Pick one and remember

Pick one and remember.

The girl on the left spends her spare time helping the homeless, the girl on the right tortures mice in her spare time. Left is also a valedictorian, doctor and millionaire right is a unemployed hs dropout. Left is also a virgin while right drugged and fucked many people.

Pick again. Your choice didn't change. And if it did it's only because you want to leech off her money and cheat on her while she's at work.

All men are looks obsessed retards.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>All men are looks obsessed retards
Is this a revelation to you?

Is that you on the left OP? Yeah i would rather be abused by Amber

I pick Amber.

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I'd rather not have sex


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i pick inceldom

Not really I'm pointing out Yea Forums hypocrisy. Why are women shat on for caring a bit about looks when men care about looks and literally nothing else?

Why are women retards when men have literally no other goals but sex, fighting each other or chasing status?

Why are all women whores but the second a guys daughter dates someone poor or without a job or without a degree he throws a fit?

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>not wanting a rich slampig

What are you, gay?

The answer to your first question is that this place is populated by incels.

I don't want my kids to be ugly, sorry

Hey femcel.

If the one on the left wasn’t such a lefty hobgoblin I would pick left. But right is just a goddess on earth, sorry


Have sex femcel

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Normally I'd pick the hot one but Amber is subhuman.

left im so horny i bet she would do everything for me!

Right. Sorry

I’m already rich I need POOSI

There are still men who will find the left one unironically attractive because looks are subjective stupid.

Based and same.

brave statement for a hambeast

Fat people are ugly on the inside and out. Gluttony is a sin. Overindulgnce in food and lack of exercise are indicators of poor moral character.
I'd pick neither. But the fat bitch is just as bad as the slut.

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I'd choose you, because you sound bitter and you desperately desire attention, that pretty girls get. I'm into that shit: fucking insecure bitches, matters not how you look, unless you're avtually ultra obese.

>It's an uppity cunt gets upset she don't look so good episode
Welcome to the club bitch

i hope you're a female post tits filthy roastie

Women are shat on for caring about status, though. You don't want to marry chad because he's a political activist, you want to marry him because he's rich.

To men, this way of looking at the world comes across as completely disgusting. If you wanted to make this thread in a reasonable fashion, the girl on the left wouldn't be a porker. Fat people are disgusting, and there's literally no excuse for being fat.

Next, instead of extolling her "virtues", which are all based in meaningless status, something only women care about, you'd instead talk about how right is a crazy bitch who constantly yammers on about shoes, and how left is down to earth, fun to be with, and likes the same movies you do.

Then you'd get a more reasonable representation of what men really want.

left wouldn't look bad if she lost weight, ditched the glasses or got more flattering frames, and wore her hair in a different style.

i would choose neither because the chick on the left is fucking ugly and the chick on the right has serious issues

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Amber Heard goes around the world molesting child refugees.

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>the girl on the right tortures mice in her spare time
Literally perfect if she's into CBT and ballbusting too.

Honestly this. Ugly people have always got a cross to bare and are always scheming. The uglier you are the less I trust you.

>Pick one
Men don't ever choose. You've failed to understand gender dynamics. Try again

>but the second a guys daughter dates someone poor or without a job or without a degree he throws a fit?
what did he mean by this? literally don't understand this bit. how is that in any way relevant?

How about I pick an average chick I think there's something wrong with me. I can't fap to attractive women. I need those little imperfections to get a hard on.

>left wouldn't look bad if literally everything in view was changed

She's upset that daddy won't respect her "life decision" of dating a bum for "love" when she's clearly being manipulated/rebelling against daddy in the first place.

>Then you'd get a more reasonable representation of what men really want.
but user, all that you posted was too reasonable for the kind of thread this is, and you better remember to think of bait before replying seriously and then turn on shitposting mode if said post in question is actually bait


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Holy shit only a woman would create an entire thread on the premise of justifying the behaviour of toasty roasties on a fucking television and film board

that's the point though, easy to make changes outside of losing weight, which is easy if you just stop eating so fucking much and doing a minimal amount of exercise, and drinking water instead of drinking calories.

