What movie will finally make polyamory go fully mainstream?

What movie will finally make polyamory go fully mainstream?

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That show with Bill Paxton was better than anything we'd get in current year
There's no chance it wouldn't get so bogged down in its own political masturbation as to skip out on the interesting parts of the polyamorous dynamic, which dynamic is the only reason people are watching in the first place
The Louis Theroux doc on this was good, exposed a lot of the bullshit and how 99% of it is just cuck fetishes taken to the extreme and has nothing to do with love at all

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Been watching Big Love for the past month, spectacular show

Anyway, I don't think there is anything wrong with polyamory if everybody involved consents to it. Although 90% of the troubles that affect Bill wouldn't have happened if was just married to Barb

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>"that shit is fake no way it's real"
>look it up
It's real.

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None I hope

Clown world.

>Anyway, I don't think there is anything wrong with polyamory if everybody involved consents to it.
This issue is you always wind up with unhappy people. In a situation where the guy takes on extra wives, if the guy can subjugate his wives properly, he'll basically quell and silence any unhappiness they feel. But every single "open relationship" ends in fucking tears.

They aren't even trying to hide it anymore

the slipery slope is fa... oh

theres always more open for one of the partners, it never lasts because to love someone you need to respect it and no one respects a cuck

I love that clip and how his son doesn't fall for the bullshit, and proves its all about him wanting to fuck other women by asking the innocent question of "where will Daddy sleep at night" (because he wants his father at home with him, as any young boy would) only to have his father answer in terms of who he'd be fucking. At the same time, I hate that clip and feel genuinely sorry for that boy. No kid deserves such a shitty father.


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who wouldve thought this was the result of 90% of new pshicologial majors being women

Why are all of these organizations pushing cuckoldry all of the sudden? And don't say "jews"

My coincidence detector just exploded and set the entire commie block on fire.

As an avid viewer of Investigation Discovery documentaries, it would help prevent a lot love triangle murders to make polyamory something normal, remove the stigma of 's/he's sleeping with other person gotta kill her/him' and so on

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There is literaly nothing left to parody.

polygamy doesn't work anywhere. humans are naturally serially monogamous. the only exceptions I even know of are some weird cultures where multiple SIBLINGS partner with the same partner. that seems to kind of work, but even that is absurdly rare.



Women are the jews of the sexes.

Most psychologists are women.

He just said don't say jews.

Isnt even a proper science.


tl;dr pic related, except it's a "psychology professor" with too much time on his hands

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fuck off boomer

women have literally ruined civilisation, not sure how even beta orbiting neckbeards can disagree with that

None, you degenerate hippy.

>polyamory, trannies, muslims, fags, queers, pedophilia it's all totally normal goy!
Clown world.

>since evolved common sense usually produces the right answers in the social domain; this implies that, when it comes to solving social problems, the most intelligent people are more likely than those of average intelligence to have novel but silly ideas, and therefore to believe and behave maladaptively
pretty based hypothesis desu

Exactly how did Psychology become the biggest laughing stock of a profession next to Anthropology.

Virtually every relationship configuration has been tried by someone at some point in history, and none have a flawless profile of all advantages and no disadvantages.

Have you done any research into serious, structured polyamory? It's a rather depressing system of rules, rules, rules and more rules. Essentially, you have a Primary, who is your main partner and who comes first. You go to their office parties, you hold their hand at the dentist, you use your vacation time with them, etc etc. You can have a secondary or tertiary and so on, but all people involved have to meet and agree and be okay with each other and who is about to do what to each other in whose bed. It starts to feel more like an oppressive religion than the free-spirited celebration of human promiscuity that it initially appears to be.

There are, of course, multiple ways of getting multiple partners, from straight up cheating to open relationships to hard-to-categorize basic sluttiness. In practice, it usually turns out that one partner gets a lot more action than the other, and basically manipulates the whole situation to get what they want without extending that courtesy to anyone else. Cultures that allow polygamy usually allow a man to take several wives, but never the other way around.

Finally: relationships have a habit of ending. And if you think that a normal marriage with kids is messy to sort out in a divorce court, how is it going to work with multiple kids from multiple polyamorous relationships in a court system that does not recognize polyamory?

this is fake, right?

>what is 2 +2? and dont say 4, give me a proper answer

what happens when men, who struggle to make a good wage and own decent property, are taken out of the dating/marriage market as high power males can capitalize on multiple girlfriends/wives leaving other men high and dry.

Is the conclusion some 4/10 with 4 beta boyfriends, or will this all end in tears?

>80% of women still go after 20% of top men
>they realise there aren't enougth to go around, so they share
>Muslims say ok so they can have bigamy in western europe
>love dolls are made illegial

it's over lads

What kike wrote this shit?

>monogamy is unnatural, people want to sleep with others

Yeah well watching your partner being fucked by someone else and trying to force yourself into being 'happy' about it is even more unnatural. Everyone feels jealousy, no amount of mental gymnastics is going to make that go away.

hahaha holy fucking shit fuck my life

Never, I just found out I'm a bigot and will remain one

it's called a harem

>top psychologists group
I wonder how may Jews are in this group


Consensual Non-Monogamy Task Force contacts:

Amy Moors
Heath Schechinger

Disability Issues Task Force contacts:

Reginald Nettles
Eric Samuels

Religion and Spirituality Task Force contacts:

Erin Deneke
Joshua Wolff

Task Force on Racism contacts:

Carlton Green
Kimberly Balsam

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i've been looking these names up.
you won't believe it but carlton green is actually black and not jewish

This only works with literal cucks. For any other male, it’ll just cause trust issues. No wonder they want men to be feminized betas in the modern day. It’ll be easier to accept such disgraceful behavior.

Well, that depends if we as humans are a tournament species or a pairbonding species.
Problem seems to be that we're not clearly one or the other.

It's literally jews and women. You'd be hard-pressed to find a male goy that actually agrees with this bullshit.
t. psychologist

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This implies that women would rather share a Chad than settling for a beta enabler, but is this really the case? Women can be insanely catty and jealous when it comes to men.

