Are you ready for fat Data?

opinions? you gotta admit he looks funny.

Attached: fat boi data.png (880x818, 802K)

Other urls found in this thread:

not as funny as your mom's vagina

i've seen my mom's vagina it's in excellent condition thank you. 8/10 better than most roastie sluts.

Data doesn't look so impressive now that we've seen Mark Zuckerberg in real life

what's wrong with his face?

He switched formats to FAT32

ya wtf why wouldnt he look the exact same as 30 years ago

more like exFAT

Where’d his lips go

Why would he downgrade to a 20th century format for HDDs when he has like an instantaneous positronic matrix for a brain?


I laughed.

fat doesn't go to lips, so they got enveloped

This post deserves to be lauded and reproduced.

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this trailer felt like a funny or die fake trailer

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Absolutely nothing.

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Lexx is God Tier. People have no appreciation of subtle comedy.

What happened to his lips?

I approve of this list.

Lexx is the most underappreciated scifi show of all time. Yeah it was silly at times and had lewdness but it was also a lot deeper than given credit for. It also had some stories that were way more interesting than the vast majority of scifi out there.

Attached: Lexx514YE7M46PL._SY445_.jpg (319x445, 32K)

It's like Farscape without the charm, good acting, special effects, or hot girls.

*yawn* star track bores me

so what happened to B4?

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Brent Spiner is 70 years old and jewish.

It's sad seeing how old Patrick Stewart is. Someone put him in a care home already.

Farscape was a great show but it was nothing like Lexx.
Lexx had not only great characters but some of the most unique one's you could see on TV and also wasn't afraid to put them in bizarre situations.
The acting was fine. Not saying it was legendary but it was... fine. Let's just say it didn't get in the way of the story, and to be fair, what most call great acting isn't realistic to how people actually act and react.
The special effects were decent enough. They weren't Red Dwarf shit tier but they definitely didn't have a Hollywood sized budget either.
There were a shit ton of hot girls, and plain girls, and ugly girls, and obviously sexually objectified girls. There was a plethora of girls, don't even know what you're comment here was about.

It was sent back in time to serve as a base for the Vorlon lead forces against the Shadows in the first Shadow war.

No, it really doesn't. It was fairly generic comment here. My most relevant guess is you made it, and our just seeking accolades for a shitty post.

It is like his face is too small for his head. Are they CGing him? Trying to do it with makeup and skin tigheners? Is that why his mouth is so small?

I thought he dies by getting stabbed by a Reaver ship.
I really wonder what CBS was thinking getting him back into playing a Star Trek role again when he was already an older guy in his most famous role over twenty years ago.

I thought it was funny. It's just a one-liner, doesn't need a whole discussion.

>I really wonder what CBS was thinking getting him back into playing a Star Trek role again when he was already an older guy in his most famous role over twenty years ago.

They were thinking "Logan made money. Let's make money too."

>I thought he dies
It's a robot.

>doesn't need a whole discussion
doesn't need someone making an image highlighting it either

>It's a robot.
Doesn't get the joke.
It's a bad joke but it still went over your head.

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This pretty much sums up how I feel about it

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>so what happened to B4?

became 2F@

Too many silicon chips

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So much for having unlimited Data on your android phone.

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I remember literally just watching lexx till I busted a nut to that girl then turned it off.

Was already done in the last thread and better too since the post that made the joke was replying to a post ending in 32.

dude, just drop it. it's not funny or even clever

That is B4.

Attached: Girl.png (1539x633, 1.56M)

Your script is off bud

wow, that's one heck of a man chin on that "girl"

Doctor Botnick sold me it.

>Galactic Heroes
>space show

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To be fair for some reason everyone forgets he was basically blown apart at the end of Nemesis, could be explained easily by he just looks weird all repaired. They even show him in pieces in the trailer.


Lore is perfect, Too perfect infact and destroys his creator.

B4 is inperfect but is relatively perfect like LORE.

DATA is inperfect unable to function like a human being would atleast untill those areas are unlocked and understood.

B4 may have options that Data doesn't interns of story telling.

why does he have puffy cheeks and a tiny mouth with no lips? this is not what data ever looked like. did they even check old footage for reference?

