/trek/ Space Mall edition

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mick prick

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did dukat do anything wrong?

Rate your new show, /trek/.
It looks like complete shit bit I like the Caitian. The bridge crew should already be the main cast, not the stupid fucking ensigns. They look so god damn generic.

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Will you watch it?

I'll watch any of the proposed Treks except fucking Starfleet Academy. They'll really have to sell that something interesting will happen there like Dominion/Suliban infiltrators..

He gave up on the occupation, so yes.

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You'll end up watching that too. Admit it and I'll respect you.

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I thought only I recognized thine own self. Kino episode.

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collage colin is at it again. his vigor undiminished.

>he has holodeck episodes in his top 10

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Who's dat

Your suggestion is imaginative. Still I have to turn you down. Holmes and Watson are typecast and Ford/Essman are too old.

that guy who constantly spams collages of stuff. he's a /trek/ regular who lives to torment and hurt others.



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Does he do the chart rankings?

He trusted Damar.

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I'm going to say it...

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Fuck women and fuck GOOKS


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why do all of his filenames begin with %

>having to watch this face for more than 2 minutes
I just cant
an easy way to sort files you want to find quickly
I do it with $filename

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>Captain Freeman
Oh, I get it. Like formerly a slave, but now a free man.


how about an all human crew with one or at most two aliens like it ought to be?

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Like 20% of niggers are named Freeman.

>I watch sci-fi to watch humans

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>I've never watched actual Star Trek in my entire life

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Dude is one of those motherfuckers who picks default class default avatar when he plays games, you just know it

I have. Real Star Trek has
4 humans
1 Klingon
1 Bajoran
1 Changeling
3 Ferengi
1 Trill

Yes but they are on their own ships, not part of the crew.

So you've never seen DS9. kk
You can stop responding now

this dude is one of those motherfuckers who downloads half assed anime hairstyle mods

>DS9 is trek
back to plebbit

1. Deep Space Nine
2. The Next Generation
3. Star Trek
4. Voyager
5. Enterprise
6. Discovery
7. The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek

Has anyone made or saved a /Trek/ Suffering Chart?

pic related for 100 suffering

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I can guess your general political leanings by your favorite captain.

You consider yourself a patriot if not straight up right-wing. ‘Civic nationalist’ is the best way to describe you, as you wouldn’t say you adhere to racial identity politics like the left. You’re a Trump supporter and hate political correctness. Free speech and guns are some of your top priorities politically.

You, at the very least, think socialism has some pretty good ideas. Racism is one of the world’s greatest faults and something you actively disavow. You believe everyone deserves a chance to live in the first world. Drugs should never be a crime and people have absolute bodily autonomy, including abortion rights.

You’re a reactionary who probably supports a monarchy or a theocratic system.

You consider yourself right-wing, though only to a certain degree. There’s ideas to consider on both sides, though much too often the left is too weak. You weren’t too concerned about the going-ons in Gitmo nor the NSA leaks. There’s a small group of people in power that threaten our democracy.

You are a nationalist of some sort. Lots of far right figures have some good ideas and certain far right ideologies don’t get enough recognition. It’s acceptable to deport mass populations from your country if it means the betterment of true Americans.



You consider yourself a centrist. Both big government and big business deeply concern you. Freedom isn’t black and white like some people think - both sides are hypocrites as they both deny fundamental freedoms while claiming to represent liberty. You wish there was a prominent third party option.

>Georgiou (prime)
You’re Asian or want an Asian wife. Not much else to say about you.

>Lorca (mirror)
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. You’re getting really sick of (((them))). Now that you know how to identify a Jew, you can’t help but see them everywhere. They’ve got their claws in every significant part of our country and are working towards our downfall.

You post ironic communist memes and talk about how you want to kill yourself. Trump is the worst thing to happen to this country for as long as you can remember. Nazis are on the rise and they deserve to be punched.

What kind of chart?

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It's typical CalArts shit, cheap looking characters and boring backgrounds.

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Embarrassing. Don't post again.

People like you are the reason /trek/ died


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I wish the last one wasn't true.

Its just that your post was bad and you should feel bad

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You can see the MS paint edits

ok buddy

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This is pretty dreadful. Thanks user, from time to time it's nice to see something stupid said with such confidence.

Also Sisko is best.


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Obvious samefag. If you're really in different timezones then why does only the hour change?

Obvious samefag trying to make me look dumb.

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>A nigger named "FREEMAN"


>The white ensign is small timid weak and has faggot hair



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This is wrong

>no Inner Light

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>the cage isn't the TOS pilot
>broken bow is mid tier
What did xe mean by this?

>90% aliens
>captain is human
>andorian is a doctor instead of the head of security
...I am disappoint.