What kino shows how stupid Southerners are?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Fight to save the Union
>Trample the very ideas that made it a Union in the first place
>End up freeing niggs instead

I dunno, Yanks seem pretty fucking dumb IMO.

>south betrays the unions
>Treats the south as traitors
Seems pretty based

>Right to secede shall not be infringed

>The south was stupid
>The north literally get their ass kicked by General Lee and Stonewall
>South constantly btfos the Northern's army until the south ran out of resources
Showing them as stupid is retarded.

Show me in the Constitution where it says that.

States do not have the lawful right to secede. Sorry Stonewall


>Southerners constantly btfo the North until they ran out of resources.

Link related, this was at the high water mark of the confederacy and they directly charge entrenched artillery backed by infantry behind cover across an open field like retards.

Showing the south as stupid is just Propganda, we need a movie that actually represents how dumb the north when Stonewall was beating them down.

Both the Civil War and today's current political situation are grim reminders that Alexander Hamilton was right. A society can not be democratic and rational at the same time. Imagine the heights this country would have reached if the Federalists got their way.

I love how dumb fucking yankees post Sherman as if it triggers us.
The man was a hero before his time. I pray to God every night that Sherman's ghost rises from his grave and burn the shithole of Atlanta to the ground again.
Atlanta is a fucking blight on the otherwise beautiful state of Georgia, and we southrons have failed as a people by not periodically replicating Sherman's feats

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>Using a movie to represent the civil war
You idiot both sides did this shit, the Northern and Southern both charged their opponents artillery like morons. Why do you think the war was so indecisive for so many years?

Sherman and Forrest were the only people who knew what they were doing and both of them were disliked by their governments.

>retards attempt to secede
>make a new flag and everything
>promptly get their shit pushed in, their lands burned, their economy ruined for generations
>150 years later
>retarded descendent of retards attempt to signal toughness and individualism by flying the flag that their faggot great grandfather watched his wife get raped on top of

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The North fucked up.

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I agree the USA is retarded

> he thinks movies are real

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>blow a giant crater in the ground
>Run into it
God the union did some dumb shit they purely won because they had more troops

"What are you doing"
"Liberating this town in the name of the Republic- that man is secesh, and secesh is all the same!"

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You lost. Get over it inbred

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>secede again
>get curbstomped and ooga booga'd by nigger population
Nothing less than dix*es deserve

>Texas secedes and joins the Confederates
>lose the war
>Texas is still the best state in the country despite being hamstrung constantly by retarded northern legislators and dealing with a massive influx of Californian and Mexican refugees
Based Texas.

>Gets curbstomped by nigger
No you used white dudes who were more sympathetic towards the Southerns to fight your wars. 100-200 years later the niggers destroyed the most beautiful cities in America, (Detroit Chicago and San Diego) because muh diversity. Seethe more that you Union cucks got btfod by another small ass country.

They also had far better cavalry and infantry than the north since most of the men had grown up riding horses and hunting, what they lacked was simply infrastructure and industry. How kino would the world be today if Britain and France had intervened and btfo the United States and saved the Confederate States.

Cletus thinks the squiggles on the paper mean whatever he thinks up, but they don’t

>lose every major battle in the Western Theatre bar one
>only win in Eastern theatre because McLellan is retarded and leaves fields of battle he's won
>lose both attempted invasions of the North
>lose the war
>lose the ensuing political struggle
>w-we won
Dixies are like niggers, but with even more WEWUZ

You do know his men raped and pillaged their way through most of the rest of your “””””””state””””””””, don’t you

Fucking retard

>Americans being the best at everything, including killing Americans
BASED and redpilled

I would personally Kickstarter a pack of nogs to rape you, you’re a disgrace to the white race

Mmm hmmm

>Losing half the battles in the beginning and the entire war
>So incompetent that the union fear early defeat
>Losing so many battles that it causes a political struggle
>Needed racist generals to end your war and numerous white dudes as troops
>Years later after victory the United States engages into wars it loses and destroys itself.
Your republic is shit.

