Reminder that Eternals will be mommy kino and save capeshit as a whole

Reminder that Eternals will be mommy kino and save capeshit as a whole.

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Didn't Jolie chop off her tits?

Ang doesn't even have tits anymore

I think she got implants but even so I'm 99% sure the tits on Jolie in the OP are shooped


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Implants with no tissue will be creepy as fuck.

Salma Hayek is playing a man and the costume won't even show curves, you just know

they just take the tissue from someone else

I think the tits she shows in By The Sea are the new fakies so take a look at em and decide how creepy they look

she could have just eaten a bit of hemp oil every now and then but noooo she has to go full retard

those tattoos sure look good and weren't a mistake

She plays Ajak. Of course there will be no curves, you can barely see him under all the distilled Kirby

Why can't I get a mommy gf?

>Caring about MCU after Endgame
No, thanks.

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Marvel doesn't allow feminine sex appeal. You won't see Salma's 58yo cleavage. Look at what they made her wear at the press conference ffs.
Most conservatively dressed Salma in history by a mile.
Enjoy your "mommy kino"; there will be zero sexiness and you may as well fantasize about having sex with fully clothed nuns.

>and you may as well fantasize about having sex with fully clothed nuns.
do you not?

kek are you serious angelina jolie looks like a literal corpse nowadays

Just blast her tits with piss.

>tfw Salma only likes Chadson.

Jolie hasn't looked like that in 10 years

Mommy gffags are pathetic imagine needing to be coddled by a woman past the appropriate age like the worthless manchild you

This and wait for some baggy costume

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Yeah I know right? Like, imagine Elizabeth Hurley was your mom and you went on vacation with her and took photos of her in a bikini and shared a hotel room with her. Haha that would be so weird.

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>mr skelton


I need the new game on PC.. Fuck nintendo.

what is the eternals?

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Fucking this, I'm done with Superhero movies.

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>He hung around until Endgame

My boners when selma gets on screen

Is that....Teemu Selanne???

Wait since when was skeletor in the MCU

How the fuck are the retrofitting Eternals into the MCU when Thanos was Eternal?

very true

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What is it about Med genetics that makes the women age like wine? Pic related was like 53 when this was taken.

>inb4 Salma is Mexican
She's Lebanese. Hate having to mention this in every thread.

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what about the lips?

some women were just intended to be "eternal" ball drainers

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No cleavages, the only one that will show the tits will be Richard Madden
screencaps this

selection bias

she's also mexican, retard

>she is not X because she is attractive
Every time