Why was this so scary back in the day?

Why was this so scary back in the day?

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It wasn't. It was kind of fun though.

I saw her face.....

I watched it when it came out. I was 16. I thought it was trash. And not scary. So, it wasn't considered scary. Most of my friends thought it was gay shit. What you are seeing is promotional hype and advertising. All my friends thought it was hella gay.

Early 2000’s blue/green moody aesthetic

wtf i repeated my self twice in this post. I must be getting dementia in my old age.

I never thought "The Ring" was scary, and as a film, I thought the Japanese version "Ringu" was better.

honest to goodness kinography

it deeply unsettled me as a 7 year old and i genuinely think it still holds up upon retrospect just due to aesthetics and the sheer fucking control over mood.

Attached: ringu.jpg (1200x649, 88K)


Mostly because of the bait and switch near the end, where Naomi thinks she's fixed the problem, and then it turns out that she hasn't.


Till this day, I get creeped out by a static television

For me personally Ring was THE scariest movie experience I ever had.

Granted I was a young teen when I watched it but I had seen lots of other horror movies like Chucky, blair witch project and all the classic slashers.

Ring was the first mainstream horror movie that had a slow burn. blair witch project had it as well but it was found footage.

Ring had something otherworldly to it which is inherent in Japanese horror. They are more an extension of lovecraftian horror rather than western "killer" focused horrors of that time.

Of course I watched the original Ring in an era where I actually had to go rent it at a videostore on a crappy videotape about a movie about watching a cursed videotape. This all added to the thrill and atmosphere.

I vividly remember being scared the first 7 days after watching it and wanting to have my television removed from my room for a while which is something no other movie managed to do for me.

Never seen the American remake of the movie though.

You sound like a drunk retard who did too many drugs and permanently damaged your synapses or someshit. The reasoning you provided may mean you are legally retarded.

>closet girl
>close up horse freaking out
>effective girl crawling from tv scene
That's all I remember from when it came out. Thought it was fun with some freaky parts.

Jesus fuck
>best friend since forever moves to California
>special showing of Halloween of Le Ring in our hometown
>decide to get high as fuck before movie
>sitting in theater watching movie
>phone rings on screen
>phone rings in pocket
>never before seen number on my phone
>stoned and frightened
>avoid this strange phone number that keeps calling me cause The Ring

Turns out my best friend was calling me from his new number to tell me he had skin cancer. He’s dead now. The Ring wins again.

You’re okay with dynamic televisions?

>I saw this on VHS tape, not DVD, VH fuckingS

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Atmosphere. They did that grey hopelessness so we'll. I really felt like these people were going to be tormented in terrifying ways and then inevitably die.

Oh fuck I said the buzzword. Seriously though the whole movie was grey and it was so depressing and scary and hopeless

My old crt TV started turn itself on with static randomly. It was the scariest shit ever, i never understood why.

>anons phone starts ringing in the cinema
>"hello ,who is this?"
>"seven days" says the raspy voice on the phone
>*cough* "sorry bro i had something in my throat, the doctors say i have cancer and I've only got seven days left"
>"phew, thank fuck for that, you scared the fuck outta me man"


ahahahH le horror movies ain't scary shit I watch them with ma friends in daylight and we make fun of it hahaha
what? watching it alone at night lmao no

attractive white woman in danger

How did Samara kill their victims? By heart attack?

>be me
>22 now
>still can’t watch horror movies
I blame my folks. They took me to Harry Potter when it came out, but on the other hand didn’t even let me watch Blade until I was 18 and moved out. By that time, I was already a pussy.

>watching it at a friend's house
>haha user this isn't scary
>their landline rings onces the movie is done
>we're both too scared to answer it

>closet girl
>unsettling imagery in cursed video without relying on any jumpscares
>feeling of dread the whole movie
>part where she's watching stuff in that suicidal guy's house and the lighthouse light shines on him as he's standing behind her
>guy's brutal electrocution suicide
>fake-out ending
>Ring girl's slow walk toward TV screen
>thinking you're going to see the protagonist's love interest's fucked up face when she turns his chair around, but it just shows her screaming instead, making you think you'll be safe from seeing his face, but instead there's a flash of his face later in the ending
It always puts me in a weird mood because the tone's so effective.

Do you know what's worse than The Ring? *cough*... The Blair Witch Project

I wasn't creeped out by the movie, but I was home alone the night I watched it and got a phone call by a mentally ill old woman in the middle of the night. That did creep me out for a second.

