Would you want to be assimilated?

It sounds pretty comfy to me
>everyone is your friend
>never be lonely
>get cool robot parts
What are the downsides ?

Attached: images(13).jpg (300x168, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Blinding pain during the assimilation process
You have no sense of self or free will, you basically become a bee
No sex ever, although that probably wouldnt be any different from now

>What are the downsides ?
Those first two points.
But I'll deal with the constant sense of community if it mean robot parts.

Um no, it looks unpleasant. There seems to be more screaming and helpless enslavement than I typically enjoy.

What movie?

Star wars

kek found the zoomer

are the borgs an allegory for communists?

you, don't want to be assimilated?

Attached: I_Borg_Star_Trek_TNG_HD.jpg (250x188, 9K)

Nigga r u serious

Attached: 1560868444919.jpg (1432x1440, 108K)

Seriously what movie? It looks cool.

Not guy but am a zoomfag but did recognise the Borg immediately. So how big was NG when it came out? Like a huge cultural thing everyone talked about?

Based if baiting everyone. Cringe if true and too stupid to even attempt an image search or read the file name in .

Star trek next generation

What a dumb post. You wouldn't get to enjoy any of those "benefits" you listed since you would basically be a souless husk

Anymore of a soulless husk than most people are now?

At first was like WTF!!

Then I was like oh you don't know?

Well that is kick, ass let me be the first to tell you that you need to go watch the Best of both worlds part I and II right fucking now.

That's not a movie.


Attached: Borg_Queen.jpg (682x1079, 84K)

> It looks cool.
If you watch the first season you'll think it's retarded and stop watching and nobody will blame you.

Watch the first episode of the series, then skip to the first episode of the second season and watch it normally from then on. You're welcome.

Absolutely. I mean no matter how much of an NPC someone is they still fond enjoyment from things. Whether thats from consuming their favorite onions based product or watching their girlfriend fuck some other guy, they are still getting some form of enjoyment out of it. Which is more than you could experience as part of the Borg Collective.

How are you people falling for the what movie bait? Clearly the person is fishing for (you)s. Its readily apparent since he made a follow up post. If someone seriously didnt know what this is from (hard to believe in the first place) then they would have left the thread out of embarrassment after the first post

It's said at least part of your concious mind survives assimilation, likely to make the transition to the hive easier. So basically, your a prisoner in your own body, watching yourself do horrible things and assimilate other people. It drives 99% of people insane. Fucking Picard, the very model of stoicism, was a slobbering wreck when he came out of it and had life long ptsd from the experience, and its implied 7 of 9 will never be fully "normal"

Maybe the people replying are also fishing for yous

What makes the first season so bad?

Do you actually get embarrassed when posting here? Do you genuinely leave a thread if you feel embarrassed? Why?

I will keep this in mind. I got up to the episode where they're on the planet filled with those half naked blonde people into sex and love that kill for any transgression.

No sense of self. No trying anything new. Gay.

Could be cool.

What’s the price of freedom? Often the more you give, the less happy people are. There’s a decent argument for everyone being mindless drones.

My response: Michael Dorn delivering the best line in the entirety of the history of the cinema:
