>yeah I'm a huge cinefile... Kurosawa, Leone, Godard... the list goes on!
Yeah I'm a huge cinefile... Kurosawa, Leone, Godard... the list goes on!
>yeah I'm a huge sneedfile... Feed, Seed, Suck... the list goes on!
what about the fuck?
user hasn't had fuck yet
Better than Nolan, Tarantino, Russo.
Not as good as Cuaron, Inarrtu and Villenueve.
>yeah I'm a big guy ... for you, Smee, Dr Paveleer ... the list goes on!
Don't hate how can of y'all hate Ralphie. Not only is he litearly a fucking kid he also is tame as shit. It's like having an opinion anything than absolute neutrality about the flavour of water.
the kid's too boring and safe to care about him.
Stupid cunt
He's better than dogfucker and IHE
>It's like having an opinion anything than absolute neutrality about the flavour of water.
How utterly plebeian
That is saying literally nothing. It's almost a negative.
How did we go from loving him to hating him?
He is jewish
>le cynical witty youtube reviewer xd
So just Yea Forums: The Youtuber then?
Some people on Yea Forums actually have more knowledge about film and film history than that kike faggot.
*ding ding*
*dong dong*
*bang bang!*
italians aren't jewish
>everyone on Yea Forums is like me
nice one ralph nice cope
he literally say's he is
Look at his stupid face, he is clearly jewish.
Most people here only watch capeshit, Tarantino and Nolan and have no knowledge of film whatsoever. Some people here are actually helpful and know a lot about film. The problem is that most posters are still retarded. There are few people who are the saving grace of all the good discussion here.
Is that Cuck the Movie Faggot?
Never actually watched a video of his before so I just watched his Aquaman review. I don't know if I've just soured on the whole YouTube movie-hater shtick, but it struck me as thoroughly pointless and juvenile. Why would I want to listen to some teenager pretend he has informed tastes while bashing summer movie no. 6998 as if it's important somehow? It's not insightful, it's not original, it's not funny. By how vehement he is you'd think there was some heated online debate he decided to throw his hat into. But he never offers up actual criticism beyond the standard YouTube fare. What's the point?
Yes, it's quite pointless. It's like that faggot Mauler making 5 hour analysis of why Star Wars is bad. I just need to see the film to know that, i don't need to see a 5 hour video. In case of capeshit all i need to see is trailer to properly judge the quality of final product.
No he isn't
dogfucker > IHE > Ralph
>dog rapist
>best anything
All of them know almost nothing about film. What the fuck is even the point of IHE? Does he only watch shit films or what?
You post that like as if Ralph's list is any better
that list is honest, dograpist's list is dishonest.
He's literally Cinema Sins tier, he's never had anything interesting to say
>What the fuck is even the point of IHE?
The podcast is shit outright
>YMS references a film or some other shit
>The other two: ...
>... Never heard of it
that's some weird taste
>that list is honest, dograpist's list is dishonest
That's pretty dishonest of you to say, considering they're both interchangeable Reddit lists.
Does he even watch films made before 2000 which are not on imdb top 250?
almost all trash with 1-2 extremely mainstream good ones. he should fuck all kinds of animals and rate them on his channel instead of films, that would be more professional
Whoa... just like Yea Forums.
>Yea Forums is one person
It's alright? Why is everyone overreacting?
>Yea Forums is one person
Pretty much.
Yea Forums is a hivemind of capeshitters and capeshit aligned filmgoers.
Who hates him? His videos are alright. On the Youtube scale, alright is fucking great. He could easily one day become the reviewbrah of cinema reviews if he remembers to eat his vegetables, stay in school, and avoid drugs. At the bare minimum, at least he isn't a dogfucker.
Yes that's why there are /art/ generals and threads about Tarkovsky, Bergman and other directors.
>Who hates him?
Me, he's a film pleb trying to disguise himself as some sort of cinema expert, he brings nothing new to the table in terms of critique, and usually just boils down to fan wanking established filmmakers.
>Yes that's why there are /art/ generals
/art/ barely musters 15 unique posters before being archived in favour of a Marvel logo thread.
Does he fuck dogs or get fucked by them?
We also have a Big Brother general that gets more fucking posts than most threads
Those directors are still better than 90% of the shit on this board.
Stop asking questions you already know the answer to
There are like 20+ posters in those threads.
