Will it bomb?
Will it bomb?
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No dude standup is huge and totally current in 2019, deffo not dead in the water for the past 15 years
Based and Redpilled Eddie draining as much shekels from nigflix as he can.
Why does it take so much money to create jokes?
Wow. Theyre gonna pay him 70 mill for an hour of fuck drumpf and fuck da poleese.
This is why Netflix is going bankrupt...
based ill watch it
that's way too much money
they really suck hard on that zoomer nostalgia
women be shopping, WOMEN BE SHOPPING
They paid Dave Chappelle $50 million for his specials and they were quite popular according to Netflix themselves
>I made some jokes about homosexuals, and let me tell you, them faggots are mad. I can't go to San Francisco, they got 24/7 homo watch looking out for me. They see me coming in at the airport and they're all "yeth, it'th hem! it'th hem!". And they got the police and the cars going WOO WOO WOO WOO, that's not a siren it's an actual faggot sitting on the car WOO WOO WOO WOO PULL OVAH! PULL OVAH!
I hope Murphy does well.
from when is that quote
imagine getting paid 70million to speak to a crowd for a couple of hours telling jokes your team wrote for you
they spent at least that much on cattle-prod neurolinguistic programming just to get him to stop saying "muthafuckah" every two muthafuckin' words
Thing is, 30-somethings remember Chappelle and his standup (since his show was basically his standup). Eddie Murphy is known by 30-somethings for his shit movies.
1987, from a standup performance.
He had some great movies early in his career though. His later movies were pure trash
he can't remain topical at this point. It will be disappointing
I expect twitter backlash over it not being pc enough for current year.
Top kek. Sadly not all of his standup work is as funny and quite a bit of it doesn't hold up regardless of what words he uses. Still had plenty of brilliant moments though.
A guy that hasn't been funny for 30 years, what can go wrong
30 something millennials don't remember those, they remember shit like Norbit.
Popular enough for some boomer to be like "
I was going to cancel my Netflix but that funny nigger Eddie Murphy is doing a comedy routine , I guess ill wait" ?
>HALF! I’m gonna get me some butt-ass naked zebra bitch haha lol
>actually inseminates scary spice then gets sued for millions
"I fiiind it sort of disturbin, Most people these days acting like Shrek to each other, you let them racists act like Shrek ok and treat them like Donkey, unconditionally offer they asses some Waffles! And don't let they anger get the best of ya, thank ya I'm Eddie Murphy"
It will be woke and boring.
It doesn't, that money is because Murphy knows his own worth and how much people have waited him to return to stand-up.
It's about how much money Netflix thinks he'll make for them, probably in the hundreds of millions
No, but Eddie coming back to do a stand up special after like, I don't know, thirty years? That's a big fucking deal and he knows how much he's worth.
Surprised pink hairs havent dug this up and lynched based Eddie
>need money to pay for all your alimony and kids you had with white women
>get paid 70 million dollarydoos to shit on white people for 90 minutes
does he shit on white people tho ?
No, none of his comedy was about that. user doesn't know what he's talking about
Watch his Comedians in Cars episode with Seinfeld, Murphy is not very woke at all. And his humor never had anything to do with shitting on white people.
it's current year watch him brag about fucking that tranny as being processive then talk about how he still does it
I see murphy as I think zoomers see Jim Carrey, I only knew of him when he was churning out all them Norbit-tier movies so I don't think I'd like him in anything. And zoomers probably know of Carrey from his late shit movies, like that one with some penguins.
what is it with netflix and fucking standup specials?
Aren't they in debt? How are they still paying people to make shit movies and shows for them?
Eddy Murphy is redpilled
If he actually jokes about that, that'd be something. He used to get laughed for years over that story. Most likely he'll talk about his family and childhood, and Charlie.
Am I the only one who never finds standup funny? Honestly I find it mostly cringe apart from a few short Chapelle clips.
The only full standup I've watched and enjoyed was Katt William's Pimp Chronicles. And his other shit is disappointing.
I got some ice cream I got some ice cream
>Delirious/Raw in [current year]
The meltdown would be amazing, please dont dissapoint me Eddie, you have money for a few lifetimes pleasedont play it safe. If anyone hasnt seen his two stand ups I implore you do go download that shit right now.
daddy day care came out around that time and it was a decent flick
>I missed
It's entirely normal for a company to be in debt. That's how you finance things.
