Why this movie is never recommended ? Just seen it, it's scary as fuck

Why this movie is never recommended ? Just seen it, it's scary as fuck.

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>being an adult
>getting scared

Attached: Soy.png (644x800, 14K)


>emotions are for faggots
how's high school?

exorcist 1 and 3 are pretty much always recommended in muh horror kino is back on the menu threads
there pretty good for there time

Do I need to watch 2 to understand 3? I’ve heard 2 is shit so I’d prefer to skip it if possible

That one scene fucked me up as a child.
You know the one.

I recommend it all the time. To anybody.

I prefer Exorcist II. Sure the third had some scary moments but the plot is a mess because the production was a mess. The plot is confusing, the pace is rather terrible, the characters are uninteresting, some dies to soon, others get to little time. A few of the actors was so drunk that passed out while filming. It's sad that Brad Dourif didn't get a bigger part.

At least Exorcist II had a prime Linda Blair walking around seminaked.

>At least Exorcist II had a prime Linda Blair walking around seminaked.

>jumpscare good

>Do I need to watch 2 to understand 3?

let me guess, you enjoy a more atmospheric movie. something with a slow burn?

dunno lol but it's a great movie

I'm not sure about you, but I've always seen people (myself included) put Exorcist III in high praise. It's one of the better sequels

I was about to write something similar, but then again this is at the very least a well planned one even though the execution of it is kinda problematic.

First of all, it's a homage to the jumpscares of the original Exorcist, the ghostface that pops up in the street scene as well as the scary alarming sounds in the desert and those. It references stuff.
Also, it explains the plot in some way together with the old woman crawling around on the ceiling. How a few victims get decapitated in a guarded place without anyone seeing it. One gets the answer here. (though it's kinda farfetched).
Thirdly, it works while still not beeing gory or bloody. Even if you're prepared for it it still works. The combination of zoomin and the jumpscare level of sound scares u by the very natural reaction to it. Then it cuts to a picture where u can slowly understand what happened.

The main problem with it is that its a waste of time. It's 5 minutes setup, a slowdown of pace, a consumtion of your time, a kinda boring perspective, a monotone sidehall, static, drowsy, characters you don't feel for and who hasn't had any screentime. I just feel you could execute it better. If only Scotts sister or someone he knew had been that nurse, or that ebonylad he was grooming. There's just something in this scene that makes u feel played or fooled and that gets me. It's just too forced for it's own good.

Yes. A real horror fan hates jumpscares.

>Real horror fan
Who died and made you the gatekeeper of Horror fandom?

doesn't it ruin karras' sacrifice in the first movie

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I'm with this onion man, I totally lost all my emotions.

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Yeah. That pissed me right the fuck off

Brad Dourif is the only good part, but granted, he is really great.

I'm too scared to watch the first exorcist

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The only scary part is the spiderwalk, it's scarier for Christians I guess

Nah, it's Reagan's mutilated face that freaks me out. Those early-00's jumpscare pranks got her face seared into my head.

will give it a miss then

>he doesnt know about theatrical cut
nice meme version you watched there you pleb you