Yes but that doesn't mean that everyone on Yea Forums watches capeshit since the art general hit bump limit several times so there are numerous people who don't watch capeshit but watch other films. There are people on Yea Forums with better knowledge of cinema than those 3 clowns. Jewish faggot, ihe and dog.
Why do all incels look like this
What are you talking about? /art/ is fucking dead and shitposters killed it. /lbg/fags also couldn't comprehend people actually discussing the movies they watch instead of just rating them however many stars on Letterboxd and then never thinking about what they'd watched ever again
art was a meme and its over, i waited for an art general to ask about a movie but its so fucking dead
imagine being actually such a pleb you know director's names instead of judging movies on their own
There were some /art/ threads last week.
It's not shitposters who kill the thread. It's the lack of active people.
There were some last week. It's been like this for a month or more. Some hit bump limit some disappear after 40 posts.
Do you not see the retards arguing about film school for absolutely no reason? It went on for the next few threads until the last one we had which was just 90% shitposts
>all water tastes the same
I can't even,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
In his defence, he pretty much started his channel with his Man of Steel review. Him reviewing every DC movie is kind of a tradition for him.
>Who hates him?
His videos are funny, but he's a pretentious fool who mimics that fucking furry.
Well at least it gets some posts. The problem is that the threads die quickly because only small fraction of Yea Forums is interested in films. I thought you meant shitposting in the form arthouse films bad and boring and then retards replying and creating a cycle and clogging the whole thread. I find the film school discussion more acceptable than that.
I guess that's alright then, no one's forcing the dogs to get hard and thrust inside human ass. If you think it's rape, might as well support the sluts that get drunk and scream rape after.
His videos would be 10/10 if he dropped the skits and dress up stuff
>yeah I'm a huge cinefile... Spielberg, Tarantino... the list goes on!
Ralph stop this is embarrassing
>Don't hate how can of y'all hate Ralphie
i'm going to need a translation for this
YMS is best mainstream critic on youtube even if his knowledge of film history is non-existent
>The flight plan (just filed it with the agency) goes on
>yeah I'm a coward ironybro who criticizes everyone and never posts anything honest or genuine because I'm afraid everyone will criticize me instead how could you tell
>Don't hate. How can any of y'all hate Ralphie?
Cumberland Farms water is my favorite desu
>4. The Lion King
>yikes, my man
Yes, and? It's a good fucking movie
The fuck's wrong with The Lion King you fag
Based and truthpilled
probably the best disney movie and one of the best animated movies of all time
The opening was kino but the rest was eh
This. Ralph is a BASED Chad LAD. No one is Chaddier and laddier than /our Chad lad/ who is based af!
He literally has it as a favourite in large part due to his massive, massive sexual attraction to Scar and burning desire to fuck him, or get fucked by him. No, this isn't a shitpost. He's spoken about it before and even bought an expensive Scar body billow which he bragged about on twitter.
To be honest I have that too and I'm straight
>he's a Jew!
You can never provide any evidence of this other than going 'j-just look at him! kike!' Either you're obtuse and stupid or a shitposter. Spaghettis and kikes look a like plenty, and we have evidence he actually is a spaghettifag.
those are all pretty niche directors compared to the average "movie fan" with exception to perhaps Leone since everyone has seen Good, Bad, and the Ugly.
but what about KIMBA
Seven Samurai is arguably just as well known to the average "movie fan" as Good Bad and the Ugly desu.
Ralph admitted on camera to being Jewish in one of his more recent videos, and I'm sure he's stated it before. It doesn't really matter, just his ethnicity. He doesn't seem so religious or political, which is why he's good.
He's a rich new yorker.
Fucking sucks
maybe but I personally heard of Magnificent Seven before the japanese original. I've also never seen it and all I post is lonely horny
The only time I recall is in reference to some PewDiePie thing but he was being sarcastic as fuck and has otherwise only banged on about being Shitalian, so I'm still not entirely sure. Not that it would surprise me if he was a kike but that PewDiePie thing is pretty vague to me.
(formerly Kimba's)
>He wants to fuck a nazi
literally says it in his video why are you lying
Some user went on about his his cadence, attitude, etc. screams of country club brat who is a WASP in all but blood. Not a burger so I found that interesting. Not able to pick up on the subtle things other burgers might.
What video? If you mean the PewDiePie thing, read . I honestly have no idea if he was joking or not, unlike in the past where he says outright his family is Italian, he's related to Italian mafia members, etc.
or sucked
Based schizoposter
h-haha yeah that's so dumb right
You think Scar ever used Zazu's beak as a dildo when he was king? He had him locked in a cage, so some BDSM shit was going on there.
