Yea Forums would you like some sausages?

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More like daddy would you like some kino.

Just because something is universally panned doesn't mean it's secretly good.

You don't see people praising Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star around here.

I'm so glad Tom Green's career is dead. It gives me joy to know that no one cares anymore. I'm looking forward to the day I hear about his death too. I hope it is something painful like debilitating illness or a horrid accident or something pathetic like a drug overdose in a cheap hotel with cheaper hookers.

Fucking Tom Green. What a cunt.

>Make your daddie proud ok?

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yeah because he is now a alpha male (chad)

Because no one gave a shit about that movie, while FGF has been a cult movie since it came out. And it's not so much that it's secretly good, just that it predicted a lot of the type of humor that would become common on the internet/Adult Swim, as well as that a lot of jokes amazingly went over retarded critics heads (you will be amazed how many critics in 2001 legit thought the "I just wanna suck your cock" line was sincerely meant to be heartwarming).

Attached: chadtomgreen.png (916x606, 140K)

>Tom Green's midlife crisis is to do a really shitty Ian Curtis impression over an instrumental so passionless and edgeless it sounds like it could be a stock ringtone option

Hilarious. Like I said, real glad this guy is a nobody now.

Freddy Got Fingered is the pinnacle of comedic cinema.
It is kino.

I like that movie before red letter media liked it. Canadian bam margera was pretty harmless fun

so? he does not make music to earn money or become famous, the dude just does it for fun while fucks chink pussy on his vacations


daddy would you like some ci-ne-ma

>I'm gonna make you proud daddy, I'm gonna make you so proud!

Rip Torn yelling at Tom will always be kino. RIP.

>"Don't tell me he's too fuckin' stupid to know the difference between hot and cold"

He looks like he could be big Rip's son. That being said, Tom Green and Canadians are literal trash.
what did he mean by this?

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What happened to him after the cancer?
Were all of his sketch ideas in his nut?

He's calling out the Hollywood elite.

if you dont like tom green you are an idiot


>I like that movie before red letter media liked it
same, but i didnt realize how ridiculous some of the stuff was until they pointed it out. like how he leaves his house to skateboard to the bus station where his family meats him (they could have just driven there together) then he is gonna get on a bus, but his dad bought him a car (which he could have given him at the house)...the whole thing is so bizarre