Is Rey a Mary-sue?

Is Rey a Mary-sue?

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Tale

Pretty much yeah and the worst one

of course

wtf is a clap back

Daisy is cute

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I think it's another term for chlamydia.

>”i’m not a Mary Sue and that settles it” said the Mary Sue

another asinine slang term invented by niggers

Do people still talk about this?
Watch an interview with Daisy Ridley. I'm not gonna link one, because any single one will do just fine to show you what a fucking moron she is.
I swear to God, she is plain fucking stupid. Nothing more to it, just watch how she responds to questions, and her stupid mannerisms. I would say it's the coke, but that can only do so much.

Ok, so remember in Midsommar when this guy was drugged and then he turned to the old guy and said
>what's going on?
and then the old guy clapped in his face?
That's a clapback.

Adversity is misogynist

I'd like to "clap back" her ass cheeks if you catch my drift

you getting dunked on


Niggerspeak for responding, usually with attitude or a dumb quip that makes no sense.

I need you to elaborate

yeah, obviously. it'd be really silly to think she isn't at this point

Mary Sue is a low iq complaint


Whatever *clap* at least I can season my food stamps food properly.

Daisy Ridley has the clap.

Ayyo wypipo can't cook for sheet bruh! Ayyo hol' up nigguh, I gotta go down and collekt my muhfuggin foodstamps for da month so I can buy sum MigDahnls, feel me cuh?

Jamal, why u bein' stoopid? It's loaded on your ebt card nigga, you ain't gotta collect nuffin

>tfw the one time I applied for food stamps like a true neet they only gave me $15 a month

>the card didn't even work the one time I tried to use it so I just spent my last bit of money on what I bought to save myself the embarrassment


Wait, do they really do this shit? When you remove the shame from collecting welfare, it becomes nothing less than free money.

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Niggers don't have the mental fortitude to feel shame or guilt.


Would’ve been brilliant if she was the leader of the Knights of Ren who corrupted Kyle in the first place and had her mind wiped by a Luke who could bring himself to strike her down but we’re stuck with her just being a Mary Sue yes

Kylo* and couldn’t* fuck phoneposting seriously


She does the Jedi mind trick in the first film without even knowing it exists, she beats Kylo in a lightsaber duel despite have never fought or even training with one, she fixes Han and Chewie's ship that they can't fix and everyone is completely enamored with her and trusts her without question. The second film takes place over the course of a week during which Luke acts like a twat rather than training her and by the end she's lifting a hundred tons of boulders with her mind in a display that puts anything Yoda did to shame.

They need to make her like an Imperial replicant science experiment or something because her power and knowledge just don't make sense unless she's some kind of freak.

Attached: Star Wars 7 if Rey wasn't a Mary Sue.webm (720x300, 1.91M)

Or it's just the Force being a cunt for like the billionth time.

In any event I didn't see TLJ and I'm not seeing the new one.

Claps back how? What argument can she even use against the claim? Rey has literally never lost or failed at anything major in the new trilogy so far. I don't even know what they're going to do with Kylo since she's literally beaten him during every encounter

This. In the OT Luke fails to stop Vader doing evil shit and getting away with it for two full movies before he actually matches up to him, while in the ST Rey whips Kylo at every turn despite knowing nothing about the Jedi arts and Finn beats Phasma even though he was basically a grunt and she was a Sergeant.

Fucking retarded and no suspense or momentum is ever built

>What argument can she even use against the claim?
same one they've been using since it came out, they cry sexist

Funny how a term that originated in Star Trek fandom, created by a female fanfic author to criticize poorly written female characters in fanfic, has been brought up to debate how well a Star Wars character is written.

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Not an argument

Yes she is a Mary sue, she can fly the millennium falcon with little or no practice or hell knowledge, she knows how to swim depsite her being born on a desert land planet, she overpowered Luke and lectured him on how to be a Jedi depsite having little training, she can magically use the force with little training and experience and defeat a sith who has been trained his entire life, she rarely has flaws or the flaws she has doesn't affect her overall character, and she fucking lectures Han Solo about his own ship he's been in for years. She's the worst type of Mary Sue

The fact that she's even responding means she or Lucas is really fucking triggered by the accusation.

