In retrospect did this really deserve to be named the best film of the century?
In retrospect did this really deserve to be named the best film of the century?
What would you pick?
Spirited Away
No it's one of the few movies I quit watching after 15 minutes. Maybe it gets really good later on but nothing grabbed me. Not even that dumb witch woman jump scare.
That's worse.
What's it like being retarded?
Brainlet, there is not another work of fiction with atmosphere as flawless as this movie
Watched it a few times. Alright
Clearly a tier below movies like Forrest Gump and The Big Lebowski though
No but it's quite good.
I like plenty of atmospheric movies. My personal goat is Silence of the Lambs. The only atmosphere I got from the beginning of Mulholland Drive is 'nothing is happening with random characters I don't care about'
>below movies like Forrest Gump
Oh no
>I haven't even seen it but here's my hot take, oh have I mentioned I'm a huge faggot
> Forrest Gump
Opinion invalidated already
My alltime most watched movie
Fully watched it at least 40 or 50 times I would guess.
not even the best Miyazaki
No. Lynch is overrated is everything he does. "Look suburbia but with dark secrets lmao!"
Desperate housewives tier but even more jewish. Im going to go and check if he is jewish actually.
if you haven't even gotten an episode of spongebob length into the film you haven't watched it.
Imagine being this fucking retarded
You wouldn't check maybe before posting this retarded shit?
Was the plan to make yourself look stupid or something?
Do you just write your half-baked barely cognizant stream of consciousness mental diarrhoea into posts?
If you want good surrealist movies watch Yorgos Lanthimos or something. If you want derivative trash then yeah Lynch works.
This is the girl
Yes, this along with Freddy Got Fingered, which is the exact same film.
Im being honest, better to make the prediction than have confirmation bias by asserting it after the fact. He isn't jewish by blood, just by spirit.
What hes right. Lynch is shit but a bunch of shit taste retards gargle his balls daily, like yourself. Explain Dune if you think lynch is worth a shit.
Agreed, Porco Russo is the patrician's choice.
No it's absurd to name a film of a century.
He owes his career to Mel Brooks so you have that
Yes, but our century is still quite young.
>Implying anything directed by Lanthimos isn't flavor of the month, easy to digest, baby's first art film shit
Lynch will be talked about long after his death, he is one of the few living masters.
>Yorgos Lanthimos
>good surrealist movies
uh, the yikes department just called, its for you.
that Kubrick ripoff can't direct shit.
Bro I think you spelled Princess Mononoke wrong
Jesus, take an english class Ahmed
>Yorgos Lanthimos
Him and his fans will certainly feature in cringe compilations long after his death.
> "mmm i love cherry pie!"
*squeees* i fr*ckin love lynch!!
Kek, are you fucking retarded mate?
Hilariously ironic post given how much of Lanthimos is derived from Lynch. Where do you think the "extremely unnatural and stilted dialogue with weird uncomfortable pauses creating a dreamy atmosphere" thing came from you fucking moron.
not that guy (he's a drooling moron) but don't shit on Lanthimos. He makes solid dark comedy kino.
Not lynch that's for sure
yes, everything else is trash
>I'm being honest, and am therefore not a retard
If a movie cant captivate the audience from the beginning, it doesnt even deserve to be mentioned in the top 100.
I have no time for Lynch's quaint oldy bullshit. He's the flavorless oatmeal of arthouse directors.
Do you even watch films?
What the fuck are you talking about, stupid mongoloid?
Is this bait, or do you actually think this empty non-argument was a good comeback? You are a fucking retard lmfao
>That one user getting Lynched ITT
Give it up, kid
yes, 21th century is all tarr béla and lynch, everyone else is a hack or at the very best make some good fun but nothing special movies (yes, nolan for example)
Ive watched this and eraserhead, I refuse to watch any more pretentious crap from this wacky haired hack
Lol, muh weird bestial princess and pagan moon god shit story with a zillion subplots nobody cares about? No, Porco is a charismatic lead that has an interesting backstory about his curse and plenty of ambition and motive that carries his movie.
