Did we break them Yea Forums?

Did we break them Yea Forums?

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did they leave triss and yen too?

Pretty based of Shitflix to be honest
Console owners are cancer

Poland truly is the cancer of modernity

Why did they leave the books at home? I thought it was an adaptation of the books. Are they just going all-out into fanfiction territory?

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Where are the white actresses for Yen and Triss? They are supposed to be white in the "damn books"
Guaranteed they won't answer thidms

Did the books have gen and Triss as shitskins and Nilfguard as scrotum soldiers?

>muh books
Yennefer isn't a poo in the books. Triss isn't a nigger in the books. Fringilla isn't a nigger either.

Lol, I love it when multinational corporations PR people interact on social media among themselves. It makes me relate to them and potentially interact with their products.

have sex

user its 5am its too early for that

I just did with my ginger gf. Now explain why everyone is a nigger in the show when they're white in the books?

Based Xbro's!


What an absolute cunt.

Have kids

we just keep winning xvro

>we are faithfull to the books retard gamers!
>except with all that shitty slavic folklore, fuck racist slavs, POC were better choice!

>b-but we're following the books
>so what about all the blacks?

>Xbox mysteriously has problems with there Netflix app going forward

I did, twice today, and the fact remains that those characters aren't colored in the books.

Geralt doesn't have a beard in the books? Fucking gay.

To be fair there's no point in the books where the author states that entire cast isn't made out of sub saharan africans.

fuck books and fuck poland, everybody cares about the Witcher because of the games, books were bottom of the bargain bin before the games came out

netflix don't actually think anyone gives a shit about the books do they?

i mean, some people do, but they are hardcore slavshitters who are guaranteed to hate everything netflix have in mind.

Wrong. The characters are described physically. Triss, for example, has hot chestnut hair (which means reddish brown) and blue eyes. Fringilla has pale skin and green eyes, etc.

Without the popularity of the games, Netflix never would have made this show itfp. Of course whenever it's convenient, they follow the books. They don't follow the books when that is convenient.

>Andrzej probably still asshurt he got a flat amount of money for the games instead of a cut of its total sales
That Slavic nigger is going to have a heart attack when this show tanks

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haha Microsoft® and Netlfix™ are so relatable

the books are leftist commie drivel with some bastardized polish folklore thrown in.


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He got already paid his millions for that and jumped the ship during the first year of it being written as consultant.

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Based corporations

>Isredd, who cucks Geralt in the books is black
>but Yen isn't white either

I can't even shitpost about this. It's just stupid.

Jokes on them, I don't like or expect anything anymore. Make a reboot of Taxi Driver with a muslim tranny, I don't care

God I can't wait for this to fail.

there's one pole so it's fine

>Lars Mikkelsen
He is the Chuck of the Mikkelsen family.

But sis is asleep.


i dont usually get piercing headaches from videogames but witcher 2 somehow is programmed to fucking give me a migraine so these games and everything with them can go to hell, if you're a fan of this garbage you deserve this. you deserve all of this.

You're so fucking special

Triss has auburn hair you can't even begin to call her brunette at all
i thought they were somewhat anti-racist (the games have that vibe) but they don't exactly deal with "the human race" ideology. I'm probably just rationalizing it away though

Shut up nerd

beause of the sharpness filter?

they "cuck" each other if you want to call it that, but honestly Geralt would be making Yenn a "cuckquean" every other day

or the forest audio in the Flotsam part of the game :)

Why is Henry's facial hair or lack of it always causing problems?

>mustache got him fired as superman
>lack of beard ruins witcher show
he should have stayed playing wow.

Poland is an untainted utopia by today’s standards

hmm incels, gotta be..

Which nigger did they pick to play Vilgefortz? Say what you want about GOT, but at least they didn't feel that show with POCs, apart from the occasional tokrn niggers who were minor characters

Slavic countries are more gay/literally pozzed than I think most western Europeans realize.

He literally only grew the beard in TW3 though and no one cared.
Is it all zoomers who just played the 3rd game?