>The cognitively-stratified context of communicating almost-exclusively with others of similar intelligence, generates opinions and behaviours among the highest IQ people which are not just lacking in common sense but perversely wrong. Hence the phenomenon of ‘political correctness’ (PC); whereby false and foolish ideas have come to dominate, and moralistically be enforced upon, the ruling elites of whole nations.
damn this guy is going for the kill

its not that it would not work, but the side effects that will result would cause massive societal issues
shut hapens when top 1/3rd of men "hoard" 2/3 of top women, meaning the bottom 2/3 of men will start causing issues

and many of the common features behind big historical shitstorms are when many young males are angry, jobless, hungy or otherwise ready to start causing havoc. (ww2, french revolution, rise of islam, germanic migrations, mongol conquests, taiping rebellion, latest being syrian civil war)

>monogamy is bigotry!
>culture changes
>chad gets 3-6 wives
>Polygamy is rape!

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>APA 44 Division Consensual Non-Monogamy Task Force, an initiative by Dr. Heath Schechinger (pic related)
Holy shit, it's actually real... What is wrong with these people?

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It's been happening in basically all the human and social sciences. In a few years I can see it happening to exact sciences too.

>"You shouldn't have to educate your therapist about poly, kink, queer, or gender non-conforming issues."
>Dr. Heath Schechinger
wow so inspiring and wise

Will the nukes just fucking fall already.

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>shut hapens when top 1/3rd of men "hoard" 2/3 of top women, meaning the bottom 2/3 of men will start causing issues
You mean like what is happening now?

>In a few years I can see it happening to exact sciences too
physics and mathfags are way too autistic too allow SJW infiltration

There's absolutely nothing more sweet than entering an open relationship and cucking out the other guy

Those people should just be killed. Unworthy of existence.

>hire some woke qt to ask the autistic beta nerds to be more "inclusive"
there, as easy as that.

this is how I imagine all leftists.

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That won't stop universities from trying their hardest to fill these classes with women. Then it's fucked. It's what happened to psych.

Humans should do like birds and just be monogamous for a season at a time

Why is this world so fucked up?

They've really been trying to push cuckolding the past few years

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The West speaking Mandarin in 20 years is probably the best-case scenario. It's what we deserve for willingly giving power to Jews and women.

I love how these people believe their being non conformist when they're being told overtly or subliminally to do this shit 24/7

I'd be down for having a side bitch lol. But polyamory usually just means being cucked by Tyrone and that's a no-go for me!

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Actually the sweetest feeling is making everyone feel like shit after you got what you wanted and moving on to the next one kek

It's not, it's just a tiny majority who used to be locked away in asylums for the insane. But nowadays use social media to force their degeneracy upon the majority. I literally haven't met a single person who thought cuckolding was a sane thing or that people like that are sane.

You can't fake mathematical rigor the same way you can make bullshit psych studies. The women who deserve to work in physics will succeed and the diversity hire thots will flounder, same as always

Why do jews hate us?

in the current economic system im sure there are men who can afford such up keep and in monogamy is trashed then women cant mate guard and powerful men will be able to add to their harem without issue.

Hell, the efffects of liberalising the sexual marketplace has already created such affects to a decent degree, with many men not having sex, being single, not having status or wealth. If they push this its just going to get more extreme and worse


Reminder that the source of all of this is America.
All cuckoldry, all leftist propaganda, all racemixing propaganda, down to the last anti-white post you see even in Yea Forums, it's all Americans.
America is the last obstacle left between the current state of humanity and worldwide peace.

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At this rate, we're headed back to the days of men having multiple child brides.

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That's what niggers do now

honesty these people are hopeless. imagine all the collateral damage they cause to their families and their children by indulging in this mental illness. absolutely sickening.

That was from a survey given on a US based cuckold site.

As long as they don't make tranny frankengina go mainstream.

Keanu took one whiff of the one hacked into that Jamie thing and ran for the hills.

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k well we're like 1 part tournament species, 99 parts pairbonding, but sure


Yes America is the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah and a testing ground for social degradation.

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By the look of him, fetal alcohol syndrome.

>le 57% face

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polyamory, muslims, fags, pedophilia has been a part of human history for thousands of years now.

polyamory,faggotry and pedophilia has been written about extensively in ancient greece, rome and in 6000 year old sumerian texts. Literally older than the bible.

Unis will just lower standards so that it seems women are doing a good job in those fields. What do you think is happening in engineering and computer sciences?

Human offspring don't mature in one season.

Who even comes up with all this stuff?
I don't even know what words like ''genderfluid'' ''genderqueer'' and ''cis'' mean

And those people were all retards. Coincidence? I think not.

Maladaptive then, maladaptive now.

>tiny group
It's pretty much every leftist.

Countries with polygamy has the most violent males per capita. When rich Chads take all the women and is protected by law, the virgins eventually revolt.

Just give them bonus points on their tests for being women. This is not a difficult problem to solve, my man.

If you nuked Israel and America the world would be a peaceful utopia in 10 years.

this. Nothing new, just don't fall for the meme

Why hasn't this happened in China yet

in the current economic system im sure there are men who can afford such up keep and in monogamy is trashed then women cant mate guard and powerful men will be able to add to their harem without issue.

Hell, the efffects of liberalising the sexual marketplace has already created such affects to a decent degree, with many men not having sex, being single, not having status or wealth. If they push this its just going to get more extreme and worse

Or just America.
Israel depends entirely on the US to exist.
Without the support of the US, muslims would eventually wipe them out.


As if that would work today.
>Was he/she/it better than me
>You like him/her/it mor than me
>What mine is mine
Thats just a symptome of today avaiability. Noone wants to narrow down and keep every possibility open.
Besides what is swinging? It exist since the 60s. And i believe monogamy is the key to swinging, because if you love someone that much that you wantt o be married to him, you will accept swinging is just sex and both stay together.

None, but half of them are "scientists".

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>what is Common Core
Reminder that one of its main creator outright said that he made it to fight white privilege


Fuck no, only the degenerate ones

>if I say "the left can't meme" it means you can't use it against me
the left can't meme



Same organization that called out traditional masculinity as a harmful psychological problem. This is just par for the course for them. I’ll spare you looking into who’s behind the organization. You already know it in your heart.

I remember being young and naive. "Anything between consenting adults" and all that. Then you realize most people are retards and shit like this is a cancer that will spread if not squashed. You also realize that there's a reason almost all societies throughout all of the history of civilization over the entire world are monogamous. These things have been tried before and they don't work.

leftism = degeneracy

Most American pic i've seen in a while.

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>leftist memes
holy shit lmao

>words words words

This shit is literally to cause outrage and make them money through ad space. Stop doing their job for them you vile cunt.

>And don't say "jews"
Imagine being responsible for so much shit in the world that the sheer volume of crimes committed becomes so ridiculous and unbelievable, that it's actually leveraged to maintain plausible deniability.

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why are the names blotted out

cringe faggy syntax

Because the population census in China is horseshit. You are penalized for having a baby girl and so the parents often don't admit to them. Not every Chinese drowns them in river like kittens.

common core has zero impact on the quality of output of an academic field

>writing a book to explain the joke
low IQ

Just end their suffering already

He is right though. You shouldn't have to educate your therapist about mental illnesses.

>when the dilation is so deep that you can't even reach your Bernie shaped dildo

Why are they walking like that? It seems awkward and retarded

Based. Clown world spammers are going to be as cringey as kekistanis in a few years, but I'm sure they'll have moved on to a new meme which will age equally poorly by then.

That 1% seems to cause so many problems though, it makes me wonder if it's really only 1%.

He looks like the guy that has that pickup game

>the daily signal
The task force is not promotion open marriages tho. Y'all just super triggered snowflakes.

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Except APA doesn't say "monogamy is bigotry" anywhere. The mutt who wrote the article can't read or is lying deliberately as is common in American culture.

In all honesty, the authorities should find who these people are and immediately take that child from them the second it's born, and have them all die by firing squad.

Go away, American.

do these people have no self awareness?

Non-viral vaginal discharge and also ejaculation cockjuice.
The acceptable way to say "faggot" nowadays. Come on, it's current year +4 you fucking incels!
The term trannies use to describe normal people, attempting to sound smart (despite the fact it's a wrongfully used Latin prefix, but if a mental retard can't even get the basic concept of gender right, how can you expect them to understand linguistics?)

Even if it is so, he represents the average normie NPC that takes ((("""scientific"""))) findings at face value

>chapocels have finally arrived
Took you long enough, did someone post some new cuck porn in the discord?

>the way we learn and apply mathematics has no impact on academic research

user, come on.

The daily signal is financed by the heritage foundation. It's a conservative foundation actually promoting values and aiming to change policies. OP was being played and people ITT fell for it too.

And I say this as someone thinking polyamorous stuff is pretty disgusting.

The goal of the task force is to generate research, create resources and advocate for the inclusion of consensual non-monogamous relationships in the following four areas:

Basic and applied research
Education and training
Psychological practice
Public interest
>advocate for the inclusion of consensual non-monogamous relationships... in public interest

Fucking hell the text in this picture is hot as fuck. I can't imagine this isn't just some fetish ERP

Women only think they know what they want.

>>advocate for the inclusion of consensual non-monogamous relationships... in public interest
Please explain to me what you think this means. C

>leftshit denies their entire mission
So this is how lysenkoism used to work.

If you study math or physics you will relearn all that shit multiple times before you ever publish anything

Something tells me APA is just a bunch of Jews.

how is it "cringe" chapo tranny

Shut the fuck up American incel, you're not laying your hands on anyone's girl

You are the one arguing against science based religious values.

>I can't imagine this isn't just some fetish ERP
we can only hope

>polyamory go fully mainstream

Just fuck off. The only people doing this are a minority of Mormons for whom only the first marriage receives legal recognition.

They say cuckold couples are marginalized, it doesn't say the word bigotry, but it's literally saying you are a bigot for not accepting them.

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So you mean to say I'll get even MORE pussy once this polyamorous shit gets common?

Damn I love polygamous mariages now.

I became so angry I became calm and stayed calm for months.
Now I am beyond angry.
Let me guess, these psychologists avoid pork?

why, are you retarded? no, just dishonest methinks

>please explain your positions further
Yeah, triggered boomer.

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wow James McAvoy's really let himself go

China purges its citizen every few centuries. Wait a bit, it'll happen. If I was religious, I'd bet there's a slumbering blood god in that place.

Not hard to imagine at all.

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Fun fact, many commies, at least the wokest ones, actually think monogamy is the way to go. They know working class people barely have free time to spend with one special person, let alone fucking twelve. Only rich neoliberal bugmen with way too much free time actually enjoy this shit
We spend a third of our lives sleeping, we spend some number slightly less than a third working or at school, and the rest gets divided between friends, family, romantic partner, and alone time. Thats barely any quality time with one romantic partner, now imagine dividing that into a bunch of even smaller parts. You aren't going to REALLY get to know someone in any kind of meaningful or fulfilling way when theres 10 of them to know. Ask anyone who was ever featured in a stupid buzzfeed article about polyamory and they'll probably tell you they are no longer with any of the people they were with at the time of writing. It's not meant to last.

Is there a dump for these? I'd like to have 'em.

That is probably their adopted kid

>the west
we might be sinking together but america will drown alone

i mean i quoted directly from the site that is being discussed itt after you attempted to lie about it. you posted something about boomers (?) in response. if you had something of substance to say, you would have said it by now i think.

If it's true, I want to actually kill them.
All people involved.

>old school Turtles

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>it's just the libruls, they get the bullet too btw xD, REAL leftists aren't like that!!!111!

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Don't talk to me about substance when you refuse to clarify your position.

Christian morals? Didn't the Christ get the idea of what you call traditional marriage from the Romans and Greeks?


Don't forget that the ancient Romans and Greeks were also okay with homosexual men and women as well as Eunuchs.

Anyway, the ancient Hebrews practiced polygamy, I think it was for economic reasons since the ancient Hebrews were a patriarchal society and men had the most power or rights, whatever. But skimming through some articles, even in ancient Israel and among the ancient Hebrews, polygamy was looked upon with disfavor.




what position do you keep harping on dude, you lied when you spoke about the task force's goals. i pointed you to the part of their mission statement that proves you wrong. there are no positions here. just you being a liar

cuckoldry is a right-wing fetish you retard.

