Why did Geek culture become such a huge thing in the late 2000's?

Why did Geek culture become such a huge thing in the late 2000's?

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it's centered around buying useless shit

>Indoor activities became cheaper than outdoor activities
>social media
>fitness health market already explored and well established in the 00s so corporations moved on to “nerdy” stuff to pick up anyone who didn’t fall into that demographic.
>mass consumption of media made nerd stuff a passive hobby, watering down the definition to being something as easy as watching a few tv shows and movies

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Unironically: reddit

sounds like commie gobbledegook but he's right

Test levels have dropped to about 50% of whst our grandfathers had.


geek culture isn't accepted, there was some documentary where it showed creative and original posters for capeshit which were rejected in favor of generic actor photoshops that you see now, it's because normies would look at this and think it's some dumb childish cartoon and they'd rather see famous actors they know instead, if you have to change how something is for normies to accept it then they don't accept it
nothing encapsulates this better than every superhero having dark and gritty colors for neon spandex men, or when they took superman's underwear off, or when they made a dark and edgy archie show

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Commies tend to be right about most things.

that sounds like some sneaky marxist doubletalk... don't comment on my Yea Forums profile again.

>get made fun of for years for liking anime, star wars, Harry Potter etc
>now everyone and their mother acts like they were into it since they were born
I fucking hate normies so god damn much

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Because millennials grew up and the portable phone-based internet mainstreamed nerd culture for closeted normies.

social media + burgers being good little drones

>[Citation Needed]

The Frankfurt school and some other guys (Gramsci, Marx, Debord, Baudrillard), more than commies in general

You cannot be a fan of Tolkien and a fan of Star Wars at the same time. Lucas is a hack, and anyone with even the slightest ability to appreciate Tolkein should be able to see that.

Both are hacks actually

there is a nerd social group near me that I went to check out, I thought I would check it out as I'm probably a nerd. turns out it's all a bunch of dipshits with "fandoms" buying stupid toys and praising dumb marvel shit. Big bang theory. Also harry potter goth shit. It's hard to find my people now.

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Companies decided to monetize it to the max and for that, they needed to mainstream this shit.

>merchandise/podcast/whatever about "geek culture"
>it's about only the most surface-level of surface-level genre movies and tv shows

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If we don't count the anarchists, commies can be described as "economically redpilled".
That's the true reason why left-leaning ideology is popular, despite PragerU and similar (((think-tanks))) attempts to hide it behind "muh jealousy"

A lot of Marxist theory is actually pretty fucking intelligent if you can separate it from the millions of dead Christians and modern Chapo-listening retards. Althusser was woke as fuck on how society replicates dominant ideology through media and corporations.

It was discovered that appealing to 'nerd culture' is profitable.

>Star wars, Harry Potter.
There mainstream. The creators made millions off of those franchises?

notice how traditional culture, ie classical music, hero's tales, ancient philosophy has no copyright associated with them
replace culture with corporate garbage and watch the cattle waste their money on becoming a walking advertisment
people nowadays sneer at the notion of being loyal and proud of one's country yet become feral when you suggest that their favourite franchise aint that great

We're you actually in grade school (or alive) when the first 4 Harry Potter books came out? Back then, actually reading books for fun was some of the nerdiest shit you could possibly do, and kids were regularly bullied and picked on for being seen to obssess over literature.

Because the nerd kids grew up into nerd adults. Did you seriously think people just shed their interests when they get older?

Were you born in a "diverse" area?

>people nowadays sneer at the notion of being loyal and proud of one's country yet become feral when you suggest that their favourite franchise aint that great
Implying blind unquestioning loyalty to either isn't equally stupid :^)


This was 17 years ago, do you think this would happen at the episode 9 premiere?

Yeah my brother kinda thought that way. He asked for the first Potter book. He was asking me to go see TLJ, told him I didn't like TFA. He would most likely be considered a normie, maybe even a Chad.

My school was so white I had 1 black kid who talked like an old white guy in my class of ~100 students.

>equally stupid
>unironically being as tribal as an african warlord over fake things and hippie as fuck over the real world
I agree, but that doesn't excuse the fact that these people need to get their priorities checked

You don't need a citation for common sense

Did you go to grade school in a fucking war zone or something? In my grade school you had to read books regularly and Harry Potter was always super popular because it was easy to read and entertaining.

off of children

>this "fact" I've arbitrarily pulled from my ass needs no basis in facts or logic
You're literally everything that's wrong with the world today.

the whole "the kid who you bully will one day be your boss" came true, they became the heads of film and video game companies. geek culture is more widely accepted cos its geeks who chose to make the shit in the first place, issue is that the geek stuff they make is still garbage.

i think most kids had them but you'd get made fun of for just openly reading it

star wars fans are bottom of the barrel and deserve to be mocked

Holy shit that poster looks good. Do you have any more like it?

