>tfw get paid nothing to moderate a Mongolian basket weaving forum
Am I getting fucked lads?
Tfw get paid nothing to moderate a Mongolian basket weaving forum
why the fuck is this stickied?
>he thinks there is moderation
i wouldn't say that janny gets paid nothing, he does receive the catharsis of being in control and holding power for once in his life.
Of course that wears out when he realizes he isn't in charge and he's cleaning shit in the internet (for free)
This, it has been a neural network for years now.
wtf why is this stickied
I dunno, the mod has been pretty chill today
I believe it the last 2 weeks has been pretty bad
wow a sticky! hi mot!
A janny is merely a dike that no one wants to plug with a finger.
>replying to an off topic thread is now a bannable offense
Honestly, if that ever becomes commonplace it will probably be the means to break my addiction to browsing here
i hope no one tells you the secret to evading bans user. then you’ll be stuck here forever!
Mods get paid. Jannies don’t
>actually stickied
This. All faggot jannies dream of becoming mods.
the mods make like $4/hr + tip and blm fee
It is pretty common. I've been catching bans like that for no reason left and right. Honestly, if you don't ban evade I don't know how you could even post here. 75% of the threads are considered "off topic" and get deleted eventually.
Fuck Jannies
how pathetic do you have to be to take the time to take a picture of your own ban, edit it and save it to your computer and then go out of your way to post it on Yea Forums
get a fucking life dude
mfw the first 5 posts in the catalog are sneed threads, truly the golden hours of Yea Forums
jesus christ this is some resetera shit