The entire fetish has racist roots where it's focused on a Dirty disgusting black guy fucking a pure high value white woman.

Left wing people that consider black people and white people to be of equal worth won't get anything out of this fetish.

The fetish only works if you consider black people to be inferior. As it's a taboo based fetish.

Feminists fantasize about rape
Incels fantasize about having perfect waifus
Right wingers fantasize about their "perfect white wives" being blacked.

Why do you think blacked is aimed at /pol/? left wing people don't feel any taboo and don't care about the race of the dude.

Its over for the beta male
He is absolutely destroyed within decades
In a few years the chads will be married to dozens of prime women and cunnies possibly leaving NOTHING for the beta male.
Incels blasted to smitherenes.
Gene pool improvement.

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Im not sure what point youre making

Why do incels always get this mad when the topic of relationships is mentioned?
Why would one get mad over a topic that doesn't concern you in the slightest and never will?

>nonjudgemental posture to non monogamous relationships
fuck the media

Sure. Just keep in mind (and by his own admission) it's how the poor dumb bastard imagines them. In his position there's not much of a choice.

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Oh 100 pershnent fer shuure dude

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The left is constantly racist you retard.
Just in a different way.
"Of course big black nigger, please fuck my wife" isn't a right wing position, a right wing position would be loading your homemade gun and shooting that mongrel in the head multiple times if he even dared to think about your wife.

ancient polygamy is often tied with tribal warfare, where considerable number of young males ended up dying before being able to have families, either from accidents in youth or just straight in warfare.
as result the extra women had to be still married somehow.
there is evolutionary reason why its closer to 51:49 m:f ratio than 1:1

however when there were no wars, and enough many men lived to have families, too many women ending in polygamy and not equally distributed then caused social issues - angry young men want their share even if the rich nobles/merchants have better chances affording 2-5 wives

Everyone with a mixed kid is a leftoid

>YEARS AGO: muh slippery slope muh slippery slope it'll never happen bigot
>TODAY: yeah pedos and polygamists and degeneracy is normal don't be a bigot

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and the golden medal for mental gymnastics goes to poster number 118439479

White leftists don't see blacks as equals, that's why they have to always try to speak for them and will dumb down their speech when talking to them.

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Pornhub statistics show the vast majority of cuckold porn is watched by red states. BLACKED has admitted that the vast majority of their customers are blue collar right leaning people and that is who they advertise towards.

I bet there are a lot of self-hating cucks in this very thread that are actually right wing and racist but find BLACKED hot and are confused as fuck. Now you know that that porn is actually AIMED and MADE for your consumption.

Stop lying, commies tried to dismantle the nuclear family in eastern Europe, especially in the times of Normalization. Child with the ties to family is a child without ties to the state. If you'd want to work closer to state apparatus in EE they WOULD transfer you to a branch in the other side of country away from your family.
Family is the most hierarchal mini-system, and thus in opposition to the communes.

They aren't yet at pedophilia, they tried to accelerate it's acceptance before (((Epstein))) was caught

I can contribute.

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Post the stats, you pretty much never see a right leaning person with a mixed kid, they are always far left.

Their is boiling, nice find.

I'm not American, Jew.

this is because conservatives aren't smart enough to use big words.

working-class are not commies. they are and always have been conservatives, throughout all of world history. that's why e.g. all those revolutions in europe? remember those? remember how they all seemed to be going really well, UNTIL they reached universal emancipation, at which point the WORKING CLASS voted in conservative governments? this is how it has always been, and how it will always be. the working class appreciate work. communists are people who don't. you could get the "working class" to go communist by removing their ability to work, but at that point they're not really the working class any more
ps. guess what the welfare state does?

True. I remember a pretty legit article floating around here some years ago about the Hungarian Commie republic around 1919 and the later extremely influential commie theorist Lukacs role in it's cultural reforms. They were the first ones to have sex education in the schools. Haven't been able to find the article again.

>Left wing people that consider black people and white people to be of equal worth
>muh quotas
>muh SAT scores


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Image believing they make more money giving it away for free.

polyamory will never go mainstream as long as women hold all the cards in the sexual market.

Maybe mainstream conservatives are retarded, just like mainstream leftists, but the hardcore types are usually well read.

Rustling many jimmies with this image, based

why wouldnt he even shave before?
it's like they're taking the worst possible pics, asking to be mocked

>They aren't yet at pedophilia
Ha! Look up "drag kids dancing at gay bars." Look up "Desmond is truly amazing -- and hot!" Look up "salon meet pedophiles who mean well." Look up "salon I'm a pedophile but not a monster." Look up "drag queen story time convicted sex offender" (bonus: there was more than one).
Liberals only pretended to care about Epstein as a way to get at Trump. They lost interest within days when it was revealed the Clintons were involved. Face it: you're a bigot if you're against pedophilia, love is love, honk honk.

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>This article is low-key suggesting conservative white people have the same low IQ as black people.
Yep basically.

Whenever I see shit like this my mind immediately goes to that theroux cuck documentary and how miserable everyone in it is

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It will as long as media and culture continues to create cuckbois who "don't mind if my girl fucks other guys, who cares? It's her body"

>that filename

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as someone from eastern europe, i'd like to say that commies did not try that in my country at all. if you have a specific country and case in mind, i'd like to read about it

that said, the commies from back then are quite different from the american commies now. yes, they did preach a lot of loyalty to the party, to communism, to the soviet union, etc, but they also had propaganda about a strong family, patriotism, etc. also they kept minorities in line and confined to their ghettoes, were harsh on crime, had work prison gangs, were discriminatory to fags, had dress codes for women, etc.

i'm not saying it was all roses under communism, but they definitely weren't like current american self destructive, self hating, anti-white commies.

>usually well read.

Don't you mean well red? Eh Tovarish?

Yeah, you can't meme.

Is this the same group who declassified trannies as being mentally ill and said video games are?

Not really no, you probably just struggled to read it.

>>This article is low-key suggesting conservative white people have the same low IQ as black people.
actually, conservatives have higher IQs than liberals, at least verbally

You're all the same, faggot.

when you go to /pol/ it's just word salads of schizophrenics.