No you can tell her facial structure is fundamentally awful.

so this is an indicator she wants to fuck her dad, how does this make the women in question less of a whore?

nothing wrong with that

It's not great, but it's far from the worst I've ever seen. Some minor cosmetic surgery on her nose would fix most of her problems.

You have a serious case of abject patheticism

actually women care about wealth

Toastie roastie knows her eggs are drying up after focusing on her career and casual sex

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yeah, and she has the ability to change, thats so great about us humans, we can adapt to situations.

please go in to detail and explain away what you mean and how you came to the conclusion

I can't even see her facial structure.
I've lost weight, why can't she?

Right looks like she fucks niggers.

This is a false choice. I wouldn't want either. I avoid them both and look for my solid 7/10.

no one escapes the wall

wouldnt go for either

I want Amber to poop in my bed

friendly reminder that fat people are slobs with no discipline or self worth, this idea that fatsos are go-getters virtuous and selfless is retarded

You are an omega retard. If I offered you $1 or $100 you'd pick $100. Putting a bunch of conditions on the choice after the fact doesn't prove anything.
If they were the two last women on the world, you got me. Fortunately they're not, so I'd pick someone else.

I once almost killed my cat when she took a shit on my bad.
Also had to get a new bed. And the cat lives with parents now.

On the Internet sure but if I was actually smelling her hair and stuff I would would to crawl up into her bosom and fall asleep. I would snuggle with a plunger if it just had nice smelling long hair and was plushy and warm.

you have anger issues

$1 and you can buy whatever with it or $100 but it only goes toward helping some rando kid from africa

Im not saying she shouldnt lose weight im saying the only thing losing weight is going to do for her face is get rid of the double chin and get rid of the little bit of fat in her cheeks and around her eyes.

Its not going to unfuck her nose or chin or jaw line or soft eye asperity or forehead slope.

She'll look better. But not better enough to not be ugly.

you either get a million dollars and a placcid fatty as a wife


you get amber heard as a wife but she wakes you up with brutal CBT every morning

But mostly I just hate cats and how everyone finds their looks appealing inspite of their shitty personality.

I would eat a mile of Amber's feces just to see where it came from

Why did you have a cat if you hate cats? Doing someone a favor?

A million bucks would be handy, but CBT every morning? Money can't buy something like that.

Who has the prettier vagina?

Ha! Joke's on you, I have zero self-confidence, so I would pick the fatty even if their personalities were reversed.

>Left is also a valedictorian, doctor and millionaire

Men don't care about this kind of stuff.

Also being fat is a personality defect. Lacking self control and discipline are not attractive traits. Post the thread without a fatty.

>All men are looks obsessed retards.
are you implying this is some sort of new revelation? or that the only choices are ugly fat girls or beautiful psychotic ones? or that the fat ugly woman on the left won't eventually find a fat ugly man in her league who genuinely appreciates her? there are so many levels of roastie retardation in this copypasta I don't know where to begin.

>the girl on the right tortures mice in her spare time
I actually see Amber Heard do just that

Amber's. Fat people look disgusting

sounds like thats a personal problem you don't blame the dog owner when the dog is a shit head do you? no its the owners fault

My cat's personality is that he rolls around in his bed all day, and then every morning and every night he bugs me for food and to be let out for the night.

They're literally the easiest pets in the fucking world to look after.

At least we are honest about it.

This is a reality that will never change, don't matter how much you seeth about it, my dear roastie. For me, a man, the money, career, and job achievements of a woman don't matter a fucking drop because I don't want to leech on them. Also, their personalities just start to matter when it goes to a point it gets unbearably annoying. A teen girl legal in my country with no job and no life experience is more appealing to most man than a 30yo with a high paying job, and will be like this forever, it is just nature. Women complaining that men are lookists are like men complaining that women dig money: Pathetic. Might as well complain that the summer is hot.

