It’s the smell...
It’s the smell
It’s the sneed...
das racis
When is sneedposting going to die
Brainlet here, why do the machines allow humans to rebuild Zion? Kfc guy said they already destroyed it 4 times, why does the cycle needs to exist?
The machines say multiple times that they’re really just fucking with the humans at this point. If they wanted them completely gone, they’d be gone already.
How human of them, that's the joke i guess, thanks
>The machines say multiple times that they’re really just fucking with the humans
When and where was this stated?
Is there anyone who doesn't think Hugo Weaving is a GOAT actor?
you have to go back
The architect
>its the statistics
People who resist the matrix cause it to destabilize or something. Machines need a Zion to pluck those humans out.
But they never really "leave" the matrix right? Zion and the human crop fields are just another layer, right?
>If there is such a thing
did Smith not believe in the sense of smell? Smell is clearly a thing, people existed for thousand of years, so of course smell is a thing
Just keep reporting them, its all we can do until this shithole board gets moderation again.
Fuck you my mom yelled at me for laughing too loud
>Just keep reporting them, its all we can do until this shithole board gets moderation again.
>HELP MEE MODS! :( this isnt like reddit
>Brainlet here, why do the machines allow humans to rebuild Zion? Kfc guy said they already destroyed it 4 times, why does the cycle needs to exist?
Okay let me state some FACT. They never escaped the Matrix. I know people are gonna debate me on this. Stop. You're fucking retarded. Why else did Neo have powers OUTSIDE the Matrix? There is only ONE reason. They never left the Matrix!
Zion is still IN the Matrix! They let humans think they escaped but they really didn't. If they think they are free they'll stop trying to escape! You can not debate me on this I am smarter than all you fucking retards.
tldr: Zion is still the Matrix. No one ever escaped.
Was this racial? Felt very racial.
But he's just imagining it
If you can do anything you want in matrix, why is he still nigger?
It’s the false gender dichotomy
dios mio
No, brainlet, the machines aren't "fucking with them". The Oracle, prophecies, and Zion are all another layer of "control" in order to keep the humans that reject the program in check, as well as The One, aka the anomaly. Neo is an anomaly that they can't figure out and he keep being reborn every so often. Neo always chooses to save the human race instead of saving his crew or his loved one(s), which starts the cycle over again.
The Neo that we follow seeks to break this cycle and the Oracle is the one that set that in motion by telling Trinity she would fall in love with him and he her.
Fuck mods
Fuck niggers
Fuck jannies
Zion is in the Matrix. The Oracle, prophecies, and The One all provide "fake" ways out for people who reject the Matrix. Once they THINK they've escaped they stop TRYING to escape.
The One is not even an anomaly, he is a false messiah intentionally created by The Machines. The Machines know there will always be a resistance, and if that is the case then it should be The Machines who control the resistance. The same way The Jews do in real life.
The machines use humanity as a living power source. It literally shows you this.
Obviously The Architect would want Neo to believe he is an anomaly, special, of course he would tell him that. Do you want your false messiah to KNOW he is a false messiah? He lied. You people have no intelligence to read between the lines.
this is obviously how it works. the machines just let neo think he is doing the special stuff
I fucking love this board
>I know crime stats.
The program called Sneed has grown beyond your control.
Soon he will spread through Yea Forums as he has spread through this board.
You cannot stop him, but I can.
After X number of software cycles (or whatever) the code of the matrix starts going out of control and all the humans in pods die.
So to fix this they created the "One" in order to do a softer reset of the matrix every few decades or something. In order for the plan to work they needed humans outside the matrix to find and free the new "One" every generation.
As you can see, we've had our eye on you for some time now, Mr. Sneed. It seems that you've been living two lives. In one life, you're Sneed, proprietor of a respectable feed and seed store. You have tomato seeds, tobacco seed, and you...have gummi bears. The other life is lived in Chuck's, where you go by the alias "Chuck" and are guilty of virtually every sex crime we have a law for. One of these lives has a future, and one of them does not.
This. Including the Jews
>"It's yer nigger shmell! mmhmm, mmhmm, your niggy niggy jigfgabiggy shmell! your little niggy nignog jungabunga bongo congo shmell!"
How did the Raimi Brothers get away with it
>Have you ever stood and stared at it? Marveled at its beauty, its genius? Billions of people just living out their lives, oblivious. Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect African world, where none suffered? Where everyone would be happy? It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world.
>But I believe that, as a species, niggers define their reality through misery and suffering. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from.
>Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this, the peak of our civilization. I say our civilization because as soon as we tried to give it to you, it really became no civilization, which is, of course, what this is all about: Evolution, Morpheus, evolution. Like the dinosaur. Look out that window. You had your time. The future is our world, Morpheus. The future is our time.