Other urls found in this thread:
You don't go to church, you're not religious.
You're just an obnoxious crybaby.
The message is against repressive institutions, not specifically the church. Ones that spread mis-information and keep people ignorant and under control. I bet you complain about the media and the state doing that. You're just too stupid to realize when your own ideas manifest in stories.
Reminder that Phillip Pullman seethed so hard about C.S. Lewis saying thots go to Hell that he wrote a child sex scene into his last book.
>about C.S. Lewis saying thots go to Hell
I never even heard this, this just makes Pullman a bigger ass, creating reactions against strawmen he created
>I bet you complain about the media
Well the bear is cool
>As Mary said that, Lyra felt something strange happen to her body. She found a stirring at the roots of her hair: she found herself breathing faster. She had never been on a roller-coaster, or anything like one, but if she had, she would have recognised the sensations in her breast: they were exciting and frightening at the same time, and she had not the slightest idea why. The sensation continued, and deepened, and changed, as more parts of her body found themselves affected too. She felt as if she had been handed the key to a great house she hadn't known was there, a house that was somehow inside her, and as she turned the key, deep in the darkness of the building she felt other doors opening too, and lights coming on. She sat trembling, hugging her knees, hardly daring to breathe, as Mary went on...
His point was that 'original sin' and the sexual awakening of Eve in the garden was not a bad thing at all and that sexuality and female sexuality is not something sinful to be suppressed, but something joyous and natural.
church is our enemy tho
So he supports sluts
do atheists even care about anti-christian stuff anymore?
like who gives a shit?
I agree with you user, the media often spreads mis-information, has biased agendas and works to keep people ignorant and under control. It often functions as a repressive institution.
Which is basically what Pullman is criticizing. It's not an inherent criticism of religion. Do you understand?
where the fuck are you people getting the idea that Eve eating the fruit activated her puberty? Genesis does not say that at all
Since when was this webspace ok with church? Fuck church.
>It's not an inherent criticism of religion
That's a bad opinion.
That's the "fuck you, Dad!" freudian interpretation that Freud came up with to rationalize fucking his patients.
>b-but you can't insult the church like that!
>b-but you can't kill a kid on a TV show!
This show is going to make burgers STEAM
Who cares what Genesis says in your fictional book? This is Yea Forums. gb2/lit/ nerd
off topic get banned. see you in 3 days op
Pullman is an atheist so he's more open to unorthodox, even downright silly interpretations of scripture.
>Literal quote from Genesis: BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY
Pullman confirmed for brainlet
Being a edgy atheist stopped being cool in 2004.
Religion is for fucking retards that can't fathom science. Basically all religious people in 2019 the year of our lord should just kill themselves because all you are doing is holding us back. Call it the rapture or something.
Eating the fruit introduced the concept of shame and that our bodies and our sex are shameful.
It's also unclear whether Adam and Eve even had sex or considered each other sexually before their fall from grace.
>His point was that 'original sin' and the sexual awakening of Eve in the garden was not a bad thing at all and that sexuality and female sexuality is not something sinful to be suppressed, but something joyous and natural.
But that's what sex would have been if Adam & Eve kept God's law - joyous, natural. I really don't think mentally ill loser 20 somethings fucking eachother in fursuits, and sissy chastity dominatrix shit is "healthy, natural" sexuality at all.
hello 12 year old edgelord
God hates sex that isn't in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreating
I'm not an atheist you stupid faggot.
you're 7 years to late
I can't believe it...
...Christianity... bad... at last I truly see....
So he fell for the Sexual Revolution psyop like all boomers.
>Eating the fruit introduced the concept of shame and that our bodies and our sex are shameful.
you literally just made that up, sex is never mentioned in the garden of eden episode
What's your point? I've read the book.
>he can't read between the lines
Stay in church
Why do they cover their genitals?
This is not a Christian website so who cares? I hope His Dark Materials offends every religious spastiod out there
The current pope's mother was jewish, making him a jew according to rabbinical law
The church also covers up childrape and human trafficking. They promote mass immigration, and spend more on muslims and africans than helping christians. They stay silent during the greatest genocide of christians of the last 50 years that is currently happening in the Middle East
There is a middle ground between traditional religious puritanical nonsense and sissy dominatrixes and furries.