Yes, this is where my subscription money should go to. And please, increase the amount so you can keep Friends for another year.
Imagine being successful and talented enough that you can ask for such an ammount of money.
I'm 30-something and everyone I know has watched Delirious and Raw.
It's be fantastic if he took the money and deliberately made the laziest unfunny shit you could dream up.
Like he actually puts on a ton of weight, sits on a stool for the whole thing and does a joe rogan tier routine and brags about the money netflix paid him to make this dumb bullshit.
>hurr why is netflix going broke
I mean I like Eddie Murphy but damn, kind of past his prime no?
He shitted on Italians in either raw or delirious but no one really considers them white
Before or after he was caught fucking a man?
Inb4 trannies aren’t gay. You know they are.
Not really. He references stereotypical "whiteness" sometimes, but it's not the punchline or expense of the joke. He gives a lot more shit to other people than whites, whom he virtually never targets.
That incident was in ~97
He shits on Italians for thinking they're hot shit after watching Rocky, and the worst thing he said about whites is that they can't dance and propagated the bbc meme themselves.
I still think he will reference it in the stand up maybe not to the extent I said though but a little dig at it then move on
>70mil for some fucking stand up
Just die already Netflix
Dave has been touring for the past decade but never allowed anyone to record it hence why they paid for a special.
Has Eddie done anything recently though?
Audibly keked.
fucking nigger zoomer who never seen Raw or Delirious
>does Raw again
>sjw's die in shock
win win
Make no mistake. They're paying 70mil for Eddie, not the jokes and they're going to make all of it back in the first day.
>7 million people will resub to see this
Eddie Murphy been making movies since the 80s. How is he zoomer?
People seem to forget that for the SNL 50th anniversary, he only had a small part but was the most talked about guy
Damn, Amy Schumer sure is gonna love to hear this.
Better get those #equalpay hastags ready
Maybe this could kill netflix
He was good in Tower Heist.
I've only seen one of his 80s specials. He was mostly making fun of women and all races (like dave chappelle, not "fuck wypipo" really). Who knows what age will bring though.
I wonder if he's done paying alimony and child support to his 5 wives? That 70M doesn't stand a chance.
Eddie is still funny on talk shows and stuff like that but I don't know if has 60 mins worth of material. He hasn't been touring honing his jokes as far as I know
He is still making music.
Art Buchwald should write this one too
What's the chance he is going to cash in on the Shrek memes?
>according to Netflix themselves
>t. Millenial retard that thinks Eddie won't fall in line
This. People in here are delusional if they think Netflix is paying him $70 million for him to make "problematic" jokes for an hour.
He'll be as PC and liberal as everything else on the service. That's what he's being paid a lot of money to be.
Do you think it's getting streamed live or something? He doesn't have a choice, Netflix would just straight up refuse to put up Raw-like material in this day and age and if he didn't make something appropriate for them then the deal would be cancelled.
Hell even most right-wing media wouldn't run something like that nowadays. Nevermind ultra-PC Netflix.
thanks for reminding me to watch i got the hookup 2 OP.
Thanks for calling out this zoomer so I didn't have to:
>I don't like fags looking at my dick because I'm scared I'm going to get aids and shit
>your fat Mexican wife is a bigfoot, Gus
I'm a fucking Trumptard through and through, but if kikeflix paid me 70mil, I'd shit on orange man for an hour straight, no questions asked.
>there will never be a time like the 80s again when you can call fags fags and make fun of them for having aids and dying off like it's the plague.
prEp is a mistake
REMINDER: Comedy as you know it is dead. It is no longer about being funny, it is about telling an audience that you play for the right team, and that they all must agree with you or risk social stigmatization.
Is Mr T still going to kill him?
He was literally the biggest stand-up on earth for a while.
You base that on nothing.
Your are stupid person.
Black people are immune from sjws because they're not betas like whites.
You still can. Nobody is stopping you.
Bomb? Nah. People sometimes forget but Eddie was one of the greatest standups in the 80's. Delirious is in my top 10 greatest standup specials ever and Raw is beloved by all. The guy is still funny in interviews and most likely has over 30 years of GOAT unused material. The only difference now is you wont see as many (if any) faggot jokes. I didn't know this was happening but I'm excited. Also why would he pass on 70M when he's barely even hired for movies anymore?
