Based and STAR WARS Pilled

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>don't kill the termites, save the house

sometimes you gotta kill the termites in order to save the house Rian

I like Disney star wars stuff for the most part

And sometimes you gotta kill niggers, jannies, faggots and kikes if you wanna save America.

>tfw Rian Johnson actually loves SW
>tfw he did his best to save SW from being milked by Disney like with Marvel
Is he... based?

Yes. This is what I have been saying.

He saw how sterile and close to the OT Disney and JJ were trying to take the Trilogy and not only salvaged it, but forced episode 9 to be entirely original in the process
It was absolutely based and even though the movie might not be great, I appreciate everything he did

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No, if he was a good guy we'd still be waiting for Ep. VIII.

Cope and dilate, incel tranny

Have sex

>incel tranny

>Have sex

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>he did his best to save SW

well he absolutely did not succeed.

I actually didn’t mind the last Jedi but that line is retarded. You can save you hat you love while killing what you hate.

the ultimate post, user can’t possibly recover

You deserve to die for posting that

Get over it fag

>Disney cancelled few shitty movies
>their soulless theme park is a ghost town
Hmmm. I'd say he succeeded. Otherwise we would have shitty SW flick every few months.

To put the blame enyirely on Rians shoulders for that shitpile is a bit unfair. I dont buy it for a second that the controlling monolith that is Disney out of nowhere gave someone full creative control of their biggest franchise.

Well TLJ was pretty good for a SW movie, pretty hyped for knives out as well

Maybe if they have not 2 tv show on the way and their videogame brand scrap by e a we could save it , it will take at least a decade before it is cleanse from memory.

Katlheen kennedy was overseing him the entire way but the rose subplot was entire him, he was rejected by a asian girl when he was younger its his way to assert dominance.

God, someone actually thought that line was profound

rahowa when?

Why do people even care about Dune? It's just a shameless Star Wars ripoff.

The only way I could agree with that is him making a cinematic shitpost in the hopes of sinking the franchise instead of making any more of those.

You can't make a good sequel to that movie. Not with contract obligations that the actors have. Not with the promise of closure to the entire saga. Not with still staying within roughly the same genre. Not as a one movie.

Rian knew all those things and still decided to do it.

I salute your brave honesty

ok now this is B&R

>this cope
hi rian

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>hyped for knives out as well
Let me guess, you liked that pozzed Orient Express remake where Daisy Ridley gets Blacked

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Actually retarded

i watched that the other week and it was so fucking dull. tv Poirot with David Suchet & a fraction of the budget is more entertaining

because it's got soul

See? This guy gets it.

>hyped for knives out as well
>Let me guess, you liked that pozzed Orient Express remake where Daisy Ridley gets Blacked

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>entirely original
>bring palpatine back
you went full retard

Twitter, the internet provided hill to die on for overly boisterous retards.

Before: Hate can leads to the dark side
Disney era: kill people bad save people good

Considering the book came out years before star wars it would be more likely to be the other way around except for the fact they are nothing alike

Say what you want about Last Jedi, but it's Rian Johnson film that sucks just like everything he's ever touched.

The true blame goes to Disney that for reasons unknown, thought he'd be a good thing.

Now this is based.

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I really liked Looper.


Jeff Daniels was the only bearable part for me. Still didn't save it.


Is S*Y WARS about to be exposed for what it truly is? A fucking rip off of Frank Herbert's master piece. George Lucas is a hack and there's a reason his shitty universe crumbled in quality beyond the original trilogy.

Dune is Grimes favorite book. She is really dominating Musk with her weeb shit.

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Paul Dano was kino in it but yeah everyone else was shit


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Weeb shit?

This but actually.

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>tfw he did his best to save SW from being milked by Disney like with Marvel

And his method was to completely nuke the franchise, cause the first outright flop in the series' 40+ year history, kill interest in the merchandising (and Toys R Us in the process), kill interest in the billion dollar Disney parks, and maintain an antagonistic relationship with the fanbase that remains?

She's also ugly, a shit musician, and a sperg.

Imagine beeing a studio executive and reading Rian Johnson's scipt for Star Wars and beeing all "yeah thats a totaly good script and a relatable story"

holywood is pedo

Rian is unequivocally BASED
Its obvious that jewjew Abrahams was planning to have rei and Boyega hook up but then here comes rian who scraps that shit and forces Boyega to kiss an ugly chink that he's obviously disgusted by
You should know by now that Rian is using his söyboy aesthetics to blend in and act as our sleeper cell in hollywood

is nobody going to fucking ask ?
what did elon mean by this?
i dont remember that being the message of dune, is it though? is that the point?

tlj was pleb filter

Huh? They're still together?

Livestream it.

why did he print the title dune and stick it over some other book?
why are you all acting like it's clear what is meant

et tu, Elon?

>makes a movie so bad that is entertaining to watch a la The Room and kills Star Wars making the mouse lose billions
Ok now this is based


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You did good today

Does anyone COPE harder than star wars fans?

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No but really what the fuck did Elon mean by this

Johnson's not smart enough to do any of that on purpose. Someone asked him how Leia could pull herself back to the ship, and he replied there would have been no resistance and in his own words, the feat would have been "kinda minimal," but he fails to see how that same lack of "resistance" would be the reason she wouldn't have been there hanging motionless relative to the ship in the first place. He's too dumb for even soft sci-fi like Star Wars, and if he's too dumb for that, he's certainly too dumb to play the 4D chess you're crediting him with.

Wow, based

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Someone had to say it

What does elon mean by his picture?

It was not hate
It was fear that led anakin to the dark side.
The hate for the tuskan arose from the fear of living whitout his mother, even thought it was badly played

W-wtf??? Jannies!!!! Jesus you can't say that on 4channel!!

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based, redpilled AND white

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Now this is wisdom


I can tell that behind this post is a HOT and VIRILE alpha male

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ok, this is epic

He actually spoke in code:
He killed what he loved in order to save it.