What movies can I watch as a gf simulator?

What movies can I watch as a gf simulator?

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Refugees care so little about laws and jailtime they are the only ones trying to score cunnies b offering them drugs
If it was legal these lewd little girls could easily find native boyfriends but they are scared of going to prison.

I always wonder what type of person makes these threads. It can't be just "le ebin b8''.

why isn't she wearing a hijab?

>10 year Swedish girl befriends 11-year Iraqi refugee boy

Movie when

most male refugees are homosexuals

What is wrong with the parents of girls who allow this? What is wrong with western whites in general? This guy would get beaten to death here in slavland by the girl's father.

The girl looks 16 and that nigga looks like he's 40. Bruh...

implying brown people have enough agency to know what sexuality they have
they just fuck whatever they can pal, they dont think much about it

I agree, Ebba Akerlund deserves a biopic.

that girl looks 13 at best

if her dad doesn't give a fuck about her why should we?

Because the girl is clearly way too young for this and is being exploited by the arab "boy". Also, shitskins shouldn't be allowed near white girls period.

They can't keep getting away with it!!!

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Do all Americans speak like niggers?

because her womb is a property of the whole nation and it should be use to breed more girls that look like her mating her with their own race not goofy looking arabs

>implying she actually has a dad.

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yes, its hip and cool

What's with millennials and their fascination with using terms used to describe animal behaviour for humans?
Like your obsession with calling people "males" and "females".
Is this some kind of subconscious way to accept that millennials are not people, and just rabid animals?

That's racist. He said he was 15. Why would he lie about his age?

Americans really think niggers are cool?
No wonder their dying country is 3rd world-tier.
America is truly an experiment to see how low humanity can fall.

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I wish I wasn't a virgin bros

What did you expect?
Israel rules them, they are literally slaves of jews.
They are all brainwashed mutts with no capability of independant thought.



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Tick tock cunnies

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*hits pipe profusely*

LOL that nigga ain't 15. Fuck outta here with that garbage.

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Either the parents don’t know or they allow this behaviour. I’m going with the latter, leftist parents love letting their children become whores

To show all there friends how diverse and liberal they are. There are literally camps in europe where young girls are taken to help welcome immigrants into the countries.

OP here this was supposed to be an /r9k/ thread and not a pedo bait thread. Fuck off faggots.

>Either the parents don’t know or they allow this behaviour
Most of the girls are kidnapped by the ((state))) and thrown in foster care. Then Achmed gets a hold of them from there.

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Yeah but OP pic is definitely Sweden

Swedish """men""" are the most disgustingly pathetic and feminine creatures on earth. I'm glad they're getting cucked on a mass scale.

Lost In Translation and Her (the latter of which is a response to the former) are GOD tier for this.

Atleast she isn't speaking German :^)

Mentally ill. Very self conscious. Alone.

>mass scale
user,there are less people living in Sweden than in New York City. It doesn't really help that half the country are either selfhating left-wing parasites or sandpeople.

I wish I was born a Muslim in Sweden or Norway or some shit instead of being Asian. I want a 13-year-old white girl to do this to me.
