Been posting on here since I was 15

>been posting on here since I was 15
>now 21
>realise Ive been growing on this board
Any kinos for this feel

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I'm so sorry OP.

Get a load of this fucking newfag.


>being happy about wasting his youth on Yea Forums

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How does it feel knowing you missed the golden years of the internet?

Unironically better than getting on xannies and killing myself before 30, which is what many seem to do. And yes, I’ve had sex, so what else needs to be done? You’ve guys given me laughs, arguments and entertainment, can’t thank you all enough. More than friends.

>birth of sneed
We were born just in time for the new golden era

>ive been posting on here since I was 20 and now I'm 34

Any movies for THAT feel?

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>been posting here since i was 15 now I'm 87
Kinos for this feel?

>tfw spent most of my teenage years on Yea Forums
>23 and somehow didn't end up a fat virgin stormweenie
>instead i'm a skinny alcoholic chainsmoking "catholic" racist
2009-2014 were probably the best years of my life and they were mostly spent here. I regret absolutely nothing and i can't leave.

>spending the best years of your youth on a website

Based normie
Give me some advice, how can I live a happy life?

Getting an education, a career, and a family would be better. That's what I did, though I did it late because I wasted much of my youth on the internet too.

I started university last year, church somewhat helps to stay away from booze, but not from young "catholic" women.
Legit wondering what happened to people who were 25 when i was 15, i guess most an heroed.

>he fell for the career and family meme

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they became boomers

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Enjoy being all alone in your 50s.

I enjoy being alone already. When your finite time alive expires you will also be alone, for eternity.

>been posting since I was 12
>now 19
I know exactly how you feel bro

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I've been here for exactly 798 days, when am I allowed to leave?

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>he fell for the NEET meme
Enjoy your boring and unfullfilled life.

Yes, spending over 50% of your living hours working/sleeping is fulfilling. Not!

That's going to change when you're old.

Haven't been here in a few days, is that guy still doing a daily frame by frame analysis of the Desolation of Smaug?

>2007 was 12.5 years ago
I feel nothing but shame and a lack of purpose

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I highly doubt my personality will do a sudden and unmanageable 180 in the foreseeable future.

What the fuck I thought you were memeing how did this happen

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It is when you actually accomplish something.

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Been on Yea Forums since 2005

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It's biology, man. Don't fuck yourself over before it's too late.

are you still a weeb?

>get a job it’s great marry a women and raise a baby
Stay the fuck away from me normalfags if it’s so great how come all you do is shitpost here telling everyone how “accomplished” you are and how we are running out of time to join you?

>coming here in 2013 an thinking you know anything


You never belonged here

i’m nearly 22 and have been on here since i was 12

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Yeah I enjoy watching the occasional animu and instead of a vacation to south America or southeast Asia i go to either Japan or South Korea

I know all the memes and besides I probably come here more often than you anyway so you’re just as much of a newfag anyway.

>shitpost most days and lift weights
>still go out every weekend and get absolutely twisted with friends and hookup with stacies

engage in sexual intercourse

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Came to Yea Forums when I was 14. Recently turned 24

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>Here since I was 13, now 21
It baffles me to know normalfags browse here.

>bragging about lifting weights
>bragging about “going out”
Yeah your life sounds freaking litty brah.

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>be a Yea Forumsfag since 15
>14 years after I'm still here met irl with 4ch fags become my best frens
Welp maybe we gonna turn out OK brehs

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>dude there's this site where all the funny cat pics come from it's called Yea Forums you gotta check it out

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>iPhone poster calling someone reddit

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Same as me fren
I started in the BOXXY days

>Implying ill live past 30

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>there were people that were 40+ years old when 4chang was new

i wonder if they still post

Uh oh, here he comes the seething autist obsessed with what phone other guys use. Wow, good argument retard you’re right I DO have an iPhone.

Where? I need frens and pusy.

Asking for a friend.

you guy will laugh when you here this, right
I first came to Yea Forums because there was this girl I liked and she was "really into film"
so I thought "where can I learn about film, I know, Yea Forums's Yea Forums - television and film board"

drinking is a big part of the social scene here in australia. I'm hadsome and well liked by women of all ages, sue me. whats wrong with weights? i can't just sit online all. seethe me incel

I remember when I used to say here I'm a 24 year kissless virgin when I was like 17 just to not sound like a total kid.
Now I'm an actual 24 year old kissless virgin.


>drinking is a big part of the social scene here in australia
its a shame even alcohol doesn't fix my autism

Extremely based couldn’t have said it better myself. I literally eat triple meat pizza, steaks, or bacon sandwiches every single day and I love it. One day all these kale earring soi drinking NPCs and DYEL health nuts will die for no reason at all and wonder why. All those hours spent working and hoarding possessions will be completely worthless.

