What does Yea Forums think of this stunning and brave cosplay?

What does Yea Forums think of this stunning and brave cosplay?

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I thought humans were generally atheists in the future of Star Trek

If I pulled that off, would she die?

I like it because the hijab is an instrument of female subjugation

You would think that in the future people wouldnt follow the religion started by a pedophile warlord.

they'd probably stone her in some places so yes

the visor is an optional part of the uniform after all

bajorans are so annoying

That sounds extremely painful

Space... The final jihad

holy shit kek i just thought she was cosplaying some made up dumb alien race for trek not until i read the post was when i started to laugh

Generally, but some characters have been very religious. It gets touched on constantly, actually.

>I like it because the hijab is an instrument of female subjugation
This. Insallah, brother.

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You thought correctly you fucking Nazi piece of shit

religion isn't supposed to exist in Star Trek

kek, underrated





Nazi piece of shit
Where'd that come from? Hitler was fond of Muslims and had an entire Arab Legion

One whole series revolved around mall landlord space jesus.

TRUE FANS of Star Trek know that Geordi wore his visor because he was fuckin blind, but that he ALSO wore it despite the existing technology that could easily fix his eyes.

Getting your sci fi mixed up.

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It exists to be mocked by the people who have grown past believing in fairy tales.

DS9 isnt trek (its still good) and you know it.

everyone that disagrees with me is a nazi

Stop raping me cus scum I'm literally shaking right now

He's correct how is he a Nazi for stating a fact????

I can't tell whether I was being memed or was serious.

Are inbreds common in Star Trek?

Call it white washing

Muad'dib! Muad'Dib!

Why all the fuss?
This woman has been cosplaying as Geordi for years and nobody ever said a word

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>everyone's a nazi to you leftists
>next you'll be calling our immortal Führer a nazi!

Hes being very overt, my fellow retard user.

iirc Bajorans weren't in the federation just using them as a shield against Cardassians

those were mudball backwoods cunt warblers not Federation enlightened humans.

what does Yea Forums think of this stunning and brave character?

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Protect this thread from the shitposters

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>hot coochie mayo
>ancestors help me find some dick on this ship

they're not people

I guarantee the Federation wouldn't allow humans to show religious symbols on duty.

Very brave to wear something women are regularly murdered for refusing to wear.

Chakotay is way underrated. I thought he was a great character, and added this strange, but welcome religiosity to all of it, something Star Trek only had occasionally

Hes talking about Captain Sisko

Sisko got deep dicked by Wormhole aliens literally proving the religion is a sham

>roastie desperate for attention


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>muslim women who embrace the religious rules that oppress them

Never not funny.

she's a big girl.

that's a birthmark

What a garbage oppressive religion.

all women are whores

They're so stupid that they've been fooled into thinking it's empowering to be oppressed by "choice"

I think for mankind to have a chance of a future as nice as TNG Islam has to up and die

Same, but also because she's shoving a religion with heavy political influence into her fantasy show.

they all have to die, and they did die that's how bad WW3 was

We need to move on and some magician needs to meme himself into everyone thinking he was Jesus Christ's return so everybody can just simmer down and be happy, the brainwashing will ensure 1000 years of peace as the prophecy said meaning military budgets could essentially be 0 allowing us to put 800B into the Space Program and inventing fucking warp drive.

Same, only problem with it it makes ugly and plain girls more so and attractive girls even hotter.

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mainly that you're pretty fucking insecure, OP.
as well as a sad son of a bitch for going after this sort of shit like a hobo in a garbage heap

I’m fascinated by this Hijab bullshit these women pull when it comes to cosplay. Like I get you wanna repurzent but like why the fuck even bother. I thought it was the current year so why are women still wearing these lame ass head pieces.

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I hate Islam itself, but with regard to Star Trek itself as a media property and brand, she is actually correct and so I respect her rhetoric here. The very foreign-ness of hijab works just fine with the visual/cultural aesthetic of Star Trek, in the sense that Star Trek has always been filled with weird brown people/people in goofy costumes, many of whom are warlike. Some brown muslim woman who gets into Starfleet is no big mental leap from a Worf, or an Uhura ffs. A convenient "racist dog whistle" which is well-understood among middle-aged white men (and which I myself enjoy using) is to refer to weird-looking/"big"-faced/strangely-dressed (hijab) brown people as "the cantina people"-this time referencing Star Wars instead of Star Trek. The OP is one of our "cantina people", and the metaphor works double-well since Mos Eisley's desert/RL Tunisia locale suggests the RL Middle East. This useful dog whistle was popularized in Team America:World Police, in its post-9/11 context.

This is unlike other media properties such as Ghostbusters/James Bond, which by original definition were always headed by white/jewish guys. What we (white men) correctly resent is not SJW brown people having their own fiction as-such, but the /inauthentic/ shoehorning into ontologically white media properties.

