>films still portray LSD in a negative light even though it has no long term side effects unless you are already predisposed to mental illness
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A large portion of the populace has genetic tendencies towards mental health issues. It's the same reason you shouldn't smoke pot until you're an adult.
can unlessfags just off themselves?
stop spamming these threads you sadcase freak
timothy leary is rolling in his grave desu
>t. joe rogan
Why are all millennials a bunch of drug-addicted, purple haired freaks?
Ask the morons who raised them.
>t. Boomer who grew up in the most degenerate time in recent history
I'm 21, I don't have any hair dyes, I've never done drugs and I have a stable, well paying job.
Considering things are worse now than 10 years ago, I have no idea what the hell millennials are doing.
Only in America. Live in Poland and I barely see those types
>using LSD and not mushrooms
I sure hope you guys don't do this.
>I'm a good wageslave that never questions my masters and I'm proud of that
Re-evaluate your life.
How can people defend this look?
Drugs are honestly fine as long as you don't let it become a lifestyle, moderation is key. I've done quite a lot of drugs but always kept it from becoming habit and I'm doing fine. The ones that go to shit are the types that does it regularly enough for it to become a significant part of their daily life. When you make a hobby out of consuming drugs, that's when you're starting to go off track and become a mess.
People will always be ignorant who gives a fuck
>using mushrroms over 4-aco-dmt and 4-ho-met
I sure hope you guys don't do this.
>Haha look at this bootlicking faggot with his 9-5 plastic fantastic lifestyle! So, user, you wanna drop some CIA research chemicals and expand your mind with me bro?
I'm in a private security company, all I do is run security of military bases that no one but poorly armed Ahmeds are low IQ enough to attack, and they get torn to shreds if they do without me getting off my ass.
>Drugs are honestly fine
I hope you overdose and die young.
>Haha look at this bootlicking faggot with his 9-5 plastic fantastic lifestyle!
This but unironically.
This but unironically
Literal bootlicking wageslave tacticool wannabe.
Cringing irl
If you are actually in the military (which I doubt) you are only the Middle East to protect oil interests, and opium interests.
>A large portion of the populace has genetic tendencies towards mental health issues.
You mean literally anyone who actually takes the time to think about existence?
>This but unironically
This but unironically.
>Literal bootlicking wageslave tacticool wannabe.
I wouldn't call it wageslaving, it's a completely effortless job.
>Cringing irl
Sorry, I don't speak millennial.
I'm not in the military, i'm a private security contractor, i'm in the Middle East to earn a paycheck, I don't care for what as long as I get paid.
>I hope you overdose and die young.
Jokes on you, I quit drugs about 1-2 years ago. And a lot more people die from prescripted drugs than from illegally obtained ones you know.
>open your mind maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
fuck off druggie
>I don't care for what as long as I get paid.
So you're a hypocrite that effectively fueled the opioid epidemic in America. Gotcha.
Literal bootlicking wageslave pawn and proud to be exploited by the rich chuds who own you
>a lot more people die from prescripted drugs than from illegally obtained ones you know.
As long as they die for drug usage, i'm fine with it.
Downright retarded.
How am I a hypocrite?
And how has my job fueled any opioid epidemics?
Not that I really care about it, I limit myself to laugh at those who take drugs, or who rely on drugs to live.
>Literal bootlicking wageslave pawn
Hey, I am aspiring to one day get a hold of a leading position in the company, but that will take time.
>the rich chuds who own you
You could say that about everyone who has a job and isn't a self made millionaire.
But I don't think the alternative of living in your mom's basement is good enough, no matter how much you can enjoy satisfying that emo rebellious phase that millennials seem permanently stuck in.
But hey, I would never oppose if you started a revolution or some shit, that means more job opportunities for me.
>a low IQ sadist that excels in the military
Imagine my shock.
i dont get it, why do you come here from reddit? isn’t your tranny subreddit enough?
>Hey, I am aspiring to one day get a hold of a leading position in the company, but that will take time
Oooohh nooo no no no ahahaha no no no no noooo
Temporarily embarrassed millionnaire here. Literal class cuckold who gets off on his own exploitation because one day, ONE DAY, you want to get a little taste of power. Cringing.
triggered by words sweaty? this your safe space?
>4-aco-dmt and 4-ho-met
Synthetic hallucinogens are terrible. Keep it natural.
>take one toke of weed
>start seeing fairies and dragons
>satan telling you to do things
>lose your shit completely
>screaming and foaming at the mouth
>need more weed
>think your friends are hiding weed from you
>start murdering them
>jump from the tenth floor because you think you can fly
It's not sadism as much as wanting to see people pay for being stupid.
Perks of having friends in the higher places.
And I don't care about power, I don't give a shit about ideologies, or ruling, or anything like that, I just want money.
You can keep your dumb illuminati shit for yourself.
>I like to see people suffer
>It's not sadism though
I can see why you didn't have a rebuttal for the low IQ part of my statement.
I hope you get shot or blown up by suicide bombers.
Not people, people who deserve it.
You make a mistake willingly, you deserve to pay for it. If mistakes go unpunished, people become cancer.
>I can see why you didn't have a rebuttal for the low IQ part of my statement.
I'm not going to dignify your cheap personal attacks with a reply.
t. hasn't tried them
>sign up for bottom of the barrel expendable military grunt work
>not low IQ
you are fodder. see:
And I never will. Keep that unnatural shit out of here. I'm glad you can find enjoyment in them though user.
