>Americans need naked Margot Robbie in a bath to explain basic financial terms to them
Are they really this stupid?
>Americans need naked Margot Robbie in a bath to explain basic financial terms to them
Are they really this stupid?
The film is gibberish anyway
God she is ugly. She’s going to be horrible once she gets past the wall.
Adam McKay is a self-important faggot who thinks repeating what he read on Salon makes him a public intellectual.
>the jews were the good guys
idk if this or the cheney movie was worse
Can anybody find literally any mainstream news sources that fulfill this movie’s premise that said only immigrants and poor people were blamed for the financial crisis?
>God she is ugly
post your whalefu.
why that there is one highly sexual axila
Why would anyone put a refrigerator in a bathtub?
Thats bullshit. Everyone knows Jews were to blame.
Yes, they're sex obsessed animals.
No, Adam Mckay just thinks that everyone watching his films aren't smart enough to comprehend his sloppy writing.
americans are literally nigger cattle so yes
He's a good writer though, especially when it comes to comedy
I mean a lot of Americans blame immigrants for the shitty job market. Not sure about the poor people part though.
>Later in the podcast, the 50-year-old said that his wife and daughters are Jewish, and that the family goes to temple occasionally.
What would you like Margot Robbie in a bathtub to explain to you?
Their president just called the prime minister of another country, because he thought that was going to get his gangster rapper friend out of assault charges. If their fucking president doesn't understand a simple concept like separation of powers, what hope does the average American have of understanding the financial crisis?
I remember living in Ireland at the time and the government and media did try to deflect blame and say everyone should be held accountable for the collapse and that we all should share blame. Utter nonsense
Why she has the skin of a 45-year old.
most blamed it on greed which jews called antisemitism so they had to change it to immigrants and poor people.
>defending refugees
fucking lmao. kys scum.
>defending niggers
right back at you
>Clinton Administration stressed that it "would veto any legislation that would scale back minority-lending requirements.
>Democratic lawmakers demanded that the company buy more loans that had been made to low-income and minority homebuyers.
Margot a cute.
probably all the stress from producer suck & fucks
No, we just wanted to see Margot Robbie in a bath.
It's because the UV rating in Australia can get up to 17, it's why Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world, because of the tilt of the Earth when it's summer in Australia we're closer to the sun than when it's summer in the northern hemisphere, Australia also doesn't have a lot of cloud coverage in spring and summer, which blocks 90% of UV rays
Why, because that seems completely unreasonable of America?
See But I guess the New York Times is alt-right now because of this article
Her explanation wasn't helpful
>God she is ugly
her body is shit but she's fucking beautiful
Fucking gorgeous
>defending niggers
Americans really are this retarded, huh
>w-well, uh, I don't have to provide proof because it's OBVIOUS it's true!
You fucking moron, this crissis is not over- bad debt, loans and ABS were just transformed into FED debt with QE. Fact, that today in the US poeple hate imigrants and poor people can't afford to have health insurance or retirement money is exactly what is happening- just like it was stated in the movie
fuck off femcel
Greedy eyes
Fat boys thunder thighs
Child in debt due to medical supplies
American children large and obese
Would sell their soul for a block of cheese
Left right right left
The fly over states are addicted to meth
Not a American is left to stand
When the mutt is filled with ham
After filling up him tum
In walmart he'll release him bum
>Metricfags upset we have the wealth and power to make their prettiest women get naked and explain man shit on TV to an audience of niggers and spics and we actually do it, just for the laffs
Lmao SEETHE MORE jelly inferior nations.
at least amerifats don't have to bail out shitalians and greeks every 4 years because they don't wanna work hard lel
Because white people aren't designed to be in Australia
Yes they are, Australia is the product of whites, nothing in creating Australia has anything to do with non-whites, abos didn't even have free standing structures like mud huts niggers in Africa had, they literally slept out in the open, in caves or naturally hollowed out trees
none of that was basic financial terms. guarantee that that was majority of this thread had never heard of a cdo before that movie
>tfw Abbo mythology officially trumps reality in Australian universities
To be fair, I wouldn't mind naked Margot Robbie explaining stuff to me either, even if I know about it already.
In the end, you've still got naked Margot Robbie.
You've never even seen a vagina have you
How do I have sex with Margot Robbie bros?
Do you think she's actually naked in there? Like do you think the warm soapy water is washing directly against her bare pusy?
I think he means that the Austarlian sun requires darker skin because of how bad the UV rays get.
Whites have houses and sun screen, the reason the skin cancer rates are so bad is because of the boomers who lived in an era where tanned skin was all the rage and there was no sun screen, but today people use SPF 50+ sun screen, don't stay in the sun too long, aren't as obsessed with getting a tan, Australia while having the highest skin cancer rates also have the highest survival rate for skin cancer, because whites have technology
does she show her feet while in the bath?
the alcubierre drive
Do people really believe she's as old as she says? Wasn't she supposedly in her very early 20 in this?
Do Europeans genuinely believe this? Are they really this stupid?
the math behind the holohoax
She was 22 then.
It's perfectly normal for 22 year old females to look like this
you mean W of W ?