
>see like 20 asian students in a loose group of mini groups walking around
>see this again and again with different people
Why do Asian university students do this? What films show this?

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>Why do Asian university students do this?
Because they're scared as fuck. They grow up in countries where 99% of people are the same race, and probably never saw a non-Korean or non-Japanese (or wherever the fuck they're from) in real life until moving overseas. And now they're surrounded by all these scary "foreigners" (yes, they call you "foreigners" when they're in your own fucking country) so they huddle together like fucking cowards. If there's not enough Asians from their home country, they'll group up with other "lesser" Asians. Otherwise, it's groups of Koreans, groups of Chinese, groups of Japanese, and so on. Sources cited: I worked for my school's Office of International Exchange in university and witnessed it firsthand.
>What films show this?
I don't know but I'd love it.

hive mentality

Nigga be living in waterloo

Oriental societies are communitarian, while Western societies are individualistic

They are scared of the the big black man

That's a very reasonable fear considering how violent they are.

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That's not the reason at all. Making a group is a natural instinct for them, even in their own countries. Having a conversation with just one other person in a room of 5-10 in their countries is not normal, and there is an emphasis on slowly gravitating towards a group discussion around a table that is trained into them from a young age.

You could say that about whites too, or blacks

This is factually incorrect.

>Says that it's factually incorrect
>Provides no facts

Because I would really trust the word of a foreign college kid over the people I know here in Asia who will never miss a chance to try and find more people to include in every activity or conversation in a way that Westerners would find excessive, right?

>says something absolutely wrong without any proof
>"no you have to provide citations and evidence to prove me wrong"
You're not only wrong, you're an absolute retard and a liar.

You're a fucking idiot who doesn't even understand the mindset of the people that you're attempting to generalize. Are you seriously denying that the culture in these Asian countries does not encourage group activity from a young age? The welfare of the group is much more important than one person. Please continue with your "no u" level accusations, though, it's quite funny to watch Westerners try to act like armchair psychologists for the entire world.

when i was at university all the chinese students got kicked out overnight because they dissappear back to china and never repay their fees.

Because they’re invaders and want you gone.

When I was at ISU some gook murdered another gook and fled back to China. It was pretty big news here since murders are exceedingly rare.

>it's quite funny to watch Westerners try to act like armchair psychologists for the entire world.
Like you're doing right now? And I'm not a "Westerner." So let's see, we can add "hypocrite" and "makes blind assumptions that are wrong" to the shit I now know about you (and wish I didn't, because I'd prefer not to know you at all).

least Im not a nigger

Again, jumping to the wrong conclusion and saying shit that's absolutely wrong. Have you ever been right in your life? It's too damn easy winning against you. Don't bother replying to me, because this your final (You).

Fuckin hell man

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I already knew that "I'm not a "Westerner"" comment was coming, how are you so predictable? You'll do anything to win the argument short of actually having any position to stand on, won't you? I'm not even saying that I approve of the way that Asians form groups, but this is an everyday occurrence over here. Must be hard for a college kid to understand different ways of thinking, huh?

Also, is not me.

>Are you seriously denying that the culture in these Asian countries does not encourage group activity from a young age?
But that’s literally the opposite. Asians just stay in their room to play video games, or on their phones doing whatever. While white kids usually join a sport club, playing music together, being in a fraternity. When Asians join a club it’s usually math club or some study group

When they're in a white country surrounded by people that don't think the same way, sure. What I'm saying is that group mentality is something that happens naturally in Asia, and only occurs in other countries in situations where they have others who think the same way. For instance, in foreign colleges, one Asian foreign exchange student is a shut-in, but when there are more than a few they essentially become a foreign tumor on the student body.

You're retarded mate. Asian cultures are all about putting family/society more important than individuals. They're collectivists at heart, whereas here in the west we are individualists.

>underboob and nipple pictures everywhere
thanks for looking out

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any actual nudes or bare nips?

imagine your whole life revolved around taking partially clothed pictures of yourself

The definition of the life of the modern woman.


insect hive

>why do bug people swarm like ants
Gee idk man

What an incel. Bet she's never had dick ever.

god bless u man

>Bet she's never had dick ever
oh user...

with a face and body like that, THANK GOD

user it would probably be faster to count the nights she hasn't had a dick in her

WTF is with that map on the wall.

Give one fucking argument. It’s not hard if you are confident in your position. Fucking pseudos. All they can do is criticize because they have no knowledge base.

World map as seen in a mirror...?

>What films show this?
fucking kek. what I love about this board is the thinly veiled social/political commentary which is barely related to television and film by a simple throwaway line at the end of OP. blessed board.