Whats the best hulk that has been presented in film?
Hulk in film
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Edward Norton, the 2008 one
no other iteration of hulk would rip out a shoulder blade and stab the bad guy in the chest with it as blood leaks out, then strangle him with a chain
movie was fucking awesome and had the most vicious, based hulk yet
the opening scenes have the hulk murdering bugmen rapist and get his whitey revenge
>you don't want to make me hungry
I really like the 2008 version. It looks intimidating and was actually pretty brutal. The others look too much like brainless gorillas. Hulk was dumb but he wasn't that dumb.
Proffessor Hulk because he dabs and says "hulk out"and is most reminissant of a zoomer variant of shrek
Wasn't this PG13? Disney really sterilized the MCU even further.
2003 is my favorite and I unironically like the comic transitions
I like how 2003 got bigger as he got mad
Lou Ferrigno's Hulk was the absolute scariest.
He looks like he's pure muscle, the other ones other than the noncgi one look like they have some fat on them especially Lee's, due to the skin texture
Yeah why did they drop that part? Isnt it part of his power? I remember reading that somewhere
Oh yeah I forgot Marvel was with paramount for a time
Yeah, Hulk shouldn't look like a Mr. Universe contestant, he should at least have some resemblance of fat on him since we assosciate those builds more with strength
Cause it will make other nignog looks small we all know how insecure they are.
Hulk could risk ripping his pants if he grew too much, think of the children
How inconsiderate of me, thank you for putting me back on the right path bros
Hulk in the first avengers was pretty good. Otherwise, the MCU hulk has been a downward spiral imo. 2008 hulk was badass, but eddy norty was a weird bruce banner
norton was best hulk, felt actually berserker
>I unironically like the comic transitions
I never understood the criticism about this. It's so interesting and unique. No other comic book movie did this as far as I can remember.
Good film too. Best Hulk in film.
new york hulk looked larger than prof hulk in endgame
2003 was the best movie
2008 was the best Hulk
I mean really, casting a fucking comedian like Mark Ruffallo?