about his wig but his hairs looked a lot more convincing that I wonder what he has now.
I'm a 43 year old never kissed forever alone virgin and all is so far so good!
You're need of gash.
Have sex.
And looking great
It's still a wig. Wigs are just based now.
His hairline is god tier. Surely it can't all be real?
88 you dipshit
you're a nimble navigator bill
none of it is
I dont feel so good
His prostrate is weak so he can only sprinkle people with piss, as opposed to blasting them.
What? He can't bend over very well.
Is he the only famous fat man to make it to 90?
I love you Bill
really? you're not serious, you can't be! are you disabled?
I had to look it up. He literally looks at least 15-20 years younger. Mental
Don't get smart with me kid.
probably eats fetus stemcells for lunch
look up ryan phillippe, he's 44 and looks 18
how the fuck did he keep his hairline?
looks more bald in the younger pic did he take dutasteride/finasteride or something.
green women
wears a toupee, or used to, maybe he got a surgery to add follicles
Way of the Gun sequel when
The future average lifespan is 150+.
he's 88, so we'll see