I dont think you can even begin to contemplate the niggerdry that goes on in Atlanta. No price is too high. Burn that infestation of human pus until nothings left but red Georgia clay. Then the South can be made whole once more

>just accept having a boot on your throat you filthy goy

This is why every last Northern parasite is an enemy of freedom and deserved to be liquidated in the most violent manner possible.

Not if we exterminate every last nigger and nigger-loving Northerner first. And make no mistake. We WILL.


>have virtually every military advantage imaginable
>get slaughtered 2-1 in virtually every engagement worth mentioning
>consider the fact you managed to zerg rush an inferior opponent to death after four years to be some kind of bragging rights.

Northerners are niggers and deserve to the slaughtered to the last alongside their pets.

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> mfw the north doesn't realize it lost the long game

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>this coming from a literal nigger-lover

Not if I kill you first. And I will.

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These inbred southcuck tears couldn't be more delicious is they were served up in great grandmammy's special mint julep right after her teeth got bashed in by the butt of a rifle

Initially I was going to use this image to laugh at the south, but let’s all laugh at California, who while claiming to be smart and “woke” is actually one of the lowest IQ states in the US.

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>one of us


I'm gonna bash your nigger cock-sucking teeth in with a rifle and then impale you with a bayonet

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The south wasn't dumb tho, I'm not even a Confederate supporter nor Unioner, but calling Southerns dumb when they were still able to cause the North so much trouble is only hiding the embrassement that was the North at the beginning and middle of the war.

You flooded our states with farm equipment, what did you expect? Do an IQ test of real Americans only and watch it flip.

>lower IQ than deep south states that have all the niggers in them

now thats impressive

And yet Texas is kicking your ass pretty handily. Feels good to be Texan right about now.

>literally just a map of scandinavian descent in the US
not surprising.

if intelligence was based on how much "trouble" you cause, blacks would be the smartest group of people in the US.

This would be easier if you just tested the IQs of whites and other minorities instead, you'll paint a much clearer picture

*sigh* why are white people so violent? It's really unbecoming

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Darker = better, not sure how reputable this is tho

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Should I move to New England?

thats what i said m8

[citation needed]

if you're poor, no. i grew up in NY and its impossible to get anywhere when rent starts at like 1800.

I fucked up was trying to respond to dumbass who posted it the stats

Literally look up IQ by state and go to images nigger lmao, like I said it might now be reputable but I don’t give a shit

Considering it shows Texas in a positive light, probably not very reliable. also:
why would they estimate? the actual data is available.

That's literally make no sense, it's not about much trouble as in crime and destruction. I meant politically and strategically the Southerns had caused issues for the Northerns.

>it might now be reputable but I don’t give a shit
thanks for demonstrating basement IQ for everyone, fucking ape


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No the lowest iq states have a large African American and Latino population in them.

New York isn't part of the New England region.

Damn look at Texas with that incredibly respectable IQ

same difference, it wont be any cheaper.

>New York isn't part of the New England

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politics as a measure of intelligence is an even dumber concept, and strategy is the machinations of a handful of people, not an entire fighting force, not that the strategy of the south can be considered good in the first place given that they fucking lost.

fact of the matter is, even when controlling just for white populations in the south, they score lower on average by every metric than the rest of the country.

it's not the same at all. Maine is nothing like New York, nor is it nearly as expensive as somewhere like NYC.

it literally isn't, retard. do two seconds of research for once in your brainlet life.

>abloo bloo you spelled something wrong
Great one man. If your problem is with me not giving a shit about if a couple of basement-dwelling autists on an oriental waterpainting forum get a reliable source then you can look it up yourself.

>Northerners are SOOOOOOOO smart
>utterly incapable of saving Anne Frank

Step aside child and let the adults handle this one.