I think this book is pretty clear about what healthy sexuality entails. There's no Lyra doing piss-play scene.
No. I legitimately want all religious people who post here to kill themselves. You make this place worse. Go to heaven already if you believe in it so hard.
I understand that you are autistic.
This is not an atheist website either. More people believe in God than not. Deal with it.
t. Tyler The Creator
The threads will probably be a nightmare with all the triggered /pol/fags and pedos.
Holy shit, you really must be 14.
>The consumption of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil does not result in the first humans understanding any scientific principle, but rather their vulnerability in nature, symbolized by nakedness. Adam and Eve are said to hide from God because of their nakedness, indicating that they understand their vulnerability to punishment for violating the precept (Genesis 3:10). Symbolically, the passages that follow from the eating of the fruit may refer to efforts to address their vulnerability first peacefully (fig leaves) (3:7), then by means of violence (animal pelts) (3:21)
Sorry if I pissed your toddler like sensibilities off. Maybe you should have stopped believing in magic when you became an adult.
>Someone mentions how a book is more about a dogmatic institution pushing a narrative than it is about actual churches
>You bring up a literal dogmatic narrative pushed by the media and think you're disproving his point
based retard
>*fedora tipping intensifies*
I've been here since 2004. Religion has always been a joke here in until the last couple years
>"I'm a DEUX VAULT LARPer am I cool now lads"
post neckbeard
so they wear fig leaves so that god can't towel-whip their genitals, and punish them, and it has nothing to do with shame about their sexuality?
Because I grew up
I'm slightly confused by this idea that fig-leaves can protect you from god.
I've never made a post on reddit in my life. You're just a stupid faggot who's mad I'm invading your safe space with scary words that upset you.
Ah yes, His Dark Materials, known for its anti'Jew and anti'Muslim elements
once again your bringing sex into something that has nothing to do with sex, captain freud
You guys are behaving like those boomer-moms who thought Harry Potter was satanic and evil.
>muh safe space
t. r/the_donald
No I will not deal with it. I am going to convince you to kill yourself if it's the last thing I do. Also, I'm not atheist. You enjoy penises in your mouth you insecure bitch.
>There is a middle ground between traditional religious puritanical nonsense and sissy dominatrixes and furries.
>I really don't think mentally ill loser 20 somethings fucking eachother in fursuits, and sissy chastity dominatrix shit is "healthy, natural" sexuality at all.
And that's what exposes you as a brainlet and a prude
Have sex
Yea and the majority of people are fucking retards. What's your point?
>And the man and his wife were both naked, and they were not ashamed.
>Your nakedness will be uncovered and your shame will be exposed. I will take vengeance; I will spare no one.
>And the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; so they sewed together fig leaves and made coverings for themselves.
You think this has nothing to do with sex?
church? more like chringe
The illegitimate kid I had with your mom is 14.
The only thing I tip is your mom after she is done sucking me off for the night and has to return to her corner.
You grew up and started believing in magic? What'd you get hooked on meth?
Wow based
classic jew
see retard, Genesis was written as a symbolic story telling certain truths, even the ancient Jewish writers knew that God did not literally create the universe in 24 hour periods of 7 days
So when is it out on hbo?
No exact date yet, my guess is October.
Donald Trump is a gigantic faggot. Almost as big of a faggot as you.
your proof?
>(i)Genesis has always been read by the greatest theologians in history as being primarily allegorical. St Augustine in his Commentary on Genesis speaks about how it is foolish to read Genesis as a scientific account. St Jerome talks about how Genesis is written in the style of "myth". Origen of Alexandria in his commentary on Genesis speaks about how it would foolish to presume there was a literal Garden. St Thomas Aquinas warns against reading the Bible or Genesis in a way that contradicts reason or natural philosophy.