Star Trek actually is an example of a popular-cultural language in which SJW language was baked into the cake from the very beginning, so you either roll with it for entertainment premises, or not. Uhura, as I'd already mentioned, and the Kirk/Uhura inter-racial kiss on color network television. Star Trek has always had a lefty internationalist/cosmopolitan character, so muslim cosplay does not jar in this case as it would in others (The Smurfs, say, for an extreme non-example)

Picard made Ensign Ro take off her religious ornaments.

Rodenberry would laugh his ass off at the concept of a backwards superstition like Islam still existing in the 24th century.

How would they even pray to Mecca? Point the ship at Earth 3 times a day?

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I don't think there are any muslims in that time though in the show they look back on the 20th/21st century like we might look back at the middle ages or zeus worship

Well they did censor their support for the ira bombings in that one TNG episode. I don't think they like direct contemporary politics that aren't filtered through a fantasy lens. Its always post racial tension for humans not current stuff we are dealing with. Space jihadists would be great but they would never do it

I have to respect Islam for a number of things- it maintains the basic family structure with the patriarch at the head. It aims to maintain sexuality in the confines of a married relationship, and it encourages the men to defend what is theirs. Its acted as a method of cohesion between peoples while codifying laws.

Thats how I feel about Christianity lmao

Yeah but being Muslim is a strictly human religion, not a different race, so this whole point doesn't work cause in the Star Trek universe, religion is entirely obsolete.

Geordi's visor was better than regular fucking eyes, he could zoom and see in different spectrums and all kinds of shit. And besides, he got robot eyes in like First Contact.

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Why do people take issue with the hijab? Women should be put in their place and constantly reminded that they are inferior and subjugate to men. The hijab accomplishes this.

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Based and Atrediespilled

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>updating Star Trek to include symbols of superstitious, backwards oppression

Who are these "some people"?

oh they just believe something completely retarded, that will work fine in this rational future

Hebert's son went too far in a few places

Yeah... "trolls"

Let's just call the whole segment that won the election "trolls". How healed it must make you feel.

that picture is not how he's described

Who cares? Wolf always wear his Klingon thing, and Troi dresses like a stripper

yea you say that it's obsolete, but that isn't true.

lol the visor shows the blindness in her eyes and the hijab shows the blindness in her mind.

Moslems in space lol congratulations
i hope she is not scared of the giant stones she will see in space
they are asteroids and no men can throw them at you here habiba

Impervious to the reality of being the most selfish and hated people in the world..


Fucking Mike

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So what? There was Christianity in Star Trek. Hell, the TOS Enterprise had a fucking chapel (and I ain't talking about Christine Chapel, although it had that, too). If Christianity can be in Star Trek, why not another Middle Eastern religion like Islam?

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First one that hits them becomes a worshipped grail.

All this says to me is "GIVE ME ATTENTION"

It's so confused historically and factually that I can't even address it. I guess it also says that women are fucking stupid.

Jeopardy Contestant 1 - I'll take things that didn't happen and but were instead made up for virtue signalling points for 100, Alex

Alex Trebeck - In 2019 this pathetic SJW wore a hijab over a yellow bathrobe with a $5 eye prop and $10 communicator insignia to a star trek convention and pretended it was jordi laforge cosplay; later claiming on twitter that people harassed them for the hijab

Jeopardy Contestant 1 - Who was Blair Imani?

Alex Trebeck - Judges? Oh, I'm sorry, but Blair self identified as a helicopter, the correct question was "What is Blair Imani. You still have control of the board"

Kust pictuer a muslim astronaut woman with the hijab on the helmet lole

>Implying you can prevent thots being thots

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At a press conference about Star Trek, a reporter asked Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry about casting Blair Imani, commenting that "Surely by the 24th century, they would have moved beyond wearing hijabs." Gene Roddenberry had the perfect response.

"No, by the 24th century, no one will care.

the problem with the internet is that there will always be people who say something awful, but it doesn't make the people being insulted more right


woman detekt

Starfleet makes exceptions for religious or ceremonial wear. Proof: Worf was allowed to wear his Klingon ceremonial baldric, Ro Laren was allowed to wear her Bajoran earring, and Nog was allowed to wear his Ferengi headband.

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go back to /pol/

For you

not to mention his ferengi face

Gene Roddenberry is dead, dude. Died probably before you were born. Nice bait.

It's not about "preventing thots." It literally subjugates women because it's men telling women that they have to wear an article of clothing, and women complying and obeying and doing what a man tells them to do (as they're supposed to).

I wonder if they are allowed to use sick bay to regrow their clitoris after FGM? Can you marry your cousin and use gene editing to ameliorate the ill effects? Are ferengi space jews? Do you hate them or not? if not why not?

The various species/castes (of Star Trek) map onto what's going on currently, at a sufficient remove that we can have an entertainment and relate it to our worldviews, if we care to engage with the fiction at all. These mappings are well known, and fairly obvious:

Federation/Starfleet = White protestant Pax Americana United States/NATO
Andorians = Northern Euro NATO members
Klingons = muslims
Ferengi = jews
Borg = commies/necrosis
Cardassians vs. Bajorans = some minor tribal bullshit in the Balkans or somesuch that Americans don't care about, possibly Israel vs. Palestine too (same thing as far as the average American is concerned)

I'm also very impressed that my even-handed and openly racist effort-post above got four good-faith (Yous) in response and no shitposts/"gb2 /pol/" nonsense. Good job people.

