My friends think I could be an actress in big movies do you think so what roles would you cast me in pic related its me

my friends think I could be an actress in big movies do you think so what roles would you cast me in pic related its me

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cross country skier

looks like the type of person to get their throat slashed by an incel

If you have a great personality sure

So did she and Adam break up or not? I haven't been paying attention



all women are whores

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dude youre obvs a dude
not passing

No, please be my gf

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Yes, she's single and looking for a man to guide her to the right path (me).

Wish me luck!

start an onlyfans right now dasha

no girls on 4channel

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look like you have an art ho insta filled with ironic shit including but not limited to greasy 2am mirror selfies in some contorted pose.

I think you're fucking ugly.
You're fucking stupid looking.
You reek of incelity, faux masculinity, zero femininity, and you smell like menthols.
You let a 25 year old feel you up when you were 13.
Your brother's bestfriend raped you and he took his side.
You're a thot.
You have hpv and in time cervical cancer.
You tell yourself you're lucky when you don't get pregnant but are too afraid to accept that you're barren.
You smell like horse sweat and I think you should open your mouth, let my dick in so I can turn it into an orphanage.

Don't worry. I'll cave your skull in with a hammer.

I wonder if anybody will care about red scare now that they’re no longer connected to cum town

it's too late they've already grifted thousands of dollars and their patreon isn't slowing down

... i'm wondering when the pay for nudes business comes online myself

Jesus fucking Christ how based

She reminds me of Sam Kris, he also has a banana shaped head.
Also thots must hang

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their patreon went up unfortunately

Dasha, you're ugly and you smell.

You're a fucking ugly bitch. Pic related, it's you.

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omggggggggggg stop I had to change my number

I hate dasha so much.

can adam finally be cool now that he doesnt have a gf?

Saw this coming from a mile away. Funny that she’s already moved in with another effeminate new york hipster dick

holy shit she dead?

This podcast gets referenced a lot these days on this board

She’s like a solid 6.5, has a nice laugh, not aggressively awful to listen to and on the Internet so she thinks that bumps her up to like a 9, but it’s just not there.

she was much cuter before i heard her voice