>been NEET for the last 5 years
Been NEET for the last 5 years
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how is it?
try ten you faggot nigger zoomer
At least you're not wagie for 5 years
It's worse to stop being a neet and then returning
only 4 years
at least you're not a wagie for about 11 (checkem) years, believe me.
This. Doing it currently and all the joys of neetdom make me not want to go back to being a wagie. Yet at the same time I know I won't progress as a human if I stay neet.
The lifestyle of a NEET
Is one that can't be beat.
>I won't progress as a human if I stay neet.
because you reached peak human evolution if in neetdom
12 fucking years bros. Started having grey hairs.
Define progressing as a human, I don't know what you mean
I just ended my 4 years of being a neet a month ago. I fucking miss being a lazy piece of shit. I just want to go back doing nothing all day.
This video is for you.
16 years and still going, I would kill myself if I had to do anything
How did you do it bro?
I'm at 3 &1/2
I've been a NEET for a while maybe 10 years. Although I say I'm semi-neet because I make money just not enough to sustain myself independently... I have too much trouble organizing my projects to complete them.
aging is comfy if you have time to enjoy yourself, only a wagecuck has to worry about wasting time
Dunno how the fuck you do it. I was unemployed for about 6 months with occasional shitbird jobs for a couple of weeks here and there and I was bored to the point of near suicide.
Heh, I was born neet. Get on my level faggot.
It’s time to get off your ass and make a man out of yourself. Enlist in the United States Marine Corps and do something with your life for once.
>only in my 20s so I guess it's ok.
>neet for 7 years
>have a gf
>she doesnt care
I know she will at some point like my ex gf, but oh well nothing lasts forever
Just work insurance. You'll envy the local homeless wino talking to streetlights within a month.
I thought about it, but I was told they are majorly anti-Jelly Donut-ite.
you have the peasant gene, you are compelled to make yourself useful
How? Just fucking do something
absolutely based
>tfw currently uni-neeting and will get a comfy job via nepotism when I'm done
You're talking to people with literally zero social networking even online it's probably minimal.
I worked as a lecturer, and now for a charity, so I'd say it's a little more than that
Me2 but iv been living off inheritance and haven't had to work.
Before that I got screwed over by an employer and basically got sick of the rat race of modern employment, so went NEET.
What do you NEETs do all day? Sit in the house and play video games and browse Yea Forums? It sounds comfy but I think it’d turn me into an alcoholic.
I dont understand how someone can leech like that for so long. How do your parents not get tired of you and make you find a job. How do people enable someone for that long to be a worthless leech?
Smoke weed
Tend the garden
Cook nice food
Take the dog for a walk
Play Vidya
Enjoy Yea Forums kino
Shitpost on Yea Forums
Keep up with current events
Get black pilled over modern politics
Visit family and friends
Go Shopping
Neet life is comfy.
>The depth of NEETdom has just now dawned on this man
Is this your first day here or something?
lol literally me.
At a high school gf that left me 2 years afterwards after figuring out I had no intention of really working or furthering my education and living with my parents. 8 years on from that now I do university and my current gf doesn't know I don't have any plans of working after this shit, lmao.
You think a NEET's parent's care about them?
I only want to kill myself when I am NEET. Av had been NEET enough times for long enough to know the difference. My family notices the difference too.
I've been here 11 years. I just don't understand NEETs. I can t wrap my head around being that pathetic.
I've been NEET since around 2008.
for me, comfy as fuck. i'm not a mentally ill virgin though.
I say the same about Wagies.
Whats pathetic about it?
>wahhh I deserve pity because I'm a human parasite so mentally ill and fucking retarded that I can't hold down a job like 99% of the human population is able to
Eat yourself you fucking losers
>realized i promised to end it last year
>been neet for 5 years
>abandoned all my friends or just let friendships decay
>had issues for over 15
>cant deal with family
>cant deal with people
>cant deal with reality
>diagnosed depression, antisocial disorder, generalized anxiety and psychosis
My best dream is me taking an angle grinder with a lamellar disc on it and just grinding away the flesh around my throat, when i learned of the state of my anhedonia, things started to make sense to where my mental faculties were at.