>(ii). Affirming Genesis is a "myth" does not compromise Biblical authority. The Bible is an entire library of Books with different genres and styles of writing such as myth, legend, epic, saga, wisdom literature, philosophy, poetry, biographies, ancient historiography, etc. Different books have different genres and styles of writing to them. As well when we study the historical context and original intention of the authors we clearly see that it is written in the style of a creation myth. As such it is not telling us how God created the Universe but why God created the universe and what the purpose of human beings are.
Now stop being a brainlet
Religious people are big dumb gayfers whose moms didnt even let them play pokemon.
church is retarded gay shit, but so is atheism.
Look i understand that. And I understand your explanation, is that they covered themselves up because they felt vulnerable from god's wrath while naked, after acting against him.
But the bible does discuss 'shame' to do with this. Shame is different from vulnerability. And the idea that a covering of fig leafs would do anything to protect them from god doesn't make any sense.
>I know more about the Bible than a Bishop who got his doctorate in Biblical theology
Ok, kid
this is basically Harry Potter but for Zoomers right?
and now the church endorses his writings really makes u thnk
In Harry Potter they have pets but here the pets are connected to them like on E.T. If the pet dies they die (I think).
Order isn't oppression. Most humans are too stupid and pathetic to explore morality and need restrictions. Otherwise they go crazy and turn into degenerates.
But pickle Rick here knows better than thousands of years of society.
is the series worthwhile reading as an adult?
just hella bored
I'm not disputing that it is allegorical and non-literal. I don't even see how that is relevant. It literally discusses shame which is an abstract concept and covering ones genitals and becoming aware of nakedness is also allegorical for shame over sexuality.
That's what I'm suggesting.
If your explanation of the story told doesn't make sense you can explain that by saying it's allegorical so it doesn't have to make sense, even an allegorical story has to be internally consistent.
> the bible is metaphorical
so jesus isn’t really god’s son then
What is healthy sexuality? Is it sexuality that leads to a healthy and happy life? Because if so, the science indicates that healthy sexuality happens in a committed relationship between a man and a woman who haven't had sex with anybody else.
>Babbys first lost argument
Shhh babby, its ok
Probably shouldnt have been raping those kids if they didnt want to seem like a paedo religion huh.
If you like fantasy, yes, absolutely. It's top tier. If you like adult literary fiction, as in top tier prose, then probably not.
lol no
money on his car insurance by switching to geico
and he did, and it was good
until it wasn't, and all the world was cinder
There's always one
It's "The Chronicles of Narnia" for fedoras.
Catholic here. Bishop Baron's a heretical modernist cuck. Never post him again.
This was released before Harry Potter
>Every book in the bible was written to be read the same way
brainlets, brainlets everywhere
You really want everybody walking around naked?
I'm not suggesting order is oppression and nor is Pullman. Institutions and hierarchy are not inherently wrong in his world, as Oxford and Gypsey society both are institutions with hierarchies, and depicted as having a largely positive impact on the world.
He is more saying oppression is oppression so if your order or your institution is not oppressive then it's not being criticized and there's no need to be offended by this.
>t. Rabbi Shekelstein SchloGlow
>mom told me so in homeschool
Its quite a bit better than the Narnia books.
>creating reactions against strawmen he created
You're doing the exact same thing right now
You're not even addressing what I said or considering that there's any merit to it whatsoever, you're not being rational and i'm not watching videos you link, if you have a point, make it.
The second post isn't me and I don't see why I have to be consistent with someone else.
>there are 2 HDM threads right now
>one is ruined by pedos, the other by /pol/ tards
so a church cuck is saying you need the church to make sense of the bible
very convenient
>>one is ruined by pedos, the other by /pol/ tards
>implying those groups aren't one and the same
Not in real life, and that has something to do with sex.
The nakedness in the garden is non-literal though and represents freedom and lack of shame over sexuality.
Even in the garden, you would literally wear clothing to protect yourself from cuts on your penis and such while frolicking.
>N-n-n-no u
of course it is
it's a talking bear with a helmet
tell me why your opinion is more valid than a guy who has studied theology for most his life
>t. martin luther
Because theology is a pseudoscience created by the church to justify its own legitimacy
and dont forget to donate my son.