>you're a bigot if you're against pedophilia

The association between pedophilia and conservative politics being what it is ie absolute you'd be better served by a more circumspect approach, jefe.

I think I can safely say you don't know a thing about communism as it exists in America.


Why the hell are you faggots pretending like you are against pedophilia.

loli is basically the cornerstone of the right wing.

>pretending you're not exactly the same, even though you support all the same things
Do you "people" ever stop lying?

yeah maybe not. i'm open to learning more about it, if you care to explain what you mean.

Do people forget conservatives are made up of rich and poor people?
You know people that are genetically gifted, and the other group that has to work hard for their money. I doubt either group has a poor vocabulary.

Actually, I like this. If this means woman can legally have 5 husbands and get a gangbang every night, or I can marry 5 women and have my own harem, more power to this.

Have sex

These getting the most (You)s basically show that the left is better at memeing in 2019.

Which is why democrats will win in 2020. The right has become stale and filled with literal boomers and crazy people. Meanwhile the left manage to troll the fuck out of them and this will be used in the 2020 election to elect the most insane tranny out there just to troll the fuck out of /pol/ and the right wing.

>all these discord-shills that invaded the thread and are trying to fit in

Attached: heli (2).jpg (700x396, 223K)

lmao delusional cuckold

>leftist projection
Commies are the dumbest "people" on the planet.

Attached: sadge.png (518x934, 121K)

>or I can marry 5 women and have my own harem
try getting one girl first

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>t. 80 IQ commie from leftypol

Attached: sadge (2).png (856x1015, 136K)

It's about the legal ability to do so. It should be legal.

I'm not a conservative. Neither was Bill Clinton when he fucked all those little kids. Neither is Biden when he sniffs and gropes all those kids. Fuck man, I'm not even an American, so your little jab at me in an attempt to avoid reality makes even less sense.
I'm just the last normal man on this planet laughing in its face as it burns. Whether you join me in my laugh or not won't change a thing.

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>us commies aren't anti-white
Sure, you aren't, you rabid dog.

here's one more (you). you're totally the best memelords around

HH brother

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nice one user. very meta.

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holy shit user you're just like the Joker!

can i fuck your wife? oh wait your a disgusting tranny with nothing to offer in even a normal relationship

>tfw slept with a hotwife and got hpv i.e. genital warts
She did give me a rimjob though

well yeah lefties make for great bait since it's so blatant and horrible

I don't understand why people here hate cucks.

It literally gives you the ability to fuck their wives and thus increase your chance of finally having sex. Why the hell would you be against this it's literally in your best self-interest to support this.

Same with gay people and trannies. The more men are gay and trannies the less competition for you to fuck women.

these posts got the second most amount of yous so really this means cucks are the second best at memeing after leftists

>how much sòy do you need
>all of it

I have two, being the chad I am. When was the last tine you had sex?

Actually cucking girls is pretty nice. Seeing one of my girls get jealous while I fuck the other harder gets her wet.


just don't like weird freaks, that's all. i mean, when i see a bum drunk at 10 am and vomiting on the sidewalk it technically means there's one less person competing with me on the job market but it's still a repulsive sight you know?

baiting is a facet of memeing not end all be all

And you're an enlightened intellectual who would never discriminate against child molesters unless they wore a red hat or something.

kikes, heebs, yids, hebrews, jackie chan

What if I told you that the only reason monogamous relationships exist is because of religion and has no basis in human biology?

does any of these dudes in this picture fuck their wife lol

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What I've never understood is why any man would *want* to be in a relationship with multiple women. Dealing with one nagging woman is enough, imagine having several.

Yep, go back before christianity and monogamy was almost unheard of. It's unnatural and we'll eventually return to polygamy like we're evolved to do.

Hell even in normal "monogamous" relationships you still feel the urge to cheat on your partner and so does your girlfriend. Cheating is just normal.

eh, how would you prove that? would you go back to some period in human history where there was no religion? what are the biological indicators of an animal being more likely to form pairbonds than not?

>religion has no basis in biology
okay materialist

So you're a normie

they're both dudes

well ofcourse that's how you get a functioning society you're advocating for beastdom now

you asked, i answered. i don't know what kind of answer you were expecting. did you want me to praise you for your amazing insight?

Do you believe the world was made in 144 hours? Serious question

>It's more tolerant to make your spouse insecure
>Trust me, men, you're the one who's gonna get all the extra sex, just look at this leading image

weren't the greeks and romans monogamous?

Open relationships end up monogamous anyway, you just have a third party paying the bills.

I just find it weird that normies are posting on Yea Forums, which is a counterculture site. Or at least was one. Feels odd how much things have changed

>it's natural, and that's very important
Is there a bigger brainlet argument? Something's not necessarily better by being natural.

Nice try faggot

Attached: fuck off.png (452x171, 6K)

no, 6 days

Monogamy wasn't the norm in most greek city states. In most roman cities the Romans conquered. Monogamy was literally a Jewish invention and christianity brought that tradition to the west properly.

Islam then spread it into the middle east and north africa.

Native Americans, sub saharran africans and non-conquered people like Japanese, Thai etc all are non-monogamous.

This heavily implies monogamy isn't biological within humans.

rape is natural and women cum from it

>you just have a third party paying the bills.
yeah, the leftist bf or husband.

all societes are based on monogamy except for the affluent classes. you can't get males to do shit jobs if they don't have a trade off like a wive and kids unless you're talking slavery ofcourse

kinda. depended on the period, and romans were known to have wives, and then their girlfriends and/or boyfriends

greeks were homoshits most of the time

The real threat to children isn't the deranged convicted sex offender drag queens who are hyper interested in children and will fuck them the moment a normal adult is out of sight, but the moms who protest their kiddies being diddled, and pastors trying to save them from being raped. Honk honk.

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>non-conquered people like Japanese, Thai
read a book nigger

>American Psychological Association promoting cuckoldry
>you're a normie for not liking cuckoldry, I'm rebelling against the powers that be when my wife fucks black guys in front of me
kill yourself leftist.

Attached: mandatory_cuck.jpg (712x759, 45K)

so you're a normie if you don't like trannies and cucks is this what you're trying to say? and liking trannies and cucks is counterculture and rebellious? good luck with that line of thinking i guess. i'm sure you'll win over people with it


>right wing means racist
burgers should be exempt from politicam discussion


Nope. It was customary to fuck little boys in their ass (One roman emperor was even made fun of because he didn't fuck little boys which was used as propaganda AGAINST him).