For me it's tripping on acid and edging myself to hard femdom videos for hours and hours while listening to classical music and female opera singers on headphones. The last time I did this my orgasm was so intense I almost passed out.
>unnatural shit is bad
Do you know how many natural mushrooms can kill you? I much prefer getting pure stuff from a verified source that is better than shrooms AND doesn't make you want to throw up.
>I'm not going to dignify your cheap personal attacks with a reply.
Right, because you couldn't think of a reply. That was my point.
LSD can get trapped in your spine and it can reactivate at anytime, like when you're driving
Very unlikely due to having almost no budget limitations and muslims being stupid as hell and ill equipped.
Hey, it pays well, and unlike the military this kind of job offers better prospects for the future.
I don't think there's going to be any shortage of wars in the future, and since you idiots are causing more and more unrest back at home, you are also creating more job opportunities there for private companies or other government facilities, so keep it up.
But being on it isn't nearly as wild as you might think so how would it reactivating be a problem? It's not like being very drunk.
I wish I got free trips
>But being on it isn't nearly as wild as you might think
you didn't take enough lol
You are exactly the kind of person that gets approached while on guard duty by some muslim lady that blows the fuck up, killing you. RIP.
I'm not the smartest person out there, but i'm not stupid.
I'm much more willing to kill a civilian and getting whatever slap in the hand they'll give me afterwards than risking my own life for no reason at all.
>being this retarded
Only brainlets get depressed by this
>unless you are already predisposed to mental illness
Yeah, because like who cares if some people go insane?
I mean they were already insane in the first place, they just didn't know it. Like they should have known better, why didn't these people make sure they weren't insane before they took LSD? How did they not know?
Drugs are only used by lobotomized parasites, doing them should be a death penalty
And with this user here we have a perfect example of the Dunning–Kruger effect. The dumb ones are always so sure of their ignorance .
>t. never had friends growing up
I'm sorry to here that user =[
I agree with you, the goverment needs to step in and really start hammering down on things that can hurt people. Just the other day I went grocery shopping and was FUCKING PISSED when i saw peanuts still being sold. What if someone dropped a jar of them and then they went airborne and killed the entire store? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS WEGMANS? FUCKING PEANUTS IN A FUCKING GROVERY STOREEE
>ad hominem
So THIS is the power of druggie arguing
>no long term side effects
People get flashbacks.
The difference is that once you know that you're allergic to peanuts you can take step to avoid them in life.
If you're unfortunate enough to snap on LSD, there's no undo switch.
It is the truth though user, is it not?
oh shit man, for real? We need to meme the goverment into banning LSD then. NO MORE SNAPPING WE NEED UNDO SWITCHES REEEEEEE
>believing a 50 year old meme
I've gotten flashbacks.
Brings back some painful memories, eh? Of when those "druggies" bullied you? Were they unduly cruel to you user? How weak they made you feel, how pathetic. Do you think of those times frequently, but only for a moment since you cannot bear to dwell on those painful times in your life? Does it hurt to know that they likely don't even remember you, that they are doing just fine in life? Hmmmm?
Same. One time I ate steak and can sometimes taste it in my mouth. I also broek my shoulder when i was young and can feel pain in it when its raining outside which is a flashback. In the summer I have flashbacks to winter and can feel the cold but in the summer I flashback to winter. I also flashback to sex when I jerk off.
LSD is only a good drug for stupid people, since it's the only way for them to think outside their small box
If smart people use LSD you get shit like Charles Manson, an extremely gifted individual that could probably have benefited humanity tremendously if he had embraced order and structure, instead LSD made him fall in love with the chaos of the mind and he turned to destruction.
Lmao every druggie I have ever met was a scrawny little faggot
Industrial era people got incredibly arrogant with their imperialism and half-assed cultural biology studies, which lead to all kinds of half-assed "enlightened" radical ideologies, which caused the world wars, which caused """greatest""" generation to put the world in a long term shock, one which it is still slightly recovering from. This shock caused parents do their parenting job really fucking bad. This created the boomer generation, a bunch of narcissistic "live-in-the-moment" alcoholic besserwissers. They created millenials, who were fed with their parents' megalomanical ambitions, but were also stunted by their inconsistently micromanaging presence. Socially aware but stunted, lazy parenting created the current youth generation, bunch of screeching, animalistic wild-children that see politics and social justice in everything.
So they bullied you mentally? Are you not very bright user? Are you awkward enough to easily notice.
the edge is overflowing, retarded boomers at their finest
the amount of cope is starting to give me an glorious erection
I'm 21.
Even millennials are getting old for military stuff.
Did I hit a nerve there user?
>tfw I accidently ruined two 220ug blotters in the washer last night
Honestly feels bad.
Isn't it time for you to go back to risking dying in a sandy desert for an opium war you mouthbreathing retard kek.
is this a real painting? coincidence or edited?
No, that's the job of the US military, our contract is only for security.
If want us to go on missions, they'll have to open their wallets even wider.
>not stupid
>willingly enlists to die in a desert
I'm not in the army, I didn't enlist to anything.
I used to be, but only because military experience completely opens you up to these companies.
No you don't.
Tell that to the mkultra victims
That's good user, at least when die for that opium you hate so much you'll be wearing a different logo lel
I'm not going to die, i'm sitting in front of a computer screen while the idiots who are in the military go on missions. If they do anything, considering most of that shit is left to spec ops.
Haven't fired a weapon outside a shooting range in months now.