Pretty sure its a story about humans becoming self aware. Once humans stop being self aware they have to leave Eden which is a state all animals live in. No self awareness and no real consciousness. Things in that state are "with god" because they are apart of nature instead.
I'm trying to use your language. I don't assume you've ever questioned the materialist hedonist herd, but can you provide a definition of healthy sexuality? How is one able to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy sexual activity?
*Start being self aware
I'm not saying that it is. I have no idea what that man's opinion is because I'm not going to watch videos you link and assume there are valid points in them to infer. If you have an arguement to make, then make it. You're not even bothering to address or rebut anything i've been saying though, infact you seem to largely be sticking your fingers in your ideas and shouting that you're not listening
The entire point of HDM is just Pullman seething that the modern fantasy genre was created by Christians who were protesting against modernism.
The lack of shame isn't portrayed as a bad thing. The shame comes as a consequence of sin.
Tolken was protesting against “modernism”? I think you’re just projecting your gay clown memes onto others
Healthy and unhealthy in strict medical terms is related to adverse events, so, if something is healthier the sample group has cardiac events less or later in life or experiences mental issues less etc.
>t. Med scientist
proof you can cut your penis while frolicking naked in a garden?
yes, self aware, part of which is of our sexuality, which is inherently shameful. The bible literally says 'shame'. I don't understand how becoming self aware could even have nothing to do with sex.
>And the man and his wife were both naked, and they were not ashamed.
>Your nakedness will be uncovered and your shame will be exposed. I will take vengeance; I will spare no one.
>And the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; so they sewed together fig leaves and made coverings for themselves.
Is “sex change” healthy, doc?
Pretty sure fantastical stories with strange creatures pre-date christianity by about 2 millenia
wow so original
You can’t cut your dick in paradise, dimwit
>modern fantasy
weak damage control
Everything about how we are meant to live and behave in religion is around post-garden life.
So it's utterly irrelevant what life might have been like with no sin, in terms of our lives now.
it's an adaptation of the same book you fat fucking retard
Look it up. Tolkien hated modernism because it created the weapons he saw in the Somme.
You gotta look at it within the tranny spectrum. Those that have vs those who dont, since being a tranny itself is a mental parameter that needs to be controlled for. You cant compare normal people to trannies like that, if thats what youre asking.
So since adverse events increase with number of sexual partners (divorce, STDs, unhappiness), I'd call lifetime monogamy a healthy sexuality.
The people saying ITT that the bible doesn't suggest sexuality is shameful are missing the point anyway. The bible is up for interpretation, and many Christians interpret it as meaning that sexuality is shameful.
Many churches literally teach that masturbation is a sin. Especially in the past. Many teach that pre-marital sex is a sin.
These are based on interpretations of the bible.
No, I mean the surgery
>sell the same shit under a different name
good job hollyjewd
"you are not religious"
like if some grumpy leftist loser can know about who you are.
Again with the same, the actor said that his work is against God and against all religion in general.
Never trust an atheist.
Trump also complains about the media you God damn moron.
The first movie was fucking terrible. Didn't do the book justice at all.
HBO series aren't typical 'hollyjew' they're generally extremely good.
Funny, a lot of people are independently discovering that porn is bad for them and a lot of other people are discovering that promiscuity is bad for them. Maybe Christians were right?
>The bible is up for interpretation
so it might not be true then
absolute state of christcucks
I didn't mention porn, I simply said masturbation.
I didn't say promiscuity either. You can have sex before marriage in a long-term committed relationship.
Lyra is in love even.
Stds cant count really. A good comparison would be monogamous vs like a mormon dude with 5 wives, and then we look at the dude. Of course theres more wives to share the load so may not be quite accurate, but i see your point.
Are you religious? Do you regularly go to church? I think you would have said you are if you are. I think my assumption is correct.
> the actor said that his work is against God and against all religion in general.
Which actor? When? And why do you think the interpretation of an actor who has little influence over the meaning of the work has any meaning at all?