Yes it does, and now it's out there and there's nothing you can do about it.

t. the guy who made the image really is not the guy who made the comment, the circumstances were in fact authentic

B4 was a prototype, not an interim. Either way, he doesn't exist anymore, as Data was fully imprinted onto him and took over according to a tie-in comic released in 2009 to promote Abrams Trek. While obscure, it is considered canon.

>B4 was a prototype, not an interim. Either way, he doesn't exist anymore, as Data was fully imprinted onto him and took over according to a tie-in comic released in 2009 to promote Abrams Trek. While obscure, it is considered canon.

So by this logic, Data at the end of the trailer is using B4's body, while his real body is still broken into pieces?

If you think about it logically though it would be piss easy to rebuild him in that centuries technology. It's just having the will to do it. I doubt the positronic brain is completely fried.


They say warp core breaches add ten pounds.

why do these retarded charts always get (you)s?

maybe it's for the better then

Yup, look under his eyes, there's prosthetics to cover up the wrinkles.

I thought computers were supposed to get smaller over time

Got old and gained weight

>If you think about it logically though it would be piss easy to rebuild him in that centuries technology. It's just having the will to do it. I doubt the positronic brain is completely fried.

You think they would have the technology to rebuild him. But since Data is a one-of-a-kind (aside from his brothers), Star Fleet didn't actually know how Data works. There was an episode in TGN where they wanted to tear Data apart to reverse engineer him. But they could not, since Data was classified as being a living entity.

>Cowboy Bebop and NuBattlestar listed that high
>Old Battlestar listed this low
God zoomers are real cancer.

Lexx genuinely shattered a wall in my mind when I first saw it in 98-99 or so. It was a type of weirdness and depravity you never would have dreamed seeing on television at the time.

>B4 is canon
>any of those shit movies are canon
nope, right in the trash

Legend of the galactic heroes is deserved. But please remove cowboy bebop from that list.

Fuck off back to your containment board shitst/a/in

Let me guess, it helped turn you into a sexual deviant.

No not really

That's not Data, it's B4. Or maybe Data in B4's body if it follows Star Trek Online's idea.

Okay but is fat Riker going to be in the show too?

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Data, Riker. Troi and Seven of Nine?? I though none of the old cast would appear? These people cant make Trek though so whats gonna happen here...??

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Red Dwarf needs a pre reboot caveat

Bebop should be in the highest tier, and you're a pleb if you think otherwise.

More important question, are we gonna get Q kino?

I heard Janeway was recast

Attached: Janeway.jpg (1024x1385, 112K)

Yes, a boring show where human garbage smoke cigarettes and talk politics is real fascinating. But there's a rocket ship! Dude! Brah! There's a rocket ship!

yeah Rikers in it, but he needs two transporter beams just to get up there and they fuck up and create 4 Rikers.

anime is faggy

Well if that's the case, then for once, they did a pretty good job.

pretty sure he's in

>not mirror universe robot arms pirate of the Delta Quadrant Janeway

inta da trash

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imagine being this pleb

I looked it up, you're right. Fat Riker kino is back on the menus, boys

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What's good about Cowboy Bebop? I expect a serious answer.

>Clone Wars that low
>Red Dwarf that high
>Lexx below Discovery
>ST Animated that high
>Galactica 1980 that low

horrendous list

90s comedy writers sure did love their "Scotty is a fat fuck" jokes, didn't they? Animaniacs did it too.

God it’s so boring when you nerds actually talk about tv. These are the chaos hours, EST late night.

what happened to brent spiner not wanting to come back after he saw how ridiculous he looked in nemesis?

my expectations of this show are so low, i'm totally ready. they can't do anything worse than STD, and ultimately it's just a tv show.

Based and positronic pilled

No one cares what you expect, you pompous fag, but Cowbow Bebop is great because of its music, its pacing and its flawless tonal shifts.

He's Jewish and was offered a paycheck

actors also get really bored, from what I understand that cast fucking loved hanging out with each other.

The big fuck you is Worf not being in it, it's like the only thing he's ever wanted is to do more Star Trek.