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>Strategy is the machinations of a handleful of people
You don't know what strategy even is or what I meant.
>Strategy for the south wasn't good because they lost
>Southerns were able to prevent Northerns from invading their lands for half the entire year
>Southern Generals were able to perfectly replicate Napoleon's tactics and strategies and create their own to fight Northerns.
>Southerns knew how to pick their battles when Northerns attack and when they attack Northerns
>The uncitated statstic is credible about IQ
Congratulations this is another case of the US government losing to a bunch low iq idiots who can't read.

Except it literally is, you disgusting horse cunt eating faggot of an immigrant, DO SOME FUCKING RESEARCH FOR ONCE IN YOUR BRAINLET LIFE!

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are you fucking stupid, it actually isn't.

why are southern retards STILL so insecure that they got their rectums pushed in by superior northern intelligence and technology?

holy shit lmao

Yes it is, go fuck another goat you dipshit hick.

>kill literally two Union soldiers for every Confederate
>got their rectums pushed in

Attached: union scum btfo.jpg (489x479, 62K)

>What kino shows how stupid Southerners are?


I'd move down south if it wasn't so damn hot. Seems comfy otherwise and the white people seem alright, but I think I'll just keep collecting layers and head north.

>"composed of six states"
>lists seven states
>edited in New York to make himself not look like a retard
>looks like even more of a retard instead

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-21 New England - Wikipedia.png (1053x160, 15K)

>Both North and South are clearly distinct from each other in cultures and beliefs
>Both can't see eye to eye so South decides to secede so now they can both do their own thing
>North gets ass blasted and refuses to just let the South be and worst American war ever proceeds
>Over a hundred years later and Southerners still have their own identity and still wish they could secede

The North are the retards for keeping around a group of people they dont want and hate. Just let them go you stupid Yanks.

Oh look, the poor southerner can figure out how to edit wiki to try to win arguments, but can't figure out how to win the war, how cute. Get back to your sister fucking and coal mining, one tooth having rebel fag.

>supply lines destroyed, lands decimated and your economy in tatters
>spend entire war on the defensive
>literally lose the war and it was never even close
the south lmao

>when you have more bodies than they have bullets

New York was founded as a part of New Netherland you brain dead historylet. It has never been a part of New England and is not considered as such today. Is this the vaunted American Educational System I hear so much about?

>Superior northern intelligence and technology
Then why didn't you have the artillery guns the Europeans had? Why did you force your men to run into artillery guns like retards?
How come the Southerns were still able to defeat you in so many battles? Are you really this insecure?

They probably don't cover this in your public schools down in dixie fuck land with a yearly budget of $1,000 and a bag of meth, but "New England" is now used as the northeastern part of the country. You probably only got a 4th grade education before dropping out to help out Jethro in the mines after Pa died, but so I doubt you know enough geography to even find your own asshole, but New York state is in the northeast, i.e. is part of New England, you insufferably stupid faggot. No wonder you lost the war, even the slaves were smarter lmao.

>150 years later
>The south is still butthurt about losing

lmao get over it

Yes it is, it's sad that the Yanks call everyone who isn't like them stupid, but when they're caught being stupid they make up fairy tails and project insults to cover up their stupidity.

>fairy tails


>Southern generals are supposedly geniuses
>Lose the war telling their men to walk into bullets

>I'm pretending that New England includes the entire North East US now because I can't cope with the fact that I'm empirically, objectively, historically, factually wrong

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>Oh no he's spelled word wrong on the Internet
You still haven't proved me wrong that you're not a retard yankie cuck.

>doesnt know what new england is
>cant understand why his ancestors were too stupid to shoot straight

Go ahead, rise again, this country could use a mass kill off of stupids.

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MA fag here, no, it is not.

NY fag here, it is, go to better schools.

>The North are the retards for keeping around a group of people they dont want and hate. Just let them go you stupid Yanks.
The fact you cant see the irony in that statement is very telling of the southern man's intelligence

>Making fun of someone for having a tough childhood

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The south was fighting a lot of defensive battles in a time where the technology favored that. Man-for-man, the northerner's were better equipped, better trained, and more effective soldiers. Command wise the South had an edge over clowns like Burnside, but that's not a high bar. They tended to fall apart when against real opposition. Only one of the bunch I'd rate highly was Jackson.