I was in the hole for 8 years. I got lucky because my parents set up an appointment with a doctor for me and my brother's girlfriend gave me Xanax or maybe something lighter. Took the xany bar, had the meeting, got prescribed SSRIs and I'm glad to say that I'm now over a year sober.
neet for 29 years.
You really think I'm that flexible? Keep dreaming, dude.
>been virgin till now for 39 years old
Clean up my house
feed my pets
read lots of books
watch films etc It's essentially the best.
I work in my garden doing general maintenance , it makes me feel good just cultivating what's mine.
Oh I need to go shops today? No issue , I'll go during the day to dodge all the traffic and hustle. urghh clothes dirty? ergh fuck it I'll wash em tomorrow.
Shower today? Not on my watch, tired, time to sleep, wake up whenever I want and do whatever I want.
Some light exercise etc. You can do just what you want , unfortunately to sustain this lifestyle either you need to be leeching off others or get really luckily. So I don't hold it against my NEET bros, if I could get away with it for the rest of my life I would.
Honestly Waging is the worst shit ever. I've never been happier then as a NEET, currently on a 2 month hiatus and it made me realise how unhappy I've been recently.
There is an infinite amount of possibilities that you can do to grow and cultivate my mind and body and feel happy.
Honestly, nothing is more pathetic then waging. It fucking sucks, even if you have a nice comfy job, why would I do that when I could just do what I want instead?
I honestly can't think anyone can argue wagie > Neet unless using void insults like "urrgh loser pathetic" like that doesn't apply to 99 percent of wages , at least while Neet you can actually use your time to be productive, not have your time taken to make other people money
>Tfw a heavy concussion during PE class in my last year of highschool gave me permanent brain damage, constant tinnitus in my ears and it also made my existing depression and anxiety worse
>Tfw that blow to the head has now turned me into a suicidal friendless overweight NEET who dropped out of college and cant sleep because of that fucking tinnitus that drives me insane and makes me want to shoot my fucking head every fucking morning
its not fair. its not fucking fair my life has gone to shit and its all because of one basketball hitting me in the head. im gonna fucking kill myself i cant stand this agony anymore.
you know what's even better than being NEET? mooching off your parents after college while you work a job that pays $70,000 a year, tossing 99% of it into savings and investments and being a multi-millionaire who can live off the interest before you're 40, all while not completely destroying your social life or employment history.
I've been one for 7 and my mommy is finally kicking me out but shes buying me a house first
What the fuck would NEETs do 200, 300, 400 years ago? In the 12th century, if you "couldn't deal with society" what exactly do you think would happen?
You'd starve. You'd be homeless vagrants spat upon by the general populace. Fucks sake I hate NEETs so much. You don't deserve shelter. If you want to be NEET you should sleep in the fucking gutter like the trash you are.
There is NOTHING more pathetic than a grown man in western society who acts like a fucking baby and is provided for and cared for by the begrudgingly good-willed generosity of the rest of society who suck it up and work a job like they're supposed to.
When my mom dies it's game over. Less than 5k in my bank account, not one piece of real estate in the whole family.
I dno how bad your tinnitus is but if you have brain damage you might be able to get disability payments and just live as a neet.
Try using ASMR to cover tinnitus with headphones before bed, I also have a fan in my room that I run as well.
I find that the worst part about tinnitus is focusing on it. So you need numerous sounds going so your brain doesn't spend its time focusing on the loud ringing as you try sleep. So I like to listen to ASMR while reading with my fan on until I get tired and go to sleep.
Not sure if you've tried this stuff is and yours is just really bad but hopefully it can help.
Good. I hope you starve.
"society" back then was easier to deal with, since you didn't have the internet comparing your shitter life to all the people doing better than you, nor did corporations exist to enslave the masses with meaningless "information" work that you never felt like you were accomplishing anything real. back then you trained from a young age in a craft and did something real with your hands and saw the results, you belonged to a close knit community, you fucked your neighbors 14 year old daughter and married her when she got pregnant, and it all felt good.
