so do you guys really not go on reddit?
>i cant go on 2 different websites
So do you guys really not go on reddit?
I just never got into it really.
Isnt that the new Blade?
don't like the layout and the whole good boy points/reddit gold business
I reddit my asshole everyday
I unironically used too a couple years ago, but all the subs I enjoyed began being overmoderated and I lost interest
havent gone on there since they got rid of the mde and cringeanarchy subreddit
reddit wasn't so bad a few years ago but it really went to shit in the last 2 years
current Yea Forums is about reddit from 3-4 years ago in the cuckery department, this site is on the brink of not being usable
admitting to going on reddit should be an instant perma IP ban
i tried to use it but kind of like said i just never got into it. i unironically prefer Yea Forums because there isn’t an account required to post or anything like that
Reddit sucks, dude.
it literally takes a faggot mindset to use reddit, sorry OP.
The format ensures that lowest common denominator is always at the top. It's a waste of time visiting if you already know what that is.
There's some worthwhile subreddits, but whenever one gets popular it's ruined, either directly by the cancerous wider userbase of reddit or the admins appointing suck up mods to enforce the wider reddit culture on the subreddit.
It's beige vomit.
No, I don't see the point. To me it's just another shitty forum.
I visit reddit for my daily dose of rage porn
I've been here since '07 and I've never used it aside from like two or three times when I needed specific information for a game or something and it came up as one of the first links. I don't even know how to navigate it.
I do for very specific things, like if I have a topic related to my job field or want reviews on a product.
But I don't "go on reddit" in the sense that I lurk there and upvote nonsense and circlejerk like they do there.
I feel like the have the wrong opinions on just about everything
I do it's actually better than this shithole
I really can't be on it for more than a couple minutes. I sort by controversial, read actual people's opinions, then compare them to what the "hive mind" is saying and it's just so jarring. It's like something out of They Live. The whole site just feels like big corporations and special interest groups masquerading as just one of the "people on the street" leading everyone at the pep rally in a cheer against themselves.
Try going to /int/. That board might as well just get taken down at this point
I don't use anything with an upvote/likes system because it encourages circlejerking and people trying too hard to get those points ruining the honesty of the userbase.
I had to complete 20 capctcahs to post this, so you better fucking go back you asshole.
Holy shit this is a 10/10 opinion and complete describes why I've come to hate Reddit recently
i unabashedly go to reddit occasionally, it is based and i dont care who knows it.
A Yea Forums pass literally costs 20 dollars and it's good for a year. How much posting do you do in a year? It pays for itself after a couple of days
who /startedon4chanandalwaystalkedshitaboutredditwhenitfirststartedgettingpopularbutendupspendingmoretimeonredditnow/ master race here
fuck points and fuck jannies even worse than 4chin jannies
Everyone is on Reddit
Website with upvote systems are already bad, add downvotes and you get the most homosexual website: reddit.
Never. I have been coming to Yea Forums for 12 years. I go to reddit once a month to look for something specific and then don't come back
a board/subreddit has viewpoints that I don't agree with, therefore I must have it removed.
based hitler dubs of truth
Even if I was the kind of person who would enjoy reddit, the layout is so hideous and counterintuitive, I’d never figure it out anyway.
isnt (you)s the same thing as upvotes kind of
vroom vroom brother.
I'm a bit worried for real. The internet police formally took down all pro Trump/ "free" places on there, they aren't taking a single fucking chance anymore in the next election with anything. I don't suspect Yea Forums has much time left either simply because it's not Twitter levels of fucked yet
I was referring to the spam and off topic shitposting. At any given time there are 10-15 threads of that retarded g*gachad spam
I stopped around 2015. Pretty plain to see it's mostly an advocate site for various products and political opinion.
Yea Forums isn't much better but it's more fun and chaotic.
I'll check the front page once in a while. Helps me spot redditors reposting
started on Yea Forums, then about 2011-2012 moved to reddit, went to shit, then 8ch, went to shit, and now back to Yea Forums and it's pretty shit, I think this might finally be it for me in terms of imageboards and all this shit
Mods are shitty and stubborn about their rules and shadow delete everything, leaving subreddits with very little variety of threads
It's a great site if you like being put on 10 minute posting timers for saying true things that retards don't like
Nope. Only retards think that. A you is literally a response to your post. The whole point of Yea Forums is to post about stuff and talk about it. If you don't get (you)s then you're not posting anything good
Hitlet has nailed the problem once again.
The first time I went there I was blown away by how strict moderation is there. If you don't post exactly what you're supposed to or have a different opinion than what they think you should have then you get nuked.