It was based on a character written by a female trekkie fan fic author. Her self insert character was named Mary Sue and she was super smart, strong, charming, had psychic powers and Kirk and Spock were both in love with her. It then became a meme.

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if that was canon i would unironically make this face IRL

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This. The article is clearly saying that Daisy Ridley infected her critics with a sexually transmitted disease.

>call american a mary sue
>they start clapping

>The second film takes place over the course of a week

TLJ is AT MOST only two days long. Finn specifically mentions that they only have 18 hours of fuel at one point and there wasn't much room for stuff to happen before or after the space chase.

>tfw druggie sister who is 35 years old asks my mother for money every month
>need to buy a new laptop for college but too ashamed to ask my mother
>can't work due to insane workload this semester
God, I wish I couldn't feel shame nor guilt.

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>claps back
Who do I have to kill to stop this sort of bullshit? I want names and addresses.

>leader of the knights of ren is named rey and not kylo ren

>Woman is dumb and wrong. News at 11

How do I get a copy of this comic? Preferably the original.

>remember an (((A24))) flick
no, because they are shit made for reddit

yes, but so was this little shit.

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Thank you, but that's not good enough. I want to purchase a physical copy. Preferably the original.

>we only have fuel for 1 jump or driving for 36 hours
>drives for 34 more hours
>oh btw we can still jump off the fumes anyways
I'll never forgive them

Try punctuation.

It's what twitter twats do when they stick hand slapping emotes in between every word.

Ad hominem is an even worse one

they used the force as fuel

She literally knows Han for like 12 hours at most, and by the point he asks her to come aboard it's like maybe 6 hours

Yes in 7
No in 8

>she is plain fucking stupid
Her face looks inbred or genetically lacking... It's proportioned in such a way that you can tell it's off but you can't quite nail down where it all went wrong. Her teeth definitely contribute to her fucked up face though. They're twice the size they should be. She's basically got the equivalent of clown shoes for teeth.

What else does he need to add besides a period?

Americans always clap at things

Everything about Rey is trash

Yet she wrote it as a parody. She hated how much fanfic just had author self inserts and hollow fan wish fulfillment instead of interesting stories. It wasn't about gender. It was about writing better characters. People have turned it into a gender thing. It was never intended as such. Male characters can be a Mary Sue just as much as female ones.

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How long have you been on the internet? If you don't have perfect spelling and grammar, you lose the argument by default. That has always been the rule.

What's your major

I think it has something to do with being barren

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ok sorry

She's even dressed like one.
>No sexy outfit
>No figure
>Token black friend is fumbling idiot even though he is a highly trained trooper?
>Has no training but fights a elite super power having laser sword wielding baddie
I mean if she had thrown her staff at him and somehow managed to hide due to her powers.
Something she perhaps learned in the desert because the worms there hunt by looking for signs of life and she can hide them using a weak untrained force skill???
It's not like that evil baddie wouldve expected it so he'd have just thought her a random rebel or some shit.
But no she has to be super awesome and cool because children(who this franchise is now completely aimed at) have the attention span of...children.

>this thread

Interesting, I didn't know it was written as a parody.

>People have turned it into a gender thing.

I think that's just obfuscation. You criticize a character for being a Mary Sue and instead of providing an argument for why they're not they just say you're sexist or racist because the character is female, gay or some shade of brown. Modern Hollywood is cranking out Mary Sue's at a record rate, most of them for the sake of pandering to identity politics.

>Male characters can be a Mary Sue just as much as female ones.

Even in Star Trek, even one's written by Rodenberry, pic related

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It's not a gender thing you dunce. Dudes are called Gary Sue for being the same thing.

I hate how everyone thinks you need to sound like a nigger to get a point across now. like they think pretending to be some angry negro in the hood shooting the shit on the street corner it adds "authenticity" to their words.

Did you read his post? Like, how did you write that reply after reading those sentences.

>Like, how
Please don't do that again.

It's what it's called when a feisty latina immigrant owns you.

I'm Australian and two of those words don't real

>even though he is a highly trained janitor.
He did it for free.

Usually I hear Gary Stu, but, yeah. That's what I was saying. It applies to fanfiction, but you can apply it to writing characters for spinoffs that are pretty much official "fanfic". It should not be about gender. It should be about writing good characters.