Daily reminder (((Hissrich)))

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>guy who cucks Geralt is turned black
>ethnic character who turns traitor is made white


>adaptations don't leave any room for artistic license
Are people getting dumber or just more autistic? I can't really tell anymore

I bet that 100% of the shitposters in Yea Forums also shitpost in Yea Forums

but that's exactly what she did

>>adaptations don't leave any room for artistic license
>Are people getting dumber or just more autistic? I can't really tell anymore

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This tweet came out a week before Comic Con though.

where is his second sword?
Did they over read that just like the true skin color of the book cast?

In the books, Geralt fucking hates having any facial hair because his heightened senses make it extremely uncomfortable

In the games they said "fuck it it looks cool"

they also made Triss a full on redhead with green eyes instead of auburn hair with blue eyes

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Actually, it does grow out at points. He complains about lice iirc

Then why is everyone leaving?

Imagine posting that with an picture of triss from the game with blue eyes and clearly auburn hair

In the games Triss has bright red hair and green eyes, so the show is closer to the books in that regard.

>all women are literal hookers while men are cheap labor


i had a polish friend and he was depressed about being in a shithole country. Started going on r9k and now hes a tranny.

By today's standards illiterate-kun. Rather a world filled with whores and cheap honest labor than trannies.

Netflix is a stupid poopy nigger company. Xbox and Microchad stays based.

Love how this fucking whore uses books as an argument white ignoring the fact Trust was a redhead ergo white in them.

That's a screenshot of a mod, user.

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>Book: pale skin, auburn hair, and blue eyes
>Game: pale skin, red hair, green eyes
>Show: dark skin, black hair, brown eyes

are you retarded?


Cahir is perfect imo

Pretty funny how Lars became a christian irl after playing a role as a disillusioned, drunken priest.

>Geralt in books: skinny pale freak
>Geralt in games beside the first one: buff chad
>Geralt in tv show: buff chad
Yikes, tv and games are for brainlets.

This is a show for women.

>slavic folklore
Where do books have it? Is it hidden somewhere among german fairy tale plots and D&D monsters?

I already said its for brainlets

He's a decent midpoint in the second game
But Zebrowsky still matched the character better

Fuck off PC-masterrace neckbeard, not everyone wants to lock themselves up in their basement behind a screen 24/7
Some people have jobs and goals in life and they want to relax in their living room when they're home.

>imagine being this sheltered

>American company replying to another American company
>kvetches about Poland
I bet you're another butthurt shituanian who thinks about us 24 hours per day

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Fantasymundo: Permit us to do a rapid round of questions. Tell me the first thing that comes to mind when we say…Triss Merigold

AS: Pretty and red-haired, but insecure

Where the white women at? Left them at home too?

They should’ve based the story on the games instead of the books. The books are no sensible drivel written by a socialist man-hater with a femdom fetish

>Where the white women at?
Don't exist in the shitflix version, only niggers and 56%.

By "everyone" you mean lazy subhumans who don't get free shit here and will get it in the west? Thanks God they left so we can prosper.

His only son died last month, I think he will drink himself to death or something, no words from him.

Probably happy one more cis white male is removed from the gene pool

>adapting a book series into a TV series

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And it's some LGBT fag.

I'm pretty sure he ended up getting more money from CDPR after his lawsuit because Poland has some weird IP laws that do in fact entitle him to further profit shares if the sale price was massively out of scale to the actual value.

This Witcher series is some of the most genuine poser hipster shit I've seen in a while.

NOBODY cares about the fucking books, not even Netflix. This series is only a thing because of the games and it's fucking laughable to act too good for the games.

Yes, if you read polish edition instead shitty translations you will find it.

Hahahahaha netkik btfo

>justifying being a normie

I bet you pay for stuff as well!

He's been brainwashed by the games.

Some butthurt bookfag made a mod which changes a few people's looks

Damn those titties though
Her skin color is never described as pale. Her hair and eyes are and the show triss has red hair and blue eyes

but when will we prosper then?

How can they keep pretending they've read the books after stating in the fucking teaser that "elves are the original sorceresses of the continent" while a 17yo Ciri that is supposed to be 5 meets some dryads that look like mere amazons instead of actual dryads?

Text. Here. Now.

white woman are cancelled now on kikeflix

When will the "relatable and cool brand" meme die?

>actual dryads
What do actual dryads look like again?