Some episodes of "A Haunting" on discovery channel are still like the scariness shit I have ever seen, because they are true stories!

based snarky poster

The only buzzword you need to worry about using right now is wholesome

god damn I responded to the wrong post

I remember they would play the ads for it on late night television, on Nick at Nite and Comedy Central, and Adult Swim when it was only aired on Sundays. Scared the shit out of me as a kid because the tv spots only showed the shit that played in the video without letting you know what it was.

Attached: rings-trailer-the-ring-.jpg (618x412, 29K)

fear is constructed from the unknown. this movie plays on this better than most on a fundamental level.
a death sentence delayed is more stressful than a monster attempting to kill you- it's wired into us biologically. if you can't fight it (or try), and if you can't run from it (or try), you stress. a monster coming at you might be rough, but we're wired to handle that- live or die we know what to do
mystery. having something to latch onto as a puzzle can bring even the most autistic and anti-social individual into immersion. if you're solving the puzzle, and so is are the characters, you feel a very keen and base sympathy. you are now the characters on many levels
the unnatural. mystery needs a match to kindle it. a dead body poses a mystery, but it's mundane. the more mundane and expected something is the less mystery there is. 'oh he was shot by a druggie' is the response. what if the dead are killed in horrible ways? ways not like most other movies? look at how strange the deaths are, how unnatural. this makes you want to know WHY they look thus.

finally a layer from a bygone era of simple quality film making went into this. it takes itself seriously. the people shooting and editing it did so as well. it was designed with a vision in mind and a desired outcome in the audience. most movies are designed with a desire for money.

"it's not scary tho" there's no mystery about the movie to you. it's literally ingrained in culture it has such an impact. dracula isn't scary anymore, and yet the farther the common conception of dracula moves from its original book, the more the slowly creeping fear, not for yourself, but for the loyalty and faith of your loved ones begins to grow. maybe the same will happen here, but i doubt it. many aspects of the mystery and unnatural nature of the deaths has either aged poorly, been integrated or done in better ways, or even simply no longer interests people fundamentally. the premise as the movie presents it is broken.

Has anyone else ever played the Dreamcast game?

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Dude I have the opposite experience. I grew up with a methhead teen mom to the point where I was 6 and begging my mom to not watch horror movies as I had trouble sleeping if she does.

She just replied with "Fuck off to your room then if you don't want to watch".

We were poor as fuck so my room only had a matress on the floor so I would have to sit there for the running time of the movie doing nothing so I just chose to watch horror movies almost daily.

Now at almost 30 I'm extremely desensitized to the point of these movies being ruined for me permanently.

No, talk about it a bit.

Forecast from Marble Hornets was more scary and unsetting than most of the mainstream horror videos.

And it was just a fucking dog lung breathing with the distorted Bethoven music.

I found the whole marble hornets shit boring. I guess it could be scary if you're a zoomer and you watched it as a small child on youtube or something/

I saw Vinny from Vinesauce play it once.

I have to no words. Why cyberspace?!

>it was scary
20 year old boomers
>it wasnt scary
30 year old boomers

Damn user, I'm sorry for your mom. But personally I'm just too much of a pussy. I had to turn 19 to watch Alien. I can watch old stuff like Shinning and whatnot now, but things like Hereditary or whatever, nopenopenope. One weird hangup I have is that I cannot deal with demons, ghosts, spirits and the like, but if it's aliens, some science experiment gone wrong or something similar, I'm more likely to push through it. Supernatural stuff scare the living daylights out of me, but if it's something "real", something concrete, I have an easier time swallowing it.

I'm a 30 year old boomer and I found it scary. Seems to me it's zoomers that don't find it scary since they didn't watch it back in the day and only watch it in today's society.

Of course it isn't scary when you haven't personally experienced the CRT TV static and putting in the VHS in yourself.

You got those mixed up.

Yeah supernatural stuff is always more scary because it bases on your inner fear when walking alone in your home in the dark and hearing some sounds. Killer/gore/aliens don't cause you to have this small paranoid fear in the dark at night.

it wasnt, people just latched on to the 7 days thing

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Instead of watching a video, you played a game that would kill you in 7 days from what I remember. It's been damn near 29 years since I played it. It was basically like that shitty movie Stay Alive. If you died in the game you died for real.

Attached: 220px-Stay_Alive_poster.jpg (220x325, 25K)

*20 years.