Has anyone ever considered getting to two biggest psueds in their respective industries together for a project?
He just claimed that Lanthimos is a surrealist if he said Bunuel than i could take him seriously. He proved his retardation quite early on.
t. Lynched
You can call Lynch a lot of things but calling him a pseud is fucking retarded. The guy couldn't care less about being an intellectual. He's a fucking mysticist.
>I'm a faggot with the attention span of a toddler
>this movie sucks because I (a mental child) wasn't entertained
l m a o
you only like proco because you relate to an ugly leading man. meanwhile I like Princess Mononoke because I relate to a handsome leading man that makes all the ladies swoon
Reminder that David Lynch regularly makes fun of cherry pie retards, going so far as to turn Dale Cooper into a monosyllabic oaf that can only say the names of different foods. You don't seem to know what you're talking about pal.
A fun but empty film still has one positive quality putting it ahead of inane drivel like lynch work. Michael Bay movies have more merit in that regard.
Lynch is the equivalent of Lois Cook writing in the Fountainhead.
Bunuel isn't exactly contemporary user, and I doubt he's watched anything filmed before the year 1990
> "he's my idol please PLEASE don't reveal he's actually brainlet drivel! PLEASE."
It's amazing how split this board actually is on Lynch. I kinda assumed everyone loves him, that's the gist I got posting about him 9 times out of 10.
Maybe its just because it's 4AM EST and all the third world shitters are lurking?
To call him surrealist is hysterical though.
Actually, Reznor had a song in and appeared in the latest series of Twin Peaks. But seriously, Trent Reznor the most pretentious person in the music industry? How shallow is your knowledge of music that fucking Trent Reznor takes that cake lmao.
Amerimutts who think a smiling person turning towards the camera revealing a scowl is the height of art are all asleep.
Surface level nigger with an attention span that lasts as long as his pathetic libido detected. Porco breaks his curse by the end but your chief queef stays cucked for life. Pottery.
You're under the impression that 9/10 posters on Yea Forums actually watch movies.
> How could you turn us into this?
After you just taught me how to kiss you
I told you I'd never say goodbye
I'm slipping on the tears you made me cry
>bela tarr
Fucking based, absolutely kino director. Theodoros Angelopoulos also worked in this century so you can add him too. The Weeping Meadow is amazing. There are also other good directors but these are the best i would say.
I thought he was talking about directors in general but yes i agree he probably doesn't watch films made before 1990.
I haven't seen it but I can't imagine it being better than no country for Old men or drive
That's stupid
It's not
No, it's psued trash. As is literally everything he vomited out. It just concerns itself with the right level of american suburbia that US college students find it relatable but weird so assume it's profound.
>As is literally everything he vomited out
He directed a Disney movie to dispel this retarded argument from psueds who got Lynched. It's called Straight Story and it's fantastic.
You 15?
>no country for Old men or drive
im not even going to make fun of you, i honestly wish i was 17 again
I watched it and thought it was pretty good, I kind of like how the movie itself is a puzzle you have to solve. even if that is a little pretentious.
my brain is too small to comprehend the movie without putting significant brainpower into it, which might actually be a good thing
>which might actually be a good thing
It is a good thing. Lynch's films are often watched with the wrong mindset, as the surrealist elements are normally interpreted as having a greater importance than Lynch intends them to. Often these elements are just used to tell the story, not drive at some "deep meaning". I think it's best to take his work at face value.
my casual mindset frustrated me when getting to the later weird parts of the movie because i felt like i should have paid attention to many things. i watched it casually, not searching for deep meaning, and i felt like it cockblocked me. this movie is next to nothing without deep thinking and theories.