>amber cutie tortures mice in her spare time
Them we have something in common. When I manage to get one alive, I tie them in the chair by the neck, and let my cats play with it and fight over their corpse. Mice are PLAGUE. I pity them as much as I pity cockroaches and maggots.

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i've honestly never seen a fat valedictorian. being fat is mutually exclusive with being an ambitious and hard worker.

>girl on the right tortures mice in her spare time

so she's a biologist.....

then I choose right!

Maybe, but still I can't see her jaw line under her fat.
Ugly or not, I would go for a pleasant personality. In OPs case both aren't appealing. Fat is a personality btw. And I would know.

this isn't even the worst thread on Yea Forums thanks to the pig disgusting grunge thread

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found the nigger

dumb slut

it's depressing though

mostly because a man's looks, other than his height, don't really contribute anything to the offspring. pretty mothers make pretty children, who themselves then have much higher success at reproducing, while pretty fathers don't guarantee pretty offspring, nor does the attractiveness of the father provide protection or safety for the offspring. also only manlets shit on women for caring about height, just like only ugly women shit on men for choosing pretty women.

Have you seen this lady? She was at max, a 5/10 and it's no wonder she never found anyone at the ripe age of 39 when she probably thought she deserved someone at least 7/10 worthy
to match her career status.

I hate the homeless and mice, also left could lose weight but don't

imagine being a m*tt

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That's an old cat I got as a teenager. Figured the mistake too late.
Of course I don't blame the dog. Dogs are nice and can be great with proper treatment.
Cats are shit, and nothing can really change that.
So like a useless piece of furniture. It's pretty I get it.

>you have to either pick an ugly beast or a sociopath.

>can't decide? Whoa, what a chavenist!

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Right because psychos are really hot.
I want to fuck her while she looks deadpanned right into my eyes, and her only reaction to orgasming is her eye twitching a bit.

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>>So like a useless piece of furniture.
They're fun to stroke. People don't have animals for "utility" unless they live on a fucking farm, dude.

Is that what your beloved Netflix tells you, American?

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To be honest, teens tend to be unbearably annoying.

They actually do. Emotional utility also counts.
But I don't find cats emotionally appealing.

And that's a good thing

Based physiognomy poster

>not being the authoritative daddy they crave and instructing them on how to behave around you
if you find teens annoying its your own fault for being an effete male.

>such a psycho grrrl
I'd have her crying for mommy in 10 minutes

depends on the cat, they have very different personalities. one of mine doesn't care about me 95% of the day, the other one is sleeping on my lap right now and follows me around everywhere.

>The girl on the left spends her spare time helping the homeless
So she's a bum enabler. Fuck her. Fuck homeless people.

But user, I also kill mice in spare time and drugged and raped many people.
Are you trying to shame me for my life choices? You sexist, cis-conformative, racist nazi fuck!

Absolutely, but at least they respect you, and acknowledge your authority. Try to tell an adult woman to chill, specially if she is financially independent, they will flip their shit on you. Also, since in your head you already labeled the teens as naive and stupid, the things they do don't piss you off that much because you are expecting. When interacting to adult women I'm always expecting them to act like... Adults. But they never do.

Both personalities suck to be honest, but at least the teens have a nice body in the prime to make stuff worth it, and at least for me, their naivety and dependency is endearing.

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If she has actual psychopathy then you won't make her cry through emotional means.
And certainly not for another people.

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All women are evil whores because:
1. They lie about what it is they actually like (or lack the self awareness to know what it is they actually like)
2. They have no conception of loyalty, they’ll get rid of you the SECOND a better looking man shows any interest in her
3. They find like three percent of men attractive
4. Men never claimed to find anything but appearance attractive, also men’s standards are so low all women have to do is exist to fulfill them
5. Women routinely get impregnated by Chads and lie to their husbands about who the father is


>their naivety and dependency allow me to control them!

OP never had a chance

you will never pass, bro

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$100 to the kid on the provision that he go into a crowd and release a modified more violent strain of ebola.

