now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?
Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?
Did they charge the guy?
Retards for giving her money in the first place, the rest is just thottery and inceldom
who the girl?
He an heroed
I already forgot about this desu
have sex incel
A fellow 4channer.
Ah, the 'ol columbian necktie. Arriba!¡!¡
How surreal it must have been to be in that discord at the time.
What´s this?
egirls finna get dabbed on
>Imagine dying like this
the Columbian necktie is where the tongue is pulled through the hole
Some internet psycho was mad that a gamer girl who showed him slight interest wasn't interested in anything serious so he killed her and posted it to her discord.
The scene kid for thinking killing a ethot will give his life any meaning.
I certainly don't feel sorry for her. She shouldn't have gotten into bed with someone who had screws loose and then toyed with him like a sociopath.
Hopefully he will recover and become well enough so the state can turn around and have him killed.
>one less e-thot
>one less incel
How is this a bad thing again?
Had she not kissed a guy during the concert in front of the psycho to spite him she would had made it home safely.
>people actually join discords for esluts and retarded shit
truly pathetic, can't these fags just find some regular sluts online to get snapchat nudes off?