You forgot the part where she beat Luke Skywalker and threatened to kill him with a lightsaber.

Reminds me of a Curtis Yarvin quote that I can't quite remember fully. Something about how everybody is going to be calling each other "nigga" a few dozen years from now.

It's been like that for years. Basically a debit card.

>People have turned it into a gender thing
Did you gloss over this nugget? Who's"people"? Cry me a river over imaginary oppression of fictional characters.

I really don't think you know how to read. You managed to interpret a statement that explicitly says....

>It wasn't about gender

As being an argument for it being about gender.

Why don't they give Rey a lightsaber pike?

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No, it's just JJ Abrams and his cuck limpdick thing for muh strong women and anger at mother figures and lack of vision talent and skill at creating anything akin to an entertaining coherent story.

Luke Skywalker should have been over her fucking shoulder the entire time helping her out. Giving her a little push here and there without her know it.
The jedi mind trick was luke giving her a push. Rey tries to fight Kylo and she gets fucked harder then a fat ass blonde dyke in a black frat. At the end luke pulls his light saber to him and he saves her. He has a light saber duel with his fallen nephew.

He says "I'm sorry. I should have realized how deeply you'd fallen to the darkside before".
Then they have their fated battle where luke takes his arm.

"The jedi were wrong KYLO REN, both the jedi and sith are wrong. There is no light side or dark side. There is only us. Our light, our dark."
My Jedi Order corrupted you and made you into what you are Kylo.

Kylo gets pissed and tries to attack Luke.
Lukes eyes go full sith and he fucking FRIES him with palpatine tier lightning.

He tells him before he leaves that the force is not light or dark. We are light and dark.
The jedi and the sith were wrong
He leaves him there to bleed out in the snow, he takes Rey off.



Not really, but she's a boring and flat character, so who really cares.

Not really. Nothing she does in either movie is unreasonable for the protagonist of an adventure movie, muchless a Star Wars movie.

She's responding because Disney says she should.

Notice all of the "LAST JEDI IS BAD BUT THE FORCE AWAKENS IS GUUD" bullshit showing up from the usual suspects and in social media?
It's an attempt to demonize the last star wars and build up the horrifyingly poor first star wars as something more then a complete dumpster fire because jjabrams is going the same terrible job he's been doing on every pice of scifi he's ever touched.

ahaha nice

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No you fucking imbecile.
No she didn't.
She was quite sincere when she wrote it.

Don't get on your white knight horse to protect a member of the sisterhood you dense cunt.

You absolute cheese headed buffoon. You golf ball brain sized bottom feeding catfish. You mushroom faced three eyed penis breath pole vaulting butt surfer. He said the original author didn't write it to be gender specific. HOWEVER, in his unholy opinion, he thinks "people" have turned it into a gender talking point. And THAT is where I raise my nose and snarl with contempt.

Here it is:

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It's unreasonable for this franchise however.
Abilties on that level is a story in and of itself. >I mean if she had thrown her staff at him and somehow managed to hide due to her powers.
>Something she perhaps learned in the desert because the worms there hunt by looking for signs of life and she can hide them using a weak untrained force skill???
>It's not like that evil baddie wouldve expected it so he'd have just thought her a random rebel or some shit.
>But no she has to be super awesome and cool because children(who this franchise is now completely aimed at) have the attention span of...children.

That would be perfect. Her going full force ninja would have been great.
She unknowingly used the force to learn how to speak numerous languages by picking up the meaning behind the words and uses it to subtly make deals with other people. You kjnow, she lives by selling junk.
She uses her force to run rather fast and hide and enhance herself when fighting but it tires her out.
She can cloud the minds of people and dissapear.
She's a bit of a confidence woman and ninja but not a thief or killer even though she could rob the town blind or murder basically anyone.
Also the guy on that planet that poe was meeting with is a force priest that took care of her as a child before she struck out on her own.

Also she isn't really aimed at children. It's aimed at creepy adult women and "men" who have a stronk woman fetish.

everyone reverting back to being cavemen

Not a single solitary person in this entire thread said mary sue as a gender specific attack against her.
He or more precisely YOU just jumped the gun and are FAILING at making this into a gender thing.