David Lynch included a 10 bullet point list called "things to help you interpret Mullholland Drive" in the DVD case of the film. The ten bullet points were all jokes, to mislead people who were going about the film the wrong way. As long as you understood the film's theming and it's general plot I think you're good. A rewatch is always good though.
no way are they really jokes that's hilarious if it's true
i guess. there are other films and tv episodes that are frustrating but worthy experiences. maybe only due to the frustration i remember this movie and will look fondly back on it (i watched it in 2018 for the first time).
"David Lynch's 10 Clues for Unlocking Mulholland Drive"
>Pay particular attention in the beginning of the film: at least two clues are revealed before the credits.
>Notice appearances of the red lampshade.
>Can you hear the title of the film that Adam Kesher is auditioning actresses for? Is it mentioned again?
>An accident is a terrible event… notice the location of the accident.
>Who gives a key, and why?
>Notice the robe, the ashtray, the coffee cup.
>What is felt, realized and gathered at the club Silencio?
>Did talent alone help Camilla?
>Note the occurrences surrounding the man behind Winkies.
>Where is Aunt Ruth?
Say what you will about Lynch, the man has an excellent sense of humor.
you sure don't
fucking based. reminds me of bunuel and how he got a good laugh out of people who came up with all kinds of theories about the two actresses in obscure object of desire
not cool bro
Hahahaha this is fr*ckin EXCELLENT. Mind if post on my reddit my dudes?
Do you have a single source backing up the notion that these were jokes
yeah, go for it man
reddit it up
yeah man just credit me if you do, my name is chuck
Well, watching the movie is a good start
Yeah man, as long as you credit us in the post!
Edit: Fixed some typos.
Edit 2: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
Those aren't jokes...
"notice the location of the accident"
holy sh*t, the accident was on Mulholland drive!!! that's the title of the freaking movie bro
You don't get it...
>Chink children cartoons
Lol no
t. mental midget that didn't get the point
His curse was a manifestation of the divide between man and nature. He cured his curse by brining harmony to the two.
I don't get it. Was this movie supposed to be a remake of Persona?
I just did some quick googling and found this from an Interview with Lynch:
Interviewer: Here’s something I was curious about: In one of the DVD editions of Mulholland Drive there was an insert that listed your clues to unlocking the movie. Are those real clues?
Lynch: I’ll tell you how that came into being: When I went to Europe for the first time in 1965, it seemed way far away. It was a big deal to go to Europe. Now it’s not a big deal. The world has gotten smaller. So this thing happened that Mulholland Drive was a big success in France and I was asked if I could come up with these ten short clues to the movie. Normally I would’ve said no, but — and I don’t know why — I came up with things that people could think about when they watched it [Mulholland Drive]. But I thought the clues were only going to exist in France and then it blossomed on the internet — that’s what I mean about the world getting smaller — and people started asking me for more clues.
Interviewer: But those are real clues?
Lynch: They’re real.
Interviewer: Theoretically, could you come up with clues to unlocking your other movies?
Lynch: Theoretically.
Doesn't exactly seem comedic at all. Further undermining the idea that much of the film is just a series of truly surrealistic visual non-sequiturs ala Bunuel and many of Lynch's earlier works is Lynch's insistence that Mullholland Drive does tell a "coherent, comprehensible story" and that "while you may need multiple viewings to fit the pieces together, they'll form an elegant pattern if you ponder their perplexities long enough". Again, doesn't seem to reflect what you're saying at all, and again, isn't funny. There's dry humour, and then there's this.
It's set in the Hollywood hills, not suburbia. Why would college students find that relatable?
If you're gonna name a Ghibli movie, at least say Whisper of the Heart.
Because its inherently American. Feels close to familiarity but with something wrong, that dissonance, although actually puddle deep and pointless, comes across as profound to them.
Im pretty sure i could make an art film where some 24 year old american kid wakes up one morning and all familiar street signs, shop signs etc are all jumbled letters perturbing him. Call it lynchian and have anons here praise it.