Daniel Craig was the first Bond who's blond and nobody gave two fucks. Why do people throw a fit that the next Bond will be a black woman?
Daniel Craig was the first Bond who's blond and nobody gave two fucks...
>and nobody gave two fucks
Zoomers out
Fuck off nigger.
people did give two fucks but it was 2006 so there was no outrage culture, twitter or facebook
>Compares a hair color that's barely noticeable to gender and skin complexion.
that's not blond hair
And I thought at the time he was a bad choice...
yes why not a transgendered dwarf
>Shill disguised as zoomer.
Bond is of Swedish and Scottish descent. You simply cannot touch Bond at all.
bond is literally a male power fantasy. making bond a woman is 10 types of retarded
I always thought his hair looked kinda sad on him. There's so little of it.
Yep. Social media has faggoted and angried everyone up
fuck off fingol
The next Bond won't be a black woman.
>The next Bond won't be a black woman.
I know.
James... Blond?
Or Cavill
>It'll be Pierce Brosnan back for one last ride.
Seriously, how would you know? Cavill is definitely a contender.
because a woman beating up guys looks stupid
Cavill is too much of a prettyboy
I found it hot though.
what the fuck are you talking about? There was a huge stink over how Daniel Craig didn't "look" like Bond. It was literally the only thing anyone ever talked about before Casino Royale was released.
Do you have a shit memory or are you just a habitual liar?
Probably wasn't alive in 2006.
I like the way you think user...
>too much of a prettyboy
When he was younger, yes. But now he is only getting better with age. After Mi6 Fallout he's perfect for Bond now.
she’s not even bond. I couldn’t give a fuck about the 007 moniker so long as he is still bond. I’m actually surprised this hasn’t been done yet. This is the first set of bond movies actually going outside the box with the character which is what makes them interesting. Rather than baddie of the week
>the next Bond will be a black woman
Source? If it's true, how long before Mary Poppins is a Black man? That's only fair.
they did, also blondes are the niggers of the white race. it was a slippery slope and we fell for it
People disliked Craig because he's unattractive and looks like Vlad Putin.
>"No, Mister Blonde."
>"I expect you to DYE."
Where's based laughing bond girls poster?
Craig hardly has any hair for that to be noticeable. i didnt even know he was blonde til you said
>2006 was 50 years ago
time is a flat circle
>pic related
me and my son
Can't stop looking at this fucking webm.
I gave a fuck. I STILL give a fuck. Craig is ugly as sin and never should've been allowed anywhere near the Bond franchise except as a villain.
Look at her leg.
still then bouncing
She isn't Bond. She is the new 007 agent that replaced him because Bond retired in the last movie. But people are retarded.
I'm still seething because he didn't drink martinis but a coke
This. People only read headlines nowadays and get pissed for no reason.
This, when I look at him today I still don't see James Bond, he never looked the part.
As if it makes a fucking difference in the grand scheme of things. The 007 films - a massive cultural icon - will have a black woman as the main character. The left can never create; it can only destroy.
I wonder what the next iteration of Bond will be like.
>nobody gave two fucks.
This is how I know you're a 12 year old. The papers pitched an utter bitch fit about his hair and his blue eyes when he was announced. The press attacked him relentlessly for """not looking the part""" and getting injured on set. It wasn't until Casino Royale came out and everyone liked it that they shut the fuck up with the complaints. Don't talk about things you literally don't know about.
Imagine if a white actress played MLK. There's your answer.
Or if you're going to say "but MLK isn't fictional" then I've got another example, Shaft. Imagine if a white actress played Shaft.
I loved the movie where he's a pusher. Forgot the name.
I would love to see a movie about Zulus where 1/3rd of the Zulu are white/asian and dressed up in authentic garb.
In most golden age Hollywood movies, the natives were played by Jews and Italians.
Layer Cake?
Isn't Bond supposed to be at least somewhat smart? Why cast him as a race that has an average 80 IQ?
Yea, that's the one.
Feirce WoC fighting metoo and brexit