Like a tree spirit

like Poison Ivy but with more plants. In the books they don't look that much like that though, they are just very beautiful forrest nymphs basically. Beautiful and dangerous.

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>here is your new witcher sweaty

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Well, they got the "bark" part down then

They're also at least partially mutated human girls and I don't remember them being physically described

How do you even pronounce something like this?


>They're also at least partially mutated human girls and I don't remember them being physically described
Yeah, I don't remember that either, it hasn't been too long since I reads the books. I'm pretty sure a good chunk of the Dryads are Elves though, at the very least the leader is a pure elve from the good old days. And it's true, they kidnapp young girls, originaly they planned to make a Dryad out of child Ciri but Geralt convinced them to let her go with him

More or less

Read the first 3 books and they were just okay. Played the 3rd game and it was shit. The show will be worse than either.

gugiel translejt does it right (more or less):


1 is good
2 is alright
3 is horrendously bad
4 is just a little better than 3

I still need to read the rest.

Short story books and the last one are the best imo. What was it you didn't like about the rest?

> mark vanderloo
> here is your new Shepard, boi

xbitches can't do anything right... they're everyone's bitches and they like it that way it seems.

He got more money twice now.
Mostly since polish laws make it so you cant sell ips under some % of the money it will make just so some franchise dosnt end up being bought up by Disney and made into 100billion money maker while the author gets a 100$ paycheck.
So even if he agreed to less he needs to be paid his share no matter what.

I gave up on book 4 too.
The plot of the books is "some old guy is an asshole to everyone and is autistically chasing some girl". I simply didn't give a fuck about any of the characters or the background events, and neither did the main character.

Hm, it's sad that you think this way about the books and the characters, but to each their own I guess

Which of the characters are likeable? Triss' entire personality is "I want to fuck Geralt even while I have diarrhea". Yennefer is irredeemable thanks to the cucking. Geralt is autistic.
The mimic, wolf guy and the cucked wizard from the short stories were cool.

>video game nerds believing television adaptation should be based off their video game adaptation, instead of the actual source itself

>Yennefer is irredeemable thanks to the cucking
Completely agree.

This was when I checked out.

>all those niggers with red hair and blue eyes

>muh books
everyone is white in the books

>yen is a poo
>triss is a mutt
not in the books ether

>they're going to put the first two collections of short stories and Blood of Elves in a blender and make something devoid of personality and with terrible dialogue

nice I love books

Why didn't they hire the actress they used for in-game Triss?

>Let's make an adaptation of the books when the 95% of the fanbase are game players
Brilliant. And they wonder why netflix is going to shit.

>Which of the characters are likeable?
Basically everyone in Geralts Hanza, mostly Regis and Cahir, the Dwarves Zoltan and co, Geralt and the other Witchers...

Of course not everyone likes the same characters, but just demonizing everyone because you don't like how the characters are set up and they interract with each other is sad to me. You sound like someone who got dettered by the writing style and counld'nt bother to get to know the characters and the world the stories play in. I can understand that the style of writing dialoge in the books can get a little tedious btw, and it's not all perfect but it's not nearly as bad and 1 dimensional like you describe.

You also don't have to like a character to see that it is a good character, I didn't like Yennefer either for most of the book, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a good arc and a lot of backstory that explains exactly why she is how she is. Same with Geralt and most other characters.

What did everyone expect? It's a american adaption of an european series. I bet you mutts don't even know or care that there's already a polish series that's pretty true to the books.

No, it was whoever is behind that Xbox account you self-congratulating faggot

>$17 Billion lost in less than 24 hours
>126000 subs lost
>"I must've left it at home WITH THE DAMN BOOKS!"
Are you feeling okay, Mr. Hastings? Worried about how your woke streaming organization is gonna end up being irrelevant in the next 10 years or so, so you feel the need to clap back in desperation? Was the funding from Soros and Obama not enough for ya?

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>go to poland for a week
>not a single black or muslim or other shitskin
comfy, also poles are very open and helpful

most people agree they got dunked on by Netflix, just take the L Yea Forums

There are blacks and Muslims. Also a million Ukrainians who are even worse and craplaod of chechens who are almost all involved in organised crime.

