What are the elements of this movie that make it so great? Why hasn't any other action movie surpassed it yet?

what are the elements of this movie that make it so great? Why hasn't any other action movie surpassed it yet?

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it's a bunch of action movie stars/stereotypes going up against an unbeatable monster


I like the diverse cast

what action movie comes close?

Its masculine without the hollywood gay undertones.

Isn’t it interesting? A legitimately diverse cast that didn’t feel forced or anything.

I think it has a few things going for it that are hard to replicate.

It's nothing but macho, action schlock characters, but the story treats them seriously, unlike say The Expendables that has literally the same type of cast, but it's played half-seriously as if the audience is in on the joke about them being action stereotypes.

Combine that with the genuine fish-out-of-water feeling where for most of the movie, both we and the characters have no idea what they're even shooting at. Like anyone who doesn't know the Predator couldn't even imagine what is hunting them until late in the movie when it's camo breaks.

It has that Jaws thing going for it where we spend time off-balance along with the characters, and it doesn't linger or overindulge in special effects or big set pieces. It's just a very close, personal experience where we're always right next to the characters experiencing what they are.

That's how I see it at least.

is the 2018 Predator watchable? Everyone's told me to avoid

Your feelings do not prove shit, snowflake.

You mean the movie where a predator stares down a naked Olivia Munn?

Yeah don't.


Nailed it.

>I saw it when I was a kid so it's not forced

It's old therefore it's good.

This guy gets it.

Predator celebrates manly, muscled men but slaughters them like deer in the woods anyway. You start the movie like a Commando sequel, but find yourself in Aliens. It's got lame one liners and also a silent stand off on a fallen tree bridge and you don't even see the enemy. The predator has a pretty simple design (awesome pussy looking mouth), but it's still just a muscle bound dude that respects strength and goes man to man with Arnold.

It may be the best movie ever made.

zoomer detected. it's past your bedtime, zoomer.

I wouldn't know. I don't watch gay pornos.


The story for one. You could put your spin on it so many different ways. An allegory for the aids epedemic or the vietnam war. A deconstruction of the action hero genre. Male vs female reproductive tactics. It all can work because it's just so flexible.

The other thing I liked rewatching it was how smart they are which contrast greatly with their descebt into madness. If they had just been shown as dumb jocks I don't think the effect would've been the same. Like Mac for instance is a cool calm collected character but by the end of it he's fucking lost his mind. It's fantastic.

The camera work and the set. It just feels like a hot fucking steamy jungle with constant close ups of their
sweaty faces



No they don't. This guy does

Grow up.


thing i like: based
thing i don't like: unbased

WhY! Mp5 Nooooo

So when exactly did Yea Forums become the worst board to try and discuss television and films on?

>Predator celebrates manly, muscled men but slaughters them like deer in the woods anyway.

You forget, Arnold won. Kicked alien ass. Don't come back bitch unless you want some more.

In 2001. If you want to discuss movies and television, go to Imdb forums.

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Cast the remake, anons.

Good post
Seething tranny post

You cannot. Current crops of actors are all soj ridden fags, and it's not even about musculature, but the overall presence.
Cocksuckers like Hemsworth or Evans are just primadonnas that puts on muscle suits to immediately drop 50 pounds of mass the second the shooting is over and go back to Twitter to pontificate.

The fact that Downey jr. or godforbid Cumberbatch are considered action heroes should tell you that you will never have anything like Predator ever again.

Tom Cruise is unironically the last action hero.

>Tom Cruise is unironically the last action hero.
what about Keanu?

If he is, then I think he himself would find the fact ironically amusing. Don't get me wrong, I like his movies and he did a LOT of work on his action movies, Wick was amazing overall, but he never hit me as someone pursuing this path, but rather falling into it, doing his best to look the part.
Reeves is not effortlessly masculine, with confidence that naturally comes with it.

Predators was fun but not nearly as iconic. How would you fix it Yea Forums?

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Post your face when you found out Predator died from AIDS


Replace the character archetypes with actual characters, get a director that can get the best out of Brody, Fishburn and Goggins and leave out the dumb super-predators and CGI dogs.


Predators is a fun flick I really have no problems with it but I hate Brody in it - totally miscast.

Brody would have been good in a more gritty, realistic Predator movie. He can act and he looks like a "real" veteran. But it was a cartoony script, so they should have got a cartoony lead.

>>being this low test

A cast of all white guys

The theme helped


The best part is watching these walking stereotypes get slaughtered. They act like a caught animal at every death, panicking and doing anything they think might help them stay alive. It's so visceral and compelling after you enjoy watching them absolutely shit on some random cartel.

>trailer shows off like, 15 predator laser targets
>movie only has 3


They were fighting children Predators the whole time.
and what said.

it wasnt tho.
theres lots of minorities in the army.
predator is accurate.
AND they make make the movie more fun imo

That was educational

Good post. Cocksucking primadonnas is what they are indeed.

Robocop > Predator

Pro-tip: you faggots can't

The diversity of the cast.

>diversity for the sake of character and story, not social good boy points
imagine that

The art of hiding the monster is lost.
if predator was a new movie today, we'd see some cgi mess of a monster brutally disembowel someone against a green screen jungle within 15 minutes

One thing that hasn't been brought up is the music and the ambient sound effects

There are a number of excellent themes and cues which really push the tension and themes of "AAARGH WHAT THE FUCK IS IT?!"

>two of the people in that pic went on to be elected as governors

>start bleeding from an injury in public
>I dont cry and say 'I aint got time to bleed'

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What makes it great is that it's a subversion of the 80's action-hero movie.

It's literally one of the most testosterone filled manly-man movies ever made, but then it deliberately undercuts this aspect and introduces a monster that's even more badass and dangerous. It's an amazing genre blend of action and horror.