In Rome it was also higher status to be a fertile woman. So most rich men would actually only marry women that already had 1 child and thus proven they were fertile. Women that never had children before were seen as inferior.

Rich generals and politicians that were away from home also ordered soldiers to impregnate their wives to ensure she was still fertile.

In Sparta (the city-state from the movie 300). Children were adopted by a mentor at age 5 after which the mentor would fuck the boy in his ass every night until the boy reached puberty. Once he reached puberty the boy would fuck and impregnate his mentor's wive because they thought that young boys gave the strongest children.

6 days is 144 hours, dumbass. Now you are telling me you can't count. But hey, at least I know you are Creationist now.

>Monogamy wasn't the norm in most greek city states. In most roman cities the Romans conquered
>Islam then spread it into the middle east and north africa.
isn't polygamy a part of islam?
>Native Americans, sub saharran africans and non-conquered people like Japanese, Thai etc all are non-monogamous.
sauce on native americans, japanese and thais?

>Native Americans, sub saharran africans, Japanese, Thai etc all are non-monogamous.

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This ain't real right?
Please America confirm that this is fake.

>user pretends LGBT isn't mainstream

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Because most people here would be the one watching their gf getting broke off by someone else. Unless youre describing swinging which is cuckoldry.

I am just going for bigamy. No interest in cuckoldry.

>he thinks it's solar days

Fucking alt-right trying to stop beautiful cuckolding

***********is not cuckoldry

>Native Americans, sub saharran africans and non-conquered people like Japanese, Thai etc all are non-monogamous.

Attached: wrong.gif (480x287, 667K)


>roman emporor reflects the common man

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>cheating is polygamy
user the concept of cheating exists only in monogamous society

Report to think camp citizen.

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i'd like sources on these
not kidding, i admit i don't know much about. specifically i'm interested in
>So most rich men would actually only marry women that already had 1 child and thus proven they were fertile. Women that never had children before were seen as inferior.
>Rich generals and politicians that were away from home also ordered soldiers to impregnate their wives to ensure she was still fertile.
>Children were adopted by a mentor at age 5 after which the mentor would fuck the boy in his ass every night until the boy reached puberty. Once he reached puberty the boy would fuck and impregnate his mentor's wive because they thought that young boys gave the strongest children

>men suggest cuckoldry to his wife
>she's ecstatic about it, thinking about all the BBC out there
>no no, he meant her becoming a cuck queen as he finds a 20-something chick
>rumor says wife's REEEEEEing can still be heard to this day

So sidereal days then? Still roughly 24 hours

>blacks and whites
>In a scientific paper peer-reviewed of quality of any kind.
For anyone who has ever written a thing in there life and had to submit to a journal this should tell you enough that this thing isn't peer-reviewed in the slightest.

Wow how coincidental!

>libruls and commies r the same xD
Literal retard. I dont know about tumblr commies, but every IRL commie I know owns mad guns, practices monogamy, and does skilled trade work

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>cuckolding: the intellectual's fetish
Haha nice try.

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please tell me it isn't real

Cheating itself is not polygamy. But the view that cheating is natural, should be accepted and part of society IS polygamy which is the case in Japan.

70% of women in Japan cheat on their boyfriends/husbands regularly as discussed in the video. It's seen as normal and part of their culture.

>in there

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>Liberals only pretended to care about Epstein as a way to get at Trump.
Fucking YEP. I remember when the story first hit the mainstream media, and they were introducing Epstein as "Trump's friend" and "Trump's party buddy." Meanwhile, not a peep about Clinton and the 26 trips he took with Epstein to Pedo Island (zero for Trump). FUNNY THAT.

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>yous as an indicator for quality
Literally an appeal to popularity. Fuck yourself and die

it's only seen as normal because nips are too beta to kill for it

Everything in this post reeks of sophistry and revisionism in an attempt to normalize degeneracy and reprobates, also known as fags. Fuck off with this speculation.

Prove to me that Polyamory isn't a big meme that people just use as an excuse to sleep around

Attached: brainy.png (1726x586, 676K)

There's nothing wrong with a man having multiple women.
It takes immense amount of effort and/or money for a man to turn himself into a stallion. All women have to do to get cock is to simply just not be too fat.

Attached: IstillEndUpDissapointed.jpg (510x511, 66K)

Start your own country

Adultery should be punished with prison sentences and paternity testing should be mandatory at birth.

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>For anyone who has ever written a thing in there life and had to submit to a journal this should tell you enough
>in there life
That's some terrible English.

Surely there's some sort of infographic that shows polyamorous relationships are resounding failures?

who here got they life planned?
>wageslave and save like mad till im ~30
>move to a cheap little place in Japan
>establish on online true crime magazine
>continue to do so until ive made a somewhat decent amount of money
>move back to Europe and retire in the south of Spain aged around 50
>smoke weed all day till i die

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They like to omit the times Clinton flew to his island or how Epstein helped found the Clinton foundation. They have to make reaches to say Trump was at a party in 92 with Epstein and did nothing.

>recently got a degree in psychology
>see this
Gotta burn it right now.

Attached: already.png (572x662, 122K)

>I just find it weird that normies are posting on Yea Forums, which is a counterculture site.
Yea Forums has always hated freaks and pedos. You sound like your only knowledge of Yea Forums comes from some buzzfeed article. Get off our website, faggot.

Never ever ever ever let jews into your country

Once women realize that the polygamous relationships will basically be Weatlhy Man + Young Girls this ends.

Normal men won't live sharing a woman, but the opposite can and already happens - women share Chad, or a very wealthy sugar daddy

Make this true, the despair in old cat ladies faces would be priceless


>A group of lefty perverted scientist says traditional relationships are dead
>It must be true
>Breakdown of families throughout Western Society has commenced
>Kids raised with loose morals and loose ethics
>Kids raised sexually confused
>Genders will be abolished
What is happening here is Brave New World is playing out right before us. Get ready anons. The next few years will be very interesting.