Also there is a higher chance that drunk driver will run you over in poland than the same risk combined with mulism killing you in any way in germany

>There are blacks and Muslims
maybe, yet i couldnt meet a single one in whole week


>dunked on
>just take the L
What's with Americans and their fascination with talking like a bunch of niggers?

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There are plenty in bigegr cities. But generally they are smart enough to stay out of the country where 50% of the population earns 500 euro a month.
Also Ukrainians who may appear polish to foreigners are also problemtaic and most of the million of them that is here is working illegaly etc.

They are not called Amerimutts for no reason.

what's with incestuous inbreeds pretending they invented the english language?

she barely even cucked him

>incestuous inbreds
So, rural Americans?

I find it disingenuous and people replace characters with blacks. Basically what we are being told over and over again is that black people are so vapid, so uninteresting, so vile that the ONLY way they can be adapted in film is if they replace a white person.

And people just eat it up. How are people so uncreative that they can’t make a interesting black character? I guess they can’t exist because the only good black person is a white washed one to the media.

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grow the fuck up incel

>literally switches from being with Geralt to being with the wizard, without informing either of them
>also fucks every guy she meets while on the road

I don't understand, he didn't have a beard in game 1 or 2 either but of course those fuckos didn't even play those games


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Women are not property. She mentally and emotionally broke it off with Geralt, who was no less promiscuous.

Have sex

>Women are not property.
Nietzsche disagrees. Are you saying you are smarter than him?

they should be

Cute! CUTE!!

I've only read the short stories and I don't get how Geralt falls in love with Yenn. She literally cucks him when visiting her "old friend" and truly believes she did nothing wrong.
>inb4 Geralt is just as promiscuous
Sure, but Geralt never cheated on Yen (at least until this point).
Besides that, she's always bitching and treating other characters like shit even when she doesn't know them.
>inb4 she's a hunchback, she had such a traumatic childhood
She lived a far better life than any other character, she better shut the fuck up about not being able of having children, for fucks sake. She goes around treating everyone like they're the reason of her infertility and somehow Geralt falls madly in love with her. Doesn't make any sense.
And the whole writting is quite good until the last story when that drunken poltard decides to go for the novels. The whole destiny shit with Ciri and the now important royal family is fucking awful. It was fun when it was about making some fairy tails more "mature", but suddenly the charming prince of one of those fairy tails is the emperor of fucking Nilfgaard.

Author hinted that magic pheromones were involved.

Also, Yennefer merely visited an old friend. They DID NOT have sex.

They are together because the Djinn aren't they?

Yes but she did go there to break up with him which implies she still thought they were together.

a literal wish was granted. author said something like magic was used by yen to make geralt love her.

She just wanted to inform him in person. Yenn already emotionally broke up with him.

She DID fuck Istredd while staying in town with Geralt

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No...she did not.

One of the reasons for her and Geralt's frequent break-ups is her unpredictable emotions and terrible impulse control.

At one point she turns out to have been stringing another sorcerer along for years besides Geralt, culminating in fucking the sorcerer behind his back.

When Geralt/sorceror realize that she is pathologically incapable of choosing, they decide to settle it between them.

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Based polak. God bless

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I do find it funny that people seem to think the video game supersedes the books or the original writer.

Why are SJW no-names so arrogant and full of condescension? They haven't accomplished anything in their lives yet they're so disgustingly insolent.


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The book was written by a pole, it doesn't make it fucking slavic folklore. Just like ASOIAF isn't germanic folklore

how'd his son die?

anal prolapse. the black tranny that blew him out was arrested and released.

It was his wife's son, actually

>all the Wicther short stories are copypastes of slavic folklore
>ASOIAF is a coypaste of Brittish history
I get your point m8, the characters of these novels may aswell be maori since it's just le epic fantasy lmao

>all the Wicther short stories are copypastes of slavic folklore
Like how?

Even more tragic...

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Technically it does.

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Like the law of surprise. In the folklore, instead of paying a witcher, you'd pay a devil for their services with whatever you first encounter when coming home.

>ASOIAF is a coypaste of Brittish history
Not all of it. Some of it's lifted straight out of Herodotus.

>cast black actors in roles for characters who were originally white
>get loads of free publicity for your shitty adaptation from /pol/ virgins
you idiots fall for it every time

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