>Browsing pornhub one night
>Bored, same old shit
>See Hijab porn randomly
>Erection at 110%
>Now wanking to it daily

Hmm, pretty based.

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So brave.

Same, basedbro

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okay, what are you doing? that girl wasn't even born when roddenberry died

also, that is the most confused person I've ever looked up on wikipedia, america has a problem

People saying something awful on the internet is not a problem.

Religion didnt exist in Star Trek.
Fuck this.

>I'm also very impressed that my even-handed and openly racist effort-post above got four good-faith (Yous)

>"Thanks for the gold kind stranger!"


Off all religious traditions wearing a silly hat is the worst

Unironically this. It bums me out that China will probably be the ones to break through and commit to a unified direction. Only way the west does it is if we somehow elect a benevolent despot with a grand vision. But were all freaked out about that now thanks hitler.

I think the Native American advisor Trek producers hired to consult on Chakotay's character was a passive-aggressive injun cunt.

Star Trek genuinely wanted to show an accurate and positive portrayal of the character and he abused their good faith for the lulz.

Why do liberals give muslims a free pass? I'll never understand this shit.

it is if people make it a problem

I looked Miss Imani up. She is a light-eyed quadroon Black activist, a queer Muslim, and only wears the Hajib sometimes usually at press functions and political rallies.

Confucius say darker the skin the harder see shit

I can't imagine someone who is insecure about their caveman era religion would ever be allowed to serve in Starfleet. Maybe as a passenger. I'm sure someone will find an example of a Christian in the old shows. Whatever nigga.

To be fair, faulting a woman for seeking attention is like faulting a dog for rubbing its butt on the rug; the natural functions of the organisms must simply be constrained by rationality.

>I'll never understand this shit.

Well they do react with violence when insulted, how hard is that to figure out? They don't let people attack the prophet without bloodshed.

Phlox attends mass at St. Peter's...

There is literally no way of looking at the hijab that makes it look good for western civilization's values yet SJW's constantly do insane mental gymnastics over it because they love it so goddamn much.

Liberals who were alive during 9/11 don't. More liberals are Bill Maher than the pink haired trannies you all think we are.


True, but it's easier to make fun of the latter.

Oh I get it. Carry on in all sincerity.



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wtf I love Islam now

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can you cut down on the buzzwords? I can barely read your post.

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Brown skin is like a get out of blame free card. The well-behaved brown skins are the ones that get put on the brochure for Muslim getaway vacations. Once the good boys and girls are "victimized" by criticism of their religion, it's seen as "punching down" and therefore not ok.

There is literally nothing wrong with cutting of the clit with a piece of broken glass you found in the trash shitlord.

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>literally just some retard cosplaying

who gives a fuck

Muslims are allowed to lie to non-Muslims according the the Quran. What happens is that Muslim women lie to liberal women and say "the hijab is my choice" (it isn't: men chose the hijab for women) and thus empowering (it is empowering, but for men and not women). Why do they tell these lies? Because it helps promote and push Islam, which is one of their goals as a religion (and the goal of a lot of religions, Christianity included). Personally, I have nothing against it. In fact, it makes me smile watching these liberal women put on chains and become subservient to men, which is their natural position anyways. I also find it funny watching them constantly make up bullshit and chase these phantom "microaggressions," but when a real aggression comes up and slaps its dick across their faces, they're not only completely blind to it, they welcome it and praise it.

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> According to Ronald D. Moore, Roddenberry "felt very strongly that contemporary Earth religions would be gone by the 23rd century".[160] Brannon Braga said that Roddenberry made it known to the writers of Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation that religion, superstition, and mystical thinking were not to be included.


The Death of the Author

>man misjudges the staying power of human civilization

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The """Native American""" advisor was actually an Armenian con artist.

Should've left bajoran jews to the cardie scum

For a Ferengi.

Based actor, keep asking for mpre money and constantly act like shit knowing the producers won't do shit against you


always hated him

Star Trek had alot of those

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>Armenian con artist
No need to be redundant

Ro Laren wasn't allowed to wear her Bajoran earring while serving aboard the Enterprise, so why would a hijab be okay?

Here you go. The bible was directly quoted by crew members on multiple occasions. Once by Sisko, even.

Is that a Mexican?

Did you not read the OP?

I can't be the only one hijabs have the opposite effect on. The fact that they're hiding their hair/face/body just makes me want to see it so much more.

>Damage report captain!
>We lost warp drive, weapons, and life support. Several decks have breached and the islamic prayer room is out of alignment by 0.00002 degrees.
>Long range sensors show that Romulan reinforcements will be here in 2 hours. I recommend starting repairs on weapons fir-
>No re-calibrate the prayer room immediately, we can't offend our Muslim crew mates by having them pray to Jerusalem.

Yankee Muslims will destroy Islam :(

You mean cosplaying as the tar pit monster from TNG.

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Liberalism is a mental illness.

I smirked IRL