>cheating good!
>consensual love with minors bad!
I don't get it?

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same but with brazil and aliens instead.

While ignoring that Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago for sexual assault and called him a creep fucking decades ago, because you can't let silly facts get in the way of ORANGE MAN BAD.

Because unlike the dopes they convince into it, women actually understanding what cuckoldry is really about and do NOT want to experience it for themselves.

Attached: doggo-face.jpg (397x397, 17K)

>Yea Forums has always hated freaks and pedos
>our website

You don't even know what the fuck that means, newfriend.

>(the city-state from the movie 300)

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>perverts get money to do nothing
seems standard for most studies these days

Neither do you


>Get off our website
nobody who's been here longer than 2 years talks like this

Will never happen, because thats literally all it is. Thankfully I've already been noticing some liberal-types actually coming to their senses and realizing it's just a stupid fad. Hopefully it'll die soon

I'm a wealthy but older dude. Women almost never fuck for money. They almost always go for the young, hot buff dudes no matter his income.

Women are exactly the same as men in this regard. Would you fuck an old ugly woman for money? Most likely not.

I'm having a hard time finding quality girls to spend time with me even on sugar daddy services. They are all lower quality than what the buff unemployed 20-something chad pulls.


Attached: open_relationship.jpg (1225x606, 297K)

Wow, you sure got me by admitting you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I'm talking with /pol/fags so I have to assume they know absolutely 0 things about history.

You're just not wealthy enough.

Why are you talking to yourself?

This is always the case in an open relationship. Woman wants to cheat without guilt thinking the man won't get any. As soon as she realizes he is suddenly it's a terrible idea.

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Get off thr internet for a whilr and answer that again.

in brave new world, society is stable and continued to procreate, in its own stunted way
in reality, it won't. we'll stop breeding and destroy our planet beyond repair and go extinct. don't know what will happen first

>humans are naturally serially monogamous
Do you know why penis shaped like that?

you're still here? why didn't you give me sources when i asked you to?

Why would she open it up when she's 45? No one really wants to sleep with an old lady unless they are paid to.

Why should he?

So /pol/ is like web version of social studies?

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>Mormon ancestors practice polygamy years ago
>entire generations get scorned and lambasted by the whole world
>millions of honest, blue collared men and women become a laughingstock
>Utah statehood threatened
>finally concede
>no more polygamy
>years later
>this happens
I mean I'm not angry, I'd just like an apology.

Attached: 1563688942641.jpg (290x313, 17K)

>As soon as she realizes he is suddenly it's a terrible idea.
I wonder what the actual reason is behind that to be such a universal turn of events.

Neither do you.

it's just good etiquette. why did you rush in to whiteknight for him so quickly?

Because they all require you to find context so if you are really interested you can look it up yourself. The only thing me going out of my way to find links to post here is you moving the goalpost anyway so I'm not even going to bother.

>every IRL commie I know owns mad guns, practices monogamy, and does skilled trade work
weird they're all unemployed sociology majors here

like i said, i'm not familiar with this and i wasn't arguing with you, i was asking for more info. there are no goalposts to move. why are you getting so defensive?

because like user above said women actually get it. they don't want to be on the receiving emotional end of a cuckold relationship. when you're the one getting cucked it makes you inferior.

You're right that you don't know what you're talking about because you're a complete newfag so hey I guess you win.

People hated mormonism because they acted like a cult and isolated members from their relatives and friends in the early days. The polygamy was just a side-effect of it being a cult just like scientology nowadays.

It's bad etiquette to demand sources and hound someone when they refuse in a casual conversation. This is Yea Forums, not a term paper or wikipedia or reddit. Quit being a dick and taking shit so seriously in an attempt to win a dumb fight (and I have no clue what you faggots are fighting over, but you acting like a bigger faggot about "sources" makes you the loser from my perspective).

Bill Clinton is a revolting pervert but he's not the president

>us commies are totally not pathethic, effeminate basedboys
>supports open borders, censorship, socialism, which is just wealth transfer from white men to browns and women
>likes to grovel before women and do whatever they say
>don't give a shit about truth, rabidly anti-racist
You're not masculine, and you're not cool. You're the most pathetic "men" that have ever lived.

Imagine having the same platform as MSM, Silicon Valley and Top 100 Fortunes and thinking that you are any kind of counter-culture. Go throw another $25 Starbuck™ milkshake, comrade.

>say retarded leftist cuckold shit
>anons ask for source
All that onions has given you braindamage.

what a pointless post, you shouldn't have even bothered butting in.

>make outrageous claim
>pretend it's rude when someone asks you to back up your retarded comment

history could easily be sourced if you're making those claims it shouldn't be hard to find (i'm nether of the anons) by the way wasn't he asking out of interest

Jesus, when did this sub get so racist and retarded?

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>Polybius wrote that it was common at his time, and a time-honoured practice.[23] Along with plural marriage, older men seem to have allowed younger, more fit men, to impregnate their wives. Other unmarried or childless men might even request another man’s wife to bear his children if she had previously been a strong child bearer.[24]


Here is source for one. Please look the other ones up yourself now that I've proven they are real since I'm not going to do all the work for you. I'm not being defensive. Just sick of spending tens of minutes looking for links only for people to easily dismiss them with some goalposting.

Bro have you seriously never spent an afternoon watching rekt webms from chinkland?

btw this is Yea Forums no one gives a flying fuck about "etiquette" here, which just illustrates how foreign you chapo cucks really are to this site.

And? Bill Cosby was never our president and they still covered that shit to death. Bill Clinton (and the Clinton Foundation, which is still a politically active thing) has deep ties to this dude, yet they go after Trump for meeting him once (while ignoring the fact Trump banned him over sexual assault and called him a creep ages ago).

How common was it?

Here are the people behind the task force.
Heath Schechinger, unconfirmed if Jew or not. Highly likely.l

Attached: 31180021_724219804633858_562269580960631209_n.jpg (960x960, 123K)

Amy Moors, highly likely to be Jewish.

Attached: DyxUXhhVYAAPO3W.jpg large.jpg (1123x1257, 177K)

>user 1: says something, no evidence cited
>user 2: says something contrary, no evidence cited
But user 1 didn't. It's fucking Yea Forums. Get over it.