So you have nothing to offer. Exactly. Just vague platitudes. Words that mean nothing.

>tonal shifts
>music - seriously?

His pitbulls will probably eat him soon

Wow, the pretentiousness with that question. Did you even watch the anime? I bet youre a SOA fan. Call it a hunch

why the hell isn't worf in it, if they're digging out troi...

I'm so happy it got in a Super Robot Wars. In English too.

Cowboy Bebop is a musical piece, dipshit, every episode is themed around a different genre of music. And if you don't know what a "tonal shift" is, you really are a pleb.

because he really wants to be in it, also probably because of STD Klingons you think they're gonna put Worf in that makeup?

And I'm the pretentious one?


No. You and its creators are. It's a stupid, boring bullshit show about literally nothing.

Conflux is better.

> stupid, boring bullshit about literally nothing

Funny, that sums up your posts.


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It's not true.

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Just bustin' your balls, Picard.

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>another shitty reboot
lap it up, piggies!

is her implant a puffy sticker now? that thing looks horrible

It's a refit. I take it you haven't read the EU books?

nope the last EU book I read Kirk and Spock got stuck on a planet where you get murdered and then end up in the enemy faction after they kill you and fight for that side in a never ending war.

Seems like they tried and failed for what 30 years to find a another good captain for star trek? Now they are going back to very old man Picard. He looks like he should be enjoying retirement lore wise and irl.

Shes still hot.

that's not the issue, the issue is no one writes smart poignant TV anymore they write TV that makes you think you're smart.

post more of her

No, anonfriend. TV is about making money and right now, to do that, you have to have strong women, and POC mary sues to not be labeled as racist. This makes shows/movies predictable, boring and forced.

yes it's zero effort "audience empowering" bullshit, it falls into the same category .

This is literally her character though. In your face honesty. She was always like this.

Your opinion is no.

eh, she and Data both do the same thing asking questions and throwing the answer back in your face Data does it like a child 7 does it like a teenager both were innocent.



She is basically an autist and says stuff like that all the time on Voyager.

>Seven of Nine

fuck now I have to watch it

you would have watched it anyway

>mentioning all those anime but not planetes

get out

he has a right to be here, you big bully

pics or didn't happen

I really want to see Micheal Dorn made up with long, greying hair, extra bony frontal lobe and being a badass commanding his own Klingon vessel in battle. Fuck these kikes.

he should go to the liver doctor

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WTF was Doctor Phlox's problem?

they'd put him in STD Klingon makeup not TNG makeup

Im ready for fart data

how can a robot get fat?

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Same here. I dedicated countless wanks to her back in the day and I'm looking forward to doing so again.

I'm convinced Data was written as autistic. Imagine all the undiagnosed autists involved in writing Trek there was back then. The prop designers all hid anime references everywhere.

It's about cowboys

eating too many computer chips

This is going to be the biggest bomb ever

I got 3 episodes in and dropped it out of boredom. I assume it gets better after that though?

Battery swelling

When you are rich you just hire a nurse instead of moving to a home

Sure. Compared to Seven Data was always polite though. Seven is brash, almost comes of as angry at times.

>No Worf
Dang, although if the show is terrible it won’t tarnish his character

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So, when Data was semi-assimilated by the Borg, they made a copy of Lal from his memories (remember, he copied her mind into his own, as she lie dying) and they've made a copy of her to act as a trojan horse to get in with Picard... to get Data's body out of storage?

Is Noonian Soong somehow involved? Is Lore? Lore was once leader of a Borg splinter faction... WHERE IS THIS HORSE-SHIT GOING AND WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE BORG?

That sounds exactly like a Voyager episode. I shouldn't be surprised that liscenced fanfiction can't do better though.

>no crest of the stars
Get some taste.

Where would BraveStar fall on this list?

Will she still go by the name 7of9?

You know, at the academy, we would celebrate every toast with a song!

>You will never fuck her at a European sex club while her husbands passes her around like so many other men have

Her husband was the senator that lost to Obama in 2004, because of that.