It's crazy
Yea Forums is owned by a single Japanese man who is happy so long as 4channel pays for Yea Forums. Until Hiromoot is legally obliged to do something, he won't.
Sort of, but not really.
Unlike upvotes you don't accumulate (You)s so you aren't encouraged to collect as many of them as you can, threads aren't ordered from the post with the most (You)s to the post with less so all posts are equal, there is no (You) equivalent of a downvote so posts aren't hidden, etc
Even if there is a hivemind for certain opinions on Yea Forums, unpopular opinions don't get downvoted and they can still be posted, this isn't the case with reddit.
no because (you) isn't good or bad. Its whatever the user wants it to be. You should upvote yourself into a noose redditfag
Reddit's structure makes it more useful for DIY shit, photography and troubleshooting, it's memes and political discussion is cancer. There's so much censorship too. Go on t/TopMindsofReddit or r/AgainstHateSubreddits, it's a bunch of children complaining about subs that they think are "hateful" and them trying to get the banned all day. Plenty of psy-op shit on the frontpage too, worse than the TV news at this point.
reddit is like posting on newgroups. Slow paced. No real back and forth conversations/shitpostings. It's a fucking bulletin board
Only time I go there is for games. Sometimes the subreddit is better than official forums which is sad
reddit speak. Why are you afraid of just saying "kill yourself"? Mods will not ban you user.
complaints about the hivemind user base are fair but I never understand the issue with the layout, its not far off from Yea Forums so I really dont see how people find it counterintuitive
reddit is shit. low iq normies and worst of all you cant say FUCK NIGGERS,DYKES,FAGGOTS,TRANNIES, ECELEBS and JANNIES
I use to visit up until about 4 or 5 years ago when they started banning all "controversial" subs. After that the place became over moderated and censored eveb basic bitch subs. Lets not get started on the 2016 U.S. election, thats when the cancer really set in. It was pretty good back in the day, I use to visit here and there and now pretty much just visit here and forums like and toms hardware, etc.
i'll check reddit for specific things but I prefer the shitposty-ness of Yea Forums
>Work in a building with signal jammers so I can't use 4G network
>Internet group policy blocks basically every interest/hobby website in existence
>Leaves social media, news sites, and fucking reddit unblocked
Reddit's the least normie thing I can access during downtime at work and it's a fucking nightmare.
That's literally Yea Forums, except you get 3 day posting timers here.
>Work in a building with signal jammers so I can't use 4G network
Pretty based. You must work in the public sector, I'd start sleeping there too once 5G goes live.
Essentially that's my issue with reddit. In its early days they were fairly open to differing ideas, the front page has always been cancer but once you fund your subs it was actually good. Then little by little it went more and more authoritarian and more circlejerky in the process. Yea Forums is currently following suit, I literally get bans and iprangebans for the dumbest shit, and whenever I change my ip, I often see the bans of other anons and it's absurd the things they get banned for. Hiro clearly want to clean the site as much as possible while also moving Yea Forums passes.
kys redditfag
Dude, Hiro is shilling Yea Forums passes hard. I can't use Yea Forums with a VPN without a pass and I get a lot of bullshit bans. Making an offtopic thread is sometimes justified, but I've been banned for commenting stupid shit in a thread. This site is becoming cancer.
I would hate hanging out there. It's actually sad that so many troubleshooting searches spit some reddit post at you.
It's decent for small focused subreddits where there's pretty much nowhere else on the internet you can go for the content. Once I lost interest in the couple of niche subreddits I liked I just stopped visiting the site altogether pretty much. The big ones are so fucking predictable and boring. Even after just a few months of browsing the front page for say, 20 minutes a day, it gets to the point where you really can predict, in general terms, exactly what the top comments will be. Always written in the same insufferably snarky, pretentious, sarcastic tone. It gets annoying fast.
Decent for porn I guess though.
you can just post something retarded here and get all the (you)s you want
on reddit they just sweep you under the rug
Of course you faggots don't like Reddit, you've festered such a hate for women, that you can't stand to see them defended for once.
its good for game update notes which usually get stickied or whatever Reddit does. there's no discussions and anything controversial gets downvoted and shoved out of sight.
kek that's how I'm posting right now. I would literally rather set my money on fire than give it to him. I have gotten bans literally just for making jokes, then I also get those semi bans where I can still post but not upload files.
>that time they made an actual tranny a moderator
I honestly think every user should have a ban counter next to their post number, that would be kind of based.
>they banned watchpeopledie
It was a kino subreddit.
and it will be replaced shortly like all the other banned subreddits