Post an apu

post an apu
get a movie rec

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A Beautiful Mind

Attached: 1543385879302.jpg (785x644, 189K)

plz I need something to watch

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Strange Brew

Attached: 1555117032790.jpg (439x363, 127K)

office space

Attached: 8C829814-09A1-4952-96C5-7A94CCF3B479.jpg (284x283, 24K)

Over the top

Don't need a movie, just someone tell me to get the fuck to bed

Bohemian Rhapsody
Interstella 5555
Maximum Overdrive

Get into my bed.

heresy is afoot

Attached: witch hunter.png (538x657, 37K)

be still

Attached: hammertime.jpg (957x621, 53K)

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Perfect Blue

Attached: apu at the oscars.jpg (698x1024, 140K)

get the fuck to bed user lemme tuck you in uwu

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the crucible

Attached: 1519445568499.png (796x588, 96K)

no country for old frens

Attached: 1549215244454.png (657x527, 224K)

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Dr. Dolittle

Attached: 1563745019995.jpg (161x249, 4K)

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Attached: 1484720953416.gif (400x300, 289K)

Golden eye

Attached: F11AA1CA-F0C4-4221-AEA6-B34AC8572A17.jpg (995x876, 84K)



Attached: apu523.jpg (495x362, 17K)

Blue Velvet
Night on the Galactic Express
The Witchfinder General / The Conqueror Worm

Attached: image.jpg (700x1000, 1.14M)

Attached: hmmmmmmm.jpg (920x730, 53K)

The Night Porter

Attached: image.jpg (1600x1080, 1.34M)

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the shawshank redemption

Attached: A7A8EC76-7DC6-486F-965A-4012FD3A1E30.jpg (670x537, 56K)

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Suicide Squad

My Left Foot

Attached: 1532790654235.png (698x544, 186K)

i was hoping for something cooking related

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A rec for you: Midnight Run
Now gimme what you owe me.

Attached: apu i am the state.png (650x638, 25K)

>Blue Velvet for Pabstpepe

Just watch This is england you fags.

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Lords of Dogtown

Attached: 1547193001134.jpg (618x741, 73K)

Attached: Frens.gif (1200x832, 925K)

Jay and silent Bob reboot

Attached: 88f.jpg (604x516, 50K)

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Kung fu hustle

Attached: apu guitar.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Star Wars OT or Hobbit Trilogy

Bill & Ted's excellent adventure

Almost Famous

Attached: 1544358101360.png (1809x1231, 49K)

Attached: source.gif (500x333, 39K)

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Passion of the Christ

Attached: helpermagobn.jpg (925x1076, 140K)

seriously? that bullshit? fuck this thread and your rec

Attached: toadito.jpg (1024x1024, 135K)

Over the Top
Mortal Kombat
Casino Royale
Forrest Gump
Shrek 2
LotR: TFotR

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>tfw everyone sees right through my cheeky pepe edit and won’t recommend anything
Damn, you guys are sticklers. I was really looking forward to my rec based on this.

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great goddamn film user, that and sword of the valiant


Like Water for Chocolate

Black Hawk Down

Schindler's List

get drunk and listen to sabbat (uk) and witchfinder general

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