I'm ready for Borg milf.

each of them fatter than each of the other three rikers

7 of 9 would have been the first lady instead of Michael "cock and balls" Obama

t. laszlo

>ship is literally a giant dick
die, you probably watched it when you were 12

Good to know Data’s purposeful death/retirement of character in Nemesis was worth it.

I don't care.

If the acting and writing are good, I couldn't care less if his face is a little rounder than it used to be.

Looking more like Discovery than Next Gen, gonna be a hard pass from me

I'm sure she use the word Hell a lot in Voyager.

Looks like eggy


fucking american posters

>Voyager Mirror
It would be a pure kino.

Friendly reminder that B4 gets Data's mind back in Star Trek: Nemesis

So what happens to B4? Data just erases his mind, effectively killing him, and takes over his body? Lore's body is also still intact.

Is there a new Sta Waz coming out?

During TOS it was always the Klingons, why are you complaining?

Man, why didn't they do this like 5 years ago when they could still move around without a cane? I'm not making fun. I just don't get it.

Friendly reminder that Brent Spiner recorded a song that plays during Nemesis, it confirms that B4 never gets Data's mind back. (Pic related is evil Data)

Attached: evil data.jpg (257x196, 5K)

Was this ever a thing? It looks awesome.

I still haven't watched all of Voyager.

They probably told patrick he just had to sound profound and collect a paycheck.
Then he asked for a cute girl and they said okay.

>trying desperately to get some (you)s
Have some self respect nigger

There are no Voyager episodes set in "the" Mirror Universe, although many Voyager episodes deal with parallel dimensions or timelines.

It was in an episode set 400 years in the future where an alien museum believed Voyager to be fascist outlaws

>stabbed by reaver ship
Leaf on the wind?

It's literally sci-fi for faggots, and about as subtle as an air raid.

>Red Dwarf
>high tier

Attached: queen_disturbed.png (353x299, 229K)

That chick is formerly a Borg like professor x was screencap this post

Red Dwarf series 1 and 2 is kino.
>Lister comforts Rimmer after Rimmer finds a letter informing him his dad died.
>Even though they already know that every single person they ever knew died millions of years ago.

OG Trek is better than your chink cartoon.

Blake's 7 may be lower-mid-tier, but it's UPPER-lower-mid-tier.

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I want to fuck Seven's surgically enhanced cyborg pussy!

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upvoted :)


>Welcome to this production meeting for Picard
>Any ideas on what the show should be about
>Yeah how about an episodic show in which Admiral Picard visits various federation ships and bases. Along the way he meets old friends and we...
>Let me stop you there. We're not trying to make a Star Trek show for Star Trek fans here. Those losers are in the bag already. No. We want the mass market. Any other ideas?
>What about Picard helps the chosen one
>Is she an arse kicking woman?
>Err... sure
>I'm sold. Get to work.

This so much fucking this

>LOGH that high
Extremely good taste

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Great post.

Doesn't her borg shit start short circuiting when she gets physically aroused?

thanks for obama you cunt

>Krautshow Orion

Ha! I have a Wehraboo coworker who loves that show. It seemed okay.

The main funny thing in that show is that it's so old that they keep calling aliens exoterrestrials.

>ToS - Klingons are the main bads
>TNG - Borg are the main bads
>DS9 - Cardie fucking shits
>Voy - Neelix

I fully expected Data to look exactly the same as he did 30 years ago. This is true of a lot of us.

It's still amazing that Voyager thought these could be the new big bads.

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So wheres chakotay?

I'm gonna be honest. I don't care about his weight or his age, but his eyes really bother me

Kekked and checked

Data's dead.

Call me Fata.

fat data would be more efficient

He is drinking fire water with his spirit animal.
A cuchi moya!

switch TOS and TNG, bump LOTGH down one, and you have a good list

Retardata also fits. Unlike his old uniforms!

All mirror universe episodes (aside from the original TOS episode) were shit.

>Blakes 7, Exo Squad and SAAB that low.
>Clone Wars and Valerian even lower.

Why would you even make this?

>Star Trek: Terms of Use

This is the Red Ranger. Say hi to him.