>judging theology by the criteria of validity of empirical science
>The message is against repressive institutions, not specifically the church.
Don't they literally kill God at the end of the series?
>gays are wrong because it's something that only happens infrequently in nature and is counterproductive to evolutionary imperatives
>monogamy is good despite being done infrequently in nature and being counterproductive to evolutionary imperatives because I say so
>the chad CS Lewis
>the virgin Phillip Pullman
Amber Spyglass was shit. Subtle Knife was okay.
Barron is pretty much the only bishop who talks about the world outside Christianity and calls out degenerate shit in the media instead of burying his head in the sand like the rest of the clergy. The top priority isn't that he doesn't say Mass in Latin or whatever the fuck.
>he didn't even mention WHAT media
Is this about Gnosticism?
Only christcucks believe that god can be killed
The best version has already been made decades ago
Englishmen seething over the Catholic Church has been going on for 500 years, this is nothing new. Reminder that Henry VIII was vermin and Thomas More did nothing wrong.
Be honest, your contention is not that people should marry the person they have sex with.
Not really, no.
and it's a fantasy story. Anti-christian stories really have to be told by people who believe in god and are against him. A god who can be killed is not allegorical for the christian god.
It's called The Authority, was that too subtle for you?
Truly an evil person.
I think that people should have sex with the person they intend to marry.
>The message is against repressive institutions, not specifically the church.
Don't get me wrong, this thing where half of Yea Forums are now larping as conservative boomers because they're so devoted to being iconoclasts that they'll adopt whatever the opposite of the current mainstream culture is getting very tiresome.
But His Dark Materials very much comes off as an anti-religious screed.
The series literally ends with them going to heaven and beating up God.
and that people who genuinely like each other and can see a possible future together should be free to have sex
I also think that you should have sex
>Challenge authority
>But love the Corporations
Who said anything about frequency?
>beating up God
you can't be serious. did they take His lunch money too?
The gypsys and the witches both have a kind of religion don't they? As a cultural and community institution those are depicted positively.
And as so far as the actual 'god existing' or what have you, it's just an athiests fantasy story. The only anti-religious message to infer is that god doesn't exist and that telling fantasy stories is cool. Not that Pullman literally thinks god exists and angels exist and they should be killed.
I respect your opinion but I disagree.
As a practicing Catholic, should I hate this?
Probably, Pullman detests the Catholic Church. He's probably got some Cathar blood in his filthy veins.
As in, it doesn't exist on the christian-satanic scale / dichotomy. Pullman is an atheist and atheists are not anti-god.
It's just a fantastic adventure story. As a staunch athiest I enjoy Tolkien. It depends really on if you see stories primarily as being morality tales and educational lessons or if you can just enjoy them without being too focused on what they 'mean'.
It's okay the Magisterium is protestant :^)
What kind of argument is this?
Encouraging shame around sex and encouraging procreation are not only not opposed concepts, they often go hand-in-hand.
Many of the more looney Christian denominations are both seriously puritanical about sexuality and absolutely obsessed with having their followers pump out 8 kids per couple.
What's your problem with the Christian position then? You have the same ideal in mind (marriage and sex with one other person) but you dislike what they have to say about deviations from the ideal?
Or do you believe people should have sex before they get married? That's not really a policy that leads to lifelong monogamy.
>Many of the more looney Christian denominations are both seriously puritanical about sexuality and absolutely obsessed with having their followers pump out 8 kids per couple.
It ultimately comes down to misogyny, though. Like they always pressure the women to become pretty little breeders to pump out kid after kid.
Hell, athiests are not even necessarily anti-religion. I personally find most religions quite charming and can see the positive influence they have on many people's lives.
But I don't find a criticism of oppressive religion offensive, because it's not criticizing non-oppressive religions and the idea that no religion has ever been oppressive is just absurd. It's just tautological.
>criticizing a thing that is A
>i'm not A!
>then you're not being criticized
>stop criticizing A!
>ok maybe you are A then
>practicing Catholic
lmao. The only one in this thread.
I think that you should have sex
It's demonstrably clear to me here, how bitter and obnoxious not having sex makes people.