Adding to this, I think Rey is a terrible role model for girls. Unlike Luke who grew from his struggles and got character development, Rey has nothing of the sort. She merely gets handed upgrades wherever she goes. What kind of lesson is this? Everything will go your way and miracles will always carry you through effortlessly?

>claps back

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Huh? You clearly can't read. I'm referring to the dude's make belief assessment that "people" or some subset of society has made it into a gender thing. Go read his comment and the part I quoted dumdum.

Leave Rey to us

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>People have turned it into a gender thing. It was never intended as such. Male characters can be a Mary Sue just as much as female ones.
It's all here by that user I quoted earlier. Pretty cut and dry.

>sets you up for the reality of their life
>bad role model

Some nigger thing, and we all know how much mutts love emulatinf niggers.

To whole clap back thing started when Pelosi mockingly clapped at a Drumpfl speech and it became a thing because women are retarded

She would have to be a character to draw on her ability to become a role model. Last time I checked, she's got no motivation and no self actualization. She exists as a formless glob of purposeless camera mugging. At least she isn't that anymore. NOW that's something role model worthy ahahahaha

Why won't you guys have sex?

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Actually no. His thing was magical super sayan blood, she doesn’t have even that. She’s simply perfect.

>At least she isn't that anymore
I meant she isn't fat anymore. It's inspiring

>and we all know how much mutts love emulating niggers.
American society is obsessed with youth, and niggers are Eternal Teenagers - hormonal, impressionable, full of machismo and incredibly energetic. You don't get ticket sales by showing the reality of adultho - wait I'm sorry, it's called "adulting" now. A verb. It's a thing you do instead of a thing you are now.

You forgot the part where she 360 no scopes three tie fighters at once.

I just had sex with your mom and your dad last night. Get the lube ready because you're next.

>who could bring himself to strike her down

He should stop trying to kill people

>named rey and not kylo ren

A prophecy misread, could have been

wish I had that kind of power
it'd be super deadly, especially in the States

You forgot the part where she's at the emotional "nadir" of her character in one scene, and then in another she's cheering as she mows down TIE Fighters in the MILLENNIUM FALCON OH MY GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY HAVE THE MILLENNIUM FALCON IN THIS MOVIE. FASTEST RUST BUCKET IN THE GALAXY AHAHAHAHA I LOVE THE FALCON AHAHAHAHA IT'S SO STAR WARS JUMP TO HYPERSPACE CHEWIE!

Granny told me not to

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Why did they sideline R2 and gaythreepio?

Guess you better write a letter to all the recipients of the trillions of corporate welfare before shitting on the poor you waste of a soul

Because this is a show about family, and R2-D2 and C-3PO are not part of the Skywalker family. Because that's what Star Wars is all about, right? Skywalkers and Death Stars?

I miss her

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No, but she's a boring character

But Luke is an asshole, leia is retarded, and kylo is an inept ass ugly utter fucking retard who HAS to die in the next film because he's an indefenseble faggot.

The entire skywalker bloodline is a clusterfuck.

As amusing as your webm is, you have to remember that this is a series in which the answer to a closed door is to shoot the closest control panel.

>The entire skywalker bloodline is a clusterfuck.
Yeah but shut UP, though. This is a show about family and the next movie is "Rise of the Skywalker," so you better get ready for some more Skywalker circle-jerking or, worse yet, some insanely contrived way to turn a last name into a "title."

It's all about learning to leave behind earthly ways and to walk the sky... some kinda spiritual thang ya dig home slice?

Didn't you see the children use the force by themselves in TLJ? DIDN'T YOU, DO YOU EVEN STAR WARS, BRO? DO YOU EVEN????????

You know exactly why they did that. You know *exactly* why they had that scene. They wanted a Harry Potter. They wanted to have some cute little "common" kid show off they actually have rudimentary Force powers so the kids in the audience can gawk and marvel about, "oooh, wow! I can do that too! When I turn 12 I'll get a letter from Hagrid telling me I can force push the angry juice bottlte out of daddy's hand!"

She is also barren. Which is incredibly unfortunate. I bet you she is depressed about this and dies before 40 because of it.