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>This is the reality we live in

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>each of them fatter than each of the other three rikers

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Seems like a good theory

>low tier

They still have Lal's body and Lore's body. Lore led the individual breakaway Borg and experimented on them, she could come from Hugh and his friends.
Most likely is the Borg Queen as normies will have at least heard of her.

op probably has a smelly and small willy that only gets hard when he poo poos hahaha op has a pee pee that goes hard only when its poo poo hahaha cringe


>SGU was good, expanded on the already established universe and actually explored new concepts. The characters were good.
>Eli was a representation of the Stargate fans that stayed with the show.
>Re-listen to that conversation between Rush and Eli in the last episode again. It's actually the producers talking to the fans, thanking them.

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I would say the Dominion are the big bads in DS9 moreso than the Cardassians.

The greasy guy on Lexx is my second cousin, I've only met him a couple of times at family reunions but he's a weirdo. Never watched much of the show.

that's a lot of data

It's a Fistful of Data, much like in the classic episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Bun>Fing for Data.

Attached: Data-looks-surprised.gif (245x180, 967K)

> Replicator - an entire ham. One fork.

That just made that last episode a whole lot sadder :(

>'Captain. I have recently discovered that gut feeling that humans talk about'

Why don't they just replicate gold-pressed latinum in DS9?

Brett Spiner said you wanted Data killed off preciously so he and the show runners wouldn't be tempted to keep dredging him up, even though he's old and fat.

I guess that sack with the $ on it was too tempting.

It's like the fact Klingons don't eat replicated Gargh. It's not 100% the same I'd guess. The value is in it's rarity as a non-replicated commodity.

To add evidence to that. You can buy man made diamonds. But they are not the same in terms of value.


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When did Data start imitating Stan Laurel?

Yeah Lexx is a blast and one of the weirdest most imaginative shows I've ever seen. they had the balls to make a character that basically just a cannibal that wears stitched human flesh.

Maybe it wont suck :D

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>you think your getting Data and not Lore :)

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Yes, Riker and Troi are cast

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I hate this comment

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the fuck is wrong with her face? she looks like shes chewing tobacco

That's gonna be a based from me

>mirror universe voyager
That would be so fucking based, holy shit


based, have a (You), compliments of the Centauri republic.

moonman's illegitimate daughter

This facility has gone 5843 days without an Assimilation

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It's Big Data you dunce

15 years, which, I believe, is how long it's been since Voyager


>you'd have to be a diehard fanboy to have heard of such obscure trek things as Picard, Data, 7of9 and the fucking Borg

no it'll just alienate everyone lmao

Janeway never looked hotter.

The leather gloves really did it for me, I want Janeway to spank me and call me a naughty boy.

you sure flipped that back on to him. excellent burn

anyone who watches this should be sterilized

stop raping my memories

Janeway in 30 minutes

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It's always looked like shit user you just didn't notice because of the lower quality format voyager was shot in.

That's no excuse for them not making a better prop.

Brent Spiner wouldn't come back so they replaced him with a motion capture zombie.

No, she's converted to Islam now and she's Sevan al' Niniyiyi

God, I still love her so much.


He's literally in the show, retard.

Are you kidding? That role is the best thing he has going for him.

Don't worry. He won't look so old when they have him driving a dune buggy or motorcycle. Also, the action scenes where he wears a tank top and swings on vines while battling aliens in hand to hand combat will further dispel the comments that he's just too old.

good thing, too. french canuck Capitan Jean-oui was very milquetoast.

That's B4, Data was vaporized

Guys I want to watch all of Star Trek to get ready for the new Picard series but i'm intimidated by the length. I'm worried it's all gonna be boring dialogue heavy technobabble. I know what order to watch them all but is it really worth it from the perspective of someone who's not really a big Star Wars/Space Opera/Sci-fi guy? Another question, is there anything I should avoid? People say the odd number Trek movies are pretty bad but I'll probably watch them too (assuming my original question was answered in a positive way), but what about the shows? I heard Discovery and Enterprise aren't very good and some people seem a bit mixed on Voyager?

Reminder in the summer of 1992 Brent was drugged and raped by a elephant.

Voyager 2 when?