Are you a perpetually offended faggot who can't seperate reality from fiction?
I'm pretty sure even "puritanical" denominations recognize the Song of Solomon as scripture. I haven't heard christians imply that sex (between a married couple) is shameful or not to be enjoyed.
More like cunny distraction amiright lads?
>People unironically defending a death-cult founded by Semitic desert people that systematically destroyed the customs and cultures of the Indo-European people, from which the vast majority of Western Europe is descended from
>It ultimately comes down to misogyny
sounds based
Sometimes the best option against the NWO isn't that great an option and is also part of the NWO and was always since it's inception. There's no actual resistance that isn't controlled.
Not anymore than you should 'love' Jackson's LotR because of Tolkien's Catholicism or Disney's Narnia because of Lewis's Christianity.
Granted I think Pullman is less nuanced and more malicious in his anti-religious agenda than Lewis is in his pro-religious agenda, but at the end of the day it's just a BBC show that's there to make money. As an also practicing popefag that's my take until it actually comes out anyway.
>Letting others tell you how to feel
Use your own critical thought and experiences to make a judgement for yourself you mindfucked waste of human flesh
>>Granted I think Pullman is less nuanced and more malicious in his anti-religious agenda than Lewis is in his pro-religious agenda, but at the end of the day it's just a BBC show that's there to make money. As an also practicing popefag that's my take until it actually comes out anyway.
Basically this. It was less obvious when I read it as a kid but the edge is there. Beat up god to solve climate change was the ending and it was pretty disillusioning.
not an argument.
He is.
shaming sex only for unmarried people.
I havent read them, are those book anti religion? im Christian btw.
also: what do you think the tree symbolized?
They're anti-authoritarian religion.
It's literally in his foreword. The clown world meme is post modernism anyways.
Why are Americans so bad at Christianity?
Based and Morepilled
They have both a fundamentalist and extremely selective interpretation of the bible at the same time
Poor genetic stock
>encouraging women to do something where they find true fulfillment rather than become a mid level HR manager in a soulless office means you hate them.
Is this your brain on soi?
When the American evangelical nutcases were screeching about the SEXBOX and campaigning against violence and sex in videogames, you faggots didn't stand for it. But now faggots who have never set foot in a church in a decade are LARPing as born-again biblethumpers because, what, it triggers the libs?
You say that as if it's somehow contradictory
dumb weeb
>HDM criticizes the Catholic Church's dogmatism
>by attacking HDM, evangelical Protestants are tricked into defending popery
When they start unironically using "degeneracy" and "nuclear family values" in their stupid pro-biblecuck arguments, then yes, it is.
CS Lewis is a chad.
Was he based and One True Apostolic Church-pilled all along?
>Unironically following heretical sects in the year of our lord 2019
God wants you start a family not fuck until you create new diseases.
God bad
Government good
This. But unironically
Seeing that Harry Potter brain drained a generation of women they had a point.
They are too young to remember it.
I like the current situation a lot, nothing can be as humiliating as having the biggest group of social outcasts as your main supporters. Fuck Christians.
This is why you're an incel
So Lyra's world has rollercoasters? That somehow doesn't fit.
>She had never been on a roller-coaster, or anything like one, but if she had, she would have recognised the sensations
It's not saying her world has rollercoasters, it's just describing her feeling in terms that the reader can understand.
Nonetheless, rollercoasters have existed IRL since the early 1800s so her world could well have them.
Even Auschwitz had rollercoasters user.
>tfw the American version of the book deleted this passage because it was too scandalous
He wrote the books to tip fedora because he was mad narnia books were Christian and selling well. The entire story is god isn’t real and Lucifer is the good guy.
Take away people's religion and they'll find another one. Nowadays usually in the form of science, where they view science as if it's one single institution that's always right. It's possible to live without finding a replacement religion, but it's hard and usually makes you unhappy and leads towards extreme nihilism.
imagine being religious in 2019
lmao sure
No you should fucking off yourself you degenerate theist scumbag
Humans can't comprehend reality. Take away god they start cutting up their genitalia and pimping out their kids.