>claps back
i really don't like how nigger street speak is becoming mainstream.

This image tell it all. It's DragonBall Z level of what the fuck.

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Her "rebuttal" is that the term is sexist, therefore wrong.

Is it any wonder this airhead's first video appearance was in some sleazy rap video? It's been scrubbed from the internet but maybe one of you intrepid hackers can post it here. She's a stupid british cunt with a flat chest and an empty head. Therefore the perfect empty vessel for nu-Wars to manipulate without complaint.

Yeah, ya'll need to just chillax and get gucci with your bae.
It's fun to identify soulless urban drones by their spelling of "y'all" as "ya'll."

A tell tale sign that the person who is using said term is "Woke" and you need to stay away from them.

Ahh... This is Star Wars...
>TIE Fighter? Check
>Lightsaber? Check
>Desert planet? Check
I don't understand how you guys can't love this. This is pure kino, pure Star Wars. This is what it's all about, what it's always been about. Good for Disney to know this, good for Disney to always have the movie's Rey/Kylo fight as their main appetizer for the trailer.

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Even disregarding her absurd abilities, the fact she’s the constant centre of attention and focus in the mind of everyone nails it.

Lying to women about what to expect in life is hilarious when you consider the big picture.

Imagine how many of those young girls are going to grow up into depressed cat ladies still waiting for their prince charming.

It doesn't matter what she thinks, now Dan & Dabid are writing Star Wars she's going to be the biggest Mary Sue the world has ever known


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>Imagine how many of those young girls are going to grow up into depressed cat ladies still waiting for their prince charming.
They grow up into the people that are commanding many industries today, user. They might have miserable home lives, but they'll still get jobs, and they will absolutely allow their misery to reflect on their work (look at the Witcher writing team as an example. It's because of these girls being taught the "wrong thing" that we've got a sex-negative society obsessed with slacktivism and social justice. Because we've got entire generations who feel like they don't have a "purpose" in life, so they go looking for the one the Megacorporations tell them are worth fighting for.)

Because feminism isn't about portraying women as equal, it's about seizing power by claiming women are both victims and perfect in every way.

Soulless urban drones spell it both ways, because Southerners don't write "y'all", only say it. If you see this it is most likely a zoomer, leftist, or a nigger.

Except y'know that part where he literally ruins everything for everyone.

The Witcher is another example of women acquiring something for their tribe and converting it into a propaganda tool. If they were actual fans it would be a faithful adaptation. But they can't leave well enough alone nor can they make anything original so it's back to rewriting all media they can get their hands on.

"may sue" is just a meaningless buzzword invented by incels because female protagonists make them ASSBLASTED

The heroes journey, when you break it down is about suffering. Whether it's physical, emotional or psychological a hero must suffer to grow and overcome his or her obstacle. Anakin may have been an OP Jedi, it was balanced by him destroyed himself. Rey occasionally works up a light sweat (but not enough to mess up her hair).

Because I'm at work right now, give me a fucking rest woman

Some actual substance.

When Luke did that, even he admitted it was likely a stupid thing to do.

It was invented by a writer. I love how polchans have an obsession with blacks equal to those of the most cuck-hungry sluts.

I think I recall that interview, and Daisy has no fucking clue what a Mary Sue is.

naw I remember girls arguing and punctuating words with claps back in high school. It's the equivalent of being louder to make your point more valid.

>Is Rey a Mary-sue?
more like Cutie sue lmao

So you're saying writers can't be black? Jesus christ.

It's when someone gives you clymidia and you give them HIV in responce

>"it's a sexist term because I don't think there's a thing as Ryan Craig"
>what is Gary Stu
What a fucking retard

>nigger isn't a racist term, it just a person from Nigeria!
it's sexist because of the way it's used, not because a male equivalent term doesn't exist, dumb incel

no talent

>because children(who this franchise is now completely aimed at) have the attention span of...children.
boring doesnt mean childeren will like it, theres something about these new star wars that lack the same pop that the older ones had, and i think even childeren notice and get bored by them. Star wars ever since revenge of the jedi has been targeting kids, its just their not putting in the effort anymore to even make it interesting for them since based off of brand recognition alone people will eat it up.

>She merely gets handed upgrades wherever she goes
So like every other female in the first world?

