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Back to pol

pole back 2

Yea Forums is a /pol/ colony. If you don’t like it, get out.

Fine, I will!

What happened?

It’s over



>mfw people aren't liberal

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Dems did a thing, Reps did a thing and then both were upset that the other side did a thing and decided to block the thing

"Drumpf is finished!" Said the nervous leftist for the 23rd time.

Imagine not being conservative.
Give me one good reason you're liberal

Trump supporters are rural and suburban retards that vote against their own economic self interest.

formerly ongoing

How about I, as a citizen of 4channel long before you got here, instead work to make my Peruvian alpaca husbanding forum a less shitty place by taking it back from retard extremist minorities who fail to grasp simple concepts like "rules" and "board topics".

Kyoani fire


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This is my favorite meme to come from /pol/


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explain how not wanting illegals is "voting against your own interests"

I don’t even know the context but it’s still hilarious

>when you accidentally go to /tg/ instead of Yea Forums

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Yeah, okay, but, shut the fuck up lmao
Got im

Lmao back to pol you stupid baka

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Cuz republicans are mean and say racist things!!! Liberals care about the little guy and we like to constantly give ourselves pats on the back for how progressive and on the right side of HERstory we are!

>Give me one good reason you're liberal
drumpf bad

Yea Forumsros...

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>liberal means retarded sjw communist

cope more faggot

>when you accidentally click on /vp/ instead of Yea Forums

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wow deep


This literally make zero sense.
Liberals are jackasses who want to replace their own kind and waste people's money.

imagine being so pathetic you save this image on your computer

don't forget to apologize to America (((and Israel))), goy!

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Playing doubles advocate, but apparently having safe working conditions and paying a decent wage to fruit pickers and slaughterhouse employees would ruin the economy. It's okay though, we can always just export the suffering.

Chill out and have sex lmao