Fuck you fucking cunt. You also forgot the picture.
Why are you so trigger? Are you a kike too? Just look at his stupid face. That's the face of a Jew.
No they are not.
His videos are fine, but he is insufferable in sardonicast.
You can tell when Adam and Alex are supressing thier desire to tell him to shut up.
t. seething slavshit
You will never be a based Chad lad like Ralph.
t. retarded Bong
He is not based. He is a spaghetti kike faggot.
>Ralph is insufferable
>Not dog fucker
I'm not seething. I'm quite alright, you cunt.
I hate him...
In denial, for he knows he will never be a based Chad lad like Ralph with his beautiful Judeo-Sicilian face.
Stupid kike face you meant to say.
>Not as good as Cuaron, Inarrtu and Villenueve
how horrifying
English is my first language, not yours slavshit. I know what I meant. Maybe you're agreeing with me, it's just that you learnt English via South Park so your primitive slav mind thinks kike is an acceptable word for those distinguished, talented people... no one is more talented than based Chad lad Ralph though...
You do realize that Bongland is full of Pakis, Indians and Poles right? I have been there and it's a shithole. Well London is, especially the ghettos that you have there. I haven't seen South Park is it good? He is a kike. I mean just look at his stupid face. That's the face of a kike.
In terms of curating obscure, esoteric movies then yes Dogfucker is the best but his content has taken a fucking nosedive ever since he just gave up on doing full length YMS reviews and just does "quickie" reviews constantly now. Also Dogfucker is just in general an atrocious human being.
Ralph is a prime example why you should at least be 30 before you become a flim critic.
>he doesn't know about gamerfuel threads
>slavshit thinks he's being insightful by telling a Bong large swaths of London are a shithole
How insightful, Sherlock. He does look like a kike... he equally looks like a Shitalian. A bunch of Jews can pass for Italians and vice versa. He's bragged about his spaghetti heritage, never any kike blood outside of a sarcastic as sin joke relating to PewDiePie's Nazi controversy.
>atrocious human being.
This gets to the heart of why I like Ralph in spite of all the perfectly valid criticism about his arrogance, pretension, entry level tastes, etc., i.e. I find him entertaining and enjoyable to watch, and I can easily imagine having fun getting drunk with him but definitely not with the gross dogfucker. One of the reasons I hate the video essayist fuckers on YouTube isn't because their insights are so banal but because they deliver these plain as day insights in the most condescending, self important tone. Ralph did a decent parody of those fuckers for this year's April Fools.
Godard is unquestionably one of the most important directors of French cinema and post-war cinema in general. To put down his works because they're well known in amongst cinephiles is to reveal that your interest in film never came from a passion for the medium itself, but from a need to feel superior over others, moron. A film or director can be great no matter how popular he is.
Thanks mate. I just find it ironic that you call me slavshit since you are probably slav yourself. Well either that or a Paki or an Indian or a kike or a nigger. I'm guessing you are a Paki. Why would he brag about being a kike? Just look at his stupid face mate. He is a kike. Are you gay for Ralph or what?
Roughly half Welsh/English/broadly northwestern European and roughly half Scottish/Irish according to the ancestry test I did.
>continues to ignore kikes can look like Italians and vice versa
What are you, some weird spaghettiphile? He has a kike face and he also has a spaghetti face because those two ethnicities have plenty of members that look like they belong to the same ethnic group.
but he is a hack. name 1 good film he made
>inb4 masculin feminin meme
Are you having a stroke?
Alright, i'm going to need some proof for that statement Paki.
Why are you so defensive about him not being a kike. I mean it's clear that he si a kike. He even said it in one video. He said that he is a dirty kike and he is ashamed of his jewish ancestry but at least he doesn't have to suck so many cocks in film school.
>implying I'm desperate to prove myself to a slavshit
user, I hate to break it to you, but not everyone is like those meek Slovakian children you drunkards drunkenly abuse and that obey every single command your pig lips bark at them.
The Contempt, Breathless, Weekend, Alphaville and Pierrot Le Fou? Is this a serious question? Literally what makes Godard a hack?
It's Yea Forums pal. Unquestionably great directors get praised but only if obscure. Well known ones like Goddard will get shat on just for contrarianism's sake.
I LOVE Waiting for Godard
That's quite a misconception you have there Paki.