>Hate my last job (about 5 years ago)
>Great Auntie who died left me 250,000$
>Boss fucks me over and makes me a casual so he can re hire some faggot who got cancer and left years before I started.
>Decide fuck this. Quit my job at the worst time to fuck my boss over.
>Live off the inheritance for the past 5 years.
Hasn't been to bad.
>>have a gf
So was i, then i got a job 4 years ago.
It didn't get any better. Just got less time for myself.
is your mom old?
I could still smack you, I've retard's strength syndrome.
>medieval society was easier to live in than modern western society
Please catch the bubonic fucking plague and die you human parasite. I have more respect for literal animals than I do for you.
>don't be born as a peasant and be born into landed nobility
>Turns out I can just do nothing while retards like you hit other peasants who dare point out how unfair it is that I can sit around doing literally nothing while taking all the profit of your work
>Can literally just travel around and do fucking nothing if I feel like it
>Just by being nobility I can even neet it up at others nobles places by saying I'm visiting for the month
NEETS have always existed, some people were just unlucky to be born into paths that would never let them be a neet.
Absolutely this
You wouldn't do a goddamn thing to me because fundamentally at the root of your pathetic soul you're a true coward without the means to confront any sort of adversity whatsoever.
i have a job, but i have 0 friends and never leave the house except for work so i hardly feels any different than when i was a neet.
>thinks medieval society was 400 years ago
>calls anyone else stupid
How the fuck does one afford to be a neet? Live with your parents? Born into wealth? Trick the government into sending you checks? I seriously dont understand.
I am technically a neet but at least I made a couple mil from shitcoins. I guess my $100 investment is worth several wagies cumulative existences.
are you 50 years old? what the fuck grandpanon.
>is NEET
>has no gf
>the goyim don't want to work
what the fuck do we do bros
i still have no idea what happens to neets when their parents die off.
import mexicans
humans were only meant to live ~40 years. fuck technology and medicine. the jews keep prolonging our lives
>Live with your parents? Born into wealth? Trick the government into sending you checks?
any of those sounds about right or be some rich bitcoin dude
Get up at 9:00
Water my plants
Breakfast unless I'm going into town early(don't drive and there's nowhere to shit for miles)
Get meat out to thaw
Get online
Draw while listening to music
Water plants again
Watch a movie/TV show
Walk down to Goodwill/Salvation Army to see if anything cool came in
Go see my only friend if he's still home
Jerk around on here for a few hours
Watch another movie/TV show
Read if I'm not tired
Count good things that happened vs bad things that happened today
It hasn't killed me to live like this, so I can only be getting stronger.
Some die off too via suicide.
>wake up
>play visual novel
Imagine how you'll feel when you're 80 years old reflecting on a wasted life, lmao
You're wrong.
With neet life you have more time to progress as human than a wagie.
I've lived NEET life for 5-6 years now and i still keep very tight, rigorious day schedule.
I meditate, read, excersice and improve myself daily. Every day that ends, im slightly better version of myself.
Wagies move these pursuits into their work. They earn money to someone else while gaining an arbitary number on their bank account - which they will go to spend on the first heat of misjudgement. These people go to work but stay poor in both body and mind.
Friend of mine left school and was a NEET from about 18-32. He had one proper job that whole time and walked out after a week.
He lived on welfare, lived with parents and did small mechanical jobs for people like changing oil.
Only when his dad die did he go and get a job, and he had no other option or would have been on the street. I don't even see him now because he just works and sleeps.
buy bitcoin you stupid fucks
>be on welfare
>genuinely think you're a better person because of it
lmfao how many times do you masturbate a week you fuckin wart
Imagine if you woke up early and went out to work but really you've been walking through the woods for 8 hours. Who would do such a thing, for 2 years no less haha
being neet for 1 year after graduating highschool and then I'm trying shape my body to enlist in military
>progress as human
Hol' up. Think back to when you were working. Did you do the same thing day after day? Was your time dedicated to another man? Were you progressing, or running mazes for crumbs of cheese?
buy link*
Is this 2007?