ITT: kino people weren't ready for

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That one man orchestra

it was a fun movie
we don't get those anymore

word. I was watching Crocodile Dundee earlier and thinking about how fresh and fun it was and how no movies today remind me of it. Crocodile Dundee today would be a superhero with crocodile powers

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>Pluto Nash
It's terrible if you watch it for comedy as intended, but it's pretty good if you go into it looking for a hard sci-fi story.

Perspective can change a lot user.

it's too lighthearted, it could have been a sort of cyberpunk in space about cloning

>He doesn't want abbo shamans to bless him with the magic croc's tooth.

"hard" just refers to the chosen sci-fi elements, not mood

It's really just another "fish out of water" comedy, but a good one.

This movie is fucking horrible.
So much so, I had a nightmare when I was a kid about going into a videostore
and the only things left to borrow were this and that movie Meteor Man.
Most depressing. Dream. EVER

Yeah I guess you're right. but I'll damned if it isn't kino

Fish out of water is my favorite movie trope.
It's what made The Wolverine enjoyable. You cannot meme it to death because it's a universal feel.

that movie was crap though

Pluto Nash featured Hillary Bucks...

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And advertisements for Donald Trump's Moon property....

What was this movie trying to predict?

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truly the people weren't ready.

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if norbit was any indication this movie is true kino and mass audiences don't deserve eddy murphy (or adam sandler for that matter). if you didn't love jack and jill then you don't deserve happy gilmore.

Its like liking anything adam sandler made on netflix he just doenst seem to care anymore.

Nobody was ready for this KINO in 2001.

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The ultimate pleb filter

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I'll never understand why people out of the blue started pretending the prequel trilogy was bad. Sure they aren't perfect but people pretend they're trash. They're WAY better than the current trilogy

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This actually is kino though.

>This actually is kino though.

It is. But people still weren't ready for it in 2001.

another few years and we'll have some fresh new takes on how racism was the cause for this movie's failure.

> *honk honk*

Real Mike Myers kino coming through!

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this movie wasn't bad

>this movie wasn't bad

To be honest, I haven't seen it. But the reviewer scores do not make it look promising. Maybe I should give this one a watch?

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always make up your own mind i say

Criminally underrated, best comedy Sandler has made.

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I have seen it and it was terrible in that a movie about an (not) Indian Love Guru has its story centered on a fucking hockey game


>biggest stand-up in the world during the 90's
>makes a bunch of megaflops in the 2000's
Why'd he disappear after Norbit? Was the Shrek money just too good.

I’m getting too old for this place.

That was the last time she was on a Bill if you catch my meaning...

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Greatest and only movie ever made

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it's one of the most quoteable movies and todays movies are not quoteable at all.

prove me wrong.

i caught that drift

My dad fucking loves this movie for some reason

Certainly one of his best post-2000 movies, up there with this one.

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not enough sandler in the last few rows

Hey meteor man was fairly entertaining.

Kung Pow is far more quotable than Dundee


how depressing

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This movie gave me my breast expansion and ass expansion fetishes.

im not getting memed into your faggotry

Myers practically rehashes every joke or gag we've already seen a dozen times from him before. It's not particularly interesting either (generic sports underdog story but with a twist). Unless you're a die-hard Mike Myers fan it's not worth watching.

I like the porn parody

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By the third Austin Powers movie Myers had sorta milked himself for all he was worth. Shame that because he's a great comedic actor.

Awesome movie that could have been a pretty badass series if Disney had the balls to continue it. For those unfamiliar it's based on cheesy pulp fiction from nearly a century ago and went for the traditional hero story that you so rarely see done now.

Even the Phantom Menace scales above the trash that is the Sequel Trilogy