Been here since 14 now 25

You guys remember when we tried to have a weekly film discussion? I think The Tenant was the first, and only, film picked and it was a complete disaster.

It's a big part of the social scene everywhere

real tism, or just socially spastic?

>I’m handsome and well liked by women you’re a seething incel
Jesus, this post reeks of insecurity. Would be funny to meet you irl and see who’s really who around here.

That's why I pulled all my teeth out, they're going to rot and fall out anyway. I also never leave my bed.

Fucking fat retard.

Absolutely seething mortal. Mad I reminded you of the finite nature of your existence?

To be honest, I went back into the church. Something about god is rather soothing, even though I don’t fully believe it yet. My dad died when I was 11 and perma fucked me for life, but it’s taken me this long to cope. So just find what makes you you I would say.
I did, i literally got paid by the US gov to get an education anf work for them. I make a little above 100k
I do. I was a loser just like you all, but /fit/ and Yea Forums changed me. But Yea Forums will always be my home board.

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15 years on this godforsaken website

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This guy eats triple meat pizzas to cope with his existence

Frogposting newfag

Smaller boards
Sadly didn't lose my virginity to a 4ch female but made bro friends for life know them for years

Get off the big boards

Girls often stare and call me handsome, if they did that to you regularly, you would probably have a bit of a big head too

the latter but given my difficulty despite years of actually trying and client/customer facing employment, there may be some genuine 'tism

Did you really just get triggered and that was the best criticism you could come up with? Unironically cope posting? Christ...

Congrats faggot, I don’t know why you keep telling me that I really don’t give a shit.

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What is going on in this thread

Holy based lmao
You’re under no obligation to, didn’t write it for you friend.

What are your go to meats?

every oldfag having an existential crisis me included

We're trying to help you, retard.

Ribeye or T-bone, baby back ribs, pepperoni, sausage pizza add home cooked bacon.

Replying 30 minutes late dumbfuck

>doesn't care
now you're just seethe

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It’s a meme lmao. Don’t actually marry, get fit and Cuck other dudes in marriage. Getting married is pointless, better to live alone.

Mods please delete this embarrassing thread


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people genuinely trying to help other people but the're seething so hard there can't tell. oh and heaps of projecting. so just another day on 4cahn

Wow, good argument. I guess suddenly I DO care about your inane and irrelevant anonymous bragging after all. And, I’m seething mad because I’m jealous of your perceived success with women! Oh...oh wait, no I’m still just mocking your cringy high schooler language shallow world view. Lol


>I’m out of arguments but can’t stop replying
Get fucked.


Same man. This hellhole is almost half of my life

an hero fren, anonymous people online shouldn't be able to trigger you this hard


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You are underaged and it’s obvious. Hope you had a fun summer!



>tfw Yea Forums is inactive right now and you cant fall back to sleep

This entire chain is fucking gay. Just shut the hell up you cocksuckers and get a room.

>everyone i don't like is summer

you have to go back

But you weren’t trolling. It was me mocking you the whole time. It’s your constant need to reply that’s proof you’re upset. I have nothing to lose here.

no u

>reddit spacing

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I'm 19, and I was literally on the internet (primarily browsing Newgrounds and YTMND) since 2004, after my older cousins introduced me to it. There are many young people who witnessed a small shred of the golden years.


It was shit and I wish I had done actual fun things instead of wasting away in front of a screen.

What does SNEED’S feed and seed mean. I don’t get it

Fuck off faggot

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>I have nothing to lose here.

we're two people shitposting on a cantonese coin collecting forum, and anonymously too. how can you lose anything?

Same here but took a 10 break around 2006 and became a normie, borderline chad. The election unironically brought me back here but Yea Forums is my main board since Yea Forums is now a literal shithole

I hate that meme. It’s so randumb xD humor and proves my point that you’re still in high school.

Neck yourself summerfag.

why because you need to save face on Yea Forums of all places? do you always suck the life out of everything?

>To be honest, I went back into the church
The question is, can I meet a qt at church or is it all oldies?

eat a dick fucko. the ones calling others summer and trying hard to look like an adult are usually the one who are underage, but you can think what you want

>why because you need to save face on Yea Forums of all places? do you always suck the life out of everything?

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>ywn relive classic Yea Forums and the stickam sluts days

fucking kill me lads

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>eat a dick fucko. the ones calling others summer and trying hard to look like an adult are usually the one who are underage, but you can think what you want

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You better believe it, sweetie.

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next you'll mimicking everything say

On one of the cutest girls I know is a Catholic. She doesn't even wear makeup and looks amazing. So yeah probably but the question is: do you wanna be in a relationship with a religious person, if you're not religious yourself? That is a fundamental difference between your world views.

Shut up retard.

have sex incel