Chappelle made fun of trannies, got massive shit and his standup specials after stopped being offensive
Norm's original edgy web show was taken down and his new show was all boring bullshit and ballwashing actors.
How many times are you faggots going to fall for this shit?
>an hour of sjw friendly Eddie Murphy jokes
no thanks
Chappelle's latest specials were what got him in trouble.
I think you missed out a lot of Norms Netflix show if you think that's what it was.
2 swings 2 misses bro.
Black people don't obsess over sjws like white beta males do. Don't worry.
The bit with Gus and his wife will never not make me laugh.
Fucking based. Italians are scum.
And what was considered funny thirty years ago, like faggot jokes, wouldn't be funny today anymore so there wouldn't be any sense making them today.
>considered funny thirty years ago, like faggot jokes, wouldn't be funny today anymore
Bullshit. It's all about what crowd your playing. If you're in some auditorium in SanFran, yes not funny, but if you're a club filled with comedy fans in a NY club, no. It's all about context.
Of course, just like when they paid Seinfeld for his car interviews.
Eddie Murphy probably not.
Netflix will almost certainly go bankrupt tho.
It’s either gonna be classic Eddie and get destroyed by lefties or be modern comedy garbage and mediocre as all fuck
>Of course, just like when they paid Seinfeld for his car interviews.
and i'm excited to check out the next batch. Seinfeld got some really cool fucking people this time around...and Ricky Gervais. The cool thing about the Seinfeld car show is that some of the great comedy people he got have passed and their last known thing was a nice little chat with Seinfeld.
Jerry Lewis
Garry Shandling
Louis CK
Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner (both have a foot & a half in the grave already)
>Netflix will almost certainly go bankrupt tho.
At least they're going out with a bang. Despite all the trash comedy specials they have, it was cool of them to shine a light on guys like Chappelle, Seinfeld, and Eddie again.
>It’s either gonna be classic Eddie and get destroyed by lefties or be modern comedy garbage and mediocre as all fuck
It's not like he has anything to lose. The only relevance he's had for the past decade is whenever they do a new Shrek.
>Will it bomb?
yes because millennials have to sense of humor
>does he shit on white people tho ?
no but its the only thing they will allow
Mr. Norbit is a pure kino cuz it triggers niggers and libtards for portraying the realistic behavior of niggers.
>Eddie Murphy has about faggots
>the title track was “faggots”
I’m thinking he’s canceled.
I still can't get over how he got fucked out of Mulan.
Almost every millennial grew up with Eddie.
Eddie Murphy is probably the #3 greatest living black stand up comedian #1 being Dave Chapelle and #2 being Chris Rock
>#1 being Dave Chapelle and #2 being Chris Rock
Eddie Murphy is way fucking funnier than Chris Rock. Bill Cosby, Tracy Morgan, and Paul Mooney are all funnier than Chris Rock.
Will he call gays faggots again?
And they were the worst specials of his career
Eddie's standup is based as fuck, I want to see what it would be like in 2019. His material was basically already homophobic in 83 lmao
Hes literally been caught fucking men
$70m is chump change to Netflix.
they paid a shitton to Chapelle and he was pretty problematic
Just watched Eddie on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. He obviously won’t be talking about faggots and stuff, but I think he’s still got it.
Ah cool, the party all the time guy does stand up?
Netflix are getting desperate. For 1/10th of that price, they could fund some industry guy's dream project that would make a small profit.
Not anymore. Their latest quarterly report to the shareholders was a real blunder.
Realistically how is one supposed to spend that much money
>And they were the worst specials of his career
which isn't an insult since his other specials are amazing.
2020 is the year of Eddie’s comeback. Coming 2 America comes out next year as well.
Do they really think paying someone 70 mil is going to cause a up tick in subscriptions. They will have commercials or (sponsored content) by the end of the year.
>what a bargain
>0 results
what the fuck
Will he be allowed to tell real jokes?
They are paying him $70m not to be, how new are you?
It's not really funny by itself though, just playing on stereotypes people like or support. Replace faggots with nazis/drumpf supporters and what else lefties hate in current year and now they are laughing while those guys who laughed at og quote are posting npc memes. I don't think that comedy based on circlejerking about negative things things specific target audience already likes to ciclejerk about is a good comedy.
Fucking morons.