And that's a bad thing how exactly?

always right
genetics matter, want my kids to have every advantage possible

literally the dumbest fucking replies to threads like these, just because some freak out there might have a fetish for hambeasts is not a solution to the problem, because there are way, way more hambeasts than there are guys that want to fuck them and vice versa for ugly dudes. All you are saying with this post is "just get lucky bro" while inherently acknowledging that most will never achieve that result

Supply and demand.

Exactly. Do you have a problem with it?

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>All men are looks obsessed retards.
so are women, people are shitty. What the fuck is the point of this thread? (You) farming?

based incel who's never left the house

I was about to pick Amber until you said the fatty is a millionaire. I'll marry her and cheat on her with Amber.

No user, i'm sure he came to Yea Forums to really make a powerful statement on society.

Besides, teenagers are always horny and need dick, you are doing them a favor.

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Right, without a doubt.

Fuck off money obsessed retard. Who wants girl that helps homeless people or is an actual incel. Holy shit OP is a fag.

not true, maybe a degenerate obsessed with fat women, but even them loves fat girls with cute faces

Men only need to control women if they fear their actions.
a.k.a. it's a beta mindset.

Why would I pick either, I have sneed.

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is that what moshe told you?

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Bet the one on the left is Thicc and fucks great
T. Virgin

not marrying amber and cheating her with the fatty,








alright if the bitch is on a leash call me whatever you want,

I pick the left anyway, piggies are superior to thots if they're not insane.

Yet somehow women crave being controlled.
And some men too.

Is it a beta mindset to be fearfull for the future of your household, inheritance and name?

>helping homeless niggers with the ugly on the left
>or setting them on fire with the one on the right
What kind of shit choice is this, user.

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Yes, incels are hypocrites

the replies prove your point

Actually no, men need to control their women PERIOD. The bullshit you just said is nothing but roastie rationalization to shame men who won't accept your bullshit.

If you want to have a men who doesn't control you, just look around, betas are not a product out of stock. Just don't try to make everyone be like them, not all people fancy being a dog on a leash of an old past the wall roastie. Men are made to command in and outside the bedroom.

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Fear is for the weak.

Absolutes are for the dumb.

Absolutely based

dumb haha

This. Come on OP post yer snout.

Based and extremely redpilled.

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Like father like son

Taking the left will doom your children and make their life hell.

great post faggot

so are women, you dumb fucking idiot


>people like hot people
>millennials keep getting surprised by this for some reason

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that lazy fat bitch will gain even more weight forever

meanwhile amber will train everyday, she will recover her slim figure plus your kids will be beautiful and hollywood royalty,

the fat bitch´s kids will be ugly, fat with glasses
basically a 4channer

Explain this shit, google image search nowadays is awful.

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And women are obsessed with looks, height, money, strength, and penis size.

Nothing stopping the girl on the left from going to the gym and eating salad instead of candy, soda, and other assorted sweets and fats that ruin the proportions of her face relative to ideal geometrical fitness ratios which indicate healthy genetic material inso far as macroscopic defects in symmetry and "beauty" are indicative of flaws in the genetic code by the only means of detection primitive organisms had available to them.

Reminder; the only reason that europeans and north asians have higher IQs then other population groups is because they went through the brutal crucibal of the ice ages which weeded out population groups with slightly lower marginal IQ levels; sociopathic predatory social and breeding systems also likely perpetuated the hottest and most fittest genes; as much as we would hate to admit it.

As for blond hair/blue eyes.... I wouldn't be suprised when it first appeared if everyone and their sisters didn't offer themselves/family members/whomever up for breeding when the first "random mutation" appeared carrying blondhair/blue eyes. They probably thought said child/persons were emissaries/children of the sky/sun in the first generations when that allottype appeared.

>Thank you Jesus, for teaching us to love one other.... regardless if we're short, stupid, fat, crippled, dumb, or just plain ugly.

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It's a guy who does dumb Jackass-type shit dipping his hand into hot ice.

Neither, but maybe left if she lost 50-100lbs and had a decent personality. Right sounds like a psychopath.


Sodium acetate is dope as fuck.

>trying to fertilize an egg at 45
>what did i do wrong

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