>Hitlerjugend Ronaldo, please direct me to the nearest road.
Hitlerjugend Ronaldo, please direct me to the nearest road
>ywn wake up to find a time travelled hitler in your back garden and help him reclaim the reich
Hold me bros.
post height and jaw
You first.
2 gigachads clash
>n-no u
chinlet confirmed
Chadder than most.
>Your family did not die in bombing raids, THEY WERE BURNED ALIVE!!!!
>doesnt post his pic
>using Yea Forums memes outside of Yea Forums
take a bump
>still doesnt post his pic
Have sex.
ya seethe
Fuck off /pol/
I've been meaning to watch "Look Who's Back". Is it a good movie? How does it compare to the book?
qt goth is the best part
it's Hitlerjunge
YA if your a /pol/lack who loves shitler.
this movie must seem surreal for foreign audiences
It's ok, I guess it's interesting in presenting the idea that despite what we may believe, citizens of civilized first world countries could easily turn to chaos and people wouldn't realise what was happening until it was too late
it does. how do they accept him? just kinda roll with it? i dont mean in a way like zooomg this guy is literally hitler. it's just that nobody seems to give a fuck. like a freakshow leaking into real, serious life, and people are kinda accepting it. is this how it is in germany?
It's good. Hitler comes back and is mostly disgusted by modern day Germany, and becomes a bit of a tourist attraction and media spectacle. He gets headhunted by a (i think) tanking entertainment company, who plan to use him as a gag on a silly talk show.
Rather than indulging their silly jokes, he basically preaches to the audience about modern Germany's failings. How the common person is left behind, the family unit is failing, the rich are hoarding wealth, the natural environment is being destroyed, and people are bombarded by stupid media to keep them distracted. Occasionally he inserts something grossly offensive that everyone takes as a joke.
He becomes super popular and the final scene is him being driven through crowds of cheering onlookers while actual audio of Hitler speeches plays in the background.
they think it's satire.
It's great.
They think he's a comedian and neonazis even neat him up for "mocking the Leader" at one point.
It's audio of the song "Er ist Wieder da" and I think the best scenes are ones where the people talk to him about being threatened by immigrants and Hitler even repeats some of his racial ideas involving dogs from Mein Kampf to a woman at the dog farm.
And then he kills a dog for some fucking reason. Of all the things they could have done to make him hated again, they went with that.