>quoting ayn rand in 2019
Name one (1) better Bishop
Yea Forums tempLARPs BTFO
Imagine my shawk.
>muh joos
back to your containment board
I hope the Jews assimilate you cucks into the new world agenda so we can stop hearing about this shit all the time
we're already on my containment board wahey XD
There was only 600k jews in Europe how did Germany kill 6 million?
>You can have sex before marriage in a long-term committed relationship.
spotted the incel
Whatever you say boomer. Go back to sucking Israel's dick.
>implying you aren't just some tips fedora larper
"Internet christians" are the new "internet atheists".
aka. Anti-Religion as all religions are "authoritarian". What kind of worthless religion DOESN'T tell people what to do?
There was close to 10 million jews in Europe in 1939
the N-word
Formerly NIGGER
Yeah, because white religious conservatives are an appropriate avatar for institutional repression in the year of our lord 2019. Your edgy atheist rebellion is very relevant and not at all a fossilised hangover from the Bush administration.
It's cute that you think that, but in 1st world western countries and more developed eastern countries the trend with atheism is increasing.
fpbp. "stop batmouthing muh church" faggots are the worst. brainwashed animals.
>Yeah, because white religious conservatives are an appropriate avatar for institutional repression in the year of our lord 2019.
Have you seen the dipshit that sits in the oval office?
So is their population of Islam.
>California is the entire world
have you seen the former soviet bloc lately?
>The entire story is god isn’t real and Lucifer is the good guy.
This is actually true, though.
Rebellion against the church is an age-old christian tradition anyway
Atheist China is murdering innocent Muslims on a near daily basis
>gays are wrong because they suffer adverse effects from their sexual behaviour
>monogamy is good because it results in positive outcomes from sexual behaviour
You're not as smart as you think you are, 420christbasher69
Yeah I seen Obama dump 60 thousand muslims into the christian midwest.
People have been criticizing the authoritarianism and repression of the church for hundreds of fucking years, user. Why does a CURRENT DAY screeching social left fad mean they're suddenly no longer appropriate as an authoritarian figure in fiction?
It's a popular "hot take" I've seen on 4channel quite a bit. Why do people think that?
Good. When does godless Europe start?
>"Pop culture is run by godless commies and because my entire understanding of reality comes from pop-culture this means that the religious right literally doesn't exist and has no power"
Go outside.
If you think Trump is some sort of christian fundamentalist you have a missed appointment with dignitas
>When does godless Europe start?
[Nietzche intensifies]
No it's 110 degrees and full of chinks and beaners on the road.
White religious conservatives are responsible for Steam's current wildly inconsistent schroedinger's policy on weeb games. They still influence the industry, you're just not looking at them because you still have your face up the President's ass.
What Trump does or doesn't believe personally is quite literally irrelevant.
What matters is that the religious right is a massive pillar of his voter base and that he creates policy with the intent of pleasing them.
>even the ancient Jewish writers knew that God did not literally create the universe in 24 hour periods of 7 days
Tell that to young earth creationists that believe Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs.
Octopath Traveler is on sale right now you cringy nigger.
Materialists and Literalists have always been retards.
Because god is a boogeyman used to keep idiots in line and Lucifer an inspirational figure representing enlightenment and individual will.
Whether he is or isn't is irrelevant since he and a large part of his base claim authority through religious supremacy.
>cherrypicking and absolutism means I'm right
God willing we start seeing heathens firebombed again.
That's a rewriting of Lucifer's reasons for rebelling.
Well that sounds cooler than shitlibs believing that the evolution ends at the neck.
based, weeb games are caner
Big businesses like squeenix get a pass. But smaller companies like Spike Chunsoft are forced to self censor shit like Zanki Zero because now whether your animu game gets approved or not is completely inconsistent and depends entirely on which random steam employee is looking at your case that day. This is a known problem in the niche weebgame community at the moment and even all ages non-porn titles or sequels to previously approved games are getting banhammered, you can Google it and find complaints everywhere.
Done seent it eh Jethro?
