“Outstanding traditional culture is a country and nation’s basis for continuation and development...

> “Outstanding traditional culture is a country and nation’s basis for continuation and development. Losing it is the same as severing a country and nation’s lifeline”

Will traditional China become the new Kino factory?

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When China reveals its power level and goes full USSR 2: Electric Boogaloo, yes. But you won't get to see it, because your country's fragile economy would have collapsed.

>>“Outstanding traditional culture is a country and nation’s basis for continuation and development. Losing it is the same as severing a country and nation’s lifeline”
Cultural Revolution & mao btfo

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OH BOY I CANT WAIT FOR (4 classics reboot) MOVIE!

>everything that happened during the cultural revolution amd the great leap
>"""Outstanding traditional culture""""

fuck off winnie

wish white people acted like this desu fuck western civ and whats it's done to us (unironically)

he really does look like pooh, honestly i would have played into it

But these guys literally annihilated their own culture...


Xin Xi the Xu, Xin Xi the Xu,
Chubby little commy, all stuffed with fluff.

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>Outstanding traditional culture

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They can use the L

The exact moment the last vestiges of artistic integrity in Hollywood dissipated.

why would they change that
>During the next six months she operated in the Far East with the 7th Fleet off Japan, Taiwan, and Okinawa.
lol seething chinks

Why is Xi at my local chinese restaurant?

I hate fucking Chinese!

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The communists killed traditional Chinese culture.


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China is a pure kino country. Horrific accidental acts of violence are widespread and could all be easily avoided if they weren't so fucking retarded. Like giving a chimp a machine gun.

A wise people.


it's the overpopulation and then they shoved everyone into cities to control them better

Go form your own country fag

Dude do you even know the CCP?

They literally say China was a complete and utter shithole until 1949 when the Chinese Communist Party started to turn it around.

Until 1978 people in China were KILLED by saying something positive about anything China or Chinese pre-1949. ALL old art, temples and historic sights have been destroyed from 1949-1978.

All the temples in China are reconstructions. Taiwan is the only place where you can find authentic stuff.

The kungfu, dragon stuff and fat bhudda stuff you know about China has been invented in the 1980s in hong kong and don't have any connection to the real China.

Bhuddism, kungfu etc is TO THIS DAY still a crime punishable to organ removal in China.

The only history China praises is Marx in germany, Stalin in the soviet union and 1949-2019 in mainland China. That's it.

Chinks can't into kino, they can only copy to produce soulless versions.

Attached: chinks.webm (320x640, 1.82M)

how's that little truck going on its own
also thank's for the morning kek

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ha ha ha take that wagies

No. The commies neutered China's culture, gutted it of all its mysticism and philosophy and replaced it with their counterfeit approximation. They killed many of their own myths.

The West isn't without its own parallels(look up the "official re-write" of Robin Hood), but it's nowhere near as bad as China.

Have sex, incel.

No, since anyone with an earnest creative spark was long ago killed. Now their best bet is keep using soft leverage to guide foreign content producers like Hollywood to pander to their enormous consumer base like with while themselves putting out brainlet propaganda that'd make Rambo 3 blush in shame

Their culture is selecting for the worst possible outcomes in humanity, with a major app identifying nearby debtors, and asking people to out them to authorities if they're enjoying too good of a lifestyle when there are bills to be paid

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Christine: The Story Continues

Jesus Christ.

Have kids


I have often suspected that Disney(by either complicity or just "happy" accident) is America's "official version" editor. They change stories in some extremely suspicious ways.

>tfw with how crazy Pooh bear is running China and how xenophobic it is becoming Avatar 2 will likely be pulled from China

>traditional China
nothing in that room is traditional China

What happened to Japan and Taiwan?
I thought they were allies of the United States.

The emperor and his centralized government.

Very traditional China.

do you have a single fact to back that up

Chinese investment