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the timeless handshake

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Dilate tranny

I don't wanna derail anything but this is a fucking superbly-well formatted post that uses spaces between paragraphs to break it up and make it easier to read. Reddit-spacing is a fucking 2016 transplant meme and it needs to end

This is kind of sad
for you youngfags who weren't there, there was a sense in the 80's that we had/were moving past race and white guy/black guy buddie team ups were an expression of that
today the same team up is meant as some shit political statement or is just tokenism because race colors everything
in the 80's and into the nineties, black guy characters were just characters that happened to be black, now they are tokens

Bill Duke is unironically a good man.

Well take a guess who ruined that and who's doing all the race baiting today.

What's wrong with Liam Nesson and Jason Statham?

jews, no need to guess

The soundtrack

Not who you're replying to but definitely low-confidence suburban liberals.

9/11 gave the U.S. PTSD and then the rest of the world caught it by consuming so much U.S. media.

If Americans were the same dick-swingingly confident hedonists that they were in the 90s, the world would be a better place.

Anyone else wondering why Carl is wearing a grey uniform when everyone else is wearing M81 BDU?

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There's only one woman, she's cute and she doesn't speak english.

He wasn't part of the team right?
he was the guy that brought them in for the job

he was CIA and thus too cool

Predator was godly, Commando is a close second and of course, the Terminator movies. Arnold made some of the finest action movies of the last century, so based.
This century isn't bad either, the Raid movies are phenomenal, Cruise has made a ton of great action movies that will age well, Taken was nice, and of course, Wuxia movies.

>I like the diverse cast
They did a good job providing scant / nonexistent backgrounds for them so your mind is left to wander about the details. As a kid I always wondered about the relationship between compulsively shaving man and the governor of MN and imagined what kind of crazy battles they were in together to create that bond. They turned the mythic indian stoicism meme on its head in a horrifying way too.

>those lines
hi phoneposter

so he was a 'spook' you might say?

no female politics, no interracial romance, comedy takes a backseat to the action and drama, great story and premise

Looks like we got a slack jawed faggot here.

>simple premise
>prime Arnold
>Apollo creed
>well executed action

The great genre mixture for that time
And this 118428089

Checked and based

You're fucking retarded.

Reddit space doesn't mean you use paragraphs.

It means hitting double enter after every single sentence or so like this.

Rddit has a clusterfuck of a layout so faggots have to rape the enter button in order for their posts to be readable.

Statham has 0 charisma and Neeson is an action hero for 40yo women.

>Reeves is not effortlessly masculine, with confidence that naturally comes with it.
he's a quiet type of guy anyway, and all those deaths in his life probably contributed. Cruise is not human, he's from another dimension.

Exactly. Movie had a good cast going, it was definitely enjoyable but too bad it wasn't well made.

Why can't we get a good Predator sequel? 2 was OK and 3 was passable but nothing has been on par with the original. They should dust off that old script that was set in the pirate age.

It's not even needed.

I always find it fascinating how the endless threads discussing 'why is Predator so good' almost never mention its director. Any Terminator, Conan, Robocop or Aliens thread, you'd get guys acknowledging Cameron and Verhoeven as the reasons why they're so great, but it's like McTiernan doesn't even exist. People are deeply drawn to this movie but just can't see past Arnold and the monster.

Predator in concept is both the ultimate unironic celebration of action movies' hypermasculinuty, and its superb deconstruction. Main heroes are testosterone filled, hip-shooting, larger than life action heroes, and they get fucking annihilated by an unknown force that operates on completely same principles as them - Predator hunts so he can prove his "masculinity" to his society. In this movie, main characters go from action heroes who decimate a Soviet camp with no sweat to (metaphorically) becoming those same Soviets: a frightened, underpowered wimps who develop a Stormtrooper syndrome of wasting ammo and not hitting anything.

But even disregarding these ideas of deconstruction, Predator is simply a great movie on its own. Shot on location, directed by perhaps the best action film director in history, it has tight genrebending script (action + slasher + SF + mistery), fantastic cast and one of the greatest "monsters" in movie history. It's all there, it's a perfect movie. Compare it with dreck like TLJ who not only has nothing to fall on except for its deconstructivist concept, but the its concept itself is dull and poorly devised.

reminder that this is diversity done right

t. Inferior

The great genre mixture for that time
And this

The reason why Predator is perfect is because it's completely self sufficient. It manages to stand on its own while still being large in scope (who exactly is Predator, where did it cone from etc.). Making a sequel that tries to expand on the "lore" would just end up being horrible and unnecessary, like the 2018 version.

The only reasonable thing for Predator sequels would be going the route of 2 and to some extent Predators: making loosely connected movies with the same conceot but by putting Predator and the main characters in different settings. So after Predator in jungle and Predator in the city, maybe try with Predator in ancient Egypt, predator and Vikings, Predator in Rome/Sparta, Predator and the Apache, Predator vs. samurai, etc. No greater narrative, no cringy Yuatja lore, just 120min long confrontations between Predator and Earth's greatest warriors.

>make 2 of the most iconic action movies back-to-back, then Hunt For Red October which is kino

How did he do it bros?

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>just 120min long confrontations between Predator and Earth's greatest warriors.
could be cool as a series as well
maybe just 2-3 episode arcs that feature the predator hunting humans of different ages/times.
don't need much cgi, just some cool characters
maybe get a variety of good directors to make their own take on each part.

Unapologetically masculine. Diversity done right.

Even his "less successfull" films like Last Action Hero and 13th Warrior are unadulterated kino. The man suffered from a bad case of being based and, I would dare say, redpilled.

that's because it made sense even back then

>No more fun buddycop movies

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The predator is trying to become autistic as he considers it an evolution of mankind.

John McTiernan