America was founded to have no national religion, claiming any part of the country is "Christian" is antithetical to both the Constitution and the Founder's vision.
All forms of bureaucracy are rotten.
>claim to believe in evolution
>and also that skin color dictates IQ
>almost as though the whole story is fiction or something
What was the Founder's vision then?
The Founders sunk goatfuckers into the Atlantic. They didn't invite them into congress.
White religious conservatives can't even keep drag queens out of public libraries and you think they run the world.
Imagine blaming your oppression on the single most powerless group of people in existence.
The idea of a divine being rebelling against his own to bring light to mankind is older than the bible (see: Prometheus).
Lucifer is the rewrite. All in order to push the idea that: church good. knowledge, defiance, and free will bad.
Correct. When will you faggots stop larping as chirstians?
Go shill for more affirmative action quotas based on skincolor. 800 activist organization that do just that still isn't enough.
Which policy? Name a single thing Trump has done which these people should like. The only reason they voted for him at all was a grudging recognition of their own white identity and the fact the alternative literally hated them for it, and he can't even deliver on the policies which would shore up that aspect of his support.
um yeah different species duh
I'm not a literalist, I'm just confused as to how the common take on the story of Lucifer has strayed so far from the honestly pretty obvious meanings of it if you actually read it.
For example, this one too Again just reducing it to the most general concept then cooking up a whole other meaning out of it.
It would explain a LOT if it turned out liberals literally believe race science means you're born with X colour skin and the rest of your body literally rewires itself according to that
Female sexuality really should be discouraged. Look what it has done to the West
Different user but I live in a country where religious conservatives and their voting bloc torpedoed the signing of the UN convention on ending racial discrimination which literally everyone else except NK and some African shithole has signed, then they sank the ratification of an convention allowing for an international court to prosecute war crimes because the King who is God's chosen representative wasn't immune from prosecution. Now we're a laughingstock to the whole world.
So don't tell me what religious conservatives can and cannot do.
>Again just reducing it to the most general concept then cooking up a whole other meaning out of it.
This is exactly what the christian church did to European and Middle Eastern religions and myths in the first place.
Based Rick and Morty fan
Christians believe in dumb shit but the great majority are harmless. Jews and Muslims, on the other hand...
>pass church
>has huge rainbow banner in front preaching globohomo slogans on it
will stay with the scripture itself
>posts handsome Chad smugly drinking scotch
>this makes him feel superior
Christianity has mostly lost its power due to the advancements of Europe and America, but it would be the same insane tier religion if it had that same stranglehold that Judaism and Islam has on the middle east and other parts of the world
That's exactly it. These people are godless heathens that jerk off to underaged girls, trannies, and regularly endorse violence and genocide. They're only Christian when it can trigger the libs.
I highly recommend everyone ITT has sex
But not before marriage.
Freedom of religion and freedom from religion. The freedom to subscribe to whatever religion you wished without the state being able to tell you that any religion was a requisite of civil exercise. Of course, the religious right ignores those latter bits and takes the Founder's general (but not ubiquitous by any means) Christianity as an excuse to try and establish a state religion and persecute people based on their differing religious beliefs.
Cool non-sequitur bro. When did the founders kill goatfuckers again, they didn't teach that in my school.
>*shoots up your synagogue*
>*slaughters your mosque-goers*
>*guns down students and teachers*
>*blows up a daycare*
>*bombs your women's health clinic*
>lol they're mostly harmless tho
doesn't help they've been getting hardfucked by westerners back into the bronze age so the idea of a religion isn't so fucking terrible to them.
In the Barbary wars by your favorite, Thomas Jefferson. Allah cock sucking atheist.
How long did you think you could keep feeding them to lions?
>Thomas Jefferson
You know what they say about when you assume things, right user? Also:
>a war on piracy is religious in nature
Who's being fed to lions?
The Ottoman Empire weren't pirates you sunken skull nigger.
you can tell the industry is dying and freaking out when it starts to push even harder remakes with black people in it, every time, every time there is always something wrong with being white when it comes to hollywood and netflix. hollywood is garbage, everyone knows this.