Okay i'll bite. What is this meme?

What about Big Data? You know, like the CS fad from a few years ago.

Trek Wars sucks donkey dick no matter what shitson

i would recommend watching it without squeamish people around. yes, it is so odd and crazy that even on Yea Forums i must give a trigger warning.

>Children's Audio Book

It never happened

But Data has that natural human charm.

Oh God.

Why not Bigger Daata. Ala, Bigger Luuke.

I dont even care, Im just happy he's there.

You can't clone an android. Tom Hardy should have been called Piiicard.

I mean technically you can. A clone would be easier just a 1to1 reproduction.

You could replicate him with a replicator and copy his memories over.

Pulaski should come back in Picard to give Data shit about her being right and Data just being a machine.

>Bodacious Space Pirates
You fucking pleb

rearrange so both Stargates and Enterprise are below Voyager

You stole my joke, you fuck, and got twice as many (you)s for it.

I was never able to watch the entire thing. Every time I start it I end up dropping it before the end of the first season.

>Mark Zuckeberg, founder of Myspace
rip 1776-2003

I must admit, they're doing a good job roping Trek fans back in after Discovery. I still won't subscribe and will just pirate.


>slice of life, but in space

I am sure the new series will be made at least a but friendly for newcomers.
I will get toast for suggesting this, but instead of watching the whole shebang, perhaps you should watch seasons one of two of Discovery--if you can handle it fine; it's hard Picard won't be more of the same, to some extent.
If you still are willing to keep watching, then watch the six Short Treks that are available, then the third season of Discovery.
After this, keep on watch for the new Short Treks that are going to be released; two of them will be animated, and the last one will be a prequel to the Picard series.
I'm saying this because you might not survive watching the cardboard props from the original series nor the newer ones, that exist in a range from LOL eighties to franchise fatigue.
But if you run out of episodes and you would like to know more, then give the oldies a try.

I'm just imagining suits tugging at their collars, worried that Discovery is being received by die-hard Trek fans like another Enterprise, and so they're rushing the heavy-duty fanservice out the door NOW
I still don't trust writers Michael Chabon and Alex Kurtzman to pull off the sort of tone that fans of '90s Trek will appreciate, and the list of producers is nothing but a roster of Kurtzman regulars, but I'm willing to allow myself to be surprised.
at its best, it might be nothing like Star Trek, while featuring the best-known Star Trek characters, who might be able to hold it together with their presence alone; at its worst, they might fundamentally misunderstand these characters. I'm just facepalming right now, imagining these hacks watching only the TNG movies, left with the impression that Picard shouldered a phaser rifle everywhere he went...

Watch only DS9 because I’m a stationfag who loves big black dick


I like you.

Which version of Klingon? Real or Klingorc?

They should just make him wear a wig and deepfake old data's face on

She came out of nowhere. I forgot how much I missed Voyager.

350+ years in the future...still just a shitty sign someone writes with CHALK on. Jesus fuck the people making these shows are clueless.

first off it is not gonna be like star wars. unless you watch the JJ abramas movies.
it is dialog heavy(some of the best reasons to watch Trek comes from this) and there is tons of technobabble.

you can google recommendation lists for episodes if you dont want to watch everyone.
Next Generation
this is really the most important one. the others are not Picard shows. they most likely will be referenced and characters used but i doubt they are gonna go big in to the stories of DS9/Voy.
Deep Space 9
my favorite of the shows. some of the best characters, moments and memes come from it.(Praise to the Founders) It would have had a huge impact on the galaxy by the end. hope they keep those changes in Picard.
The weakest of the shows. It has a large impact story wise. It has the biggest chance of being directly connected to the story.

these are the shows you would want to look in to. everything else wont really be directly connected so chances of things from ToS/Tas/Ent/Dis being important to the show are small. references sure.

what exactly do you want a cybernetic eyebrow to look like?

har de har har

the old one was just shot with shittier cameras

Reminder that this actor has a schizophrenic stalker who writes about his wife anally raping him

Is that supposed to be the terok nor promenade?


Bring back the fucking tholians
I just want to see modern CGI tholians

that's it

heres your gold, kind stranger