I went to grade school in the 90's and didn't see a Harry Potter book till middle school. Also, reading for fun and being made to read for a grade are not even in the same universe and you could get yourself ostracized for enjoying "baby wizard and dragons faggot shit".

That's not the point, I'm saying mainstream society has done a complete 180 on nerd culture, where before they were mocked, and now people act like it's always been accepted


In case you haven't been paying attention (or are just aching to prove my point), society at large has a cripplingly short memory.

Well I wouldn't say short memory rather than greedy pockets


>equally stupid

Found the (((citizen of the world)))

Das Capital is required reading for Antileft/Antile - post-left Anarchists, primitivist individuals, and natsoc/fascism on the left wing of it, I guess. Marx made a lot of good points, but was too spergy about his ideology, which is why he got his shit pushed in by Stirner, and Marxists are forever hurt about it.

Look at all of you, acting high and mighty.

What the fuck do you think this board is. What the fuck do you think this entire website is built on?

I went to a shitty public school in the rural south and lots of people read Harry Potter, Hank the Cowdog, Nancy Drew, Hardy Bros, Goosebumps, all that stuff. There was a certain demographic that might make jokes of you for reading, but no one really cared about them and it was fun to return the favor when they stuttered when asked to read aloud.

With the decrease of monogamy and increase of hypergamy a lot of men became incapable of finding a stable sexual partner so they needed to waste their spare time in something otherwise they would become highly improductive or dangerous. While some NEETs manage to be improductive most of them became numales/bugmen and conformists.

Back then lesser men weren't that different from chads, of course chads were more succesful in dating terms but the difference wasn't abyssmal like now.

>late capitalism
Coined by a Nazi.

Yea Forums has always been aggressively elitist in its appreciation of nerdy things, the culture this thread is complaining about is the opposite

>What the fuck do you think this entire website is built on?
Getting banned from SomethingAwful and Anime.

Certainly not on fucking nerd culture bullshit like in OP's pic.
Go watch Big Bang Theory you fucking faggot.

Good old Stirner. Imagine making someone seethe so bad that they write a 500 page epic trying to tear down your entire life and philosophy.

You know what's stupider?
Scapegoating the jews every 5 minutes :^)

That "certain demographic" was white jocks at my school :^)

[incel talking points intensify]

This is very true. Men wouldn't have money to spend on this stupid shit if they had families.

I think the existence of baseddads is counterpoint to that. We've all seen them.

Have kids

because all the normies have exhausted every culture beforehand and moved into nerd culture

shit like Harry Potter and Star Wars were always overrated normie shit, the internet just exposed them to an even wider audience than before

watch more niche things, stop being butthurt at cashcow franchises

>letting white trash talk shit to you
Again, who cares what they had to say. “Jocks” have absolutely none of the social capital high school movies pretend they do

TBBT, unironically.
That show helped creating those fake geeks and fake nerds who have since co-opted and taken over geek "culture".
These people (fake geeks, FunkoPop enthusiasts and "I fucking Love Science") don't give a shit about the content of a franchise, they only care about the brand.


Literally a bunch of hacks that studied Ancient Greek society and philosophy, applied what they found out about society to their time and fooled a bunch of European dirt farmers and factory workers. If you took the highlights of their writings and reapplied them to 2019 you'd be revered as some intellectual

The internet became main stream and it required less effort to get into geek shit.

Somebody post the 2007 infographic

>t. city slicker

Buying garbage is a replacement for a personality, and liking whatever is promoted as the new "big thing" is what sheep like doing to fit in.

nerd blackface became popular once the big bang theory came out

yeh, when I was at school you were gay if you read harry potter

Is that a Buffy reference in there? I thought zoomer normies had no interest in it?

That picture wasn't made by zoomers. Picture an overweight late 30s single mother with that hung up on the living room wall

there are those people and then there have always been just dweebs that love to pay for knick knacks and junk.

I’m from a town of about ~3000 people and our football team made the playoffs every single year. The archetypal jock did not exist

Smartphones and social media

>A lot of Marxist theory is actually pretty fucking intelligent if you can separate it from the millions of dead Christians
200 million dead and the birth of Keynsian neocons-libs.

Except having a stable and healthy society

you still butthurt about it then? resentful little bitch

maybe its because avengers lit af and no one cares about your gay ass folk stories
seethe avacuck