People doped up, fucking all over the place. Every desire is put in place to keep them in a trance-like like state. Yeah, society is stable if you call that stable. We are fucked. Stock up and arm up. We are going down but im not going down without a fight.

Why do women act like their birds with a completely different mating system?

>The variation in mating success is quite large in lek mating systems with 70-80 percent of matings being attributed to only 10%-20% of the males present.


Attached: 1544762653441.png (503x644, 23K)

It was the norm and "time-honored" meaning it was considered to be the best system and people were ridiculed for being monogamous.

>he says after a fucking Pride MONTH
Yea Forums is still counter-culture, you just don't like what that mean, dear Guardian reader.

If leftist women and outlets like huffingtonpost, WP and NYT start demanding it and calling you a misogyninist if you decline, lots of leftist men are going to along with it.

He posted a source anyway
/pol/ BTFO

is /= ought
Or do you really believe that scooping out another man's sperm is how the world should work

>Along with plural marriage, older men seem to have allowed younger, more fit men, to impregnate their wives. Other unmarried or childless men might even request another man’s wife to bear his children if she had previously been a strong child bearer.[24] Even less evidence exists for the suggestion by the first-century AD Jewish scholar Philo that maternal half-siblings were permitted to marry in Sparta.[25]
>even less evidence
Look at the leftist worm and his desperate lies

wow chapo fags going all out

well, sorry if this is moving the goalposts but this is just one source that's directly contradicted in the same sentence. the whole sentence is
> Herodotus says that the bigamy of Anaxandridas II was un-Spartan,[22] but Polybius wrote that it was common at his time, and a time-honoured practice
the other quotes on this topic are all stemming from the same 2002 book.
really, i feel that if it was as widespread as you say, it'd be more common knowledge and there'd be more sources. but whatever, i won't keep hounding you on it, since you'll just interpret it as me moving the goalposts.
you humored me and gave me a source, so thanks.

The next step will be "well that's a bad source" and then the user will nitpick shit, all the while never providing sources even though he claimed earlier that providing sources was somehow required for people to post on 4channel dot org.

> Spartan women normally married at around the age of 18 to Spartan men closely related in age.
> Herodotus says that the bigamy of Anaxandridas II was un-Spartan.

>ancient sparta
this is just proves those authortharians where cucks kek doesn't surprise as you can see how feminist their society was

look, i honestly asked a question about it and i wasn't looking to get engaged in some huge fight. sorry i brought it up, didn't realize it's such a hot topic.

Yep 2 posters already did so literally above you. This is why no one even bothers.

>acts like a complete fag
>"why are people calling me a fag geeze louise guys be nice pwease"

>Get called out on cherrypicking passages.
Rightly so.

>you can't just debate and analyze sources

Attached: soyboy-gif-6.gif (307x343, 22K)

I don't really mind this. Only leftist whites will do this, and it'll further decrease their birthrate. Cause them suffering too, which is a nice bonus.

Herodotus was known as the "Father of History." Polybius was lesser known.

So, is this push to make cuckoldry mainstream just an attempt by women to give them an excuse to be a cheating whore and not feel bad about it? Sort of like how "fat acceptance" is an attempt by fatties to feel better about their obesity and poor health?

Pretty much, and it's why I call out faggots who cry about "sources" whenever I see it happen, because it's a weak non-argument attack. If you want to disagree with other people on the internet, go for it, but if you act like a faggot whining about sources because you can't actually address what is being said for you, you better be prepared to get ridiculed for that.

honestly the fact that you're seething so much just for being questioned shows you know you're standing on flimsy ground.
>okay i'll post source but you're not allowed to question it
very smart posters you are

>why won't they blindly accept these pro cuck academics my leftist ass is on fire
Go back to r/chapo and leftypol clearly Yea Forums is causing you great mental distress

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Good point.

>call someone out for acting like a faggot when they cried about being picked on
>"y-you're seething"

get a load of these two sucking each other off after being revealed to be frauds

You can disagree with someone without gargling ten cocks in your mouth, you AIDS-ridden faggot.

well you are. the poster you're orbiting and whiteknighting for got destroyed so all you have is impotent rage now

In reality cuckolding is a right wing fetish.


/pol/ loves mommy porn and also cuckold porn.

Did he get destroyed? You never cited any sources. By your definition of "the rules for master debate on 4channel," that makes you the loser.

Have u been to the other boards latly. For gods sake there /lgbt/

You got damn lefties will just invent anything to fit your Cultural Marxist bullshit.

Try ESL.

yeah, i'd say he did. he claimed a bunch of weird stuff was widespread and when questioned on it he floundered completely. sorry :(

>/pol/ only resides in red states in america

>“Porn is anything but a public health crisis,” said xHamster spokesperson Alex Hawkins in a press release. “We wanted to release this data to show the hypocrisy of the Republican Party when they are obviously viewing plenty of material on xHamster.”
>xHamster hasn’t released actual viewership numbers
xHamster said that because they had an agenda against the guy saying porn was a public health problem.

>Implying right wingers even watch porn.
You realize red states have lefties too, right?

People who cry "CITE SOURCES" never cite their own sources because of course their word is the gospel truth. I loved when cried sad boy tears that he won't "blindly accept" what "pro cuck academics" say but we're supposed to just blindly accept what he says because he's an anonymous shitposter on 4channel, very respectable (and not accepting what academics say after whining for sources is also fucking retarded beyond belief, like if you don't trust academics, why ask for academic sources? oh, right, because you never wanted them, you just wanted to attack some other person and disagree with them without building an argument).

>physics and mathfags are way too autistic too allow SJW infiltration
what about the physicist forced to apologise for the shirt he was wearing?

Can you cite a source that backs up what you're saying?

It's in the article you linked but didn't read

No where in the article does it say that.

It’s funny because leftist rhetoric largely consists of refusing to proceed with an argument until you can source that the sky is blue.

Right in the first three paragraphs, I cited the quotes as well

And just to clarify, by "that" I mean
>xHamster said that because they had an agenda against the guy saying porn was a public health problem.
This is something completely made up, as evidenced by his lack of citations (which, as we all know, is against the rules and thus leads to a forfeiture on his part).
Good game. Easy win.