The war was lost by the south from the very beginning. They never had a chance and their whole long-term strategy boiled down to hoping the euros bailed them out. They got a lot of good men killed for nothing.

Not everyone is autistic. The og 13 is commonly called new england, and nobody gives a shit enough to dispute it.

Are you implying that the south didnt want to keep their slaves? They may not have liked them but they sure as hell were not going to just let them loose.

Lot of money in Texas, but a lot of shitskins. The reason everyone points to dropout rates and all that horseshit when laughing at Texan education is because illegals will get their anchor babies out of school at random and it fucks up their reporting. Same with teen pregnancy rates and just about anything "bad". Look at county breakdowns and you'll see a heavy use of shading in the southern and eastern parts of Texas, where the spics and niggers hang out.

I work in K-12 education, but at the state level so I'm pretty familiar with the tricks your politicians pull to attack the Democrats or Republicans to curry favor with voters.

Must be part of your culture to not know how to spell properly, i'll be sure and flagellate myself in the nigger worship temple for pointing it out.

>I work in K-12 education
>obvious racist

unironically terrifying

You show me a man who has worked 5 years in this field who is not racist and I will show you a goddamn fool.

The 13 original colonies stretched from Georgia to Maine and were never collectively referred to as New England, as they were not all founded by people from England. New England was a specific region comprising Connecticut, Massachusetts (Plymouth Rock, pilgrims, literally the people who came from England), Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. The people who founded New York and New Jersey were Dutch, not English, and the region was originally called New Netherland and labeled as such on maps from the era. New York is not and was never a part of the New England region, and the autist arguing against historical fact ITT is just a buttmad New Yorker who was mistaken about his state's history.

Not true. Racists always believe that everyone believes their disgusting ideology in secret. No, you're alone.

>in secret
No, it's pretty open around the office.

You think I'm "buttmad" because you lack a grade school education, and either don't know what New England means, or don't know where New York is on a map?

fucking lol

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>Though it differs substantially by racial and ethnic group, Texas teen pregnancy rates are higher than the national average among all backgrounds. This impacts every corner of our state and every Texan should be alarmed by these data points.


>show me a man
Kinda hard since most people in k-12 education are women.

imagine being so autistic and anally devastated that you obsessively refresh a thread to deny historical fact because you can't stand being wrong on an anonymous basket weaving forum on the internet

>>Though it differs substantially by racial and ethnic group
Yes, and?
Teachers, yes, but there are more males in administration. Which is what I bother with. I don't really give a fuck about rank and file educators, I'm more on the "systems" side.

In other words, you aren't "in the field", and are just a racist piece of shit projecting your racist retard shit onto other people that probably think you're an unlikable weirdo. Okay.

>Yes, and?
and even controlling for only whites, texas teen pregnancy rates are still some of the highest in the nation. your entire argument is bullshit and you're a brainlet /pol/ LARPer.

I wont deny that my personal view of the world is extreme and "disgusting", but plenty of white people are secretly racist or at best acknowledge all these problems but make excuses. Even black people I work with know the black mentality is crab in a bucket and not white people.

lol, are you kidding? You're the one that is obsessively refeshing because you need to deny historical fact to cover for the fact that your hayseed school didn't teach you anything about geography or history, so you don't have a clue about anything, neck yourself you hee haw faggot

>here's my source
>ignore that it says "opinion" in the title
>ignore that it does not give any quantifiable data as well
You didn't prove anything other than some random person's opinion.
I go out to about two dozen school districts a semester. I'm not standing in front of students, though, so if you want to move goal posts and say I'm not in the field of public childhood education because I'm not teaching idiots how to read, more power to you.

LARP fags

>gets accused of autistically replying
>autistically replies in response
>with unironic "i'm rubber you're glue" and burying his head in the sand
>thinks he's arguing with one person despite being called a retard by a dozen people ITT
you can't make this shit up lmao. there are legit brain damaged morons like this guy shitting up Yea Forums on a daily basis.

the "opinon" was that the high teen pregnancy rates in texas, which includes white teen pregnancy rates well above the national average, were a bad thing, you literal moron. the pregnancy rates themselves are statistical fact.

>too stupid to look things up
>too stupid to understand a map of the US
>doesn't know what to do
>hurrr, theres like twelve people that agree with me, hurr!

Unbelievable. You deserve to die in the coal mines with your Pa, dumbshit.

Whatever you want to believe, my guy. Just be sure and only make friends with city slicker hipsters and stay inside your internet hugbox if you don't want your FREAKIN MIND BLOWN.

>well above
The opinion you linked did not show what the numbers actually are. Post the numbers. Learn the difference between "qualifiable" and "quantifiable".

>>too stupid to look things up
Are you seriously just too low of intellect to understand the irony of what you're trying to argue here? New York is not a part of New England, and there is no reputable source on the internet that suggests otherwise. Or are you actually just sitting her knowingly being a retard because the (you)s make your pee pee hard?

Minorities have their futures damaged by shit bags like you not giving them an honest try.

stop replying to the /pol/ LARPer, user.

I'm not in a position to give/deny anyone opportunity, but I actually have a soft spot for black people who can speak clearly and do their goddamn job. Total bros.

How can you call yourself a proud unioner and American, but you don't even know that New York isn't apart of New England? Our education system is fucked if it got you this retarded.

Because I have an IQ above that of a bottle of hobo piss, and am therefore smart enough to know what New England means, and how to find New York on a map.

Move back to Alabama.

Can you find amsterdam on the map?

I'm from Michigan you brain-let but the fact you don't know that New York borders New England and is below it is only further proof that not even the American Education system could make you smarter than a potato.

Amsterdam is literally in Europe you fucking retard, it isn't in New England, Jesus. Do they teach you toothless fuck wits anything down there besides "evolution bad hurr"?

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Holy shit you are retarded Amsterdam is in New York dumbass.

Jeopardy time!
>what is new amsterdam
>what is new netherland

Wait, so you're telling me that Americans fought a civil war just to have their great-great-grandchildren get raped by niggers, their country overrun by spics and the men die in some desert shithole just to secure the state of israel?
That's pretty fucking hilarious lol

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I guess they don't cover the fact that other countries exist in West Virginia, huh?

Attached: whereisamsterdam.jpg (680x350, 30K)

It's more of a tragi-comedy, really.

He's not talking about Europe he's talking about Amsterdam in New York, Amsterdam in New York was named after the city in Netherlands. Posting retard wojack and calling other user low iq while being a massive retard.

New York can't border something that it's a part of you ignorant brainlet, lol. The American education system works just fine in some states, I guess Michigan took pointers from Mississippi.

Is evolution a hoax, you toothless sister fucking tobacco farmer?

He's referring to how dumb you are that you can't point out where New York is because of you're retarded previous comments thinking that New York is in New England. He's was obviously referring to New York.

Guys it's a bait, don't take this dude seriously just let him pretend to be stupid on his own time.

There's a city in real life called "Amsterdam" in the Netherlands, so when someone says "where is Amsterdam", do you think people are going to assume you mean a few centuries back?

If you retards have managed to build any bridges over knee high down there in coal country, jump off it as soon as possible.

What's your point anyways faggot, I know NY wasn't founded by England, and I also know it's known as part of New England in 2019 so what the fuck are you on about? Knuckle draggers on 4chins ffs

Imagine being someone who gets off on pretending to be unironically retarded.

Yeah, anybody that corrects you "must be trolling herp derp", don't bother to look it up or anything. Mouth breathers.

No, they say this in EUROPE. In America almost everyone refers to the Amsterdam in New York thanks for admitting you live under a rock. If you know that New York wasn't founded by England then you should know that New York isn't apart of New England please tell me your trolling I'm willing to forgive you for a simple sike, but being this stupid is an embrassment to Americans.

>it's known as part of New England in 2019
Literally by who?