What's the Yea Forums consensus on him?

what's the Yea Forums consensus on him?

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take a guess

i refuse to support any of the numale faggots that are currently famous

There are limits to gay, but he doesn't seem to care.

based,dont let any new age brain rotted faggot convince you otherwise

he's a freak, the mentally ill population of this website seem to like him but he's just another poisoned jew

He's a huge faggot but I'd fuck his mouth and not tell anyone about it?

faggot who needs to be beaten to death. end of story.

>there are limits to gay

please indulge us with your retardedness.

i went to see this post punk band called priests and ezra's band was opening for them. he had 2 private security guards and his band was fucking terrible.

one of the more bizarre shows i happened to find myself at.

attentionwhoring faggot jew

Edgy, but take it back to /pol/

hes a gay
and not a cool gay like freddie mercury

a cute

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I'm not even slightly gay but I have no qualms in saying that man has a fat ass.

It's a cute butt and very fuckable.

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Whats worse than a mod? A wannabe mod like you.

Are extremely flamboyant gays just the chads of gay men? Think about it.

Yeah they are called Sons of an Illustrious Father, where did you see them?
They're playing in Brooklyn this upcoming Tuesday and I'm seeing them then

Hope someone cracks his head open with a cricket bat

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he's so sexy and cute

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Seems like a weird dude, even for Hollywood. I wish I were half as handsome as he.

so much this

Seems like an unnecessary amount of violence, no?

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>what's the Yea Forums consensus on him?
Absolute raging faggot Jew. He is everything wrong with society and the world. I hate him so fucking much

Posting "Jew" over and over again doesn't mean anything

he's so sweet, cute, and harmless - I don't understand when people claim he's this huge degenerate

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He's the face of modern mental illness bring celebrated and glorified. He does for attention and to push an agenda

He's a faggot. Not a gay, because they're fine, but a faggot

And what agenda is that exactly? He's LGBTQ+, it's not pushing an agenda when that's just what you are - if anything it's representation

He is so cute it's painful

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really pretty

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it's funny how people constantly need to bring up the fact that he's Jewish to just have something to lodge against him as if it means he's lesser or ugly or something

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I hope no one actually believes this

are he and hunter secret twins?

she looks so much like him

based Ezra making /poltv/ seethe

tryhard faggot

Hehe that would be kino if they played siblings in a movie one time, Hunter as his younger sister. But it's the glorious Germanic genes that give them both their superior looks.

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Ezra is also playing a show in DC tomorrow before the one in Brooklyn on Tuesday.

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Ezra's hair is getting so long again he has to pull it into a small ponytail :)

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these are from tonight's show btw

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Kike #904857 getting work because he's a kike and kikes control Hollyjew.

I cannot wait until his hair is this long again, it was so cute
I wonder if he is growing it out for a role?

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See: You can call Ezra that all you want, it doesn't change how successful or beautiful they are

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That's nice. Three of the main DC characters have been turned jewish (1 lying about it) for no reason, it's all coincidence.

There's nothing wrong with being Jewish.

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Just the past 2000 years of Earth history. That's all.

Ezra is criminally hot

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How is Ezra so cute?

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Despite being just 3% of the population...

amazing legs

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obnoxious views on gender and ugly body/feet hair ruin any sex appeal he has

He's Yea Forumss favorite actress.

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The cashier at a store I went to yesterday had piercings, makeup and black nail polish on and I felt really weird about it
Was driving home before I realised it was because I thought he looked cute and my dick twinged when I thought about kissing him
No homo

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