What did the schizo mean by this



an american's default respons to anything

If only we can get Warhammer kino on the menu.

>door switch works with a closed circuit
>shoot the switch, which breaks (opens) the circuit
>without signal telling the door to stay open, it closes
luke wouldn't know this but its totally feasible.
similar if it worked with a relay
>t. electrician

>Also she isn't really aimed at children. It's aimed at creepy adult women and "men" who have a stronk woman fetish.
Second to that.
>female co-worker in office says her kids (aged 4 and 9 or so) love SW
>they all watch TLJ
>4yo fell asleep
>9yo didn't like it / was bored
>she thought the movie was extremely dumb
Also, I brought up the topic of le stronk wimmin in the movie. She thinks all of them looked extremely dumb and irresponsible in TLJ.
T-thanks, Rian!

Attached: Rey vs TIE.webm (640x334, 760K)

How fucking brain-dead do you have to be to think this was written in earnest?'s_Tale

How is it's use sexist?

holy shit. i dont care for warhammer but that was the coolest fucking thing i've seen for awhile.
>its made by 1 guy
how the fuck

>in a space ship
>try to run over someone while flying a foot off the ground while doing 40mph
thats fucking retarded. but what else would i expect from nu-star wars.

have sex

Have kids

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What's that tie even trying to do, ram into her and then crash? Ain't that nigga ever heard of strafing?

Also, why is she jumping over it, shouldn't she just lie down on the ground and stick her lightsaber in the air?

because LOOKS COOL
it doesnt actually. looks fucking retarded.

Retarded escalation syndrome, just like Starkiller base.
>Luke took out a speeder bike with his saber, huh?
It will never cease to amuse me that they’re falling into the precise pitfalls of the bad EU, while having none of the good parts to balance it.

>people make reasoned and valid complaints
>other people attempt to completely dismiss them by calling the first group of people a bad no-no word
This doesn't prove them wrong or make them rethink their argument or convince even a third party observing it that the initial argument was wrong. All it does is cause that first group of people to dig in their heels, and further divides people along an argument. And yet this strategy of name-calling in lieu of a proper rebuttal continues into more serious discussions, like politics. You would think at some point, this shit would just stop, like people would realize how ineffective and counterproductive it is, but nope.

she's a shit character, I dont like gettign caught up in debating the definition of mary-sue.

>they’re falling into the precise pitfalls of the bad EU, while having none of the good parts to balance it.
this, when i heard disney bought sw and were going to do multiple movies and shows i figured it would be like the EU, some good, some bad
It seems like all we've gotten though is the crap.
I feel like they got off too a good start with R1
That was the only thing they've done that really felt like it could have been an old EU novel
since then everything reeks of focus groups and personal politics and it stinks

That’s the best part of the warring over definitions.
It ultimately doesn’t matter, because the aspects people quibble over are still objectively awful bits of writing

>mary sue
>actually shes not a mary sue
doesnt matter. she's a shit character portrayed by an actress that has the charisma of a corpse.

Now? Yes. As of Last Jedi, she is one.

In the Force Awakens, I'd argue its a different story. Rey was powerful, but there was a mystery to her character. The flashbacks suggested she may have had a history of Jedi training, being a padawan, who was sent ito the desert for safety. But the Last Jedi ruined that, destroyed all chance of that. Instead of an amnesiac Jedi trainee with knowledge of the Force, we have a Mary Sue who will defeat the toxic masculine incel Kylo because "The Force is Female"

So, long story short, Rey was not initially a Mary Sue, but Rian and Kathleen turned her into one in The Last Jedi. And while it is possible JJ could have intended the same for her, I doubt it.

Jesus Christ, you guys still had no sex.

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Watch movies and make friends

They couldn't jump again because the First Order was able to track them after the first jump. If they jumped again they would just run out of fuel and the first order would just be behind them in a few seconds, then destroy them. The best thing they could have done was stall and think of something

The best thing they could have done is steadily smuggle people off on the hyperspace capable shuttle that the first order either couldn’t track or couldn’t be bothered to

They could have evacuated one of the escort cruisers and used it to hyperspace ram the First Order fleet.

I had sex, and I know for a fact that Rey is a Mary Sue now.