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>been 15 years haven't seen a db episode
>curious about what's going now
>see this

What a fucking joke.

Goku should have stayed dead and gohan should have taken over. DB became a fucking joke when they made gohan a bitch boy for the 25th time.

Super isn't too bad past the first couple arcs. It grows on you

That's the best part of Super. And Frieza isn't their friends or anything, just a battle for survival they are grouped together in.

Only the ToP and the first half of Black were okay.

No Goku is too good of a protagonist.

Characters like Gohan have their time and are retired. It happens to everyone that isn't Goku or Vegeta. It's just how the franchise works and stays fresh. It's how it ALWAYS worked

U6 is pretty good. Only RF and BoG were explicitly bad I think

They weren't that bad, just really unneeded and unwanted.

I think they are awful. Worse than anything in GT. ESPECIALLY Resurrection F.

That's just my opinion though. If you like them power to you

No way they are. They are above everything from GT.


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For me ? Dragon Ball ended with the saiyans/Frieza arc in the paper Manga in 1997, what give it away ?

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Wait, didn't Freiza get jobbed and die to Trunks a long time ago?
Are they doing some wierd time travel shit, or is this a different Freiza?

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Did that really happen? It looks so lazy and stupid it doesn't even look like hes angry

I wasn't aware that the burgers and anglos had it so bad.

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NuCHADLY and his movie were all soul though.

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You are like 20 years behind on this shit.

His men wished for him to be brought back and he was promptly killed again and then they brought him back permanently because fuck you he's popular

>Super isn't too bad past the first couple arcs
Huh, I thought the Beerus worldhopping stuff was the peak of the show. The rest is just a retread, done better 20 years ago.

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Check these ratings

>DB flicks
DBZ flicks
>DBGT flicks
>DBS flicks

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Dragon Ball Z abridged > DBZ

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This shit opinion is eve beneath reddit.

Thanks for reminding me how much I hate Goku's Japanese voice actor.

the manga ended in 95 tho

i think goku's voice is cute. the ameribro one sounds too nasally and whiny

Cause he isn't angry, he turns super Saiyan out of sadness more than anger when Frieza tells him one of his stray energy blasts killed his dad

>Wait, didn't Freiza get jobbed and die to Trunks a long time ago?
Turns out there's these things called Dragon Balls. Also there's clearly a halo over Freeza's head

This is the most soul Dragon Ball has been since the Android saga.

Absolute Kino

Was Broly done by a completely different team than Super? DBS didn't once hit a high note, but Broly is consistently good.

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